The Mistake [M][F]

Harry was running late for class.

It was an unfortunate day to be in such a hurry. It was a hot one. Harry had stopped by at the convenience store to buy a soda on his way to catch the bus. The bus was running late and dropped him off on campus a few minutes after his class had already started.

Harry noticed the familiar feeling of needing the bathroom. As he exited the bus, he was anxious to stop at the men’s room before class. He turned a corner and grasped for the door handle…but found it to be locked.

Panic set in in his mind. There was nothing to do but to find the nearest restroom and hope he made it in time.

“Hi Harry, what’s the rush?”

A voice behind him.

He recognized the is as Suzie’s, a classmate of his.

Harry turned to face her, an apology forming in his mind meant to politely excuse himself.

He missed his step.

He thought he could correct himself but before he even knew what was happening, he was no longer upright. He felt the pain in his knee first as it scraped on the ground. He opened his mouth in a painful gurn, wide eyed, looking at it. Then he thought about how stupid he must have looked, and how he wished Suzie hadn’t seen his stupid face. Then, his back cramped up. His pale hairy legs flailed around every which way.

Harry lay there on the ground, his head and his knee and his back hurting. If only his back would stop cramping. He tried to will himself to get the muscle to loosen up. He was in so much pain.

Then he noticed a wetness, and an eerie silence except for the sound of violently rushing water.

He knew before he really knew and yet his mind tried to figure out what it could be. Why his leg would be wet. Why was there water, why wouldn’t it stop.

His back cramped even harder, and Harry’s mouth opened wide again and he made a regretful noise. “Huhhhh. Huhhhhhhh” he moaned uncontrollably. It turned into a whine. His teeth began to chatter like he was cold. He was jerking and writhing on the ground like he was having a seizure, but it was just his muscles spasming from the pain of his back.

He could imagine what it looked like, but he was helpless to stop it. One side of his shorts and underwear had pulled aside in the fall. He realized he was not only continuing to urinate, but that his balls and shaft were flapping around while he was doing so from all the movement.

Suzie’s face came into vision close to his.

He looked at her, still wetting himself, feeling on the verge of crying as she gazed at him with a face that said she wanted to leave. It was a look of deep, deep disgust and pity, poorly hidden by what was supposed to be a look of tenderness and concern.

Worse still, he was still pissing. He tried to stop chattering his mouth. He was trying to will himself to form the words to get away. She was getting too close to the puddle. Too close to his unfortunately leaking dick.

He could smell the urine now.

He tried to speak to her, but what came out of his lips was a pathetic “Suzziuuuzzzzzie…”

“Suzie get away go away.”

“No, Harry,” she said, trying not to sound disgusted. “It’s all right, you’re going to be ok. Are you all right? Do you need an ambulance?”

“Suzie I wet my pants,” he breathed.

“That’s OK, Harry” She said, trying and failing to look accepting.

“Suzie I got my pee on you I’m so sorry” he said, starting to cry.

Her expression dropped as she whipped her head around in the direction of his naked crotch and her jeans-clad legs.
She had been avoiding before staring at his ridiculous member. But he knew that she saw it now. They both stared as she noticed that his stinky puddle on the concrete had made its way fully under her, and that his trickling penis was sending little jets onto her pants.

He felt paralyzed. He couldn’t even will himself to put his penis away into his shorts. He could move his back again. But he lay there, wishing he were dead.

Harry sat crying in the passenger’s seat of Suzie’s car, his salty piss drying on his body. His knee stinging. He was there because she insisted she take him back to his dorm.

She forced a sad smile at him, and brought forth an empty Gatorade bottle. Wordlessly, she reached between his legs and put the shaft in the hole. “Here,” she said. “I thought maybe you might still have to go.”

Harry found he did have to go. Even after all that. He didn’t resist. He felt thoroughly violated. Nothing mattered anymore.
He made urine in the bottle, the rushing sound filling the silence of the car. She capped what he made and put it in the console.

With a look of pity on her face, she delicately took his piss soaked shaft and jiggled it quickly.

Harry felt shocked. She responded before he could say anything.

She said in a sad, soft voice “It’s ok, Harry. you can do it. Get it all out.”

Harry’s nipples perked up under his shirt.

He felt himself becoming incredibly hard and erect. Suzie’s deft fingers were so quick and delicate. There was barely any pressure, but he felt his manhood start to feel very very hard. They both gazed at his fat penis. They continued to stare as the first sign of his emission made its appearance, an eruption that dripped audibly onto the car floor.

“There.” she said, “isn’t that better?”

His penis responded by shooting out another squirt of liquid.

“Oh my, that feels good doesn’t it?”

It did feel good. Harry marveled at his own cock and this young woman’s soft fingers holding his sensitive, sensitive penis enthusiastically emitting spurt after spurt in rapid fire. He seemed to have so much semen in him. His penis sprayed and leaked and sprayed again!
