Poppy & the Princess: A Pauper’s Pampered Pets – Part 1 (Fiction) (FFM)

This is a story my baby girl an I are working on together, switching off and on after each paragraph to see where the other takes things. We’re having fun with it and she liked the idea of putting it up to read, so I’m doing just that. She’s been such a good girl, I’ll happily oblige the request.
So, from her and I both, we hope you enjoy Part 1. There’s quite a lot here, 7 pages or so.

There once was a royal family who had a little princess for a daughter and locked her up in a tower so that she would not be defiled by the filth of man. All her servants were female, including her very best friend, an orphan who worked to provide for her younger siblings. She heard terrible things about the royal family but she needed the money so she applied for the job and became the princesses lady in waiting. The princess was very kind and grateful to have a friend her age. Soon they were telling secrets and creating secrets of their own as they touched and explored each other’s virgin bodies. The orphan girl stole a book that spoke allll about female pleasure and how to attain it. A forbidden book, written for men. “But… I do not have something hanging between my legs…” said the virgin. So she skipped over these parts and learned to use her tongue on the princess and taught the princess how to use hers, enjoying treats to their hearts content… until one day, their naughtiness was discovered!
The orphan was sent away to the gallows. Knowing her best friend would be dead by morning, the princess snuck out of her tower and went to a local pub where it was known that men could be hired to perform certain tasks… “I need someone’s help…” she said timidly and all the men laughed, some even sizing her up, thinking they’d take her home for a little fun. But then the cook, seeing her helplessness, offered his aid. And so with the chef’s help who happened to know a trick or two about breaking and entering, the princess was able to rescue her friend. “We are forever in your debt,” she said to the chef. “How might we repay you?” The chef looked at the two girls before him, one a princess who could never return home and the other who had a death warrant on her head. “If we sell your tiara, princess, then we can buy ourselves a little cabin by the seaside — just the three of us.” He suggests, liking the idea of being a part of something bigger than himself. “I can cook and provide protection if you two promise to be good little girls for me.”
And so the girls nodded, the tiara was sold, and the chef found himself with two little girls in his care. The cottage was small, with just one bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room, but it was enough for the happy little trio. The bed they discovered was big enough for all three and so they slept together that first night, innocently enough, all their clothes still on. The princess however woke up in the middle of the night and woke her friend, asking if she remembered what had been written in the book and all the different ways that men could pleasure women and vice versa. “Do you think he might play with us?” She asks as she described all the things she wanted to try from bouncing to taking it while on all fours. “But will he want us… as inexperienced as we are?” The orphan, turned on by all the talk of sexy deeds, said she was not sure but that they could continue to play with one another even if the man was uninterested. And so with the chef “sleeping” just on the side of the princess, the orphan began to touch and fondle before pulling down the princesses nightshirt and taking a nipple into her mouth. But the chef wasn’t sleeping. He was listening, in a state of disbelief that the cute girls he had rescued were in fact much more devious than meets the eye. What’s more… they wanted (or at least the princess) him to fuck them. Could he fuck a princess? Was that allowed? He had already kidnapped her… so his grave was already dug. So might as well make it deeper and go all the way. When he opened his eyes he got an even bigger shock, seeing the orphan with the princesses tit in her mouth, hand between her legs. The orphan looked at him and maintained eye contact as she continued to lick and nip at the princesses skin as if to say, “mine.” The rogue would just watch, watch as the orphan girl watched him, watch as she fucked the unaware princess with a hot, wet tongue and quick, diligent fingers.
He’d listen to the little girls moan, so soft and sweet, indulging their bodies right beside him. The orphan stared him down, staking her claim with no shyness. The princess had talked about wanting to bounce, wanting to ride and be mounted, and it had lit a fire between her thighs as well. However, now faced with the idea of sharing her, her protective side flared up. To let him be intimate with her, the girl she’d catered to and protected, to let that wall down, it was something she was slow to consider. However, she had made the same promise to the man that the princess had, a promise that turned her on to think about how it might be implicated, and so she let the girl’s tit out of her mouth, for but a moment. “What was it you wanted to try most, princess?” She asked, then planted her lips on the opposite nipple. The princess moaned, having her partner’s mouth swap from one tender nipple to work the other over. Little did she know, the orphan girl was keeping her deliberately posed so she wouldn’t notice the man beside them was awake and watching. Offering her answer, after a few moments, the princess answered, recalling one page in particular that they had tried together, but would still be vastly different with a man. What was it called again..?
“O-oral sex…” She whispered softly, well aware that a man lie sleeping beside them. “The mouth.. stuff…” On multiple occasions, either girl has given or received oral from the other, but doing it on a man sounded so… enticing. The princess, despite her regal looks, despite her nobility, couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like. What it would be like to lick and suck his cock, what it would feel like to have her throat fucked as his balls pressed to her chin… though perhaps she was a little ahead of herself there. She wanted to know what it would taste like to receive a mouthful of that hot, thick cum and how it would feel having that load in her belly. Filthy thoughts, whorish thoughts, and they made her hips tingle with delight.
Suddenly, there was something else… something that had not been there before… right there between her bottom’s cheeks… Her brow furrowed as she took account of her partner’s hands — one between her legs, carefully running her fingertip delicately along the princesses folds before finding and pinching her clit to hear her sweet little moan. It was easy to see that despite their statuses in society, which girl was the domme and which one was the sub. And her other hand? Around the princesses little throat. So that meant… whatever was poking her back there wasn’t the orphan but…
“H-he’s awake, isn’t he?” The princess whispered. The orphan didn’t answer. Afraid she might lose the princess as a lover, staked her claim and pined her to the bed, straddling her so that their hips would grind together, the wetness of the princess soaking through her panties, forming a wet spot that only grew bigger with a cute girl on top of her. “Don’t you worry about him,” she said with a growl before going for the princess’s neck, biting and sucking so that she might mark the girl as her own.
The chef, seeing that the jig was up, reached over to involve his own hands. Perhaps coaxed by the orphan’s possessive nature, wanting to challenge her, or maybe the desire that the princess and the orphan, despite her reluctance to admit it, had for him, he slipped his hands under the top girl and groped at the princess’s chest, finding one of her little tits and squeezing on the tender nipple.
The princess squirmed harder under the other girl, moaning louder at the realization another hand had fully joined the mix, and the hand of a man no less. She’d never felt that kind of touch, contrasting to her long time lover’s touch. His hand was bigger, not as soft, it made for a distinctly different yet equally wonderful feeling. The jealousy of the orphan put a smirk on his lips. “Don’t you worry about him” he found her words absolutely adorable. As if head focus solely on the princess. Shed change her tune when she was getting her attention too. The girl pulled away, leaving a mark upon the princesses neck before her jealousy took its hold fully and she bit the man’s arm. She was an orphan. Everything was always taken away from her. She wouldn’t let the princess get away too. “She’s mine!” She said in an almost bratty tune.For a little girl, she was tough, having to fend for herself, even when people were bigger and stronger than she was.
To the princesses horror, the orphan began fighting the chef. “Um… um… excuse me…?” She said but neither of them heard. “E-excuse me…?” She repeated but again neither heard. An idea hits her and she tweaks her own nipple to get a moan to escape her lips and both the chef and orphan glance in her direction. “Um… hi… yes.” She wet her lips nervously to have two sets of hungry eyes on her neck. “M-maybe I can be shared?” She offers. “A-and we can all play together?” The book said nothing about intimacy being a 3-party affair but then again it said nothing about women playing either and she knew well enough that it felt good. “If that’s okay…?” She whispered timidly despite being a princess. The orphan looked, begrudgingly, at the chef. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. The princess was hers first, what if he tried to take her for himself? If the princess wanted to be shared, she could get over it, but the idea of just losing her to the man stoked her jealousy to burn brightly. “I don’t mind sharing with her.” The chef said, looking the orphan girl up and down, sizing her up, considering what the three of them together could do…” The girl turned her face away, a deep blush painting her cheeks from being gazed at. With the princess, she had a desire for control, and she took it, never leaving her in an unconfident position, however with him that desire wasn’t there. She didn’t look at him and want to control him, she didn’t feel secure that she could, and that made her feel shy about him.
Seeing her reluctance, but not complete refusal, he slid up behind her, wrapped an arm around her, beneath hers, and gently fondled one of her tits, as if to coax agreeance out of her. Poppy, not one to simply fallow along, tried to resist and squirm, shaking her head defiantly. However, with the eager tongue that was lapping through her folds, sampling her pooling honey, her squirming only took her deeper into the man’s embrace. Doubled on, were the rough hands groping and exploring her body, a grip on her throat that made her head feel fuzzy, and one that jumped between her breasts, making her nipples harden beneath her gown. “Well?” He asked again, his tone deep and low, right against her ear. His hand diverted from her tits, up to the top of her nightshirt, then down in between her skin and the fabric, to get access to her bare chest. Somewhat to her shame, having her breasts groped made that well of juices flow even more, spilling onto the princess’s cheeks. Unable to find words to answer, she focused more on feeling good, reaching down and grabbing the princess’s head so she could hump against her face. A pleased little “oooo!” Sounds from under the girl’s nightie as the princess finds herself with a treasure trove of honey. Greedy for it and not caring about royal dignity when it came to her best friend and lover, she licked and lapped and sucked with an eagerness that got her face messy and her long pink hair slick with juices. And when Poppy began to hump her face, she didn’t even think of stopping but instead wrapped her lips around what she could and shoved her tongue deep into the girl’s hole, trying to get at the source, her little sounds of excitement muffled.
The chef looks on, amazed that a princess would be so… slutty… so desperate… so filthy… and he hasn’t even seen the state of her face, her hair. “P-promise you won’t s-steal her away from me?” Poppy asks, the first waver in her confidence seeping through her stuttered words. “I… I don’t want to lose her… “ she whispers so that the princess cannot hear but the princess was hyper focused and not even listening. “But I know she’d like to play with a man… and… and I think I would too… but we don’t know how… not really… just stuff we read in a book… we haven’t been able to put our reading into practice…”
The chef, hearing the clear worry in the girl’s voice, eased his groping and squeezing, leaving his hands where they lay but applying no pressure.* “Steal her away? Never, little girl.” He replied, his tone gentle and loving. “You wont lose her, I promise. She wants to be shared between us, it’d be discourteous to refuse the request of the princess, would it not?” He looked over her shoulder, down at the princess eagerly lapping away, causing the orphan girl to squirm about with maddening bliss. He gave her slender little throat another squeeze and resumed pinching her tits. “Mmm… well, you two can try the things you read on me, how’s that sound, sweetheart?” He cooed softly against her ear. “I can guide you, both of you, we can take those things you read and turn them into reality. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, little girl?” Acting to pull the princess back to reality, away from her honey dream, he reached his hand forward from Poppy’s throat and grabbed the inviting ass that hung high in the air, swaying side to side, asking to be slapped and groped.
The princess perked up, feeling her bottom grabbed by that new, rough hand. It felt good, so good that it sent a shiver through her body. But what felt better was the naughtiness of it all. Sex with Poppy was always fun, and part of it was because it felt like they shouldn’t be doing it, like it was kind of wrong. This? This was the same way, on top of being new and exciting. She shouldn’t be letting him touch her this way, she shouldn’t have her face buried in her lover’s mound, soaking her face with honey, but she was doing it all the same, being a good girl by being a naughty little slut.
“Princess.” Both the chef and Poppy said together to really command the attention of the eager little royal. She freed herself of the nightgown she had been under and kneels on the bed, hands on her thighs as she smiles radiantly. “Yes?” She asks with eyes closed, head cocked, looking just like a happy little girl. It was the sort of smile she might flash at a crowd of adoring citizens but those crowds no longer existed for her. Now, there was just Poppy and the Rogue. And she was perfectly fine with that arrangement as her smiling honey soaked screamed that contentment to the world. “We’ve agreed to share,” says Poppy. “R-really!?” Her eyes light up at the idea before she blushes deeply and looks down. “D-did you tell him?” She whispers softly, fidgeting with embarrassment. Poppy nods and takes her hands, lacing them together. “I told him.” The princess dares a glance at the chef. “And you want us anyway?”
Staying close, still holding Poppy’s chest and keeping her pinned against him, the man looked at the eager little girl, her eyes shimmering with a desire to please. He nodded and offered a gentle smile, then gave the orphan’s tit another squeeze and tucked his face into the crook of her neck, peering at the pink haired girl as his lips traveled over the tender skin beneath them. “I do. I don’t want experienced women, that’s no fun. I’d much rather a pair of virgin girls.” He said, then held out his hand to the princess. “Be good and do as you’re told, and I’ll make sure both you and her are taken care of, hm?” He kissed, then nibbled against the throat of the girl in his arms, his fingers finding her nipple and giving it a small twist, as if to illustrate the pleasure he had to offer. The princess then came to notice that Poppy was being restrained by the rogue — that he was overpowering her, although not in a malicious sort of way, at least the princess didn’t think so. There was something kind and comforting about the chef — from the very beginning he had helped her. She trusted him. But seeing Poppy being under someone’s control? It made the princess’ brow furrow for Poppy was the feisty one in the bedroom — the one who called all the shots and who liked to throw the princess around and pin her down. She had never seen the young girl in a vulnerable position. The princess didn’t crave to make Poppy vulnerable and yet seeing her in that state had the heat of her body rising by degrees.
She crawled closer, seeing the perkiness of her nipples through the fabric of her night gown and couldn’t resist a little nibble as she looked up at the chef, listening with an innocent expression despite a face full of honey, wild hair, and a perky nipple on her mouth. Poppy was holding back a moan but when you twist her nipple, her moan rings out and She grins, sitting back on her haunches. “What would you have us do, sir?” He watched the princess, gazing at her, admiring her honey covered yet completely innocent face.
That mess on her lips gave him his first idea. “Come up here.” He said, beckoning her with a single finger. Like a cobra swaying to a flute, she stared at the finger, then slowly raised up on her knees, to get closer to his and Poppy’s faces. She stared at him, eyes attentive, waiting to be given a command to guide her along. He smiled, getting a better look at the glistening juices on her cheeks, lips and even in her hair. “Kiss her.” He said, his tone gentle but stern to leave no uncertainty, reaching forward and taking the princess gently by the throat. To take a princess by the throat… it would have gotten the rogue jailed or worse. Her parents had kept her locked inside a tower so that their precious little flower would not be be besmirched by the hands of men. Never in their wildest dreams did they think their daughter would be ruined by a woman — let alone a servant. And she fell further from grace still, taking orders from a lowly cook but that’s what she liked to do. She loved to obey — to hear someone sing her praises. She loved being a good little girl. So when the cook asked her to kiss her best friend, she only hesitated a little.
They had kissed plenty of times before but never with honey on their lips. For some reason the thought had never occurred to them to share… perhaps a certain greedy gluttony had stopped the idea. But now the princess felt compelled to listen — to obey — to feel Poppy’s sweet lips upon hers and to bless them with her own honey. Was it okay to taste one’s honey? thought the princess. Certainly it must be taboo… But she shrugged off the idea or at least pushed it aside for the whole thing was taboo. What was one more sin in the grand scheme of things? There was something strange about seeing the princess grabbed in such a way, to the orphan girl. Of course, she’d done it, but they’d eased into it behind closed doors where none would know about it. Here, though? He’d taken her by the neck before most other things, right in front of a witness, even, not that she intended to tell anyone, nor could she if she wanted to. He cared not for the consequences he’d face for that act, he was already committed to a lethal point, there was no reason to be shy now. Besides, having a princess, the flesh and blood of royalty, under his control, obeying his commands, that sense of power trumped all else. Poppy too, hesitated when the command to kiss was given, longer than the princess, even. She’d tasted her lover many times over, but to taste herself? On the other girl’s lips, no less?
However, reluctant or not, she was in a tight grip with sweet lips looming closer to hers, and she hardly had a choice in whether she’d be tasting herself or not. She squeezed her eyes shut, her cheeks burning crimson. The cook gave a squeeze on the little girl’s neck as she came closer, demonstrating his control, and the resulting tingle was enough to make the princess push forward into a kiss with her best friend.
As their lips came together, the rouge’s mouth began moving along Poppy’s neck once more, slowly climbing up until he reached her ear, to nibble and lick and supplement the taste on her lips. Poppy had only ever gotten drunk once before, trying to prove herself at a pub when teasing had driven her to action. She had felt amazing at the time, lightheaded and free, like she could spring up and touch the sky. She had danced without a care in the world, forgetting everything. The bliss the booze had momentarily created paled in comparison to this. Her head became fuzzy, filled with the tingling sensation of pleasure like little bubbles filling up her tummy and making her weightless with the joy of having her lover on her lips, sweeter than ever. What had her really floating, however, was the combination of man and woman. Of being controlled and yet worshiped, of settling into that middle ground.
Was this where she belonged? Because sandwiched between the rogue and the princess, her heart exploded inside her chest rushing blood to her cheeks down to her mound. She opened her legs, inviting the princess closer which she happily accepted, taking the liberties of a fistful of red hair too. She kissed with a passion then knowing Poppy could not escape, that she was hers. The princess did not feel like she owned Poppy but the possessiveness was there in knowing she was free to play and be played with — love and be loved. The rogue slid himself forward, dragging Poppy up into his lap, where she could feel the hard bulge that had formed in his trousers. It made her suck in a shrill breath. At first she didn’t even know what it was, hard and thick, radiating heat as it pressed against her ass. However, when she realized what she was sitting on, she felt as though she might melt. She’d read of such things, she’d seen illustrations, but they paled in comparison when the realization hit her: she’d be trying one out, very very soon. Realizing she’d let her hands go mostly still, the middle girl reached for both of her lovers, grabbing onto the princess’s hip and pressing their chests together to pin the man’s hand between their bodies, and reaching her other hand back to tangle into the cooks hair as his tongue and teeth worked at her nape.
In spite of all the pleasure, she couldn’t help feeling a tad guilty. Guilty that she was being loved on by two while her lovers had to mind their respective ends, guilty that she got to feel the thick length against her backside while the princess had to go without a clue what they were contending with. But she couldn’t help it, being dominated while dominating, feeling hands all over her body, it was addictive, incredibly addictive. Drool spilled from the girl’s mouths, lacing in with the mess of honey that dripped down the princess’s chin and onto their tits. Both girls moaned, out of pleasure, and out of a desire to sing a tune for their man, noisily kissing in hopes of arousing one another even further.
The princess, rather the greedy little minx, suddenly pulled away from the kiss. Poppy, as a novice lover and untrained domme, had not thought to grab the princess by a fistful of hair and keep her pinned. So, she lost those sweet lips. She frowned thinking that something was amiss but there was nothing wrong. The princess was simply following the path the honey had taken, licking at her servant’s chest, lapping up every last drop before she licked her lips. She had drank right from the source, nearly drowning in her friend’s honey — she had licked her chest clean… and yet she was still hungry. Although Poppy’s honey wasn’t all that she wanted. She looked at the rogue and blushed, the sentence dying on her lips before it could be spoken but her tongue craved to compare, to know whether a man’s honey tasted like a woman’s — whether there was one better than the other. But unable to speak, she just sat there, eyes wide and innocent hoping to be understood by the way her lips were parted, tongue out panting slightly, a silly and unladylike look for a princess but one perfect for a little pet. Seeing that the princess had pulled away, the man slowly eased his mouth off of the orphan girl, leaving one more farewell kiss on her tender skin before moving back. With the pace going lax, so too did the girl’s grip, and slowly she let go of his hair, finding that her eyes had focused in on the pet pose of her royal lover. It was cute, incredibly so, and it certainly didn’t lack for sex appeal.
She glanced back at their shared man, to get a look at his eyes. His gaze as well had locked onto the princess, though he did look to meet the eyes of the girl on his lap. Finding her own curiosity to spur her forward, the servant girl slowly adjusted, moving off of his lap to sit beside her fellow little girl, one of her hands seeking out her longtime partner to lace their fingers together. They were about to take a big step, but there was no one she’d rather take that step with. Plus, even if he was rugged and improper, she couldn’t help her attraction to the man. Reaching forward, both girls laid their hands on the rogue’s crotch, to caress the outline of his hardened length. While one girl had felt it pressed firmly, almost aggressively against her bottom, this was the first hint the princess got of what the two of them had on their hands.

– End of part 1.
Hope you’ve enjoyed, and thank you for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/qe8eq3/poppy_the_princess_a_paupers_pampered_pets_part_1

1 comment

  1. Enjoyed reading it! But it would be easier to read if there were clearly divided paragraphs.

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