It’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly [oral] [MF]

We’re in the same city again. It’s been so long. Too long.

We agree to meet at your hotel. My conference networking dinner dragged on. You know how eager I was to leave. You know I’m on my way.

I reach your hotel. I have dressed as instructed, so that won’t be a surprise. My yoga pants and sports bar probably make me look like I’m returning from a workout… rather than about to head into one! The surprise is the vibrator I inserted, although based on
[previous events at dinner](, maybe it won’t be such a surprise?

I take the elevator to the 14th floor and start down the hall looking for your room. As I reach to knock, I spot that you’ve left the door unlatched so I can let myself in. Nice move.

I push open the door and immediately notice the room is dimly lit. I take a few steps in, expecting to find you sprawled out, naked on the bed. I’m pleasantly startled when out of nowhere you appear (from the bathroom?) and I feel your hand on my throat as you push me against the wall. Your kiss is rough, and I can instantly feel the friction your day-old stubble creates against my smooth skin. It turns me on. A lot.

Your actions have already screamed out to me, telling me you also know it’s been too long, and there’s no time to move slowly. My pussy is dripping wet and we haven’t even started.

I can’t move my head to look down, but with the thinness of my yoga pants, I can easily feel your rock hard nakedness pushing against me. My hand reaches around to grab your ass. Possibly for balance, but mostly because I just really like your ass.

I start melting to the floor, in the hope that you’ll release me. It works. As I start sliding down onto my knees, I pull the vibrator remote out and hand it over. The look in your eye, and the smirk on your face tells me that you suspected this would happen, and you’re excited that it did.

I don’t even make it onto my knees before you’ve hit the on button, and instantly twitch with the sensation. Will I be able to last with it inside me like this? I’m so fucking horny. It’s a maybe at best.

Part of me wants to take it slow, to tease. To lick every last inch of your cock. To twirl my tongue around the tip. To suck your balls, before I take you into my mouth… but the other part of me feels the hunger. It’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly.

Still, I try to start the tease. It lasts all of 10 seconds before I feel your hand in my hair, and you pull me in. In and out. Out and in. You are hungry too. I try to push you back so I can go at my speed, but it’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly.

You pull me all the way in, and your cock goes down my throat. My gag reflex kicks in. You know I don’t really like it, but you also know you can push my boundaries. I trust you, and you know I will speak up if it becomes too much.

I grab on to your ass for some stability. Did I mention I love grabbing your ass. So toned and sexy!

And I let you fuck my face.

Yes my boundaries are being pushed, but the sounds you are making! Sounds of pure enjoyment. You’re not going to last long this first round, because it’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly.

To distract from the gag reflex, I start wondering where you will decide to cum. In my mouth? On my face? All over my sports bra like you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but the clothes are never on for long enough?

I am really enjoying listening to your low, gutteral, almost primal sounds, which are becoming more frequent. The biggest moan escapes while you’re right at the back of my throat. Like a good girl, I don’t pull away as the first rope explodes in my mouth.

As you start to return from where ever it was you drifted off to, I can see the cogs turning in your brain. Never one to miss an opportunity, you pull your cock out and let the last ropes shoot out across my sports bra and my lap.

Looking up, I swallow what’s in my mouth and smile. The grin on your face let’s me know how proud you are of the mess you’ve just made!

It’s been too long, there’s no time to move slowly… we’re still in the entrance, and there’s still the table, couch, bathroom and bed to explore!

Full disclosure: this is my first time writing fiction, should I do more?

Also, he’s dropped the hint many times that he’d like to write a story that I can then post… what can I do to motivate that to happen?



  1. You should absolutely write more. Write what turns you on and fantasies you may have. Write about experiences you have had and spice them up. Skies the limit and it’s a great way to express yourself. You are off to a great start!

    If your partner wants to try writing, have him try a short paragraph on a fantasy he has, like he is writing you a letter, or telling you a story. Have him write more for you if you both enjoy it and share openly if and when you’re ready.

    Look forward to reading more of your writing.

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