Husband’s Huge Mistake part 1 and intro . [FM] [Str8] [Fdom] (Fiction) (Fantasy)

I made some changes. Fiction and totally Femdom! This is part 1 and character intro. Parts 2-5 are on my blog in one post. I have the link posted on my profile page.

I married husband hoping I could bring him under my control. We share common interests such as jogging, bicycling, working out and we both love culture and the arts. Husband is gorgeous with an awesome build. He is athletic and super sexy. He was always a spoiled pompous brat with a cocky attitude. I love sex with him I’ve never had sex as hot as I have with husband. He has had tendencies to go against my orders and tends to be a smart ass and a male chauvinist. I have always been into being in charge. So this made things tough in our relationship.

I have to be in full control to be satisfied. I always knew then that I wanted to be in control of my marriage! When we were dating, I exercised as much dominance over him as I could. I when we went out together before getting married I always preferred to take my car and do the driving, but whenever he would be driving, I would tell him when to turn giving him directions and tell him what to do it instructing him on how do to things even if he already knew. He didn’t seem to mind and I loved asserting myself be ordering him around. I assumed he would be easy for me to control once we got married.

I wanted to keep husband on a very short leash but soon after we got married, I was frustrated and angry as I was unsuccessful in controlling him which caused real issues. I patiently tolerated his defiant ways hoping I could gradually gain control over him with my overbearing nature. The marriage had been struggling as husband was not receptive to my controlling desires. I was denying husband sex at times as I could not get aroused with him flat refusing to be submissive. It was so damn frustrating for me as I wanted sex with him but it was difficult as I need to be in control in order to be satisfied.

I had begun to prepare myself to merely settle on being content with just role playing our positions where I’d be totally dominate and him fully subservient. Of course, what I truly wanted was to be in full control ALL the time. Not role play but with me being in full control and him being totally subservient for real and all the time regardless.

We had been arguing off and on so things were difficult. Don’t get me wrong we’ve always been in love but my overbearing desire for control caused friction.

So anyhow my husband and I had this role play thing we would do at times. I’d be a queen and husband would be a man in my kingdom that broke one of my laws. So as punishment he had to become my subservient house husband for life. I’d have him at my beck and call and he would have to stay inside the house at all times no going outdoors and he’d be wearing panties and nothing else. Sometimes I’d make him wear a pair of my pantyhose or thigh high hose. And this worked okay as husband was really into the role play and his cock would get very hard playing it!

Well we planned for a weekend of this role play game I was looking forward to it and so was husband.

Friday evening, I was so ready to get home. My week at work was hell. My car broke down Monday morning, I got an awesome promotion but now I had to learn a new position. My computer crashed Tuesday afternoon so I had to work late every night getting caught up. Husband and I had been getting along well. I was horny but too damn busy for sex. In the evenings we had some intimate time but both of us were too tired for sex.

Husband was working overtime as well. So like I said we agreed that starting Friday night we’d play the queen game! So, Friday evening it was time for me to be the QUEEN! I got home and saw husband’s truck in the driveway. I walked right in. I kicked off my shoes and sat my purse on the kitchen bar counter. I looked at husband and said. “you know your orders” I walked on back to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Husband was still in his work clothes.

He was wearing aftershave that I love the scent of. I told him firmly “get undressed head to toe. I watched as he took off his dress shirt and pants. His gorgeous body and legs were getting me so damn hot. After he was naked, I said to him. “Undress me gently dear” He started with my blouse then my bra.

I stood up and he took my slacks down my knees. I sat on the bed and he slid them off then he took my knee-high hoes off. He rubbed my legs and feet. I laid down flat on my stomach and I said “Rub my back and shoulders.

I was getting more aroused while his hands massaged my back and shoulders. He would let up and I’d say firmly and harshly “KEEP GOING” Soon I said okay stop I’m going to roll over on my back. Then I told him “Okay rub my feet and legs and suck my toes” He knew the drill and he laid under my right leg wrapping his sexy legs around mine. I massaged his gorgeous legs and feet while he had them wrapped around my right leg. I was rubbing them vigorously I kissed his feet and legs and I was getting wet. He was rubbing my right leg with just the same vigorous motions. I was already wet and he as kissing my leg foot and toes rubbing the crap out of them and his cock was HARD as hell right under my knee. He cummed like hell and slowed down.

He wanted to get up. We had both orgasmed but I was wanting to take this slow. I said firmly “NO you are staying RIGHT THERE MISTER” I just rested with my right leg laying on him. I ordered him to keep slowly massaging and kissing my legs. We had awesome small talk it was so intimate and hot.

“Just hold me” I said as he turned around and cuddled with me. Then I said “carry me into the living room” He carried me into the living room and stood me up as he sat on the couch then he brought me down into his lap where I curled up kissing his chest. We were both satisfied sex wise for a while so I allowed him to put on a pair of my panties and a pair of my jogging shorts. Of course, due to my strict “rules” he had to stay inside the house so while he was lounging around, I took out the trash and got the mail. For a while he just sat around watching tv and making nice small talk. I just love talking with husband casually.

Later I began to get aroused again and I can tell when husband is beginning to recharge so to speak! We were having a sweet intimate conversation really tuning in to each other. I looked him straight in the face and said “back to the bedroom” We walked back there I led and held his hand pulling him along. Sometimes I love to have him fuck me as I’m laying down but I also love doggy style at times. This time I was in the mood to have him fuck me doggy style. I was on my knees and I was roaring again HOT AS HELL and his cock was getting big and hard again and it felt Sooooo super awesome as his cock went inside my pussy WHOA this was GREAT!!!! He and I had one HELL of a Romp!!! DAMN that felt good and Again we both climaxed and slowed down.

We had more intimacy and after a late supper and some wine we went to sleep. I woke up aroused again and husband was also I could tell. It was very cold outside and husband was wanting to go fast and take out to go hunting. I was pissed off about this and I did all I could and said “You aren’t leaving this house mister!!” I coaxed him into being my subservient house husband all day Saturday. Off and on shoulder, back, feed and let rubs and serving me lunch and supper. Saturday evening, we had sex again. This time it was slower. His cock hardened slower and I rubbed his back with my hands kissing his chest and neck.

We woke up Sunday morning. I was ready for another day of husband at my beck and call and sex but he had other plans. He said “babe I love ya but I’m not going to miss some deer hunting this weekend”. I was so upset he could tell by my face that I was NOT a happy woman. By now the mood was screwed up.

So, I got my hunting clothes on and went with him. I wasn’t planning on going out hunting this weekend but I wasn’t about to spend all day Sunday sitting around the house with nothing but my damn vibrator. As usual I took pleasure in telling husband how to get where we were going and bossed him around as much as possible. But nonetheless I wasn’t in the best mood. I was wanting to be at home where it was warm and comfortable with husband inside with me taking care of my needs. But here we were out here in the country where it was very cold. I was NOT up for deer hunting! About 20 minutes after we got out there I slipped on some leaves in this steep area. I took a fall and my left foot was HURTING LIKE HELL!!!! It was swelling up I pulled my hiking boot off. Husband was going off another direction so I had to text him. Well he had to come over and carry me to his truck. Several hours later we were home from the ER….. I had a broken foot so I came home on crutches wearing one of those huge boot brace things or moon boot as mom calls them. I was very sore and VERY PISSED OFF!!!! I was thinking to myself. I sure wish I could ground husbands ‘ass to the house for the rest of his life! Once we got inside, I insisted that husband help me out of those damn hunting clothes and into one of my night shirts and help me into bed. I was not too talkative by now…..’
