Getting Ready [Daddy/sub] [Bdsm] [Mf]

The alarm on my phone goes off. The smile on my face widens into a grin and my manicured nail clicks on the screen as I turn it off. The alarm is a precaution Daddy likes me to use, but I don’t need it. I’m always aware of the time on Mondays. Mondays are the day he comes to see me.

I have 15 minutes left to get ready. I’ve already showered and brushed my teeth, I just need to get dressed and braid my hair. My bedroom door creaks when I close it behind me and I make a mental note to ask Daddy for help fixing it. The cool autumn air from my open window makes me shiver both with a chill and with anticipation. Goosebumps creep down my arms and my nipples tingle and harden.

I open my top drawer and take out the garments he sent me for today. A silk tank and matching panties. The ivory color of the silk matches my pale skin perfectly. I slide on the panties, the scratchy lace waistband prickles my skin but I know they won’t be on for very long. I lift my arms and the tank top flutters down and drapes lightly over my breasts. The smooth fabric almost feels rough on my skin, which is ultra sensitive from excitement.

I sit down at my vanity and start running the brush through my dark hair. I put it up in a loose French braid and tie the end off with a thin black ribbon. Next is my makeup. Daddy doesn’t like too much makeup, just mascara and tinted lip balm.

I’m snapping the lid of my lotion bottle closed when movement in the window beside me catches my eye. It’s Daddy’s car in the driveway. Shit shit shit. I glance down at the time on my phone and realize I’m running late. I’m supposed to be in my spot before he turns onto the street. I scurry across the room and stop at my nightstand for the handcuffs. My heart stops when I notice the object next to my lamp. I forgot to put the toy back.

The front door opens and closes. It’s too late to sneak it back into its place. I shove the small vibrator under my pillow and pray he doesn’t notice. As his steps begin to sound on the stairs, I kneel in my spot at the foot of the bed. I lay my hands on top of my thighs, the handcuffs resting in my palms. My heart is beating so fast it makes the time between each of his footsteps seem like an eternity.

I take a couple deep breaths and try to relax my shoulders. It would be embarrassing if he noticed how uncontrollably excited I was already. The door behind me creaks once more and electricity starts running through my veins. I want to jump up and hug him, but I need to be a good girl. I stay still and look straight forward, my gaze resting on the hook installed on the headboard.

Author’s Note: I’d love feedback. This is the first creative writing I’ve done since high school 8 years ago.



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