These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

Feeling the gravel slide from under my tires. The rush of adrenaline coursing through my system. Thou almost hanging myself due to this seatbelt once it was unhooked I bolted in the front door. “Puppy I’m home!” Almost screaming it out butt.. butt there was a sound cuming from his bedroom. A sound unlike anything I have heard before?
So use to his ways after I step into our home. Placing my shoes by the door. Removing every stitch of clothing that I had on. Letting my hair fall down my back, feeling it tickle my bum as it brushed my ass. Pulling out my tips for the day, minis of course what the others have taken. Fifty percent for the boss and ten percent for the more experienced waitress. Butt the rest all twenty sextons where mine, Umm his of course so I can pay for the mirror that I broke.
“Puppy, here I cum” knowing that once I found him that he would fuck me. Pound me so good so my ass would hurt! My body shivered as I walked down the hall. Cuming to his door or practical cuming right before it. I raised my knuckles to rap on its hallow core as I crept open and, and… I could not believe what I was seeing! Wanting to shout out! Wanting to storm in there, to tear him a new… Butt there was something that was holding me back. Something that felt so good that I… I just wanted to moan!
Taking a look at myself. Watching as my nipples where as hard as they have ever been. Till they ached with the need to touch them butt… Butt my hands where busy. Sinking into my own flesh! Battling with myself, trying not to shake from enjoyment! A sound shifted my eyes back to, well to what had caused me to play with myself.

“Mmm, Granger pump my Mmm…” taking a deep breath as his cock slammed into my pussy. My eyes locked on him and him alone. Feeling his paws as they roamed all over my double D’s. Pulling on them as if I could not cum hard enough for his length! Wanting to wrap my legs around his waist. Wanting to thrust him harder into my cunt! Butt letting him have his way with me just seemed right… “Oh you are just the wolf” I whispered into his ear. Pulling his head down into my bosom. Closing my eyes feeling his length as it pulsated so deep inside my.. my… “Ooh Ooooh yesss! Keep.. on… Fucking Mmmmmmmmm” my body shuttered while his cock pounded on my pussy!

Feeling her plump tits. Grasping at them, squeezing the nipples in between my fingers. I pounded on that cunt. Casting my dick in to the max! Feeling her cum from that tight pussy. Sucking on both tits as she pressed my face into them. Getting lost in the fatty tissue as my lips latched on to the first thing that they could. I sucked hard giving Brenda Jean a black hickey. Pulling myself up and away from those tits. Pressing her legs back further till they framed her huge tits! My eyes were locked on the twins. Watching as with each lung my cock made them jiggle. Watching as with each thrust they made me want to do the naughty to her tail!
Spinning her over was not hard at all and my cock never left the moist folds of her poontang! Now as my eyes widened. As every thrust I watched her booty jiggle! I, I just wanted to…

“OooOoooOoooo yesss OooOoooOoooo” rolled from my mouth as he had his way with me. There was nothing that I wanted to do butt make him cum! With every stroke, with every thrust this new position just made my pussy weep for that monster cock! “Grab my hair” I screamed. “Pull on it till you… Ooooh” unable to finish that statement with all the pleasure rushing in and out of my cunt! I just needed to cum so fucking hard that I shall scream bloody murder!
“Pull” I was giving Granger commands while he was fucking me. “Pull Mmm…” damn how I want his juicy load in my.. my… “Pull Mmm fucking hair!”

Ha, she thinks she is giving me commands. I shall pull on that hair. I shall pull till I can grab a hold of her neck! Till I can pound that fucking pussy to my will! “Yes, yes I will” hiding the shutter so I can fuck this… “Ooo yes yesss” gasping for air as my, my cock erupted in her tight hole!
Heaving forward as my body covered hers. My face landed right on point so I could suck those tits some more. So I could bite them to my satisfaction… So I could test my theory if she would like it up the ass the next time.

Still shaking like never before. This rush of drilling the neighbor while my husband is at work. Of drilling the maintenance man in his own trailer cuz Mama’s plumbing needs fixing too. And me wondering how I could pay him back for this fix? “Why not use my name BJ” I sighed trying not to get so worked up over his nice little landing. Sucking, biting my tit. Getting my nipples to grow and get so fucking hard. “Hey big boy why don’t I swallow your cock as thanks for this little fix-her-up. I promise I swallow, Rrrrrr” the feel of his dick getting hard just made my promise cum true.

Watching as he shuttered, as he, Puppy drained his cock into her cunt! Watching as my own fingers slipped even deeper into myself! As everything that I’ve seen overwhelmed me! “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” biting my lip so not to alert them that I was hear. That lust that I felt just then. That joyous lust that overwhelmed my body. That washed my senses with the need to play, to pound on my own cunt till I came again! That… That, I stared back. Locking eyes with him… The shame that I felt. About cuming over watching him fuck her. Even if he didn’t see that the moisture on my leg. Even as I glanced down seeing that both my legs where covered in my own juices. Both hands still dripping with my cum!
The stare continued even when he grabbed her head. “Puppy?” I whimpered . “I, I…” the buck from my hips said it all right there!

“Mmm, give me that cock. So I can…” expecting this interruption as his super hard cock intercepted my mouth. Lucky not having a gag point and me enjoying my own taste made sucking Granger down so much more than a tease. “Oh yeh pump my mouth” I almost gagged that time which brought the cum back to my lips.

Hearing Brenda Jean say that. Feeling her suction increased I smacked that ass, eyes still locked on that bitch in the hall! Pumping, slamming my cock into that talking pussy, not bothering to hold her head cause she liked it so much. My hands where free to play with that ass! To spank it, to make it red, all the while making sure that bitch would watch! “Yes, yes suck my fucking cock!” I screamed purposely. Burying my cock so deep in her throat, feeling her swallowing! Spreading that ass! Until, all my inhibitions had left my body as two fingers pieced her bum!

“OooOoooOoooo yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo…” sucking so hard that I thought, well never mind what I thought cause with that little trick that he just pulled my hips orgasmed so fucking hard! My mouth, my throat both clamped down on his cock as I felt him release his second and if I may say an even greater load down my throat!

Watching that display. Having my own puddle at my feet. My breast where aching for his mouth to bite them. My pucker was gapping for his cock to fill it! My cunt spasmed flooding my hands with my thick juices as my vision begins to fade!
Gasping for air, watching her as she started to move back! My heart started to beat faster. Glancing down at my hands, the feeling of getting caught had that unsure feeling. My stomach started to turn, the queasiness of getting caught with my hands down my pants! Rushing for the moanroom (that is one thing I don’t know if I’ll ever get use to back home there bathrooms) rushing the door till it almost slammed shut then easing it closed. My heart was beating so loud that I swore she could hear it. Curling up on the floor in the corner, my hand still pulverizing my clit. Torturing my cunt while I heard two sets of foot pounding down the hall way! Squeezing my nipple with all my might as my breath had failed. My pussy felt like it leaked out once again as I bit back my moan! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo yesssssssss” almost deafened my internal ears! Slowly my breath started to enter my body as I drifted off to sleep. Body spent, muscles aching from the consent spasming cunt and the missing cock that always have me something to look forward to in the morning.
