Summer Rubbin’ (m4f) (clumsy seduction) (fingerin’) (fuckin’)(sensual massage)

Ever feel incredibly tense? Like, a violin string perilously pulled several tuning turns too tight. That is the way my shoulders feel at the moment. You get that way too, huh?

Poor baby. I am so tense. I feel you. I feel like what I need is like a big release! Ya know?

I’m fucking stressed out honestly and kind of little more willing to reach out than usual.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh asshole- but I’m deadly serious. I could really use some help.

I know it’s probably not the most appropriate thing to ask a friend. But oh my god, I would be your best friend forever- if you could…maybe just…rub my shoulders.

I’m just so stiff and…

Oooh, my god thank you. You’re the best. That feels amazing. Your hands are really strong. Lol. Who knew, bud?

Oh, yeah.

You can knead as hard as you want. I barely feel it. Beat me up.

Here, let me slide my bra straps down and move my shirt…you know what? We’re adults. Okay? I’m just going to take my shirt off. Is that okay? Like…I’m comfortable if you are. That’s all I’m saying but…oh, your hands are so warm.

Ohhh. Yes. Thank you, you are a true friend.

Fuck. Could you maybe move your hands down toward my lower back? Like right there, in the small of my back. Yes. Right there.

Yeah, where those dimples are.

You can’t miss them. Oh, my god. Thank you. That feels just…perfect. Sorry, I don’t mean to move around so much. You’re just making my body react on its own or something. Lol.

You can pull my skirt off if you …

Oh, you want to push it up? Okay. That works for me. Oh, yeah. Um. Yeah, about my panties. I may have been a bit turned on. I’m so embarrassed.

No. I’m serious. I found that incredibly arousing. I find you arousing. See. Go ahead. Look at my pussy. See? I’m all wet. You do that to me. Get undressed, okay?

Did you want to touch it?

I kind think I want to let you touch it.

Oh, fuck. You didn’t take much convincing. And your hand feels so good playing with my pussy.

Can I move myself against your hand a bit? My panties are really silky and it feels so good to feel you through the fabric.

Stop me if you don’t like it…otherwise…I’m just going to hump your fucking hand and reach out my own for you hair and hope you’ll start to kiss me. Okay? Keep your hand right there-fucking my pussy- but bring that face up here. I’m going to kiss you now and I want to stay like this with you for a while.

Hmmmm, I can smell your neck. Fuck. It’s making me so fucking hot.

My tits are pressed against your chest. My god it feels amazing to kiss you. I can’t believe it. And the fact that you’re still fucking my pussy with your hand has me sort of feeling like I might actually be relaxing a bit. But this tension keeps building and it’s driving my insane.

You’ve been biting my ear but I was wondering if you’d maybe put that big dick in me.

I really need your help.
You know I need it.
You know I need you.
You know I love you.
Help me.

You will? Oh thank god- because I feel like I’m going to snap. Please put it in now. Please.

I’ll help you. And you help me. Yeah?
You let go and…help me let go.
Come on.
Help me cum on your dick.
I want to cum your dick.
Come on.
I. Need. To. Cum. On. Your. Dick.

I just know you give THE BEST back rubs.


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