Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 7


Family Circle – Making the Perfect Daughter: Part 6 from Erotica

… continued

The twins move closer to the house ever so slowly. They’re large breasts swaying side to side. They bend down as slowly peer upward as they approach a window. There is chatting inside. As their eyes raise above the ledge they see several figures. It appears to be several older women. “Who are these grandma’s?” They ask eachother.

“Surprised we went this long before this happened” said a voice standing behind the twins. Paralyzed with shock and fear they carefully turn around to a slender, yet beautiful woman standing behind them. She seemed to be about 50, stylish hair cut, ashy grey hair, and oddly familiar piercing green eyes. The girls stand up “uhhh, who are you” they ask “and who are they ?” Gesturing inside.

“We are the reason you two even exist.”

To be continued…
