Confession of a sex slave in space [FMM]

The colony on the rock simply named EE-17 — named after the section of a map grid where it was discovered — was a small community made up mostly of scientists and their families. So much remained to be learned about the galaxy since faster than light travel had been established as safe, reliable, and cost effective that there was always room in the economies across the stars for more academics. What had once been a vocation with limited potential for success had now become the most common career path for human beings anywhere, and still the demand for thinkers, designers, engineers and studiers could never approach being met.

On EE-17, a good deal of the people living there spent their time trying to understand and reproduce the way the planetoid’s various components interacted with each other to create the energy fields which allowed it to maintain its shape and mass through the dozens of kinds of space hazards which accosted it constantly. no amount of debris or extreme temperatures had any effect on this asteroid, and a lot of people were living there and trying to figure out why.

My owner was not among them. Darcy Foliage ran an establishment designed to help both residents and visitors of such a seemingly dangerous environment take their minds and worries off of the endless threats just outside the walls and shields protecting us from absolute destruction. as the only place anywhere in the colony with such things in mind, she did very well. She served thousands of kinds of drinks and drugs. She had so many gambling tables and virtual interface booths that she never reached capacity. The atmosphere was mild enough to allow children to play in the forward areas of the building, yet there was never any question of the depravities available deeper inside the tunnels if you knew who and how to ask. She was known and liked by everyone on the colony.

The depravities are where I come in. called only Ray, I’m one of 16 infinitely programmable androids that Miss Darcy kept tucked away for clients with more … specific … fancies. while we could potentially fill countless work roles in society, my comrades and I functioned entirely as objects of sex. no task was ever too taboo, kinky, or tasteless. with no basis for morality, I was capable of performing anything her clients could request (within the rules of physics!) I’d been a mother, daughter, ex wife, employee. An ashtray, toilet, pet dog. I did all these things with the zeal of true passion, because my only wish was to fulfil the fantasies of those to whom I was tasked. if I were a maid being seduced by the money and power of my clients imagined success, I found my body becoming hot at their boasting. if I was a wild teenager on spring break, my thoughts became clouded as if by alcohol and even more so after being slipped the drugs which allowed my clients to take me back to their room and have their way with me. I not only did all these things effortlessly, I loved my job!

The night seemed just like any other, not only because I had no way to understand time, but because the routine I had been living was so much the same. Wake in my compartment, serve Miss Darcy her breakfast. clean myself, assist Miss Darcy with her preparations for the evening. My porcelain skin was immaculate. My blonde hair pulled neatly into a severe ponytail with not a single hair loose. I stood proudly in my transparent compartment, big, pert breasts pushed forward, soft feet slightly parted, hands behind my back. I wore only the red spiked collar that Miss Darcy had assigned me, displaying that I was her most treasured, and therefore expensive, possession. I was so happy and content! I represented my owner’s establishment with pride. I knew that I could satisfy the desires of any man, woman, or combination thereof to the standards that had made Miss Darcy so successful. I was aroused just thinking about the next act I would be allowed to perform.

My first clients of the evening were simple enough. Two blue collar men, probably just coming off their shift. I was standing in my compartment smiling at a man with a dark complexion and kind face when my collar vibrated to alert me that someone had paid for some time. The subtle vibration was enough to make me tingle with anticipation. My smooth sex would be damp before I even reached my assigned room. When I got to the door, the two men were standing there waiting. I smiled sweetly and gave a small curtsey before turning to place my thumb against the pad next to the door and open the lock. One of the men grabbed my booty while I did, and I giggled as the door slid silently open. I swished into the dimly lit room, making sure to wiggle my hips suggestively. Candlelight played shadows across my soft body in a strategic pattern to accentuate my curves. I turned around to take one hand from each of them and draw them into the room. I opened with my standard greeting. “Welcome to the silver room, gentlemen. I’m Ray, a slave obsessed with sex, and I’m delighted to be your fantasy tonight! I’m a model 717 servant class artificial human, but I assure you that I’m fully functional in every way a human lover can be, and more. My pleasure comes from doing your bidding and I have no limitations in what I’m willing to do for you. Or to you. How may I serve you?” The two men looked at each other briefly and the taller of the two, broad shouldered with rough looking features, spoke first. “It’s simple, sweetheart. we’re going to pound the shit out of you!” I gave a little squeal and clapped twice in excitement. “On your knees” the other – shorter, thinner, with slightly effeminate features and wild grey eyes – ordered. I dropped down and began shuffling towards them. They walked around me, towards the soft, cushioned half of the room that served as a “bed” and one of them grabbed my ponytail, yanking me backward and further into the room. When I managed to waddle around and face them, Shoulders was reclining into a seat and pulling off his shirt. His chest and stomach were as chiseled as his face, obviously the product of a lifetime of hard labor. I could feel the muscles of my sex clenching, I was already becoming very aroused. Skinny was still pulling on my ponytail, and ordered me to open his belt and take him out. Unzipping his pants, I was very pleased to find him fully erect and by no means skinny. I slipped his member out of his pants and into my mouth without hesitation. It wasn’t long before I’d worked up a decent pace, pausing occasionally to take him all the way down my throat. one of the advantages to being such a slutty sex doll, you see, is that I can be modified to remove any gag reflex and widen my throat to accommodate for my partners length and girth. That isn’t to say that I don’t produce a fair amount of thick saliva to coat his hardness and dribble down my chin onto my sizable breasts, of course. Or that I won’t gag and cry when appropriate. As Shoulders stroked himself watching, Not-so-skinny wrapped his right hand up in my ponytail and began thrusting his hips, pushing himself into my throat deeper and harder with every movement. I moaned around his cock, feeling my own wetness on my thighs. His breath caught as I expertly wiggled my tongue around him as best I could with his cock shoved all the way into my throat, and I felt all of his muscles tense as he pulled me towards him violently in his orgasm. I allowed the entire load to run down into my belly, savouring the animal taste of sex. I waited there patiently, on my knees with my hands behind my back, for his body to relax. He let my hair go and allowed his hips to settle, cock glistening with his cum and my saliva as it slipped out of my mouth. “Come here, little girl.” Shoulders called to me. I didn’t bother to wipe my mouth as I grinned euphorically at Not-so-skinny, but dropped onto all fours. Finally breaking eye contact, I turned to Shoulders with my practiced “take me like the whore I am” expression, and crawled towards him. I could see it in his eyes, in the way his member throbbed in his hand. Thousands of hours worth of biological and psychological research transferred into simple states of muscle stature, posture, facial expression and more are programmed into all 717s, allowing us to identify the behavioural triggers which precede all kinds of different human motivations and subsequent decision making. Understanding what your clients want and when is an important factor for sex dolls. Had I been left to my own devices, I would have been diving for it immediately. But, I am a sex slave after all, and a sex slave always waits until taken or being told. Upon reaching him, I put my hands on his thighs and leaned forward to swallow his dick whole. Before I could get my mouth around his girth, he grabbed my face in his very large hand, holding me tightly and making me feel very small and vulnerable when surrounded by the size of his calloused fingers. He pushed me aggressively to one side, grabbed my nearest leg and lifted me up and onto the cushioned area next to him. I gasped as he manhandled me, and soon I felt him probing my wetness with his fingers. Testing the water. An instant later he was penetrating me. I leaned over while laying on my side with one leg raised elegantly into the air and my knee straight, supporting itself like a ballerina and allowing him to put both hands on my waist as he began to fuck me harder. Moaning and begging to be used, I allowed myself to become lost in the moment. With a body designed and programmed to be the ultimate slut, a 717 can easily perform countless perversions and maintain a perfect sexual rapport while simultaneously out of control in her own gratification. What can I say? Sometimes it pays to be an android! When Not-so-skinny shoved his cock into his friend’s throat, I heard shoulders breath catch and my own climax began to warm my body. Very little is as satisfying or euphoric for a sex toy as being granted her clients cum, and even the potential will make my pussy begin dripping. Nearly screaming in encouragement and begging for my reward, I felt Shoulders grip on my waist begin to tighten, his delicious cock getting blissfully harder inside me. I could hear Not-so-skinny whispering to his friend. When I felt him finally exploding into me and groaning with the effort, my program fired off a simple climax cascade, giving me more positive feedback for fulfilling my purpose as a fucktoy than I would need for the rest of my happy life in one exquisite moment.

I was quickly up and tending to my clients, first slurping up any messes on their bodies before checking their time allotment on my internal clock and confirming their satisfaction. They did have a little more time, I thought, maybe I could get another load. They’d had enough though (pouty sex doll expression here), so I moved to the adjacent utility room. I signaled the hub that we were finished and brought my boys some electrolyte drinks and fresh towels. When the maid servitor arrived, I thanked them again with the sleaziest smile I could muster and made my way towards close-out, to log their time spent and indicate I was ready to return to my display case for more.

More to follow…
