Incubus P1 [MF][Set up][Tease]

I am what humans refer to as an incubus. That is not what we refer to ourselves as, but for the purposes of this it’s enough. It is true that I feed on sexual energy, but its a bit of a misconception that it’s only in the act of copulation that I can feed. I can sustain myself and my human form from physical contact with a human experiencing sexual pleasure without it being explicit. I would prefer if it did mind you, but it doesn’t need to. I would liken it to the difference between getting a meal of ramen instant noodles and a steak dinner. Both the job of satiating hunger, but one is a richer and more satisfying experience.

As I very rarely go hungry these days, I don’t have to squirrel myself away in some dark abandoned place to conserve energy to maintain my human form. I can now be a member of your society, living among you. I have found a vocation that allows me to feed, and provide a valuable service; a masseuse. Not everyone that comes to see me gets excited by my touch. Many enjoy the relaxation, or need to get the knots worked out of their bodies, but enough of my patrons do get turned on enough that I don’t go hungry often.

My human form these days is a very average man, a little on the taller side with a little extra padding. I used to try and model myself after popular singers or actors of the day, but many clients would get intimidated and not be able to relax. I get a little bit of thrill when I can surprise someone by getting a carnal reaction from someone they aren’t immediately attracted to. Because of my nature, I can sense the release their bodies need and tell when it is safe to push the envelope as it were.

I change studios every few years, and I had started at a new one a few days ago. I always make it a point to go an introduce myself to the local businesses in the area to try and drum up clients. I had made my way through a hair salon, a supplement store and a deli before I had gone into the nail salon. There was a short woman with straight purple hair looking bored at the counter, the salon empty. She gave me a bit of a surprise when I felt the arc of attraction run though her when she saw me walk in.

“Hi there, my name is Dave. I’m a new masseuse next door and I wanted to check if it would be okay if I left a few business cards with you to try and drum up some business?”

“Hi Dave, I’m Dana.” She said reaching out her hand. I walked over to the counter to her hand it a light squeeze and a shake. There was another wave of excitement when we made contact. “Absolutely, and would you be okay if I gave you some of mine? I’m a little new here too and it’s not a bad idea.”

“Yeah, the studio has a spot for local business cards at the front desk so I’ll take them back with me.” A quick flash of frustration passed her features.

“Well, that was nice of the other staff here to let me know that.” She had a very sweet and cute look to her, but there was a quick temper there too.

“There aren’t any there are any cards there now, so its hard to say if they would have known.” I watched her features soften , and then her lips split into a smile.

“Defending my co-workers sight unseen eh? I suppose I shouldn’t assume the worst of them.”

“They could be awful for all I know.” I said with a smile that I hoped she saw as mischievous. “I was also going to see if you would be up for in trading services? I don’t have any clients yet, and it would add to any recommendations if you could speak from experience.” She sat up a little straighter at the offer.

“Well, that goes both ways, and I’m not busy myself so why don’t you sit at one of the stations.” She gestured to the closest chair to the front desk. “I’ll take a look at your hands and then you can take a look at my… shoulders!” It sounded like she was about to say something else, and surprised herself. I took the offered seat.

“I have to keep my nails short for work, so I don’t know if there will be much to do.” She took my hands and laid them palms up, running her fingers over them. I could feel another arc of excitement. Now that we were touching I could feel it run deep to her core. I could tell that she liked to have hands on her, moving against her skin.

“Oh, there is lots more to do than a trim or file nails. I was checking for callouses, but you don’t do much physical labor do you?” There was a flirty slyness to how she said physical. “Strong hands from massaging, but without the roughness that comes with heavy labor.” She was thinking of my hands being on her body but I couldn’t quite pick up on where she was thinking.

“I’m not afraid of hard work, but its been awhile since I have had get out and put my back into anything.” She went a little red around the ears at that.

“Well, I’m not sure if that is a shame or not yet. Lets take a look at your cuticles.” She pulled out a small tapered stick, and ran them around the beds of my nails. “Do you ever use a clear coat to protect your nails or anything?”

“No, but there is a first time for everything.” Her focus was on my hands, but she looked up and I smiled. She smiled back, then her focus went back to my hands. She was very fixated. “All the lotion and oil keeps my skin soft, but I don’t do anything for my nails.” She pulled out a buff and worked on each of my nails in hand. There was a soft pad to hold my wrist up, but she held my hand rather than let it rest. I could feel her hands warming the longer we were in contact.

“There, that’s about as much as I can do with out breaking out some polish.” She had held on to my hand a little longer than was necessary. “I should really be minding the front desk. Don’t want to miss a walk in customer.”

“That is true, but I could work on your shoulders while you man your station.” Her excitement was rising, and my apatite was getting larger. “I you want to sit backwards on the chair, I can work on your shoulders and further down your back.”

“Uh… sure… that could work, but be mindful if the phone rings or someone comes up.” She was getting flustered at the thought of my hands working her skin and muscles.

“I will be the picture of professionalism.” She went and mounted the chair backwards. She was wearing a black sweater over a light blue halter top. There was a series of moons waxing and waning along her spine. I placed my hands on the top of her shoulders. I worked my hands into the muscles, feeling her skin flush at my touch. She let her head hang down low and moaned. My thumbs working her skin along her spine as low as I could go with out removing any cloths. “Let me know if I am using too much pressure.”

“You will be the first to know. So far, this feels great.” I found a knot in the left side of her trapezoid. She breathed in sharply, and let the air hiss out between her teeth. I reached up with my other hand an put it on the right side of her neck to brace her. There was a intense zing of pleasure from that. She liked to have her neck touched.

“There is a pretty good knot here, I can move on if its too sensitive.” Her hands braced against the desk, her knuckles white. It’s quite fun to play innocent in these situations.

“No, you are good.” With that I started working the knot with more pressure, keeping my hand on her neck. Moving up so my thumb was along her hairline at the base of her skull and my fingers wrapping around the front. I saw the small hairs on her neck prickle as another wave of excitement washed over her.

Her lower back pushed against me as I worked the knot and held her neck. I let her push more of herself against me, and could feel her skin leave a little bit of moisture against my shirt. I shifted so that the buckle of my belt touched the small of her back. She gasped and sat up straight so that her entire back was against my chest. My left arm moved to her side when she sat up, and was along her side. I could feel her breast rest against my arm, and I let my hand lower to her thigh. The fabric of her leggings warm against the palm of my hand. I could feel the waves of arousal running though her body, wanting my hand to move to her inner thigh. I looked down, and with her pressed against me, I could see her chest move with each breath. I could feel her swallow hard, and then adjust.

“Uh… clearly I need a massage more than I though. Wh… what time to you work to today?” She hadn’t moved away from me, still pressed against my chest, my hands still on her neck and thigh.

“I’m scheduled until 7.”

“I’m off in two hours, so I could come in at 5 if your not already booked.”

“No, I am free, and would love to see you.”


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