How my wife found a new sexfriend while working at a bank

*English isn’t my native language, sorry if there’s mistakes*

Back in the days, my wife was working as a bank advisor. The usual dress code for her was a blouse, skirt with black tights and heels. Something formal.
Every advisor had is own room for work, each room was separated by blurred glass walls.

One day, she had an appointment with a new client, a really handsome guy as she told me, a business owner who was looking for a new bank.
After the usual presentation talking, she asked if he wanted a coffee. He accepted, so she stood up from her desk to get to her coffee machine, and lowered herself to get a cup in the drawer underneath.

She innocently glanced behind her back, catching her client insistently lurking her ass. She was surprised but remained professional, it would have been a mistake to point out his behaviour as she was trying to convince him to become a new client.
The rest of the appointment remained formal, they got along well and he was really friendly with her.

They exchanged conversation by mail for 2 weeks, strictly professional, before meeting again.

She clearly had something in mind because she told me that day she wore a shorter skirt and stockings instead of tights.

When the guy got into his room they talked about 20 mn of their personal life to get to know each other better, he acted really nice with her, even a little bit flirty but he made it smoothly as she couldn’t tell if he was really getting flirty or not.

Before entering the business matter, he asked her if he could get a cup of coffee.
Immediately she remembered the last meeting and the look he took at her ass.

She boldly asked him “You really want some coffee or it’s just to take a look at me like the previous time ?”

She told me he didn’t look embarrassed at all and answered promptly : “Both”.

She stood up and walked to her machine coffee, and before lowering herself to get a cup she rearranged her skirt to lift it a little bit.
Then she slowly arched her back while leaning forward, causing her skirt to lift more and more, revealing the end of her sexy stockings and then half her ass. She took her time to find a cup, to let him take a good view at her ass and her black string.

Then she straightened up and gave him a smile as he stood there, in shock that she had the guts to give him a show.

They started talking business as if nothing happened, in a relaxed atmosphere.
She told me that at some point they were discussing about two possibilities for the management of his accounts.
One was much more costly but in evidence she tried to convince him to take this one.

They debated about half an our on this subject and all of a sudden, to close the topic, he asked her “How could you convince me to take this option over the other one ?”.

According to his smile while asking, my wife understood he was getting flirty again and waited for her to answer in the same way.

She told me she very calmly said : “Because if you agree, you could take a nice view at your favorite advisor every time you get to the bank.”
He looked pleased with her answer, and then added ” Well maybe my advisor would let me see more in the future if I sign with her”.

Understanding what he meant, she started to unbutton her blouse, revealing her chest and her sexy bra. “Is that enough?” she asked.
“I’m sure you can do an extra effort”

She put her hand inside her bra to take out each of her boobs and leaned forward, leaving her breasts rest on the desk.

She knew she won the deal when she saw how hypnotized he looked, lurking at her tits.

She told me she stayed like that for the rest of the meeting until he leaved. H
While she was buttoning her blouse before accompanying him to the exit, he asked her to text him if she wanted to meet outside from her job, which she did. 2 weeks later they started dating.
