Fall hike

Every good day off deserves a walk in the woods. Getting outside, taking the dog for some exercise, and enjoying the fresh air is the best way to spend a day. So that’s exactly what I decided to do. We piled into the car and off we went to a nearby park. With the car parked and the leash on the dog, I headed off into the woods, following a semi beaten path. The smell in the air was glorious, the sun was warm, and the pup was loving every minute of it. A few kilometers in, I stumbled across a beautiful swimming spot. I hadn’t brought anything with me because I hadn’t intended to go swimming but everything was lining up so nicely that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I trusted my dog enough to let him run free so I could enjoy the water. Thankfully no one was around and there were no cars in the parking lot other than mine so I knew it was safe. I tucked my things out of view and nervously pulled down my shorts. Gaining a little more confidence, I shrugged off my t-shirt until I was just in my bra and panties. Sitting down on a rock, I dipped my toes into the water feeling how warm it was despite the Fall air. This furthered my confidence even more and I quickly got into the water, feeling the sand between my toes and the goosebumps rising on my neck. I submerged myself into the water and swam out deeper until I couldn’t touch. I leaned my head back and let my body float to the surface, again feeling the sun on me, the warming of my skin. I lay there in my bliss, thinking about nothing other than the freedom I felt. That was until I heard another dog bark in the distance. I scrambled to bring my head above water and pull my hair away from my face, sinking down so my chin was just kissing the water. I knew that with another dog around that must mean there was someone else around too. I had been too bold, I knew better but I did it anyway. Now I was stuck in this water and nothing more than a wet bra and panties. How could I explain this to anyone. Just then, a man appeared through the trees with his dog at his side and my dog excitedly barking at them. It didn’t take long for him to realize I was in the water and then he realized my pile of clothes hidden away. He smiled at me and I’m sure he saw the terror on my face, which I think only made him smile more. He called out, I assume to say hello, but I couldn’t hear him as I was too far out in the water. I gave a little wave and decided to try to ignore the new stranger, hoping that he’d go away and leave me to finish my swim. I had to figure out how to get back into my clothes now that I had no time to dry off. Instead of taking the hint, he came closer to the water’s edge and continued talking. He gave me no choice but to swim closer to sure so I could respond. I was careful to not go too close so that he couldn’t see under the water, revealing my swimwear choices, or lack thereof. We talked about the weather, common small talk, and then the dogs, who were now running around excitedly with each other. I still tried to give a cold shoulder vibe to encourage him to leave but he wasn’t taking the hint. I grew more and more nervous that I’d have to explain myself but at the same time, I also found him immensely attractive. He looked rugged but clean, strong but tender, funny but domineering. All of my favorite qualities. It seems that while I was entranced with him and our conversation, I didn’t notice him sliding off his shoes. He tucked his keys, wallet, and phone into one shoe and then paused before pulling off his shirt. He revealed to me a pair of strong arms and a chest full of hair that I immediately imagined running my fingers through. A gasp caught in my throat and I had to turn away for a moment to regain my composure. When I turned back, he had undone his shorts and stood there in front of me and just his boxers. Still suffering from mild shock, I asked him what he was doing but I’m sure the look on my face didn’t come off angry. He told me I inspired him, how could he pass up such a beautiful day without getting in the water. With that, he didn’t hesitate a moment before jumping in and gliding his way out to me. Watching his arms stroke through the water made my heart beat faster. I sputtered out a warning that I wasn’t as dressed as I would like to be, which he responded with a smirk and a reassuring “that’s ok”. We floated next to each other for a moment, very aware of each other’s presence. I tried to make light conversation but was far too distracted to think about anything more than how his arms would feel around me and how his lips would feel on my neck. I swim closer to shore to an area where I could touch, something needed to ground me so I could focus. He followed which wound me up even further. He must have said something but I couldn’t hear him, and the next thing I knew his shoulder brushed against mine. I gasped again, feeling like a schoolgirl with her first crush. He smirked again and then ran his fingers along my shoulder to move my hair, which I intuitively leaned into. He must have noticed my subtle movement because he took the opportunity to pull me close, so close that I could feel his chest hair on my breasts. He asked if it was okay for him to kiss me and I gave him a breathy yes before his lips were on mine. He held my shoulders and traced his fingers along my shoulder blades until I was enveloped by his arms. I reached my hands up to his chest and ran my fingers through his chest hair just like I had imagined. He pushed me away playfully and swam away, leaving me in a trembling mess wanting more. He made more small talk, almost erasing what had just happened, but I still couldn’t focus. I needed him near me, on me, and inside of me. I immediately felt more confident and I stood up in the water, letting it drip down my almost naked body. I waded to the rock where I left my things, taking it slow so he could see every curve of my body. I wanted to play with him the way he had just played with me, I wanted to make him want me. He started this game and now it was my turn to be in control. I propped myself up on the rock and turned towards him. To my surprise, he hadn’t left much space between us. He pressed against me again and ran his fingers through my hair, down my neck, along my breasts, and down to my waist. His hands tightened on me as he lifted me up so my lips met his. His arms were as strong as they looked and I wasn’t disappointed. While we kissed, his hands snaked up to my hair and intertwined with each strand before giving a gentle pull which made me cry out in pleasure. With my neck exposed, he pressed a kiss along every inch until he made his way down to my collarbone. I could feel his breath along my shoulder and, in my mind, begged him to continue down. His fingers played along the edge of my bra, exposing new skin which he promptly ran his tongue along. He pulled off a strap of my bra leaving me feeling helpless to his seduction. I raised my hands to his hips and ran my fingers along the top of his boxers, only now noticing his giant erection pushing upwards. I immediately felt wet, not from the water we were just swimming in but from the intense lust I was feeling. I continued to let his fingers play around on my chest and I pushed my breasts into him, not wanting him to stop. I tugged at his boxers and then at his erection, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me. But then, without any notice and minimal slowdown, he pulled away from me and bit his lip. Seemingly taking in the view, he stared at my body while telling me he had to go. I felt dumbstruck and betrayed. I needed to see him again and thankfully he asked for my number first. I don’t think I could last the evening let alone a couple days before seeing him again. I had every intention of reveling in this seduction, replaying it again and again in my head during every instance of self pleasure. I’m sure it would do me for a while but I needed him again. I yearned for his body next to mine. Hopefully he won’t wait too long or I may go mad.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qf03j1/fall_hike