From Hunter To Bunny [M/t]

Bunny’s Story
Hunter left school glad it was finally Friday. He looked around the parking lot for his mom’s car but didn’t see it.
“Strange,” he thought, “She’s usually waiting for me when I get out of school.”

At 18 years old Hunter still didn’t have his own car, his parents wouldn’t allow it due to bad grades. He had no choice but to wait for a ride. After a few minutes he saw a large pickup truck rumble into the parking lot. He immediately recognized it as his Uncle Johnny’s truck and waved it down. Uncle Johnny was an old friend of his parents and every since Hunter was a child he always just called him Uncle Johnny.

Hunter opened the door and climbed into the truck.

“How ya doin’ boy?” Johnny asked.

“I’m good. Where’s mom?” Hunter replied.

“She and your dad decided to take a little holiday together and they asked me look after you for the weekend. I rented a cabin up by the lake for us. You ready to go?”

“Sure. Sounds like fun. Can I stop home and get some clothes?” Hunter asked.

“Nah. I have everything you need up there. Let’s get rolling.” Johnny replied as he started driving out of the school parking lot.

A couple hours later Johnny pulled the truck up next to a small cabin. It was in a very remote area surrounded by trees with a front porch that looked out onto the big lake below. They exited the truck and walked inside.

“I’m gonna have a beer.” Johnny said, “Why don’t you take a shower and change. There’s stuff for you to wear in the bedroom.”

“Okay I guess I could use a shower.” Hunter replied.

Hunter took a long hot shower and wondered what the weekend would bring. He got out of the shower and dried himself off with a soft towel then wrapped the towel around his waist to go look for clothes. He went into the bedroom and saw a white half t-shirt with a glittered bunny on the front, striped knee socks, and a pair of pink panties laid out on the bed.

“Uncle Johnny!! Where are the clothes?” Hunter yelled out the bedroom door.

Johnny walked into the bedroom and said “They’re on the bed, boy. Just put them on.”

“I can’t wear these! They’re girls’ clothes!” Hunter cried out.

“They’re your size. Just try them on” Johnny replied calmly.

“But… b-but… Uncle Johnny…” Hunter whimpered. “Wh-why?”

“You know that website you go on all the time? The one where you told your mom you just talk about Roblox and shit? Well your parents found out what you’re really doing on there.”

Hunter’s eyes grew wide in disbelief.

“Your parents want you to have whatever you want so they asked me to help you out.” Johnny continued. “I think you’re in for one helluva weekend, boy.”

“But Uncle Johnny…” Hunter stammered.

“No buts about it. Put the goddamn clothes on and come out to the living room.” Johnny commanded and walked out of the bedroom.

Reluctantly Hunter dropped the towel and put the outfit on. He felt silly but also a little excited as he looked into the full length mirror and saw the scantily clad femboy starting back at him. He felt himself getting a little stiff from the thin soft material of the pink panties. He walked anxiously out of the bedroom.

Johnny motioned for Hunter to come into the middle of the living room. He put down his beer and eyed the young femboy as he circled slowly around him like a predator eyeing his prey.

“Nice” Johnny said as he ran his hand over Hunter’s panty covered ass. “Very nice.”

Hunter flinched a bit when he felt Johnny’s hand on his ass. He felt nervous and excited at the same time.

Johnny stopped in front of the boy and stroked his hair.

“Your hair’s a bit short but it will grow out over time.” he said.

Johnny then put slid a finger across Hunter’s lips.

“This is something we can take care of right away though.” Johnny said as he pulled a silver tube of lip gloss out of his pocket. “Here, put this on. Now.”

“No Uncle Johnny! I can’t! I uh… I don’t know how!” Hunter stammered.

“Well pucker up buttercup”, Johnny sneered as he firmly took Hunter’s chin in his hand. With his other hand Johnny ran the lip gloss over the boy’s pursed lips.

“Much better” Johnny said as he stepped back to admire Hunter’s crude makeup job.

The lip gloss felt slick across Hunter’s lips and tasted of strawberries. He felt helpless under Johnny leering gaze.

“What are you going to do to me Uncle Johnny?” Hunter sniveled.

“I’m just here to make your dream come true and you’re here to help me with something I need.” Johnny replied.

“Wh-what dream? Wh-what do you need?” Hunter stuttered nervously.

“We’re going to kill two birds with one stone here. Your dream and my needs. Now on your knees girl.” Johnny commanded.

Hunter slowly dropped to his knees barely noticing that Johnny had just called him a girl. Johnny moved to where his crotch was right in front of Hunter’s face and unzipped his jeans. He pulled out his long thick cock and it hung just inches from Hunter’s lips.

“Touch it” Johnny commanded.

Hunter reached over and took Johnny’s cock in his hand and began to slowly stroke it. He could feel it begin to grow harder with each stroke.

“Now kiss it” Johnny said.

Hunter looked up at the man towering over him and then back at the hardening cock in his hand. He knew he had no choice and deep inside he felt a burning desire. He knew he wanted that cock. He held Johnny’s cock close to his mouth and gave it a light kiss.

“Good girl.” Johnny said. “Now put it in your mouth. Do it.”

Hunter opened wide and took the head of Johnny’s cock into his mouth. He could feel it pulsing and growing hard. Harder than he imagined a cock could get. It tasted musky but with a hint of the strawberry lip gloss. Johnny began moving his cock in and out of Hunter’s mouth. With a hand on Hunter’s head, gripping the boy’s hair, Johnny slid deeper and deeper until Hunter’s nose was buried in his coarse dark pubic hair.

Hunter gagged slightly and Johnny slid his long hard cock out.

“Breath through your nose, girl” Johnny said tapping Hunter on the nose with his cock and then sliding it back into Hunter’s mouth.

Obediently Hunter held the cock tightly in his mouth and practiced breathing through his nose. It came to him almost naturally, as if he was born to suck cock. Determined, Hunter began kissing, licking, and sucking on Johnny rock hard cock. He could hear Johnny breathing harder and moaning softly and became more enthusiastic about making sure he did a good job. Hunter wanted nothing more at the moment than Uncle Johnny’s cock in his mouth. He wanted to be a good girl and make him happy.

Johnny grabbed both sides of Hunter’s head in his strong hands and began shoving his cock in and out of his mouth. Faster and deeper with each stroke. Again he shoved it all the way in, burying Hunter’s nose in his pubes but Hunter remembered to breath and was able to take the long cock all the way down his throat. Johnny slid his cock in and out from between Hunters lips over and over before shoving it deep down the femboy’s throat to hold it there for a few seconds. He repeated fucking Hunter’s mouth like that and Hunter could feel his own dick grow hard and strain against the thin fabric of the pink panties he wore.

Finally Hunter could feel Johnny’s cock throbbing and heard him grunt loudly as hot spurts of cum shot into his mouth. Hunter gagged and Johnny’s cock slid out of his mouth but continued to shoot gobs of hot cum onto his face. Johnny grabbed Hunter’s hair and shoved his cock back into his mouth depositing a couple more spurts before sliding it back out and using it to smear cum all over Hunter’s lips. Johnny looked down at Hunter’s cream covered face.

“Good girl” he said with a leering smile. “That was lesson number one.”

Hunter was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. He had sucked a man’s cock and it had felt like the most natural thing to do. He had leaked a bit of precum in the panties he wore. His face was a sticky mess. The taste of salty cum lingered in his mouth.

Johnny wiped a bit of cum off of Hunter’s eyebrow with his thumb and stuck it in Hunter’s mouth. Hunter greedily suckled on it.

“Your name is Bunny now.” Johnny told him. “Say it.”

“My name is Bunny.”

“You are a cock hungry slut. Say it.”

“My name is Bunny and I am a cock hungry slut.”

“Good girl. Now go clean up. Lesson two is starting soon.”

“Yes Uncle Johnny. Thank you Uncle Johnny.” Bunny hypnotically replied.

For /u/YUNG_BOY_
