When I [23F] almost flashed my girlfriend with my butthole

This weekend something happened that scared me to my core… one of my new friends, who is an absolute doll and more fun than a cartoon Saturday morning, started swiping through my pictures on my phone when I passed her my precious device to see a pic of a dress I had worn previously. I froze in terror. If Jerry Seinfeld were still making his show, he and George would definitely have had an episode where the pudgy Mr. Costanza would have howled in their coffee shop, “you don’t swipe!” to Jerry’s nodding approval.

In order to get my phone out of her pretty polished fingers, I asked if so-and-so had texted me back, to wit she returned my iPhone and, as soon as I was home, I went about the task of destroying evidence lest I find myself in this situation again. So… what was on my camera roll that I was so terrified for her to see? Plenty. For starters, every girl I know has a myriad of naked pics of themselves. And, honestly, I don’t give af if my girlfriends see my tits… most have seen them live. But those aren’t the pics that caused my butthole to clench. Speaking of buttholes, about 5 or 6 swipes away she would have found the holy grail… about 10 snaps of my own butthole… let me explain. With a different group of mixed friends a week ago, one of the guys had recently broken up with a Chica that we all thought was pretty cool. And… now get this… one of the reasons he gave for the break-up was that he said this girl had an unusual butthole, and it wasn’t cute. One of the girls scoffed at this and asked how often he ACTUALLY looked at her butthole and he replied, “Daily in doggy-style and she looked like a tail-up-housecat with an eye-sore of a sphincter!” He then went on to tell us that he nicknamed her “rubber-band” to another one of his friends! Now even though my friend thought he was being funny, we made certain he understood how mean he was being. Still… of course that night I used my iPhone to take a photoshoot of my own butthole to see if it was cute or not… and, apparently, I found out all of my female friends at the table did the same! It was a funny discovery when we recanted the conversation upon our next hang-out. And, yes, my butthole is fucking adorable (lol). Ok… what else was in the camera roll… ah, a few snaps of me, naked taking a mirror selfie absolutely plastered in jizz. I ran into the shower to clean up and, honestly, it was one of the more impressive shots every to bespeckle my tits and face. The cum was also unusually pearly white, which looked so good on my Latina skin. I had to take a quick few pics… smiling, posing, you know… Umm…. What else… Months ago, I took a quick video of myself playing with a toy for this guy I used to fuck who had sent me a short video of him ejaculating in a hotel room on a business trip.

I am certain my girlfriends wouldn’t want to see that, and I’d be horrified if they did. Every woman, and possibly every guy, reading this on their phones is now thinking to themselves, “I gotta do some phone clean-up” and you are probably right! Now all my jaw-dropping-holy-fuck photos are backed up onto a laptop and all that’s left, swimming in the 400 gigabytes of space remaining on my phone are my run of the mill erotic snaps of my tits in case a very forward friend again decides that she has carte blanche to swipe through my albums.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/quqynv/when_i_23f_almost_flashed_my_girlfriend_with_my


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