Tinder Granny: When I Raided the Crypt

“It all started when I matched a “28” year old on Tinder. In her bio, it said she was indeed not 28, but 51. My jimmies rustled outside of me when I realized how cool it would be to shag a woman older than my mother and father! The idea of car-ramrodding her sweet aged birth cannon seemed like the perfect checkmark on my “Fuck-It list”.

Just picture it: I’m sitting in a vineyard in Italy, tasting rare and exotic flavors of pussy like a beaver sommelier, when all of a sudden I am presented with a vintage snatch I’ve only ever read about. I swirl it around to see the legs: “yep, that’s the 1965 promiscuous granny cooter.” as I take an exaggerated sip. *Ahh those tannins*”

**Comedic Erotica**

Read more about it on [RattyChatty.com](https://rattychatty.com/2021/10/28/tinder-granny-when-i-raided-the-crypt/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qlhesb/tinder_granny_when_i_raided_the_crypt