Another Way Pt 2. [FF][Ff][Inc]

That four nights went too fast.

The long fingernails on my left hand disappeared on the first day – cut and filed down, this time at the nail shop in the mall. Kane, my 12-year old son had a sleepover birthday party that afternoon/night, so I took my 13, going on 22, year old daughter, Lacey, to the mall where we had our nails done properly. It was during this time when I told Lacey about Lin coming to stay with us until she had to leave.

Lacey accepted that with all the aplomb of a 13 year old, hitting me with a lot of questions I either couldn’t answer because I didn’t know, or wouldn’t answer because it might lead to other questions that would be too revealing. He comment was, “Gee mom, for allowing someone else to live with us even for a few days, you really don’t know much about her at all.”

“Well, I have worked with her for the last two and a half years and she is a lovely person. She is good at what she does, and I have never seen her have a bad hair day. She didn’t want to impose when I put this to her, but it made a lot of sense last night, and still does today. So we are going to pick her up at about five this afternoon.”

Lin’s presence was accepted by Lacey and they chatted, with Lacey trying to figure out where Lin fitted in the household. Dinner went well and after a movie, Lacey was off to bed and shortly thereafter, so were Lin and I. That night was even more brilliant than the night before. It gave me a chance to practice my techniques and become more confident in them. I practiced every opportunity I got. We spent that night in the guest room, which is at the other side of the house from the master bedroom, more importantly, away from Lacey’s room.

On the Sunday, Lacey went to a friend’s house for the day, and I didn’t have to pick Kane up until after lunch, so Lin and I spent a lot of time on more practice. By the time I went to get Kane, my knees were shaky just walking to the car. I explained to Kane that Lin was staying with us, and his only question was “Is she beautiful?” Ok, he is 12, so he is starting to notice girls, but that was a bit blatant.

“What makes you ask that?” I asked.

“Aww, nuthin'” he replied. “Just wund’rin'”

“You mean, ‘nothing’ and ‘wondering’ don’t you?” I am a bit of an English Nazi.

“Yeah, sure mom, of course,” he said, obviously discomforted. “How long is she staying?” I noted the correct pronunciation this time.

“Only until Wednesday. Then she is flying out of here.”

“Wow, on her broom?”

“Oh come on, you watched Harry Potter last night didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” he admitted, “It was real fun too. A lot of movies about witches, until we fell asleep after about the fourth one.”

That would have taken them through until about three in the morning, and it is a school day tomorrow. “So you didn’t get a lot of sleep last night?”

“Nah, not a lot, but we had a lot of fun.”

“I am sure you did.” So an early night for one, and Lacey can still be in bed at her normal time. Plenty of time for Lin and me – fuck it, I am becoming obsessive with Lin. All I want to do is fuck her – but then, is that a bad thing? Never considered being involved with a woman before, and never expected it to be such fun either.

Going over the first part I don’t see where I have given any real idea about what Lin and I look like. Lin is smaller than me, I am 5’7″ and she is 5’3″ I am a 36C cup and she is a 34B. I would love to be a 34″ butt measurement, but it is now 38″, and likely smaller at that time. I was, after all, 35 years old at then, just 13 years older than Lin, which is the age of my daughter. I am blonde Northern European-Anglo, she is the granddaughter of a Japanese war bride, with deep black hair and a slight epicanthic fold that makes her eyes slightly almond shape. She has that exotic look of someone who’s ancestry is mysterious and likely unguessable.

I am reading this and I see I am getting my tenses all mixed up… Gawd, let’s see. This was 2004 or 2005 or so, and I am now 15 or 16 years older than when all this happened.

After Lin left, I’ve never seen her again, nor heard from her. I wanted to, believe me, but email was not like it is now, Facebook and Twitter, all those things we laughingly refer to as “social” media, more like “anti-social” media, were still new and mysterious. I am also remembering conversations that took place far too long ago to remember, so I am just filling in the gaps.

Dinner came and went, Lacey and Lin were chatting, but Lacey was a little awkward yet, not certain of Lin’s place and Kane just blundered about like any really tired 12 year old. I packed him off to bed as early as I could then Lacey decided she was tired and it was a school/work day tomorrow. Lin said she had a lot of work to do at the apartment and wanted a ride with me in the morning, so she too wanted to go to bed early. Lin was in my bed within minutes of Lacey heading upstairs and so we were both in bed early, not sleeping though.

We had a sixty-niner, we scissored, we masturbated each other to orgasms. We slept and woke, to do it again. Fucking Lin was just great.

The kids went to school, I dropped Lin at her apartment, then went to work. I went to pick Lin up from her apartment on the way home, but she dragged me into the half packed bedroom where she just made me cum so hard she had to drive us home when I could barely walk to the car.

That night we had sex again, I had recovered enough to get her cumming. I must admit that the next night was going to be sad, for me at least. It was wonderful having a warm body in my bed again. The Tuesday was a repeat of the Monday except the apartment was completely done. The Salvation Army had been, collecting everything Lin didn’t want to take with her. A removalist had taken the rest and was shipping it to Lin’s parent’s home in the mid-west. We took the kids out for a dinner, as a farewell to Lin, and both Lacey and Kane were expressing they too would miss Lin.

Seems I wasn’t as crabby with her around, according to Kane. Lacey corrected him and told us it was true I was more relaxed, so she too would miss Lin. Really, I hadn’t noticed it, but maybe Lin was right. I really was clawing the walls while Gary was away, and didn’t realize what I was doing.

Later that night, I asked Lin if she would try to fist me. This was the last thing Lin had not done to me. I already had an oil bottle next to the bed, and was prepared for it. I was a bit nervous though. My head tells me that Kane slid out of there, and his head was a lot bigger than Lacey’s. Lin’s fist was not as big as Lacey’s head at birth, so it should fit easily. My heart though was quailing at the thought of a whole hand being inside of me.

I laid flat on my back with my legs spread as wide as I could get them. Lin started by kissing me, my nipples, then my clit. She spread oil over her hand and my mons, making sure a lot went into my love hole. She then slowly inserted a finger, fucking me, then two, then three, spreading her fingers while pumping them in and out of me, adding a little more oil each time. She had cupped her hand a little, then inserted four fingers. She was slowly stretching me and while it was not really comfortable, it wasn’t painful.

She eased her fist into me then. Twisting her wrist a little while pushing in a little deeper each time she went in, twisting some more until the knuckles were completely inside me. Fuck me! I thought as I grunted and groaned in pleasure. She was filling me, her fist was like a giant cock and I mean gigantic cock. I have seen some big dicks, had them in me, since then, but none of them ever filled me up like she fisted me. Since then, I have had a number of other women, and men too, who have fisted me but Lin was first and the best.

Easing her fist backward and forwards, scraping the inside of my canal, the very best way. She would hit the cervix, sending waves of pleasure through me, then pull back to stretch my labia lips to push in again, all while gently masturbating my clit. The spasms of pleasure grew and grew until they became one huge contraction of muscles flowing outwards from my cunt. I put my own fist into my mouth to muffle the screams of delight I was making. Wow! I had cum hard several times with Lin, but that was just unbelievable!

My heart threatened to burst. My lungs were screaming for air, my skin was so sensitive that if a feather had touched me then, I would have cum again! Lin did touch me, and I did exactly that. I cum again in a multiple orgasm that I had heard of but never thought I would experience. One after the other, spasms grabbed my most sensitive parts and just kept going. I felt like it was just going on and on, but likely didn’t take any more than a minute. Believe me, that is long enough for such intense feelings to be wracking your body. It could become addictive too, I think.

I got my heart under control, my breathing returned to something near normal, until Lin pulled her hand out of me, then I threatened to go over the top again. Lin joined me and I kissed her. I licked the mix of oil and my juices off her hand. A symbolic lick, really, the taste of oil is dreadful, but my juices are actually pretty good. I know it sounds awful, or gross, but licking your cum off a cock, from your lover’s lips or off your own fingers is just cleaning his cock up after a fuck, or kissing him/her after they have been eating you, or cleaning your fingers after fingering yourself. No biggie.

The one thing I tried to do to Lin and just could not do it was to lick her asshole. She rimmed me the first night we spent together but I could never work up the courage to do it. I tried, I really did and couldn’t do it, still can’t, even though I know what it did for me. I know, I know, the idea is that you give your partner sexual pleasure without thought, simply for the joy of giving. Reality check, that’s bullshit. I am not into ropes and whips and things, but know people who are. I was fucking a couple and she asked me to join in a little bdsm. Sorry, but that is not me. Never did it, not interested. The whole dom thing is, to me, somewhat creepy, but good luck to those who are interested in it, not my style. Anyway, back to my story.

There was an element of desperation in me as Lin was leaving in the morning. I really didn’t want her to go now, but she couldn’t stay. I made her cum, several times, showing her that she was, for me, the best thing that happened to me for a long time. She showed me myself, she made me re-imagine who I thought I was, and I actually liked me. We slept and made love, and again in the inevitable morning. We showered together, got the kids ready for school, and they said their goodbyes as they left for the bus. Lin packed and I tossed her over the bed, spreading her legs and ate her, again, loving the mewling songs she made as she came.

We made it to the car and I took her to LAX, holding her hand all the way. I kissed her at the departure gate, and watched her walking to the air-bridge, disappearing from view. I must admit, in five nights, we loved a lifetime. I was sad, going into the office, drifting through the day, going through the motions. Glad nothing important was happening that day that I had to make anything more than routine decisions about. I was so distracted I would have made a right mess of it.

Gary was due home in another four days, and was staying until after Lacey’s birthday, in three weeks. I was going to ball his brains out during that time. Something to look forward to, well, two things to look forward to. All was well again, and I was filled with a new energy, happy about what happened, discovering another way, a new life for when Gary was away.

Kane had gone to bed, Lacey was sitting with me talking about her upcoming birthday. We were going to have a party for her and her friends, cookout and sleepover. Her father would be home to cook, and I was supervising. Kane was not going to be where there were a “gaggle of giggling girls”, he said, he wanted to not be the only boy around, so asked if he could spend the night at a friend’s place. That suited Lacey too, so Gary was going to be the only male around, which suited me as well. This was likely to be the last birthday party for Lacey where boys invitations are overlooked and there would be no booze or other recreational substances.

In time, Lacey’s birthday came and went, and all was well. Gary left on his next trip, looking forward to getting some rest, I thought. We landed a large contract for an investigation by a federal government department, one that was likely to be going for more than a year. All was looking good, then the wind changed and the fallout from my personal change in life hit.


On the Friday evening a week after Gary left, the kids and I cleaned up after dinner, their homework finished, and a little TV time before bed. (This was the last days before the distractions offered by anti-social media when families actually did this sort of thing. Gary had rung on cell phone earlier in the evening and we talked, as we do, kids, the day’s events and so on. We also send emails, but so many of them were related to work, we couldn’t hold any sort of reasonable, intimate conversations on them. Hadn’t heard of Skype then either and Zoom wasn’t even on the horizon.) Later, I was so horny I had the vibrator out and was diddling myself stupid within moments of getting into bed. I had cum strongly on the memory of Lin’s tongue, wanting it to be the real thing. I put the vibrator aside, and quickly fell asleep.

I was roused when I felt movement in my bed, “What-!”

“It’s ok Mom, it’s only me.” came a response.

Still partly asleep,”Lacey, what are you doing?”

“Sorry to disturb you Mom, but I can’t sleep.” she said.

“mmm you’re a bit old to be getting into my bed, aren’t you?”

“Maybe, but this is where I feel safe and loved Mom.” she said, then I woke fully, startled at the tone. Was she was trying to be seductive and suggestive?

“Nah, better go back to your own bed I think.”

I felt her moving closer to me, then she reached out and touched me, putting her arm over me pulling herself closer. She was naked. I have always slept nude, but here was my daughter, in my bed, naked. Something wrong here. Then I was sure something was very wrong, she cupped my breast and tweaked the nipple.

“I want to be here Mom, with you.”

“And playing with my breast?” Nothing subtle here, I thought.

“Mom, I need your help. And since you and Lin were going at it, I thought you might understand what I felt!”

Me and Lin! She knew? She KNEW!!!! “You knew?” I managed to keep my tone calm, maybe.

“Yes, Mom, even the neighbors would have known with the noise you two were making. You got loud, and Lin telling you to fuck her, that kinda gave the game away, I thought.”

I was stunned! I thought I was being discrete and Lacey knew I had taken a woman as a lover.

“Mom, I was really worried you and dad would be upset if I was a lesbian, but I know you’re not one, even though you had Lin as a lover. I mean, I like sucking cock, and I think I am going to like licking clit too. Perhaps I get it from you.”

Sucking cock? I LIKE SUCKING COCK?

“Jesus Christ!” I exclaimed, “Sucking cock!? Since when have you been sucking cock!?”

“Cocks really,” she said.

“This is getting better and better!” I felt her hand continuing to caress me, “And you can stop that too.”

“Mom! Let’s talk about Lin shall we?”

“Lin is not my daughter! She is over 21 and an adult, not my 14 year old daughter!”

“Well duh!” she said. “Mom, you can’t expect to turn someone on like you did and not expect them to react!”

“What?” why was I allowing her to put me on the defensive?

“Listening to you and Lin having sex, then 20 minutes ago, you were cumming – a lot. Masturbating?”

“None of your god-damned business! Now, get back to your own bed.”

Lacey leaned over and kissed me, on the mouth, her tongue darting onto my lips. Fuck, the audacity!

“No Mom,” she said, as he hand snaked down to my clit, she hit the button and like a switch, I felt a surge of sexual energy sweep through me and my legs spread of their own volition. Fuck! What the fuck am I doing?

“You can’t be here!” I protested, as my labia swelled.

“I know, but I want to be.” She kissed me again and this time I was kissing her back.

“This is so wrong,” I said, gasping as her fingers dove into me. How the fuck did she know what she was doing?

“Very naughty,” she replied, “But I am just tired of doing it to myself, I want someone else to do it to; and for them to do it to me.” Her thumb flicked my clit as she drove two fingers into me.

“That’s what boys are for!”

“I know, but I am not on the pill and Tina doesn’t want to go that far yet.”

“Tina? You mean-”

“No, we have kissed and played with each other’s breasts, we’ve touched each other’s pussies, that’s all. I didn’t know how soft and silky you would feel Mom – and wet.”

“Oh yeah, I am horny all the time, but you shouldn’t be the one playing with me.” It didn’t matter any more, I was going to have her, and I shocked myself at just how easy that decision came. No protests, no qualms, no difficulties at all, just I am going to fuck my daughter. From being a straight, self-employed, upper middle class mother to having a incestuous lesbian affair in just four weeks, that has to be some kind of speed record.

“I know, but you are the one I want to have playing with me Mom.”

I reached over and touched her breast, feeling the firm little nugget that had formed at its peak. Caressing her soft breast and fresh, silken skin, “You mean like this?” as she gasped.

“Oh yeah,” she breathed, “That was nice, but I want more.”

I gently pushed her back and then I kissed her, using my tongue and did to her what Lin did to me the first time. I kissed her face, her neck. I licked her breasts, suckled them, but while this is a real turn on for me, it was little more than a simple increase in breathing for Lacey. (Lacey has had a baby since then and first time I fucked her, after suckling her baby, she cum almost immediately- must make a difference.) I kissed around her ribs, drawing a much better response than I had with her nipples, then I got down onto her clit.

I lapped her, feeling the now hard button resulting from her arousal. Her virginal slit was dripping in anticipation, and she seemed to spasm as my tongue hit her labia lips. I forced them aside, and put my little finger into her, with my tongue on her clit. Her hymen was still intact, so she was very tight. I didn’t try to penetrate but rather just kept my finger inside her and licked her clit.

Her moans and gasps became more and more urgent until she seized in a spasm of pleasure. Fuck! This wasn’t the first time she orgasmed, that’s for sure. Lifting my head off her clit, I took my finger out of her and replaced it with my mouth. I tasted those wonderful juices she had leaked out, and smothered my mouth with them. I slid my tongue into her love canal trying to sip a little more of her love excretions. I kissed her lower belly, then upward, reversing my downward route. I kissed her mouth and pushed my tongue into her. I drew her tongue out of her, and made her lick my face, cleaning her juices from me.

When she calmed a bit more, she said, “That was wonderful Mom, best I have ever cum.”

“Yeah, about that,” I started. “I think you had better tell me a little about your sucking cock!”

“Well, I been hit on a few times over the last four or five months,” she replied calmly and matter-of-factly, “And I didn’t want any surprise, so I though oral sex would be better. I am actually pretty good at it, or so the boys say.”

“Boys?” I asked, “Plural?”

“Yes, there was the school baseball team-”

“Team!?” My daughter the school slut? She is not even a cheerleader!

“Nah” she laughed, “Only two actually, and neither of them are on the baseball team.”

“Oh, please, don’t do that. You going to tell me who?”

“No, unless you want to fuck them.”

“Oh no, my indiscretions don’t go that far.”

“Mom, can I do it to you now?” she asked.

“Why? I thought we were talking.”

“Well, you made me cum, I want to try to make you cum.”

“It’s ok, really, but you should be in your own bed now.”

“It’s Saturday tomorrow, so plenty of time to sleep in.”

Lacey started kissing my face while running her hands over me. I am still pretty firm, work keeps me out of the freezer, and chasing after a growing boy occupies my time pretty much, and I admit, I was turned on by the softness of her skin and the perversity of my daughter wanting to fuck me.

She kissed my nipples, making me gasp and her licking of them well and truly prepared me for her tongue. She did almost the same as I had done to her, but when she came to my clit, she hesitated. She was close, I could feel her hot breath on my now sensitive pubis, gently disturbing my tufted pubic hair. I didn’t want her to stop, so I pulled her head onto me, pushing my cunt onto her mouth. I know, not being nice to her, but dammit, I wanted it. And she delivered. Once past the initial shock, she took to my clit and labia with a will. She tongued me all over my vagina, pushing her tongue into me, sucking my lips, but really, not being that effective.

I held her head, directing her mouth to where I wanted it, I pushed my pelvis onto her face, I pumped my hips, it was nice, what her tongue was doing, but it was never going to make me cum.

“Oooh put a finger into me.” She did, “And another.” I demanded. So she did. She fingered me as she, inexpertly, licked my clit.

Now, at this point, I have to say that Lacey is smaller than me, smaller than Lin, maybe a half inch smaller, but her hands are larger than Lin’s, almost as big as mine. But I had an advantage, “Another finger,” Three now, then I thought, why not go for it.

“Darling,” I said, “Cup your hand and see if you can ease your whole hand into me.”

It took a few moments for this to register, “My whole hand?”

“Yes,” I replied, “Fist me. Lin did it, so can you, but take it easy.” She started but it wasn’t going to happen without any oil. I told her to wait a moment and reached over to my drawer, pulling out an oil bottle I had put in there. First for Lin, but then for me if I wanted to try and fist myself. I covered Lacey’s hand with the oil and wiped some into my love tunnel. Lacey tried again and this time, it slid in all they way to her knuckles really easily.

I told Lacey to twist her hand while pushing in, then twist the other way to ease her hand into me. Soon she was in me to the wrist.

“OMG, Mom, my wrist bone has gone inside you.”

“Yeah, – I can – feel it – and it’s – wonderful!” I gasped.

“Will you do this to me? Please?”

“No – not while – you are – a virgin – never get – inside – and if I did – it would – hurt – like hell.” I said.

“Well that’s easy fixed,” she replied, “Do you think Dad would do me the favor of taking my virginity?”

Now, there is something really perverse about lying on my back, having my daughter’s hand fully in my cunt and her asking me if it would be OK for her father to be her first fuck! WOW! What a fucking turn on, and thinking about it, I just lost it. I had such a clear vision of Gary’s big dick driving in and out of Lacey’s virgin quim and she is loving it! I felt my cunt convulse around Lacey’s fist and the rest of me just followed. I am sure I screeched, and even after the cum I had earlier with the vibrator, this is still a very powerful orgasm.

“Fuck me!” I cried, gasped and screeched all at the same time.

“Yeah,!” Lacey yelp, “Squeeze my fist with your juiced up cunt, Mom!”

“Fuck me! Fuck me!” as wave on wave took me.

Some minutes later, I was gasping, looking at the ceiling, with Lacey lying alongside me, my pussy still leaking juice. “That was unbelievable!” I said, “Who would have thought…?”

I felt myself starting to drift into sleep, and woke with a start. “Lacey, babe, honey, you had better go back to your own bed. We are going to sleep in and I rather you not be here when Kane wakes.”

“Yeah sure Mom, I understand,” she replied half drowsily. “Next time he sleeps over somewhere, I am staying the night.”

“Mmmm ‘t’s ok.. If your father is here, then it would be even better.”

“You think so Mom?”

“Uh huh, I do.”

I felt her slip out of bed then heard the door open, quietly shut, “Goodnight, Mom.”

“Goodnight Lacey.” And the next thing I knew, I was awake, it was daylight and I really felt good. Then the reality of last night hit me.
