The Night Of – [Halloween] [M4A] [Group] [Party] [FemDom]

Halloween itself is a treat, as far as I’m concerned. Yes, yes, I’m definitely one of *those* people, who’s favourite holiday is the spooky one. I can’t help it, I love all the horror movies, I love the costumes and I love the magic in the air. Believe in it or not, you’ll feel it too.

As special as I keep the night, my plans can come and go. As long as I’m surrounded by the macabre or the devilish, I’m happy. This all hallow’s eve however, I have been spellbound. Whether I’ll give over my soul doesn’t worry me at this point, she’s worth every ounce of it.

Over the years, I had seen the house next door alight with the haunted festivities toward the end of october. The [OTHER NIGHT]( I got a glimpse over the fence, and I fell head over heels for it. So, a few hours of makeup would be worthwhile tonight. It’s a practiced routine, and the snout, fur and eyes all came together perfectly. I decided to throw on a varsity jacket and let people decide if I was… MJ or MJF. Never noticed that before.

Being prepared is good, but being two hours early is horrifying. Instead of that torment, I decided to calm down and watch Hellraiser to set the right mood. Scares, leather and BDSM. Usually watched from more of a distance, I somehow felt like the main character Kirsty. Had I unlocked a lament configuration? Some unknown agreement to allow Leviathan free access to my body?

Well, that was an idea that enticed and excited me. I wonder what she’ll look like tonight.

After enough dawdling, and an appropriate number of other guests streaming into the house next door, I decided to head over. Somewhat laden with alcohol and halloween treats, I found a place to relieve myself of them. The building was bustling with witches, ghouls, vampires and all other manner of night creature. The costumes were fantastic, for the most part, and I felt like I had hit a rare perfect level of effort.

The house itself was laden with cobwebs, jack-o-lanterns and bones. Decoration was everywhere, to the point where it couldn’t *all* be seasonal. There was no way she moved that huge mirror above the fireplace just for this. It was a marvellous mood setting, mostly a mirror but surrounded with strange stained glass. Focusing on all the things around me, I almost didn’t notice that I couldn’t see the hostess at all.

Introductions to the most social members of the party came easy.

“Hi, I’m the neighbour!”

“Oh cool, I met Julia at *insert situation here*.”

“Right, yeah. Well I’m going to keep exploring, enjoy your evening!”

“You too!”

Go through that four or five times and you’ve pretty much solved the party. Do some finger guns when you bump into those people, have a smoke with them if they’re outside while you are, the rest of the night is golden. Except I had also started to wonder if I had been given a trick, rather than the treat. Where was she?

As if I had cued it up, she arrived. Someone changed the music and it seemed that a few others in the party were part of the theatre of it all.

“She arrives.” “She comes.” “The mistress awakens.”

Various other side-character lines as all eyes went to the large staircase to the second storey. Going all out, even the lighting changed as she began her decent. Someone kept a perfect beam of light right over her eyes and she joined the party as the perfect Morticia Addams. Slightly shorter, certainly, but every bit the gothic goddess that Anjelica Hudson cemented as a dream in my younger years.

Enraptured, I waited my turn patiently as she made the rounds to the assorted night parade of demons. If I had an actual tail, I think it would have been between my legs at this point. There wasn’t enough water or beer in the world to quench the thirst I felt whenever I spotted her. Always smiling, always the most gorgeous thing in the room. A black lace hat added mystique, covering her face from view in certain angles. She finally looked me in the eyes as she spotted me moving to get a better look at her. A smirk that could either have been charmed or dangerous came to her lips.

Her hips swayed dramatically as she walked over, enjoying every slow step as she made me wait for her to cross the room. I waved a little, but she continued smiling and made no other sign of acknowledgement. The effect as she moved across the space made her feel a thousand feet tall, her presence the only thing in mind.

“I thought I made it clear there were no pets allowed tonight.” She joked, being coquettish with a wink.

“I’m sorry,” I said, matching the energy, “I’m just a poor lost stray, I can go when the moon isn’t so full…” Trailing off playfully, we embraced as she had done with most guests. I wondered whether most guests got the wandering hand down the back of the trousers, but that was a distinct possibility.

“I have to entertain tonight, but come upstairs at the witching hour. You’ll love it.” Her whisper was so measured, laced with pure sexuality, that part of me wanted to actually howl. I settled for an ever so slight peck on the neck, which would look like the end of the embrace for anyone who had looked over curious. “Good boy.”

She continued on the rest of the night, and I did the same. I wasn’t actually a lost puppy, and the social side of the night was great. I felt a stare as a particularly cute witch talked to me over a cigarette, and turning I saw the same grin on Julia’s face. It was definitely dangerous then. Well, I decided to dive in feet first to that, so I flirted with the sorceress. Innocent, of course, but I was here to enjoy myself too.

The party continued into the night, and as the grandfather clock bonged an ominous 12 times, I was struck that there’s a lot of different interpretations of the Witching hours. Some say after midnight, some say between three and four AM. A feeling somewhere between panic and desperation mixed and I made my way upstairs.

As the door at the end of the hall was slightly ajar, I felt as though I had walked into a trap.

“Well, you certainly are a keen one.” Another wink, another look at the perfect body and radiant smile of my neighbour. Ignoring the fluttering heart, I continued down the hall. She seemed to think for a moment before shutting the door and meeting me halfway.

Our kiss was passionate. I was exploding with happiness to know I wasn’t the only one dying of a hidden passion all night. Being around her, not being able to touch, had been its own torture and pleasure all at once. The payoff was now, her juicy lips meeting mine, tongues dancing in excitement. My hand squeezed a perfect cheek, pulling her hips against meand she bit my lip before she let out a laughing growl.

She pulled away first, obviously. Smile still firm on her face, she nodded towards the door. I’d heard some of it as I came closer, but stood in that silence with her, it was clear now. We weren’t the only ones having fun right now.

“Would you like to join in? It’s my most time honoured halloween tradition.”

“I would like that very much, ma’am.” I gulped, but it was anticipation filling my throat, not nerves.

“Mmm, very good.” She stretched the syllables and began leading me to the room. The room had looked dark behind her when the door was opened. Entering now, I saw that it wasn’t without light, but the light was a dark purple that left everyone inside looking like a silhouette. It was a strange roiling mass of shadows colliding, moaning and panting. Still standing in the light of the doorway, Julia looked at me with a slight tilt of her head. Last chance to back out if you’re not ready, her look said.

But I absolutely was.

“Keep the wolf face on, enjoy yourself.”

With that, she closed the door. I couldn’t tell whether she had stayed in the room or not, and shifted slightly uncomfortably, not knowing what I should do.

Awkwardness wasn’t terribly quick to shed, but it fell away along with my clothes. Guided by different sized hands to an area to undress, I did so quickly. I waited in the changing area for a moment. The giggles, moans and wet slapping sounds all around me were a strange new favourite genre of music. I was throbbing when I left, wearing just my boots and my underwear. The boxers could be thrown away at any point, but I felt a little less exposed than when I had tried pulling them off.

The first hand that touched me was feminine, soft, with nails that traced a suggestion of desire. It eroded some of the tension, and as another hand joined, masculine, I started to lose myself to them. I trusted the night, and fell into it.

The lips that kissed mine had whiskey behind them, not unattractive but smoky. They were thin though, so I searched for other places to put my lips. I found nipples first, using my tongue to elicit a high toned hasp. She was petite, this shadow lover. My hands sliding around bare skin, feeling her softness and his. There were three of us in the small pile of blankets, pillow and lust. Strong fingers caressed my hair gently. I absently wondered if the pair were a couple outside of the room or not, but decided it didn’t matter.

My hand reached for him. This was far beyond my normal pale, but like I said, there’s magic in the air on halloween. We both shuddered slightly as I found his body. His body hair was thin, moving easily as I moved my hand lower. The woman had been kissing my neck from behind, now her nails found my hips. No pain, but the scratching took my breath away. How had she found a weak spot so quickly?

“We spoke you downstairs, we were waiting once we saw you in the door.”

A thrill went through my nearly naked body. I thought I recognised the voice as belonging to a catwoman I had shared some rum with earlier. That meant he was probably the Riddler that had been wrapped around her. Putting a face to the silhouettes was interesting, and I couldn’t help but reach for the ass I had checked out earlier. They wanted me? I was more happy to oblige.

Her firm ass felt great in my left hand, my right still busy slowly stroking his hard cock. She grabbed my hand and moved her hips, brushing my fingers against the soaking wet lips between her legs. I didn’t need more explanation as I began playing with the pair of them. They wrapped around me more, blanketing me with their yearning. I played with them both for a while.

I kept my underwear on, and they seemed to respect that as a sign. Their hands brushed me, but never tried to remove them. As thanks, and because it’s my favourite thing in the world, I finished them both with my mouth. No supreme casanova, it was more like popping a balloon. The tension of the room had kept me somewhat contained, but had allowed those two to become primed. It was gratifying to leave the pair spent on the floor. I felt a little bit like her, that first night with me.

A drink was needed, and as so often seemed to happen around Julia, my need was met instantly. Her bedroom was large, and the bed itself sat lower into the room. On the left wall, near the changing area, was a table. Beside it was the only bright light in the room, aimed towards the refreshments available. It created an effect of only the hands and forearm being tangible as drinks were made. Very Mr Thing.

I couldn’t help myself from rapping my fingertips on the table and making a show of my hand in that light. The darkness of the room, the makeup on my face and the slight tipsiness of alcohol combined into a very freeing atmosphere. The water I poured was cold, so I sipped with my eyes closed and a smile on my lips.

Was this really happening? This is crazy.

I finished my drink and removed my smile with a slight bite. I turned.

I’d have recognised that shadow out of a lineup of hundreds. About five foot, somehow still with perfect curves even in the shade of the room. I could almost feel her smile and gaze. Her hand reached out and, nails first, slid her fingers up my torso before grabbing my neck.

“Having fun so far, puppy?” I was suddenly a little upset that I had left the collar I had bought at home. I had clearly thought about it a little too much, right now it felt like I was missing a final piece of a puzzle.

“Lots.” I replied before kissing her. My hand reaching out, I was started to grab, squeeze and hold every part of her body. Her naked skin was warm and inviting, though like myself she had underwear on. The sexiest lingerie in the world, I imagined, as my fingers gently ran over fishnet stockings. The inability to see was driving my imagination to dizzying heights.

“So.” She said, grabbing my ass and moving down to my bare thigh.

“So,” I repeated. “Where do you want me, ma’am?” I added. I hoped that she would feel encouraged to start using me as I metaphorically showed my belly. A sudden inhale from her told me it worked.

“Good boy,” she purred, her nails digging into my skin a little. “Let’s move over here where it’s comfortable. That will be a change for us.”

She moved us over to the bed, the people lounging around and on it seeming to know it was her. They parted like the red sea, and she turned me so I fell onto my back.

“Are you here for me tonight?” She asked.

“Only you.” I replied, truthfully.

“Are you my little puppy?”

“I’m your perfect fucking sextoy.” I had dressed as a werewolf, but the actual puppy talk wasn’t for me.

“That’s right. You’re my plaything. I can use you however I want?” She crooned over me, taking my hint perfectly. God she’s fucking perfect.

“Absolutely.” I gave myself to her.

“Good. Shall we take these off?” She pinged the elastic of my boxers. I nodded, but vocalised when I realised that she probably couldn’t see that. They came away alongside the slight scrape of nails over hips and thigh. The same weak spot as earlier, but this time I turned to jelly. She straddled me, still somewhat clothed. Positioned to whisper in my ear, no more, she asked:

“Do you trust me? You can give me something I’ve always wanted.”

“That’s all I want to do. Yes, I trust you.”

“Safe word?”

“Uhh,” my throat dried a little, but the first thing that came to mind, and therefore my lips, was “sweatshirt.”

I didn’t have to see her to know her eyebrow curled at that. I was also glad she couldn’t see my definitely blushing face.

“Okay. Now then, just relax, and do what I tell you. Lie down, close your eyes.” I followed her instructions as she said them, even the one to relax. She calmed me even in excitement, and I would forever chase that feeling.

“Right then,” she said, drawing out the words. “You can go first.”

I felt Julia’s hands start to stroke my face, her voice whispering soft nothings in my ears. I tensed as another pair of hands joined, soft hands touching mine.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.” The hypnotic repetition of the words reminded me that this was part of the fun. I had told her to use me like a sex toy, so she was. She was sharing me, and the realisation made me throb. Suddenly, it felt like all of my blood had turned my member into a solid beam. A pair of lips closed around the head, and I started to groan a little.

“It’s the witch from outside,” the hostess whispered conspiratorially. “Did you like her?”

“I thought she was absolutely stunning.” I answered truthfully. The movement on my cock increased in intensity, I felt a moan from the throat vibrate through me. It felt fantastic, though my focus was also on the hands pinching my nipples. Julia rested my head on her chest as the witch continued sucking. “Did you want to fuck her? Did you think about her body while you were outside?” The questions were for myself and the witch, I knew.

“I wanted to bend her over and go down on her in front of all those people.”

“I bet you did. You should have told her, she might have let you.”

“I would,” came a voice from my groin. I melted at that, her part of the conversation making the situation feel even more real. My cock pulsed as the witch moved her mouth away. I began to make a noise of complaint before my mouth was covered by Julia’s hand.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be back.”

Sure enough, moments later she returned. I felt the condom sliding down over my shaft expertly. My feet still touched the floor, my back on the bed, she began to ride me. My mouth still covered, I moaned quietly. She was incredible, her hips moving like a dancer. So warm, my mind started to lose grasp on dirty talk.

“You’re so gorgeous.” I said, even though I could see neither of them. They laughed as they both kissed each other. Julia moved my left hand up, and pressed it into her panties. I moved them to the side and sheathed two of my fingers in her. My thumb found her clit quickly, and I slowly moved my digits. She shook a little, and her kiss seemed more passionate.

“Fuck him harder.” A thunderbolt rocked through me as I heard her command to the witch. The thunder continued as the woman fucked me harder, and then harder still. She started to get louder, and so did I. It felt amazing, her hips grinding against mine, forcing me as deep as I could go.

The witch leant down to kiss me, and kissed the back of Julia’s hand. She moved it, and her tongue found mine. She tasted of cherry schnapps, and I liked it. Then another tongue joined in, and suddenly we were all moaning. It was incredible, and my hands met Julia’s constantly as we both stroked and grabbed at the still bouncing witch.

“I’m going to cum.” I’m not sure who said it first, but quickly the witch and I were repeating it over and over again.

“You’re my toy, and you have to wait for me.” All of my body froze in strange ways at the words. They were whispered into my ear, and served to place a stopper inside of me. It wasn’t a cruel thing to do, but it was torturous. As the witch came on me, slamming down slower and slower, but with more and more force, my breathing came in tattered rags. The finished witch atop me slid off after a few more kisses and moments to catch her breath.

The condom went with her, and fell onto me, empty. I had been good.

“I did good, right?” My normal astounding lexicon was completely thrown out the window at this point, turned to my most basic understanding.

“You did so well, baby. It’s my turn now.”

“Oh god, thank you ma’am.”

“You have to make me cum before you can though.”

I blinked hard. The darkness had shifted slightly, my eyes now used to the purple light. I could make out features in the dark, and she was smiling devilishly. I could do that. I could definitely do that.

At least, I thought so. Then she slid onto me, without using a condom. We both knew each other, and my mind was definitely not primarily on safety as she started to move. It feels so different without a condom, and I was sure that we were both designed for each other. I filled her so perfectly that each thrust was addictive. I would happily fuck this woman for the rest of my life, I thought.

“Goooooood, I don’t know if I can last any longer.” I whimpered. My fingers were massaging her clitoris, teeth gently biting her neck or ear lobes when I could manage. The witch had stayed to help, and as she twisted Julia’s nipples, she caused a very sexy moan. I was sitting right on the edge, but amazed that I hadn’t erupted yet.

“You’ve done so well.” My cock pulsed. “You’re such a good boy, with such a fucking amazing cock.” I throbbed and pulsed another two times. “And you’re.” Pulse. “Going.” My whole body began to convulse. “To make.” Her head leaned back, changing her position slightly. “Me cum.” I felt her muscles tighten around me, and I couldn’t hold back any more. As I began groaning, I reached up and grabbed Julia, holding her body next to mine as I fucked harder and harder. I was so sensitive but every thrust was a step higher on my list of most incredible feelings ever. The witch moved down and began stroking my balls, we slowed our bucking and I continued releasing. I hadn’t cum in days.

After I awoke from my shaking, semi-coma-inducing orgasm-induced blackout, I was glad to noticed I was laying on towels on the bed. We definitely made a mess. Julia was still shaking, moaning and playing with herself even as I lay helpless. Fucked into a stupor, I watched mesmerised.

“Get a drink.” Julia said, suddenly serious. I obliged, but asked why she told me to so suddenly. She was still fucking herself with her fingers while she explained.

“The night is just getting started.” I leapt for a drink, and started to get ready for round two.


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