Monsteria Encyclopedia: prologue Chinese dragon


My name is Marcus Theroux deLamange Montier. I have decided to keep a log of my journey to the east. Under the sponsorship of Lord Phillip of Valois, I am heading to the eastern country to catalog the species of flora and fauna of the region.

As I am writing this I am traveling across what the local denizens call, the silk road, I found a merchant who charged a fair rate for me to travel along with him to a place called China.

Many things have happened these past years. For one, the plagues have been quelled. A young doctor by the name of Xin came with a miraculous medicine that seemed to both cures and prevents the plague. But, a decision had to be made concerning the myriad of sick that still perpetrate.

The sick and unfortunate were rounded up and sent to exile where the plague started, England. They have been locked away behind huge iron walls. It was a lengthy process, but it was for the good of the rest of us.

Luckily being under the employ of Lord Philip, I was granted a dose of the medicine before succumbing to my sickness.

Xin’s timely remedy is the cause of my adventure to the east. I am to find any type of medicinal item in case another plague breaks out. It is a task I take on with heavyweight.

I go with God on this holy mission, so help me our Lord and savior.

Y.1335 10 weeks into my journey.

My traveling companions have told me we are nearing China, I have done some trade in the small towns and villages we have passed on our way. I have to admit, this land is beautiful, full of lush greenery, and plants I have never seen before.

As I am writing we are passing through a forest, but every tree is completely covered in a small moss-like plant the locals call Kudzu. I have taken a small sample.

Y.1335 11 weeks into my journey

The universe is funny, along my way I met a familiar face. I was in a caravan taking a rest along the road. We greeted each other and made plans to meet up again in the future. He says he will help me understand the local’s strange language.

Y.1335 w.15

We’ve stopped. The merchant says that this is how far he is going for this trip. we’ve stopped in a clearing outside of a little village. Curiously enough, Xin was there as well.

He helped me unload my research tools. It was only three cases, but I was glad for his help.

We walked into the village. Being the only European was strange, many people stared at me as we made our way down the road to what I assume is an inn.

Xin did all the talking, their language is something I simply must learn, I will ask Xin to teach me one day.

Y.1335 w.16

I spent my time talking with Xin, asking him to teach me this countries language. He said I might be able to in some time.

I also planned an expedition into the forest surrounding this village, Xin tells me there are some ruins he wants to show me.

The architecture in China is simply astounding. Instead of being confined and close together, each building gets its own space to occupy. The buildings themselves are made of stone and ceramic tiles for roofs. The tiles go in a curved manner from their pinnacle towards the hem.

This country is so interesting.

Y1335 w.18

Tomorrow Xin and I will be going into the woods to explore the ruins he has told me about.

Y.1335 w.18 first-person pers.

I woke up as I have for the past few weeks. The sun has barely risen past the horizon and Xin and I have been meditating for hours.

He has taught me the subtle ways of his religion these past weeks. The ways of Buddha are strange to me, the idea of birth after death in an infinite cycle. While I do not prescribe to this belief, I find it very interesting and want to learn more.

The sun begins to rise from the horizon and it is time for us to begin our day. While Xin may have taught me his religious ways, I have taught him the art of cooking. Today I made a breakfast of roasted duck and bread. Using the spices I traded for on my way here made it an amazing treat for our outing.

I packed lunch as well. The remainder of the duck, toast, and a bottle of wine.

Right then, we went to the clearing that led up a mountain to a shrine to some deity.

The strangest thing happened. As I started at the curved symbols that make up the language. They started to make sense to me. Seemingly translating themselves in my head.

The markers that dictated the shrine ahead had spelled out the name Changxi.


Xin says he must go back to the village, he says he won’t be long and to wait for him at the shrine. I obliged and continued on my way.

As soon as Xin left my line of sight, I felt this strange foreboding feeling in my stomach. Like being watched.

May God protect me.

The great of the hike was nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the feeling of being watched.

I arrived at the small shrine. It was well taken care of, despite its age. Various talismans and wards had been spread around the area.

The feeling of being watched has reached its peak now.

I sat down and crossed my legs and began to meditate. Something told me that it was what I should do.

My hunch must have been correct. Because the feeling went away.

Then the most peculiar thing happened.

When I opened my eyes, it was night. I only shut them for a moment, but what I saw was not the bright sun, but the moon hanging low in the sky.

My heart was racing.

Something moved. Something was coming towards me.

I tried to move, but my body refused my orders.

My heart hammered in my ears. My body screamed to move.

The moon seemed too bright, too close as if it was midday.

That’s when I heard it.

The sky seemed to open. Clouds form a valley in the very air. A bright light shone through the newly opened hole.

The intense radiance of the light was something I could only describe as holy. A beam of celestial glow shining on the small area of the shrine. The plants seemed greener. The darkness was only a faint memory in the sight of this wave of purest light.

I felt tears burn down the side of my cheek.

All fear was gone.

Then she descended.

A wurm made its way down from the crack in the sky. A long lizard with glowing white scales and green tendrils all along its spine.

Its face had an elongated snout beset by two giant blue eyes.

I felt I both knew her, and could never know what she is. She treated down to the earth like a bolt of lightning.

She dove behind the shrine, there was a blinding light. And as soon as it started, it was over.

I was alone in the dark again. But this time. I felt as if everything was calm.

Did my eyes deceive me?

No, they did not.

From behind the shrine, I heard movement.

My body responded to my call. I stood, my legs were wobbly under me.

Then I smelt something awful, the smell of burnt flesh and decay.

I turned around and, to my horror, five corpses of large green-skinned creatures lay behind me.

I felt my body convulse.

What in heaven’s name have I witnessed.

I took a cursory step forward. Then another.

I approached the shrine and felt my hair stand on end.

And I smelled something sweet.

Then she stepped out from behind the shrine. A beautiful woman standing just a tad under me. She had long dark hair and pale skin, so pale it was like seeing a banshee.

She was also naked.

Her face was sharp but held hidden with kindness. Her body was fit, with long arms and legs.

She took another step out and I could see something strange.

Her legs ended in clawed feet, not unlike a lizard. And she had a long tail sprouting just above her ample behind. It had white scales.

Her hands ended in long fingers beset by long black nails.

She took another step towards me, her tail swishing from side to side.

I wanted to be scared, but her presence was soothing.

“Hello.” Her voice was small and sweet. “I am Chiangxi, this is my home, may I help you?”

My thoughts were scrambled. Why could I understand her? Why is her name plastered everywhere? What was that wurm I saw?

“I am Marcus. Im an explorer under Lord Philip of Valois.” My words came out slow and shakey.

“Marcus, that’s a funny name” she giggled. It was a little joyous sound. “May I ask why you have come here, and why you knelt at my altar?”

Her altar? Does she mean the shrine? “I was here with a friend. He was with me a moment ago. He said I needed to see this shrine. I decided to meditate and, well. Here we are.”

” I see.” She spoke softly. She raised a hand to her face and stared at her long claws. “Was your friend’s name perhaps, Xin?”

“Yes, he brought over a medicine and saved a lot of lives.” I scratched my neck in anxiety. ” How do you know him?”

She stopped checking her nails and just sat down, treating the air below her as a stool. She crossed her legs.

“He is a devout follower of mine. I appeared to him one day, much as I did to you. and after some delegations, we struck a deal. And it seems he delivered.”

My heart thumped. “What deal?”

“I asked him with bringing me a specimen I have not had the pleasure of seeing in the pale moon’s glow.” She lingered on the word ‘pleasure’ elongating it, almost purring it.

“And am I that something?”

“Not quite, but I find the ones from the Europa land interesting.”

“What do you mean?”

“You and yours seem to be fascinated by this world in a way no other has been. My sister is wary of you, but I want to know more.”

“Well, I am willing to have a chat. Umm, you wouldn’t mind covering up a bit, would you?”

She tilted her head. “Why would I? Do you find my body displeasing?” She looked with puppy dog eyes.

“, it’s just, umm, it’s hard to focus.”

She smiled, her red lips curling into a devilish contour.

“My, my. I think your curiosity is showing in full attention.” She lazily wagged a finger towards me, more specifically, the growing bulge in my pants.

“Umm, I’m sorry. You are quite beautiful, and, umm. Wow, is it hot?”

“Are you uncomfortable?” She waved her hand through the air, and it felt like the temperature dropped substantially.

“, I was just… please make it warm again.”

She giggled and waved her hand again, returning the temperature to warmth.

“May I ask what it is you want?” I said bluntly.

“Simple, I want someone to go and experience the greatest pleasure this world has to offer.”

My bulge grew much more intense suddenly.

“And you seem like a great candidate.” She said.

I gulped.

“But first.” She waved her hand again. And two things happened.

Firstly, I was nude. My clothes simply disappeared from my body. My erection stood proudly in front of me.

Secondly, she was holding half of a peach. It was one of the most perfect peaches I’ve ever seen, golden skin, juicy, and listening with juices.

“If you wish to become my explorer. I want you to do something.”

I gulped and nodded.

“What I have in my hands is the other half of a Peach of Immortality. I will give it to you to do as you please. But, you must please me.”

She looked me directly in the eyes and I crossed her legs, her hairless pussy looked perfect and delicious.

“Carnally.” She smiled and the peach vanished again.

Whatever happens next. God help me.

I stepped forward and forced any reservations down into the pit of my stomach. By God, I will do as she asks.

I came up to her, and held out my hand, offering it to her.

She smiled and took it.

I raised her, she stood in front of me, her cool eyes trained on mine.

I pulled her closer, meeting her face with mine. Her breath was steady. This close she smelt exactly like poppy flowers.

I grabbed her chin lightly., bringing her into a soft kiss. She accepted. I planted my lips on hers.

She was soft as silk and tasted like honey. We shared the passionate kiss, our tongues wrestling with each other. It was amazing. She felt like a storm under my fingertips, sexual energy brewing like lightning.

My mind completely succumbed to her touch, to her skin, to her everything. She wanted me to please her, and I couldn’t say no.

I relented in the kiss, she smiled at me again, her blue eyes shimmering like the brightest drop of moonlit water.

She took a step back and sat back down on her invisible stool, spreading her beautiful legs wide to give me a full view of her magnificent sex.

I knew my next task, i got on my knees in front of her. Her smile was that of a fox, cunning and hungry.

I looked towards my target, a glistening slit. A perfect representation of the female form. My heart was thumping against my head. I laid my hand on her bare thigh, her skin was cool and smooth.
I swallowed and moved closer to her sex.

I didn’t waste a moment, I dove headfirst into her. My tongue darted out, tasting her sweet nectar.

It was unlike anything ive ever tasted. Sweet, salty, savory, all in one delicious package.

She let out a low groan as i ran my tongue up and down her, tasting every single crevice i could get to. I was completely engrossed in her, licking up and down, circling her clit with the tip of my tongue. Kissing her folds was like kissing an angel.

She let loose a barrage of soft moans, encouraging me forward. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her slightly, giving me better access to her wet hole, I attacked with a flurry of licks, pokes, kisses, and flicks.

I was blur on her sex. Doing everything in my power to please this mysterious goddess.

Her breathing became more erratic, her moans more guttural, her body forcing herself forward into my mouth.

I felt her hands on the back of my head, grinding against me. I drank greedily from her grand fountain.

She let out one last ecstatic moan. And i found myself being covered in her juices, her pussy squirting its fluid into and on me.

O didn’t relent, eating her faster and faster, riding out her orgasm.
I pulled myself away to see the woman laying on her back, floating in the air. Panting with a pleased expression on her face.

“Amazing mortal. You have more than done your task.” she sat up. Still breathing hard. “Now, for your reward.” she waved her hand and the peach half from earlier appeared. “Dine from its flesh.”

I took the peach from her hands and raised it to my mouth. I took a bite.

All at once, I understood.

I felt invigorated, I felt powerful. I had energy boundless.

I was as close to god as a man could be.

I finished the peach, its sweet juices running down my face.

I looked down at my lover. My need was at its fullest now.

“Now my lover,” she spoke, “I want you to fill me with your seed, i want to consummate your ascension.”

I didn’t speak, I simple stepped forward and lifted her legs high to the sky.

I plunged myself into her incredible sex.

Her cunt gripped around my cock, the wet muscle messaging me as i thrust myself deep into her.

It wasn’t like anything id experienced before. It wasn’t just a moist tunnel. It was a flowing river of aphrodisiac pleasure.

I kept pressing myself into her, thrust after thrust, filling her cunt with my cock meat.

Her moans were erotic, sexually charged.

I felt her clamp down on me again, her pussy becoming so tight I couldn’t move. She shivered, shaking violently as she came again on my cock.
When she was done i pulled myself out with a pop.

My cock glistened with her juices.

I grabbed her by the ankles and shifted her even further upward. I found my prize.

A singular hole right below her wet pussy.

I pressed my cock against her ass, my head laying right on her entrance.

“Oh my, well, who am i to say no. as long a you dont mind a bit of tit for tat.”

I felt her tail snake around moving up my leg to my ass. I was surprised but didn’t say no.

I took a breath and pressed my cock deeper into her. My head slipped into her ass. As i did, her tail wormed its way into mine. It was a strange feeling, ive never done something like it.
It pressed deeper into me as i did the same to her.

I eventually bottomed out in her ass, and her tail found a spot inside of me, a little button. And I loved it. Her tail messaged that spot with fervor, rubbing hard against me as I thrust myself in her.

It was one of the most pleasurable things ive ever fel. Being pleased by her tail and her tight ass.

I was done with the pleasantries. I went as fast as i could, filling her over and over again with my cock flesh. Her tail kept rubbing on that pleasurable spot. I felt the rumble of my orgasm approach.

I kept pushing, kept thrusting, kept filling her. I was so close my cock felt like it was on fire.

I pulled myself out of her ass, she understood and her tail unwound itself from me and moved to my cock, coiling around it, moving up and down with a ferverous motion.

“Yes, cover me in your holy seed my explorer. I want to feel your power on my body, your new demi-godhood.”

The encouragement was all i needed. My cock erupted with white hot liquid. Rope, after rope, after rope of my seed splattered ont her body. There was so much.

I felt weak. My eyes closed and i drifted off to sleep.

“Sleep well my explorer.”

When i awoke i was back at the hotel. I assumed it must have been a dream.

I looked out of the small window, and my heart stopped.

A wurm flew passed the moon. A long creature with glowing white scales.


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  1. hey all, new story coming at ya, hope you enjoy. If you do leave a like and a comment telling me what you like. And if you really love it, me, or my content in general. Please check out the patreon.

    Love you all! kisses!

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