An unknown Partner

So first a couple things… this is long this is a work of fiction that I MADE up if it reminds you of someone it wasn’t done intentionally…. I hope you enjoy….

Lilly looked at the computer screen again, “how did this happen?” ran over and over in her mind. She shivered and looked again. The bright screen in the dark of her room was the only thing that lit her face. Her hazel eyes fixed on the screen and she gained a chill down her spine. She read the words over and over hoping that they would change on the screen.


As you have agreed I have made the arrangements for our encounter. Please arrive early, be freshly showered. The cuffs will be on your wrists and tight as you can get them no chance of slipping. You will blindfold yourself and wait on the bed at my pleasure. I know this is a lot to take in. I give you my word of honor that you will be safe. As negotiated you will not see my face but I will take the picture that you have requested. I will use you as for my pleasure and I am looking forward to touching your skin.

Please be at Holiday Inn on Friday, September 20th at 7:00 pm the room will be in your name Lilly it is paid for by me so no worries there. I did get a Jacuzzi suite for your enjoyment please relax and I will see you at 7 pm.

Again looking forward to our encounter


Lilly saw the room spin. How was she to know the guy was for real? She was intrigued by the idea of a completely anonymous encounter when she was talking with him online but now faced with the actual choice. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She gulped down air like it was in short supply. Thinking about how long she had before things would actually happen. By looking at the calendar she gulped again she realized there was a week. One week it would pass by all too quickly and slowly all at the same time. How could she do this? She closed the laptop with a quick snap. Then looked at her phone she should tell him “no.” Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath she snuggled down in the cool sheets the smooth fabric sliding against her skin. Sleep didn’t find her that night, she repeatedly grabbed her phone that night and wanted to text J.M. again and let him know that she was unable to do so. Looking at the words typed out on the screen gave her comfort “J.M. I am so sorry but, I can’t go through with this. Thank you for your planning but I really can’t I am sorry again.” She typed those words over and deleted them and then moments later write them out again. he was at war with her wants and her needs. The thought of this encounter made her giddy with need and lost with worry. She ran over the conversations in her head. He explained what would happen, they covered safety. She would be on neutral ground and things would be okay. The week passed by in a blur with things swinging through her mind and small text of just trying to find a little more, to con J.M. into letting something slip. His real name, a picture, the sound of his voice even. She wanted to be a comfort and she was hard-pressed to find any. The day approached and she packed a small bag with the things required for the session that was about to take place. She was set in her mind that she was going to experience this and nothing was going to stop her. She placed the cuffs in the bag with care, a little bit of her life that was to make her feel more comfortable. She took out her favorite pair of blue silk thongs and set that in the bag as well her shower gel and shampoo and her comfiest pair of pj’s for afterward. She knew that afterward she was at risk of having a drop or an aftercare mishap and she was preparing herself for that. She had to get home within the 24-hour time frame and be with someone who would know what to do. The biggest thought that ran through her mind was the fact it had been so long since her last session. That the coming down of the high would lead to a crash that she could not handle alone.

She let out a breath and made a quick call, safety first that was what this phone call was all about. Lilly picked up the phone and called the one person that knew she would understand and be able to have the ability to keep her safe. Lilly called the mistress, the phone rang in her ear and she waited, another ring she held her breath… this is not something she wanted to leave on in a message. One more ring and another in her ear she held her breath and was about to hang up when there was a groggy answer. The sleepy voice came across the line “Hello? Princess is everything okay?” Lilly let out a sigh of relief. The weight of this one decision lifted from her shoulders and she said in her timid voice “Yes, my Mistress, everything is fine I just wanted to call and ask a question or two if it would please.” A pause and some silence. A clearer voice came across the line “Okay, Princess, what is it have out with it!” Lilly took a deep breath and straightening her spine she pleads with the Mistress. “My Mistress, may I please have the honor of your permission to attend an encounter with a gentleman.” Again silence as if the Mistress was thinking about it. “Princess, will this make you happy?” with great relief Lilly breathed out the words “Yes, my Mistress!” “Okay, Princess that is all I require, well that and you be safe you know the rules!” Lilly knew that is all that needed to be said between them, but hesitantly Lilly raised her voice again “My Mistress, may I beg a favor?” A grumble and a sigh came across the line like the Mistress was being put out. “My Mistress, this will be an anonymous encounter.” Explained in a rush and continued “I know basic information about him but I will be left alone afterward I will never see his face till we decided that our encounters have come to an end.” Another quick breath and “Mistress, I really would love it if afterward, you would be so kind to take care of me for some time after the encounter just in case…. “she stumbled over her words and was running out of air in a small low voice she continued. “if a fall happens, I know this is a lot to ask and I wouldn’t want to impose but I know that you would want me to be safe and I really believe this would be a good safety step.” A great sigh came as a whisper across the phone like static, “Yes, Princess good thinking I will care for you, will you give me the information? I want to know where and when this will be going down.” Lilly took another breath and calmly stated the information of the date the time and explained that she would text the room information as soon as she arrived. A question came across the line one that Lilly was thankful for in all honesty. “Lilly, would you like me and good boy to accompany you maybe get a room close by so you can text me when everything is said and done?” “More safety a close call also I want to hear if you scream or even enjoy it too much, I want to be a fly on the wall.” Lilly breathed in relief the first breath of air that she actually didn’t get stuck in her throat. To Lilly, Mistress and Good Boy were like safety blankets that she truly would protect her. Lilly finally relieved made her plans with the Mistress to accompany her. Without telling J.M. she made the plan and when she got to the hotel she found that they had a conjoining room that was available and a little out of the way. This seemed like the right way to go she was always taught safety in numbers. Good boy helped the girls with the bags for their overnight stay. Holding her breath again Lilly opened the first room and with a sigh saw that it was just like any other suite of rooms. A Large King-sized bed dominated the room, the room smelled stale yet clean. Her pink sneakers scuffed against the carpet and she looked around. Mistress opened the room next to hers and checked the door in between the rooms. The lock was thankfully on the Mistress’s side yet another thing falling into place. “Okay,” Mistress said with a no-nonsense tone “Let’s get you ready, Shower or bathe, do what you need to clean up.” Thank goddess for Mistress was all that was going through Lilly’s mind. The Mistress would take control of the situation and get her through this choice. Lilly undressed on automatic pilot turned on the tub to a warm draw, she put in some bubbles, and turned on the jets of the Jacuzzi and climbed in. She climbed in and sat for a while relaxing into the suds and warmth of the bath. The Mistress came over to Lilly and in soft words “Princess are you sure? You know we can pack up and leave, You Don’t Have to Do This!” Lilly shook her head and stared off into space in the direction of the faucet. Mistress washed Lilly’s hair in soothing strokes she cleaned the auburn curls that were pasted to Lilly’s back. Lilly relaxed into the safety of Mistress’s touch, humming “Tainted Love.” as she worked. Detangling Lilly’s hair and smoothing it out, then methodically she washed Lilly with every caress of her curvy body. Lilly relaxed and felt more confident in every bit of the loving ministrations of her beloved Mistress. Lilly was waking up out of the haze that she was in. Again the Mistress got Lilly’s attention and looking right into her eyes asked once again “Do you REALLY want this Pet?” Looking at her Mistress with love and trust a breathy “yes.” Was all that Lilly could utter. With one nod the Mistress saw the determination in Lilly’s hazel green eyes. With one final sigh, the Mistress helped Lilly finish getting ready, dressing in the silk thong, braiding her hair back and taking the purple leather cuffs out of the bag chain her to the bed, the last thing was the blindfold and with one look at the clock Lilly’s eyes were covered ten more minutes this would all begin in ten more minutes. The Mistress kissed the top of Lilly’s head “If you need me my pet, make it known.” With a little laugh, the Mistress told the last thing that would maybe sooth Lilly the most. “Lilly there is a baby monitor under the bed, Good Boy has placed it there so if you need us Tell me pet, tell me! Do you understand pet?” Lilly Nodded and replied with the only acceptable answer. “Yes, my Mistress.” Lilly focused on her breathing. One breath in, count to five, one breath out. Clearing her mind Lilly relaxed into the cuffs switching from the overthinking stressed out person of her everyday life, and letting go becoming her alter ego her submissive self that just wants to please. Another breath in, another count of five, and a slower breath out. The cuffs held her wrists above her head just as negotiated she twisted her wrists feeling the bite of the leather into her skin. She tested how far she could move comfortably but at the same time was contained to a small space she could get up on her knees she could flip over she could pull. She relaxed more into the cuff and the great knowledge that Mistress had given her what she needed without even asking. Lilly uttered the only thing she could think of “Thank you, Mistress mine.” A thump, thump came on the wall as if someone was answering. Lilly let out one long, shaky breath and drew in a smooth, clean breath of air. She had made herself as safe as she could get. She was going to be okay and as the minutes ticked by she was relaxed, and content in her choice.

Lilly waited what seemed like hours in the dark straining to hear anything, the click of the lock, the door opening, the steps on the padded carpet, the breath of another. However; all she could hear was the beating of her own heart in her ears. More waiting, her heart picked up a little this is what anticipation and deprivation of sight would do to a person. Lilly tugged at the cuffs again to remind herself she could trust in this. Then there it was a click and the sound of rustling. Her heartbeat picked up again. Lilly squeaked out “H…h..hello?” a breath and another footstep to the bathroom, the sound of water being turned on. Lilly dragged in another breath and cleared her throat. In a more confident not so scared voice of a little asking if the monster was real under the bed. She said again “H…Hello? Is anyone there?” Lilly turned her head to the noise and slowed her breathing once again. The footsteps again coming closer this time. Lilly could not help it she began to breath harder, was that a dip in the bed? She shook her head and trying to clear her oversensitive nerves. Then there it was the moment she had been fearing and waiting for this whole time. A small caress maybe the back of a hand upon her cheek. Then a sigh and then her chin taken a little roughly. Lips pressed to Lilly’s lips and a zing went through her body. The person kissed with some force, a little nip, and a questioning tongue. When Lilly sighed and let the last of the tension relax from her body the questioning tongue slipped in tangling with hers in a dance that only the mouth knew between two people. When she was breathless and straining against her bonds the person drew away with one last quick kiss. “Lilly,” one word a masculine but sweet-sounding voice Lilly smiled softly. The person sucked in a breath at the sight. A clearing of the throat like he was nervous too. This would be unsexy to most but Lilly found it endearing like this was not a thing normally done. The voice came again “Lilly, I am J.M. thank you for being here,” a caress of her left arm, “I promise that you are in no danger,” the sinfully dark smooth chocolaty voice washed over her skin making her shiver. “While with me you may address me as Daddy, if I at any time do anything that you do not like please say ‘wrestling’ it will stop and we will be at your digression of talking it out or continuing if I push too hard to fast I want you to say ‘Heartbreak Kid.’ Do you understand?” Lilly nodded her head. “No, Lilly words,” J.M. said calmly. Lilly cleared her throat of what felt like she swallowed the desert and then spoke in her sexy come hither voice. “Yes, yes I understand Daddy.” Another caress of knuckles against her cheek, and almost too low to hear the breathed out a whisper that she caught “Yes that’s it, good girl.”

There was a rustling of clothing, a clink of a belt buckle, a zip of a zipper and a couple of thuds on the floor. Lilly thought in her head that must be him taking off his clothing. She breathed in again this time the air held the scent of cologne and a hit of male musk. She held it on her tongue like a snake. The sinfully sweet essence making her calm. Another dip in the bed, the rustling of skin on covers as J.M. slid closer. J.M. reached for her ankle and before he made contact he sighed and spoke “Lilly, I am going to touch you, don’t startle I will not hurt you.” J.M. started with Lilly’s right ankle and with a feather-like caress he glided his hand up her calf and towards her knee. His fingertips caressed the smooth skin, tracing patterns that only he could see leaving little goose flesh as the caress passed like the skin itself wanted to continue the contact with him. He continued to glide his finger up her thigh and towards her hip. J.M. watched as Lilly’s breath increased and she kept biting her lip like she was having an issue keeping sounds inside. He continued his journey of her body caressing every so lightly over her ribs this made Lilly squirm so he paid a little more attention here making her fight her bonds and let out little giggles, a ticklish spot, he added it away to memory. He trailed his way closer her uncovered breasts but skirted them just as he was close to make contact. Her beautiful pierced nipples puckered and begged to be suckled. J.M. was hard to oblige the tempting little things. He finished his way of her right side by caressing her collarbone and running down her arm and ending where the cuffs met her wrists. Lilly’s breathing was irregular and heavy, she kept biting that lip and all he could do was think how sexy it was. He stole a kiss smashing his lips to hers. J.M. was hard-pressed to not take his ministrations to a naughtier side, this was a test of his control to not touch her breasts to now pull that thong to the side and stick his tongue in her wet folds. He paused a moment and looked at the junction of her legs right at that damned thong. He smiled to himself at how it was just looking like they were starting to get damp. Not enough, was all he could think. So with one more quick kiss, he trailed his way from ankle to wrist on the left side just like the right paying attention to the ribs where yes again she was slightly ticklish. He ran his tongue this time up her inner thigh on the right leg and then the same trail on the left. He could smell it the pheromones that her sweet decadent cunt was giving on. With this look at her thong, it was soaked and he loved the sight. He shivered between her spread thighs. The thought that plagued his mind was that he was a lucky man that she was willing enough to come to this hotel room to be his slave and not see his face for this. He knew that deprivation of one sense would heighten all others. He laid his beard covered cheek on her left thigh while he admired the view of how wet she really was. The silky piece of fabric was now not the midnight blue of the material around it but what was covering her sex was dark almost black with moister. He was intrigued and excited as his cock coved in his silk boxers was now needing to be pressed back by the elastic waistband. He was doing all of this to prep her body for the invasion by the damn thing. The thought of why he was given a gift so largely made him rub his face against her thigh making Lilly’s breath hitch and her squirm. He rubbed his cheek again and then he moved the piece of silk aside and was awed by the sight of how perfect she was. With her folds glistening from the moister of her arousal and her clit pierced like a beacon guiding his way to that sensitive nub. With a lick of his lips, he stuck out his tongue and licked up one sweet side and down the other. The sweet taste of her was like that of a fresh peach. The juice was sweet with that zip of citrus, that makes you want to bite back in for another taste till it is all gone. With a smile and slight breath across her heated flesh, he went back for more. One lick, two licks, he was in heaven something he was never going to get enough of. Lilly wiggled and squirmed trying to get away, he laughed at her efforts and licked again wrapping his arms under her legs and grabbing her cute little ass and holding her to him. He kept licking and sucking making her moan and writhe against his mouth. He wanted to push her over the edge that was what he wanted no needed from her just once to shatter and let go. Lilly pulled and bucked the best she could and it was no use she was trapped and yet freed at the same time. The feel of J.M.’s lips and tongue against her was making her wild, and then he did the one thing that would send her sailing across the finish line to the point where she would not know up from down. He licked up once and then wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked and nipped at it. Her scream was laud in the once quiet room. Lilly’s body bowed pushing her hips forward into him and her arms strained against the cuffs her breaths were ragged, and her body shivered. J.M. was pleased with himself. He let Lilly’s ass go and unwrapped his arms and moved his body in a wave up hers. He went to her lips making her ragged heaved breaths mingle with his calm ones and with yet another smile he kissed her. Giving Lilly a taste of herself mixed with the taste of his skin. Their tongues fought twisting and dueling with each other’s, leaving the taste of her release on her lips. It made J.M.’s blood boil, he could take no more of this, the torture of his own making. He had to have her, had to be inside her as she and he reached their release together. Finding the eye of the storm that J.M.’s caresses and licks had stirred within each other. He slid the silk cloth of his own boxers down his legs and away. He thought about taking Lilly’s thong away but he wanted that thing so soaked with their lovemaking it would stick to her skin, a little reminder of their time together. He wrapped his fingers around Lilly’s hips and lifted pulling a pillow and placing it under her ass making her more comfortable and just the right place for him to slide his proud cock home. He placed the head of his long cock at the entrance of her passage and at the feel of his blunt head. Lilly made a moan and then began to beg “Please Daddy,” She breathed out. “Please, Daddy I need it, Please!” That was all he need to hear with one more plea he did as she asked. He shifted his hips forward and pressed into her body. The resistance was so pleasing to him her body slick but fighting the intrusion. He shifted again pulling back and thrusting forward pushing yet a little deeper this time. He had to stop here he wasn’t in all the way but the sweet torture of this feeling was consuming his mind making it fuzzy with want and need. He didn’t want to hurt her that was his biggest worry him so large and her so small and tight. He gritted his teeth, closing his eyes, and did the shift of pulling back and pushing forward again almost. He let out a breath and shifted one last time he was finally seated in her. He paused, digging his fingers into her hips and letting her body adjust to him. When he let out a long breath she made him wild once more. She begged once more in ragged words that sounded like they had been pulled from her throat. “Pleeaassseee, Daddy please, fuck me!” Lilly cried. That had been all he needed to hear the permission of a submissive to go wild, no holds, balls to the wall, primal sex. His restraint broke and did the dance of two bodies coming together pull back, thrust, over and over again making her buck her hips to meet his. The moans in the room bounced off the walls and then she did it her body turned stiff in his fingers and as her body tensed he kept thrusting. She screamed out the words he loved to hear on any women’s lips when he was with them. The cry of “Yes Daddy, Oh God Yes!” He was sure if he could see her eyes they would be rolled back in her head. Her mouth wide open and body stiff her in the middle of her orgasm was a beautiful sight to be seen. As she relaxed and started to come down just a little bit from her state of bliss he smiles and shook his head as he let out a groan. He pushed out in a voice that was full of gravel and want “Do it again My Dark Princess, Do it again.” With that command he thrusted letting go of his last bit of control sliding in and out of her, slamming his body against her making that slapping sound of flesh hitting flesh. He was bottoming out on her and he loved that feeling. Then she clenched down on his cock and he shifted in and pulled out almost to the point of being completely out of her body and on that very edge. He felt his balls tighten and that little bit of pre-cum head up his cock. This was it he had to hold back make her hit heaven with him. That was what was on his mind he bent down and took one of those glorious nipples into his mouth and if it was possible she clenched down even farther making it almost unbearably tight and with his right thumb he brushed her clit encircling it with rough skin and just a little pressure and it happened. Her body tensed and bowed pressing her chest into his mouth the other nipple taught and teasing. He removed his left hand and wrapped his hand around her throat cutting off just a little bit of air to make the euphoria of her orgasm hit an even higher note. Her legs wrapped around his waist unbidden as if to shove him even deeper and closer to her and with that final thrust of hips helped along by the leverage of her legs he mingled his groans and hard breathing with Lilly’s gasped out screams and dumped his load into her throbbing tunnel. With shallow thrusts, he emptied every little bit of his seed within the woman that was stealing his heart and didn’t even know it. He removed his hand allowing for Lilly to gain her breath. Their chest was heaving like they both had run miles in a race. J.M.’s skin was slick with sweat and drops of it splashed and pooled with the ones on Lilly’s skin. J.M. had to untangle himself from Lilly’s legs before his own gave out and fell on top of her. He used last of strength he pushed his body over to the side and laid next to her. J.M. and Lilly listened to the beating of their hearts and blood rushing in their ears. As time went on the quite of the room soothed them both and soon their breathing leveled out and J.M. heard a sigh next to him. When he looked over at Lilly she was shivering in the room’s air and she still looked like the sexiest thing he had ever laid eyes on. He watched her chest as her breathing got deeper he was sure she was passed out he undid the cuffs with sure hands and massaged her shoulders and laid them gently on the bed. He took the covers and pulled them up looking at her beautiful body one more time before covering it up out of sight. Just before he did he saw the moister and evidence of their encounter between her askew legs he ran his hand through it and brought it to his lips, taking in the combination of their releases, for it to be a part of him always. With a sweet sigh at the taste and want to clean her up with his tongue he covered her mostly naked body. J.M. got dressed and petted Lilly’s braid he would have killed to see it down flared out around her head like a halo of spun silk. J.M. leaned down and kissed her head Lilly nuzzled into the blanket turning onto her left side. He whispered in her ear “you were wonderful; you are truly a beautiful sight to be seen.” And with one last kiss, he ran his hand down the curve of her spine and walked out the room away from something or someone he may have made an attachment to never seeing the sight of her eyes upon him. He walked to the door and opened the way to his escape, he hung his head hating to leave her like this. He breathed out the words he thought he would never utter, “Goodnight my Dark Princess, I think I love you.” He closed the hotel room door behind him softly careful to not wake her up. He walked down the hall feeling like he left his heart behind.

When the Mistress was sure the room was clear, she unlocked the conjoining door and peeked in. She found her Lilly on the bed wrapped in a blanket. After watching Lilly’s breathing for a few moments, she let out the breath she had been holding for the hour or so that everything happened. Her Princess was safe, no harm had come to her and with a look around the room, she went to work. She removed the evidence of the play, placing the cuffs back in Lilly’s bag and removing the blindfold and put that away too. She looked under the blanket to see the condition of her pet’s body. Not a single scratch upon her, no bruises faint red marks where the cuff was pressing into the skin but nothing that would last more than a couple of hours. Mistress wrapped her precious princess back in the blanket and tucked her in. The room smelled of sex and sweat at that thought the Mistress opened the window to let the room air out just a little bit. Surveying the room one more time just to make sure that things would be put away and there was nothing that would cause any issues. She was half tempted to go get the good boy and crawl into bed with the precious lady that gave her the honor of trusting her with her absolute safety. She stared at the women who looked so childlike wrapped up in the hotels cream-colored blanket on the huge king-sized bed. The Mistress turned on a heel and walked her body back to the room she was sharing with her good boy. She entered the room and left the door ajar so she could be here if there was a call or any distress from her peacefully sleeping Princess. She knew that the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours would be the most important to her little slave.

When the Mistress entered the room her own lover was passed out from the lovemaking that had occurred while listening to Lilly’s encounter. The Mistress was pleased with herself and grinned mischievous thinking about all the wicked things she did to her good little boy. Maybe if Lilly was up for it she would work on her next. The thought tickled the edges of her mind, and she brushed them away. From what she heard of the play session she knew it was intensified by the deprivation of one of the senses. The Mistress took in a couple of breaths and let them out slowly tilting her head to one side then the other. Mistress closed her eyes and started to replay her own lovemaking in the room next to that of her precious Lilly. Mistress’ good boy was actually her husband they had been together for years and he was her best friend in all ways. He supported her when she was down and out and helped build her up from the rubble of her childhood. A shower that is what she needed, she needed to wash this jumble of thoughts out with the tension in her body. She went into the well-appointed bathroom in its whites and creams clean and tidy as any hotel wants you to believe. She stripped away the fluffy white robe that coved her milk chocolate skin. Turned on the shower as warm as she could stand it she stepped into the glass-enclosed shower and enjoyed the warm water wash over her now overly sensitive skin. As she allowed the water to wash over her she enjoyed the flashbacks of what happened during Lilly’s lovemaking. Mistress pored body wash on her luffa and began to suds the fluffy bit of netting. She ran the suds over her body starting with her breasts and enjoying the slight pull on her nipples as the little netting got caught on her nipple piercings. She ran the luffa over her stomach and washing tantalizingly to herself she closed her eyes and enjoyed the caresses of her own skin by something rough and smooth in the same breath. On the back of her lids, she saw her good little boy tied to her bed in her most favorite pair of blue lace panties. She loved when she got him to wear her lingerie the thought that the little bit of lace was just another texture to his arousal made her sigh at the sight. As she took a couple of photos for her own extensive collection she ran her hand up to his leg and towards the little bit of lace between him and her. She skirted the hard flesh that was not yet pulsing with its need. With her other hand, she made a similar journey up the other leg and then upward. Drawing little swirls on his skin making him deprived of the one thing that he really wanted. Moister pooled between her legs at the thought of making him beg for what he truly wanted for her mouth to suck him off. She licked the inner right thigh and up so close that she nuzzled his cock with her nose. Just a small touch. The good boy strained against his bonds. The idea of getting herself off before him without one touch on his part floated through her thoughts. She knew it drove her man crazy to not be able to touch and suck on her skin and be a part of her release. She thought that she would tease him only a little more today but as the sounds of enjoyment came across the baby monitor she wanted to join the fun in the next room. To torture Lilly in little touches so here she would deprive her love of his need. She twisted and pulled with the dusky nipples that were not as big as Lilly’s but still pierced just the same. She raised one breast up for an offering to her good boy’s mouth and as he sucked her hard into her mouth she shivered and gave him the reward that he really wanted. Brushing her hand over the lace-clad cock he groaned with her still in his mouth. She loved that feeling of his moans vibrating her skin as he sucked. She pulled back trying to let him release her breast from his mouth. She rubbed his through the cloth that separated skin from the skin it was rougher under her fingertips not like the smooth silk of his skin over hard steel that she was used to while touching him. He pushed his hips forward to try to keep the contact. Mistress’ mouth started watering and she wanted to lick at him through the lace. So she leaned down to lick at the fabric. Running her tongue at the edge of the panties making him twitch with his need. He begged, “please, Mistress!” She smiled yes that is it beg was all her mind would command. She continued her licking teasing the edges, part skin part cloth. Making her good boy writhe for more and beg even loader as the sound of echoes of Lilly’s orgasm ran through the room. It was as Lilly’s scream that made the Mistress’ skin turn into gooseflesh that she finally decided to give her slave what he wanted most her mouth in contact with his cock. He bucked wildly under her while he cried out “more! More! MoRe My Mistress!” His begs and pleas fell on deaf ears she took her time licking up the length of his cock clad in those tempting underwear. She pulled them aside when they were so damp there was no reason to have them there just to soak up moister. She wanted the little bit of pre-cum to be hers and hers alone, not those nasty panties that she had licked every way but Sunday. She wrapped her fingers around his erection and slide up and down his length. She was going to make him explode and that was her end game tonight. To make him wither and writhe till he explodes right into her mouth so she could snowball him and make him eat his own. She licked up the shaft some more. Then finding a need a rhythm that drew him to thrust his hips up farther. She wanted to keep him on the edge, to make it torture in its own wright. She placed the head of his penis in her mouth. She slid up and down, up and down while sucking it in deeper into her mouth. The good boy moaned and twitched trying to stop himself from busting in her mouth. She moaned with him in her mouth and pushed him deeper into her warm, wet mouth and sucked a little harder. He grunted at the little nip as she almost pulled him out of her mouth. He was close so very, close she could tell with the pulse in this dick that she tasted on her tongue. She tasted the little salty sweetness of his precum. That is when she pulled away. Making her man groan with frustration. Bringing him to the very edge and pulling away she aimed to deny and tease him to the point of no return. The Mistress offered her breast again and he latched on pulling the flesh of her breast deeply into his mouth biting down just a little to give her the pressure she craved. She slapped his cheek and he released. Mistress smiled viscously “what is it that you want good boy?” He gasped out the words that made her shiver and want to give him relief. “Please My Mistress, ride me, make me cum.” She straddled his lap at his words and sank slowly on him. Making him grown as she sank down upon him. She slid up and down rocking her hips and him matching her beat. She fallowed a small rhythm that played in her head as her moans, and the good boys and Lilly’s reached a crescendo. The screams and moans were one after another Lilly reached her release and fell silent and then Good Boy begged for his release and Mistress was close to her own. With a nod of the head, Mistress agreed to her Good boy’s release. He groaned and shuddered and blew deep inside of her. The feeling of the warmth of him busting inside of her was it, it threw over her edge and she came with him. Intertwining her moans with his.
There was a knock at the door and a breathed out the word. She lifted her head her husband and love was standing there, “hey babe do you want some help washing your back?” She shook her head and raised her voice “No, my dear I am almost done.” He lover and husband nodded his head and walked out of the room. She rinsed the suds off her body and wrapped up in a towel. She still had little drops of water clinging to her skin and with a couple of swipes of the towel she dried and climbed into bed. She snuggled close to her love and rested her head on his chest. Her eyes grew heavy as she listened to the pounding of her heart. A steady rhyme in his chest and the warmth of his arm around her made her drift off to sleep. She fell asleep knowing that her Love would watch over her and their Lilly. Her dreams lead her down the deeper lane of sleep and with a couple of deeper breaths she was out like a light. As the day wore on the Mistress slept peacefully as the thoughts of her Lilly, and good boy drifted in her dreams…. And so she slept on.
