[23F] 3 guys and 1 night

When it comes to the internet, everyone is a voyeur… you get to search for new kinks you might not even know you like or just tried and true content that you already know you want to see. One of the most interesting thing about the internet in 2021 is the accessibility to people that would have been very insulated even a few years ago. Back in the day you had to make do with tweeting at so-and-so, fully knowing they’d never answer you and your message would be lost in a sea of noise, riding the ether along with the petabytes of other images, videos, and inane chatter. If I had been born in the late 80s, instead of the late 90s, I would have been stuck in early facebook years and none of you would have ever seen my tits or know about my deep love of pegging men who crave domination. I want to say that I spend in the ballpark of 2 or 3 hours a day interacting directly with people on various platforms and I really dig being the subject of so many voyeurs.

Most recently, I’ve had a lot of gals and guys ask me some typical questions. One of the more prevalent being, “what’s the sluttiest thing i’ve ever done?”. Well, I’ll tell you, firsthand, life is far stranger than fiction and I’ve deleted five stories in the post because, frankly, the story was so out there, people would naturally just say, “bullshit!” I’ve lived an exciting life and I’ve kept my mind open and allowed myself to sample from the cornucopia of sexual possibilities that is presented by consenting adults with creative imaginations and mouth-watering bodies. So… I’ll tell a fun story that I think my readers will enjoy, but, I assure you, this one is lame compared to some of the more risqué things I’ve done.

Just before covid, I met a group of fun guys at a club. I was dancing with all of them and I was really into it, so… I went home with 2 of them and we had a threesome. But THAT was not the sluttiest part! I mean, they were both good and, honestly, being spit-roasted is just such an incredible feeling… but it was the following morning that I did something incredibly slutty. The two guys were roommates and around 3am, one of the guys left and I slept naked in the room belonging to… let’s call him ‘Mark’. Well, when the sun woke us up, Mark got up and just went into the living room and started watching tv and he left the door wide open.

So, I was hunting around the room for my clothes when I startled another guy who totally didn’t expect to see me naked, looking for my bra in his roommate’s bedroom. He asked me, incredulously, what I was doing and I responded, “fucking your friends”. He replied “oh” and there was an awkward silence. Then I blurted out that I’d be willing to fuck him as well… he was pretty hot… I wanted another round with Mark but he was too busy eating Lucky Charms, so this guy will do… he was just wearing basketball shorts and an old t-shirt… great body… So… he then got really nervous and then replied that he’d take a bj and I sauntered into the hallway, completely naked, dropped to my knees and tried to suck his dick. There were like 5 guys in the living room and they all looked over like something magic was happening and started cheering their friend. But the guy would not give me his dick, even though he asked for the bj like he actually fucking wanted it in front of everyone!! Then he kinda ran over to the couch to be with his friends and hid! Honestly, it takes a very special certain kind of person to be able to get hard and perform for an audience of strangers, let alone your fucking roommates… It also turns out, what really made him run away was no less than two of the guys on the couch had pulled out their phones to record it!!! So… there I was, naked and kinda annoyed that this guy literally ran away from me when I was trying to suck his dick… until a third guy jumped up from the couch, confidently walked to me, said that HE wanted the bj, but in his room… so, I went with him into a different bedroom and he whipped his cock out from his under armor shorts and I went to work sucking… well, after about 10 seconds in my mouth, he decided that he wanted to fuck, but then confessed he didn’t have a condom… I chose to ignore him and began jerking him really fast and in another ten second he started breathing like he got hit in the neck with a hockey puck and I quickly formed a seal around his head so this guy wouldn’t blast me with cum… at that point, the whimsy of offering to fuck the guy in the hallway had long worn off and I was ready to gtfo of there…

Looking back on it, the main reason I even offered to fuck the guy in the hallway was because Mark just completely left me in his room to go watch NFL pregame and eat Lucky Fucking Charms! At like five in the morning we had sex a second time and, even though he was no older than 25, he came twice when we got home from the club and once at 5am. The 5am sex was actually really good – a lot more intimate and focused on me than when I was juggling two cocks at once. It didn’t take a genius to understand that Mark was not interested in a fourth round, and he was probably feeling a tad awkward for being within touching distance of his friend when the guy shuddered and filled a condom inside of me while I had Mark’s dick in my mouth – especially considering that guy was eating cereal right next to him… he was probably remembering his friend eating me out from behind the way he slurped those Lucky Charms…

Well, either way… hockey puck came in my mouth and I carried his sperm to the bathroom and spat it in the sink. Then I used the bottle of listerine to rinse him out of my mouth, peed, then rummaged through Mark’s room and FINALLY found my outfit – Mark’s room was a mess.

When I was looking, the hallway guy in basketball shorts approached me AGAIN and asked for a “closed door bj” and I said “no” very sternly – he missed his chance. After that I grabbed my stuff and left.

It wasn’t the most crazy story, but it I made 3 different cocks cum 6 loads in total, which is definitely a slutty hookup in anyone’s book! And the whole thing just happens to be true… What are some of the stories I decided not to tell because they’re just… almost too crazy to believe?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/qhc65k/23f_3_guys_and_1_night

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