Galaxy’s Edge Chapter 1: Slave 18’s Birthday [NC][Slavery][Training][Star Wars]

All she ever knew was the Compound. Ahik Kimo, or Kimo as her fellow sister slaves called her, was a Twi’lek, born and raised in a secure facility. To her owners, she was Slave 18, or “Slut”, or “Bitch”, or “Tweak cum dump”, whatever term they decided to call her, if they were pointing at her or even looking at her, she knew they were addressing her and she had to comply. All Kimo ever knew was her training. The slave thought it was normal. She didn’t understand why newly arrived sister slaves would cry themselves to sleep every night. They didn’t know how easy they had it now before their training became truly rigorous. The slave uniform, barely a strip of cloth that covered nothing, the head cages that kept their head appendages, their lekku, manacled, the constant leering from the guards, all paled in comparison to the strict exercise regiment that had to be followed every day or face punishment. Each slave was kept fit and ready,

Kimo was lucky though, she had her mother, Slave 11, to comfort her. Kimo called her Mama, but didn’t know if she had any other names. Her Mama was there for her throughout the worst of it, especially when she came of age and became eligible for the final stage of training before being put on the market. Slave 11 had already endured the early stages of punishment and training, and knew to prepare her daughter for a lifetime of horror. What resulted instead was the perfect result of brainwashing. When Slave 18 came of age, she was eager to discover what the next stage of training would be. Up until this point, she had endured rigorous exercise to tone her body, taught multiple positions to contort herself for flexibility, and learned to eat all manner of foods for the sake of serving any possible owner in the future. She didn’t understand the lessons of eating sausages without biting them, but she learned to enjoy them at times when she would feel the most full.

Kimo stood alone in a dark room in just her uniform, barely wide enough to cover her taut breasts and far too short to protect her legs from anything. The green Twi’lek had just departed from her mother’s tearful, but silent arms, and no longer felt the warmth of her embrace. She stood carefully at attention, legs spread and arms crossed behind her back, waiting for the trainers to come in and begin her next stage. The cold room caused her dark nipples to swell, pushing out against the thin tunic. Finally the door behind her hissed open, and she stood a little straighter in excited anticipation.

“Ah, Slave 18, this is a momentous day for you, is it not?” a bored voice spoke behind her. Kimo’s heart quickened. The Owner himself had come to wish her a happy birthday! She kept her head firmly pointed forward despite her desperate desire to get a proper look at the human who ran the Compound with an iron fist. She had him to thank for her life, after all, and she knew it. “I’ve brought you a gift, to reward you for your progress.” She heard two figures moving behind her, then felt two cold clamps around her ankles. “Spread, Slave 18.” Upon hearing the command, she instantly stepped her legs apart without a second thought. Next she felt two cold clamps just above your knees.

“I hope you like it. Slaves who haven’t completed their training get to wear these until they earn the freedom to remove them.” Kimo risked a glance downwards to see what was tightening around her legs. Smooth silver bracelets with no markings glinted back at her, causing her to smile. “Thank you Sir, this slave loves them.”

“Good, then you will love what comes next.” Two Twi’leks, naked except for single collars around their neck, stepped forward with a bracelet in each hand. Then she heard the low voice behind her neck, causing her lekku to tingle, “Present, Slave 18.” She put her hands forward, palms up, as the slaves stepped forward and cuffed first her wrists, then her arms. As a slave, she had never even seen such finery before. Staring at her new decorations, she didn’t even notice the collar around her neck until it clicked into place. She felt two heavy hands on her shoulders, and her knees weakened. The Owner speaking into her ear caused her to almost faint at this point, “Now that you have reached this stage, you will learn what your true purpose is here at my Compound.”

A sudden hum started as a blue light shone around Kimo, and she felt the bracelets freeze in the air. She tried to move, pulling at them, but the metal bands remained immobile and floating, keeping her pinned in place as blue light crackled around her.

“Impressed? It’s a special force field used for keeping unruly prisoners. The slave collars are effective enough to not need it, but I like to use them for this training stage to keep the property in place as they learn to be used.” As he spoke, the Owner slowly walked around to her front. She knew better than to let her curiosity get the better of her, so she kept her eyes carefully fixated on the ground despite her growing unease. Kimo was struggling to understand what the Owner meant by “used”. She felt a finger under chin, and was forced to look up at the face of the Owner by his hand. She finally saw the human who owned her, who owned her Mama, who helped raise her by keeping her in the Compound.

It was an ugly face. Covered in scars and fat, balding and sneering with contempt. She almost felt disappointed, but she was careful not to let her emotion show. The Master pulled up a holographic display in front of her. It showed a figure, standing in the same position as her, with five rings of light around the body, in the same locations as the bands around her body. He reached forward and plucked the holofigure’s arm, pulling it forward. Kimo felt her arm yanked forward by the bands, as the blue pillar around her hummed louder. She had no control, she couldn’t resist even if she wanted to. But her childhood training kept her docile and curious. This was a new experience, one that while forceful, wasn’t painful, yet.

Then he grabbed the other arm while pressing behind the head of the figure, causing it to bend forward. As he did, Kimo’s body was forced into the same position by the bands that effectively crippled her movement. Her feet were anchored firmly to the floor but her neck and arms were stretched painfully forward and kept aloft, as the blue field crackled around her and kept them firmly in position. Her stretching had prepared her for maintaining the position, but it almost seemed like the Owner was deliberately pulling the figure just beyond the capability of the young Twi’lek’s body. It kept her uncomfortably tense and unable to relax, as she felt her tunic riding up her round ass cheeks. Her belt was the only thing keeping the tunic from falling and revealing her still hardened nipples, although they strained to be free from the cold.

The Owner stepped behind her and ran a calloused hand up her thigh. Kimo couldn’t help herself and shivered at the sensation. Her Mama had tried to desensitize her to certain actions, but the rough touch of a man stirred something inside Kimo that she didn’t quite understand. “Slave 18, now that you are in the proper position, and proper gear, I think it’s time you wear the proper attire of a slave like yourself. Nothing.” And with that, he tore the tunic off her body, revealing her tight green body, honed by years of exercise. As she felt the clothing rip away and the cold air embrace the rest of her skin, the slave felt a strange warmth between her legs. She knew her Mama wasn’t allowed to wear clothes, but she never understood why that rule existed and she was eager to find out.

The two slaves moved silently as if ordered by a motion, one knelt before Kimo’s face, while the other positioned herself behind her. Before she knew what they were doing, both slaves grabbed a hold of her and went to work. The slave in front of her began by kissing her, softly at first, but then more fiercely as Kimo responded in kind. Their two mouths locked lips as their tongues explored each other, letting drool drip down onto the slave’s exposed tits. The slave behind her buried her face in Kimo’s cunt without hesitation, worming her tongue deep into her hole. She pulled back and licked her lips, commenting out loud “This slave appears to have been trained beforehand, or already enjoys being used, Sir.”

The man let out a short barking laugh, “Already wet, is the little tweak slut?” He reached forward and grabbed the slave in front of Kimo, pulling her hands to Kimo’s exposed tits. Cupping her smaller hands in his big ones, he began to work at Kimo’s chest, sometimes massaging softly, other times pulling or pinching painfully. As his hands set a rhythm for the slave to follow, Kimo felt a trickle down her leg start to grow. His voice growled in her ear, “You have one purpose, Slave 18. To serve. Your Mother and Aunts here have already learned their purpose, they know their place. It is time you learn what that means.”

She felt something hard and warm press between her legs as the slave behind her moved under her and used her long tongue to start flicking at Kimo’s clit. Despite her mother’s efforts to train her daughter, Kimo still bucked at the sensation combined with her tits being tortured. She wanted to collapse but the rings held her firmly in place and she had nowhere to go as she felt the rod behind her find its way inside her. As the slave under her pulled her laser smoothed pussy lips apart to allow easier entry, the Owner continued, “Accept this birthday gift from your owner as you become a proper slave, cunt.”

The Owner plunged his cock inside her with ease as the slick pussy eagerly accepted the gift. Kimo finds herself unable to breath as the slave in front of her constantly pushes her tongue inside her mouth. Whenever she struggled and tried to resist the intrusion, the slave slapped Kimo on the face before continuing to kiss her fiercely. She felt humiliated and hurt yet something in her body tells her this is right, that this is her purpose, where she belongs. Kimo can’t help herself as she starts to kiss back while the Owner begins to pump in and out of her. She starts to subconsciously push backwards against the ramming sensation plunging into her. Never before had she felt so completely taken over by something, despite her upbringing in slavery. Even though it was her first time and Kimo had no idea what was happening to her, a small, growing part inside her told her that this was what she wanted for the rest of her life. What she was feeling was what she wanted to feel, deep down inside.

As she lost herself in the pleasure, the Twi’lek doesn’t even realize the sensation starting to sweep through her is coming. With a sharp pinch to her nipples, the young slave explodes in ecstasy, her tight pussy clamping down hard on the cock filling her up and milking it until the Owned gives a surprised grunt and also comes, unable to contain himself. “You little bitch!” He roared. She gave a small squeak of surprise, unsure of what she did wrong, and saw a flash of pity in the eyes of the slave in front of her.

The Owner came slowly around, carrying a familiar looking torture device, the taser. “One of the first rules it seems like this slutty dumb bitch is going to have to learn is that she isn’t allowed pleasure unless it is given to her by her Owner. Open.” The last word was a command for her mouth and she obliged, unsure of what was going to happen until she felt the warm rod slammed into her throat so hard she choked at first. Then the pain really started as her Owner jabbed the taser’s prongs into her protruded ass. Kimo couldn’t help but scream around the strange organ shoved into her mouth, but the Owner ignored her cries as he began to run his pussy slime covered cock around inside her mouth. He kept a firm hand on her manacled head as he drove himself in and out. He didn’t seem to care that he was softening inside her mouth, he held her head in place and used her mouth to clean herself off.

The Owner motioned for the slave next to him and said “Call in the Guard, this slave needs to learn her lesson properly.” The slave bowed and hurried out, returning shortly with the group of guards who were on duty outside. There were some murmurs and chuckles behind Kimo, who felt a sudden rush of heat when she realized they could see all of her exposed body, spreading from her face down to between her legs. Embarrassed at first,once she realized more was coming she slowly grew more excited. She could almost feel the burning desire of the group of men behind her, and she was craving the filling sensation inside her again.

“Gentlemen, this dumb fuck toy of a cunt thought that her body was hers to pleasure and came without permission. You’re going to take turns using her body to teach her it does not belong to her.” The guards cheered and pushed forward one younger looking guard, clapping him on the back and laughing. Kimo overheard them calling him “virgin” but was unsure what that meant. What she did know was that the young guard meant business as he buried his cock inside her before she even realized he was behind her. His eager and sudden thrust pushed her forward onto the Owner’s cock, causing her to gag and choke.

Then she felt the slave under her gently caress her exposed breasts and Kimo’s training took over as she let her throat relx to accept the gift that her Owner was giving her. She was grateful to find out that the slime around his cock tasted quite pleasant, but was almost disgusted at the actual taste of him, unsure if he ever washed after using any of his property. Without warning, the man behind her seized up, groaning, as his cock inside her started to spurt. Unused to the sensation, but wrapped up in the heat of the moment, Kimo came again, her moans pouring out around the Owner’s cock as her hips buck from the shooting cock inside her.

This time the taser hits her tits, and she screams again, louder at the pain. “I did not give you permission to come, slave!” Her Owner roared as he pulled his cock away and slapped her face repeatedly. “Next!” The chuckling crowd of guards grew quiet as Kimo heard heavy footsteps behind her. The next thing she felt was something the size of a fist pressing between her legs. She wriggled for a moment, unsure of what was happening before the Owner grabbed her head and shoved his slowly growing cock back inside her mouth, pushing her backwards. She gasped as she felt the enormous rod behind her pop inside her and heard the guard’s deep shuddering moan as he grabbed onto her hips and roughly pushed forward deeper inside her. She could feel her insides stretching, wrapping around the massive piece but growing to accommodate it without too much discomfort. Her knees had betrayed her ages ago, she couldn’t remember when, but the rings kept her legs firmly in place as the large guard behind her began to rhythmically pump in and out of her. She was worried the guard wouldn’t fit, but it seemed her body had other plans.

Seconds later, her body was convulsing on his cock uncontrollably as it filled her up like nothing she had ever experienced before. The guard grunted in confusion as his dick softened quickly to the jeers of the rest for finishing so quickly. He pulled his still leaking cock out with a heavy slurp and walked away muttering something about how usually it takes him hours. Before Kimo could even think about what had just happened, her body was wracked with pain from two jolts from the electroprod. “When will you learn to ask for permission, slave? Are you such a slut, that you can’t even control yourself?”

A rumble came from the crowd of guards “I think she’s such a slut that I couldn’t control myself.”

“Well if that’s true, then maybe we need to get more of the guard in here until she’s learned her lesson. In the meantime, I believe my cock is ready to teach you your next lesson in servitude.”

The Owner positioned himself behind the panting, sweating twi’lek, as she basked in the pleasure of her orgasms. Even with the pain of the cattle prods and the shock of being used for the first time, there was something enthralling the slave. She knew this was her purpose, that this was what her training was for. She felt the surge of determination fade almost instantly the second she felt the Owner’s hard rod press up against her asshole. Kimo wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but she had seen some slaves barely walk at all after particularly rough sessions and she was worried that she was about to find out why.

With zero ceremony or preparation, the Owner shoved his rigid cock into her asshole. The inexperienced slave gasped in pain and tried to wriggle free to no avail. The energy field kept her rings firmly fixed with no means of escape. Her asshole burned as she felt the rough thrusting of her owner’s cock pump mercilessly in and out. Tears started to roll down her face, but the slave dared not cry out. She learned from an early age that any vocal expression of emotion would only lead to worse punishment.

A sudden pop, and the cock was pulled out leaving her ass hanging wide open and ragged. “Where are my manners? I’m sure you probably need some lubrication. Here, provide it.”

A stinking cock was thrusted in front of her face and before she could resist, shoved down her throat. She gagged, her eyes burning from smell and the dirty humiliation. “Good, let those tears wash all over my cock. Maybe it’ll make your ass hurt less when I get back in there. Let this be a lesson to you slave, if you don’t behave, you won’t get to enjoy yourself.”

Kimo nodded vigorously, trying her best not to cry out and gag on the cock shoved down her throat. After she licked it sufficiently clean, the Owner stepped back around her and shoved his cock deep inside her ass again. As he continued pounding into her protruding ass, more guards entered the room. Some applauded and others whistled. At first Kimo felt embarrassed, having never performed such acts, much less in front of an audience. But as she saw the hungry looks in the men’s eyes, she realized that she almost enjoyed feeling desired. And if that meant she got to feel more of them stuffed inside her pussy, then the better for her.

The Owner grinned at his audience of employees, spanking the newly christened slave with showy smacks to rouse cheers from his men. “Who wants to give the new girl a taste of their cocks?” He called out, as he continued thrusting and smacking.

A large dark skinned guard stepped forward. This one was some kind of humanoid alien that Kimo didn’t recognize, a tall furry beast of a person, and when his pants dropped she could see why he was a guard here. His enormous cock couldn’t possibly fit normal women out there, so clearly he needed special satisfaction. Behind him one of the other guards groaned “Aw man, her mouth won’t even fit that. He’s going to stretch her all out before we get in there.”

The now naked guard rumbled with laughter, “Then maybe next time, you should be the better slave catcher.” He reaches down, his massive hands cupping the head tentacles at their attached base. “Hello little one, happy birthday.” And with that his cock slid inside her gaping mouth. There wasn’t much she could do to resist, his muscular physique kept a firm hold on her head as he slowly but surely buried his cock inside her mouth. She gagged, but found she was able to still breathe somehow through her nose. The cock stopped only a third of the way down the shaft before he found her throat.

Frowning, the guard said “This won’t do at all.” Then grabbed her head and pushed even further, causing her throat to expand around the cock. She didn’t know her body could do that and from the grunt of surprise from the guard he didn’t expect it either. She sucked air gratefully through her nose, trying desperately not to pass out from the sensation of her ass being reamed pushing her ever deeper on the cock inside her throat with every thrust.

Finally, with a grunting moan, Kimo could feel hot liquid spurt deep inside her in a place she had never experienced before. The sensation felt strange yet rewarding in its own way. As the Owner stepped back, the guard mouth fucking her grinned. “My turn.”

Pulling his slobber covered cock out of her helpless mouth, the guard kept a firm hand on the back of the head of the slave. There wasn’t any real need given her imprisonment, but the sensation gave her a reminder that she wasn’t finished yet. Another guard stepped forward to take his place at her mouth, his cock already out and hanging loose. It stank from the stench of an earlier slave, but Kimo had no choice but to accept it into her mouth as the guard began to vigorously thrust.

She felt two massive fingers roughly spreading her lips apart and breathed a sigh of relief through her nose as she felt the enormous cock head at her cunt. As the cock pushed into her, she felt a strange warmth between her legs. She was worried that from the massive size she would feel only pain, but the enormous rod felt pleasant and enjoyable as it managed to insert itself fully inside Kimo. The other guards whistled in shock as the guard grunted in surprise at seeing his cock buried inside the slave to its hilt. Kimo felt only pleasure, she knew that this was her purpose and as the cock pulled out of her cunt only to be slammed back in, she came without warning at the fulfillment of her purpose.

The orgasm ripped through both men as the slave’s body clamped down on both their cocks and sucked them dry. In surprise they pulled out of her, with their cocks still squirting, shooting lines of cum all over her face, back and ass. The other guards laughed and jeered at the embarrassed participants who came practically instantly. The large guard behind Kimo looked confused, having never been spent so quickly.

Kimo again didn’t have a chance to enjoy the waves of ecstasy coursing through her body as she felt the electroprod’s cruel torment once again. She was going to learn or she was not going to survive the constant barrage of punishment. She knew that somehow she had to control herself even though she desperately only wanted more. As more guards lined up, Kimo braced herself.

The new guard behind her exclaimed in surprise, “Damn, her cunt is still tight after all that. She feels like she’s never been fucked at all.” Filled with approval, the slave was trying desperately not to come from the pleasure. She knew that this was what made her valuable. Her mother had taught her that the perfect slave is one that can serve with their body in any way. Kimo was determined to prove that she was that perfect slave.

The twi’lek concentrated, keeping herself from orgasm as the two guards pumped their cocks into her open holes. Her jaw had started to ache slightly, but she knew to keep her teeth back. She wouldn’t always have the benefit of a gag to help her and this was only the beginning of her new training. She didn’t expect the jolt of the electroprod to cut through her concentration, causing her to lose control and buck wildly in a shattering orgasm as she screamed from the pain and pleasure. The two guards were once again caught by surprise and their cocks felt a surge of pleasure that pulled an orgasm out of them without warning. Both of them stumbled back, suddenly drained and panting as the other guards jeered at them too. Some began to nudge their companions and mutter about the possibility that there was something special with this slave.

The Master grinned wickedly at Kimo as he prodded her a second time, causing her body to convulse and screams to rip out of her throat, more pain than pleasure this time. “Looks like we got a problem child on our hands. I’m going to enjoy training you.”


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