Another Way Pt 1 [FF]

Another way

For the last 20 years, my husband and I have worked damned hard to retire, or rather create a financial situation we could opt out of full time work, early as we could. It has finally happened.

Last week, we sold the business for enough money to invest in a trust fund of blue chip stocks, government bonds and annuities to provide us with a substantial income for the rest of our lives. We have two grown children, who are making their own way in the world, and when we have gone, they will receive the full benefits of what we have achieved. Right now, we decided they will get a supplement to their incomes, but that is another story.

My husband was originally employed as a safety engineer, then when the company and he disagreed over some fundamental issues, he opened his own practice and built it up to the point where it employed 11 other consultants and a small office staff of twelve. He ran the services side and I ran the office. Worked really well, but there were a lot of problems and difficulties we had to overcome, but that is no different to any other business I suppose.

When it was just the two of us we looked at each other a lot, but as work built up, Gary had to travel, and was away a lot. Eventually, he was a part-time husband, father, lover, friend. One year, he traveled so much that he spent 5 weeks at home, for the entire year. We figured that this was a sacrifice we just had to make if we wanted to achieve our goal.

As the work built, we needed more staff. We took on another couple of safety engineers and office staff. This is when I became the office manager, as well as chief secretary, hirer and firer, report proof-reader and a lot of other things besides. What it really meant was that the more mundane jobs were taken up by the two women I took on, while I was able to concentrate more on other jobs.

As more work came in, we took on more staff, and I had five women in the office, plus me, and five engineers, plus Gary. It was exciting, the work was fascinating, and the engineers, all males initially, but one female later, were in and out of the office. They went wherever the work took them. From one side of the country to the other, across the oceans, to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, wherever they were needed. Conferences, construction disasters, fairground accidents, football riots, lots of places where safety engineers were needed to evaluate and assess incidents, provide reports, give evidence. Insurance companies engaged us one week for something and challenged our reports on something else the next. Aircraft companies, construction companies, all sorts of organizations called us. Governments, law enforcement even intelligence agencies used our services. But enough, needless to say, we did really well, business wise.

The company was going about four years when I hired a 19 year old woman, Lin. She was absolutely gorgeous and she stayed with us for two years. She had to go home, but I can say, we were going to miss her a great deal. Well, OK as it turned out, I missed her an awful lot, but she opened a number of doors for me that I would not have done so myself.

There were five of us in the office, all secretaries on Lin’s last day, so we had a small farewell luncheon and an after work drinks session was planned. One couldn’t stay, she had kids waiting to be fed, so there were four left. We went to a small bar not far from the office and settled down. My two kids were with my mother, and I had already arranged they would stay overnight, I would pick them up the next morning.

The wine flowed freely for a while, and soonish, there was only Lin and myself left. I wasn’t going to stay longer but Lin asked if I was hungry, ready for dinner. I thought about it and told her sure, she was nice company and I wasn’t needed anywhere in a hurry, so why not.

“Great!” Lin said, “Chinese? There is a pretty good takeout shop not far from my place, if you like.”

“Chinese is OK, but I have had a bit to drink, and not really up to driving.”

“My place is two blocks away, and the shop is about ten doors away from it. Walkies!” I laughed and so we set out, on foot, two blocks.

It wasn’t really that far, well it didn’t seem like it. Talking to Lin all the way was fun. Boyfriends, work, growing up, where each of us came from, lots of girl talk so the walk passed quickly. We got the takeout and went the few doors to Lin’s apartment. She opened another bottle of wine and poured a couple of glasses while we ate and continued to chat. Then the conversation got personal.

“How do you cope when Gary is away?” she asked.

“Oh, you just get on with it.” I said, “The kids are well looked after, I have mine and his parents as baby sitters when I need them. The business consumes the rest of the time.”

She laughed a tinkling laugh and said, “No I mean, Gary is away for three or four weeks at a time, sometimes longer. I would go out of my head, clawing the walls if I couldn’t get laid in that time.” I burst out laughing.

“Oh I do, but credit cards are not the only plastic fantastic, and as long as I have some double-A batteries, I am good.” We both went into outraged laughing mode. From there, the conversation got a lot more raunchy and it seemed a lot more funny.

Finished eating and still drinking, Lin and I cleared the remnants off takeout off the table, put it in the refrigerator, and had the place spotless, all with laughter and wine. Then Lin stopped and asked, “Did you ever…” she hesitated.

“Did I ever-What?”

“Erm… stray?”

“Oh gawd! Can’t say I haven’t thought about it, that’s for sure. But no, Either I haven’t had the time, the energy or the right person.”


“Man…man.” I corrected myself.

“Mmmm man… ri-ight,” she said softly, “Something I have wanted to do since we first met.”

Lin then leaned over and kissed me. She kissed me! I mean not the kiss of a friend saying hello, but a kiss!

Three things happened, she startled me, my nipples got rock hard real quick and I just about orgasmed on the spot – and not in that order

I knew I was horny, I just bought replacement batteries, but my body knew what it wanted and reacted before I did.

I kissed her back.

I – kissed – her – back!


Here I was, kissing a woman and loving it, or rather, my body was telling me it was loving it. Well, okay, I was enjoying the intimacy of a kiss, but my body and my head were seriously conflicting here. I went with my body.

I had never been involved with a woman before. Not even considered it, unless you count the little bit of fooling around I did with Susie Watts when we were just twelve years old. Even then that was nothing more than a few tight lipped kisses, while hugging, fully dressed, practicing for when we were older.

“Lin-” I faltered as we came up for air.

“I wanted to just throw you over the desk at my interview, you know.”

“Lin-” I faltered again.

“It’s OK, I know, but I have wanted to make love with you since then.”

“You -” I faltered, yet again. Fuck-this was getting annoying.

“Yes, me. No, I am not gay, but am bi-,” she replied, “And right now…” She kissed me again, and again I kissed her back. Only this time, I really felt my knickers getting wet. Okay, here I am, kissing a woman and really getting off on it.

I felt Lin’s hands wandering over my ass, pulling my hips into her own, then on my breasts, her lips on mine, then my neck, everywhere at once. The sensations of being so intimately touched just overwhelmed me, sweeping me away. Almost like magic, my clothes seemed to disappear, and it was just moments that I was naked before her, letting her do whatever she wanted to me.

Taking my hand, Lin led me to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Both of us, in this small shower stall, naked, hugging, kissing, touching. I felt her breasts on mine, her lips on my nipples, tonguing them to the point where I thought they might burst. The shiver of delight mingled with the running water over my body made me cum even before we got out of the shower.

She soaped me down, cleaning everything, my breasts, my pussy and especially my ass. I was in a real sexual haze by now, so tried to do the same for her, but I am sure that it was just a clumsy set of motions that didn’t achieve much. Turning the shower off, Lin dried me with a harsh toweling that seemed to just heighten my skin to the sensuality of being touched by another woman.

I was too wrapped up in sensations to even consider speaking, all I could do was moan and gasp, to cry and scream my orgasm. Lin led me to her bed and laying me down, she began to kiss me again, this time all over. She kissed my mouth, my face, my breasts, my torso. She kissed me with a softness that lingered until the feeling was replaced by another kiss, just as soft and lingering somewhere else on my body.

Lin kissed and lapped her way onto my pubis, then as she pushed my knees apart, lifting them to expose my heated sex. My clit was so engorged and hot for the touch of her tongue I nearly came as soon as she lapped it. Lin didn’t stop there, she licked her way down to my labia and the multiple folds of skin that were swollen with the sexual pleasure she was bringing me.

I felt her tongue pushing the soft skin out of the way, and then plunge as deep as she could go into my vagina, tongue fucking me. Lin kept that up for a few minutes and pushing my knees higher, she turned her attention to my asshole. At the first sensation of her tongue licking around the rim of my asshole, I started to cum. I couldn’t help it, it was just so unexpected from her, so strong a feeling it was like my asshole and cunt were connected sexually.

I had never had anyone do this to me before. No-one had ever even touched my asshole sexually before. Yet it produced such a strong sweeping cum it really took me and shook me up.

As I came, Lin moved and returned to my swollen labia, pushing her tongue into my sopping love hole, and sucked, like she was drinking me. This really kept me right on the edge and in moments I was cumming yet again. The waves of pleasure sweeping through my body, turning me into a boneless jelly, collapsing on her bed.

I heart was thumping, threatening to burst. My pussy was pulsating in time with the surges of my heart, my lungs gasping for air like I have never craved before. Even so, I could still feel Lin’s lips moving up my body, suckling on my nipples, kissing my lips. She was lying half on me with my arms wrapped around her, so I could kiss her back, grateful for the stunning feelings that had taken me to another level of sensuality.

“Oh god!… I … have…. never…. felt…. that… before!” I stumbled out, between kisses. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, feeling that wonderful instrument that ravaged me just minutes ago.

“Oh good, and I love the taste of your cum,” she said as we came up for air, “Rest now, just stay still, and just hug me.”

I did, and caught my breath.

“I’ve never been with a woman before,” I said softly.

“I can believe that,” Lin said, “But I just had to try-you are so gorgeous, so calm and unflappable. I’ve wanted you forever. This was my last chance, not that I had too many opportunities before.”

“I never thought I would ever cum like that.” I said.


“Never considered a woman would ever make me feel like this.”

“Ohh? Don’t know what you are missing out on then?”

“No, and..” I trailed off.


“And… I don’t know if I can… I want to…”

“Oh..That is okay,” she said, gently, “The first time for anything can be really difficult. So you want to keep playing then?” I nodded. “Okay, I’d like to as well. But you don’t know how you can pleasure me?” I nodded again. “You could use your fingers, but you got long nails, so you would have to be very careful.” I nodded again, not trusting my voice here.

Lin rolled away from me, reaching over to a bedside drawers and fumbling for a second or two, she rolled back and held up a pearly white cock shaped dildo. “I think you indicated you knew what to do with one of these, so if you like, you can use this on me.”

I laughed, “Yes,” I think I was somewhat relieved at not having to use my mouth on her. Yes, I am being a little hypocritical here, but the idea of licking a woman is just as difficult as it is to suck a dick for the first time. You gotta work into it, you just can’t do it without some emotional building up to it.

I began kissing Lin, running my hands over her svelte body. Oh, was she firm – her 34B breasts, belly, ass all screamed workout. I took her nipple into my mouth and suckled her. The first.. only woman I have suckled from since my mother. I started the vibrator, an easy one-handed job – if you know how. (If it has a rotating switch, like this one, turn it upside down, hold low on the shaft with the palm and bottom three fingers while using your thumb and forefinger to turn the switch, but takes practice.)

Hearing the whine of the motor, I gently rolled it over her skin, her free nipple, and slowly worked my way down to her mohawked pussy. Holding it length-ways, I rubbed it over her clit, sliding it down along the length of her pussy lips. Her moans of pleasure reassured me I was hitting some marks. Lin pumped her hips as I wiped the tool over her mohawk. She moaned, increasing the sound of her pleasure, then she squealed, “Put it in! Put it in!”, so drove it into her snatch. There was nothing gentle about my push and it slid straight into that dripping cavern with no resistance at all.

In seconds she screamed her cum and there appeared small droplets of juice around the vibrator. She pumped her hips up to meet my hand as I poked her with the long, hard tool. As Lin came down from her cum, I moved to take the vibrator out of her and she said, “No, leave it there for a moment or two.” I pushed it back in so it was almost fully inside her.

She pulled me to her and kissed me, driving her tongue into my mouth. I felt her hand moving down my body, over my ass, then it lost contact with me. In moments though, I felt something warm on my lips. Warm and vibrating. Warm, vibrating and insistent. Warm, vibrating, insistent and sliding between my lips as I opened my mouth to accept it. It tasted like Lin. It tasted a sweet, tangy taste of sugar and spice, cinnamon and nutmeg. It tasted lovely, which was really unexpected.

Lin pulled the vibrator out of my mouth and kissed me again. She whispered, “Can you stay the night?”

I didn’t even think about it, I replied, “Yes.” I kissed her back, and then we touched each other, she made me cum, again, with her fingers. She told me she wanted me to do something with her. I wanted to do anything she wanted me to.

Lin reached over to the bedside drawers again, and this time pulled out a large bottle of oil. She wiped some over her vagina, then smeared a lot on my hand. She said, “Put two fingers into me.” So I did, but with my nails, I had to be very careful. Then I thought, fuck it, about time they were trimmed. I pulled out and told her that this could be dangerous, so get the nail scissors. She asked if I was certain, and I was. Lin took me to the bathroom where I put my hand under the warm water tap, making my nails softer. Within minutes the long nails on my right hand were all gone, sharp edges removed and I was ready for business. Drying the hand off, we then went back to bed. Lin got onto her back, spreading her legs. I knelt beside her, preparing myself by putting more oil on my fingers.

Spreading Lin out a little more, I put two fingers into her. The oil and her natural juices made her slippery and I was ably to easily slide my fingers in and out of her. Then she said, “Put another finger in me.” I did and again pumped my hand in and out, slower, but kept the action going. Her moans increased as i seemed to get more of my fingers into her. Then she said, between moans, “Go on, put four fingers into me.” I asked if she really wanted me to. “Oooh yes, I do.” So I did. Now it was really tight, but I could still pump my hand, only not as freely.

I kept the action going and Lin said, “Put some more oil on your hand, but don’t pull out.” and handed me the oil. I complied, and kept it going while really covering my hand, her vagina and the sheets with a liberal coating of oil. “Now twist your hand a little when you get in as far as you can go.” I did and every time I twisted, it seemed my hand would move a little further around and a little deeper. Then Lin said, “Go deeper, go as deep as you can, see if you can get your whole hand inside me.” I was surprised, but willing to try. I moved my thumb to the palm of my hand, then pushed it further to rest between the second and third fingers.

I did keep twisting and then with a firm push and a twist, my hand slid inside Lin. She let out a loud squealmoan. I asked if she was OK and she replied, “Ooohh fuck yeah! Pump it, pump it. Fist me – hard.” So I did. “Yeah, un-fucking-believable!” she moaned, “You’re filling me right up!” I curled my hand into a fist and slowly pushed it into her.

I pushed gently until I could go no more, then pulled back until I could see the bones of my wrist. I pushed again, until most of my forearm seemed to disappear inside Lin. It was likely only a couple of inches, but it looked like a lot. Pulling out, pushing in, I repeated that over and over again, much to the delight of my new lover.

My hands are not large, but they are not small either, not large, but definitely not small. Lin was grunting as I pushed my fist into her. She moaned and grunted and squealed in delight as my whole hand, now a fist, filled her vagina. With my other hand, I rubbed her clit and she soon began to cum. She came so hard that my wrist was squeezed and trapped by the spasms of the muscles inside her love nest. I didn’t stop, I just wanted to give her as much pleasure as she had given me earlier. She came again, just as hard, just as much pressure on my hand and wrist as before. I just can’t fucking believe that I am right now fist fucking another woman. My fist buried deep inside her, her moaning as orgasm after orgasm shoot through her body. She had convulsed and muscle-spasms three times and was only now feeling what I felt as she was licking me.

And I was glad to be able to do that, to another woman.

I pulled my hand out, as gently as I could, and it was a lot easier coming out than it was going in. The mixture of oil and her love juices made my hand so slippery there was not even minor discomfort getting my knuckles through the vaginal opening.

The aroma of our love making was overpowering and just so sexy. We were both exhausted, physically and emotionally. It wasn’t long before we fell asleep, content and satiated.

Even though I was in a strange bed, with a person I was not used to sleeping with, it didn’t stop me from getting some good rest. I did wake up once during the night, to the feel of a hand masturbating me until I came, again. I slept again until I felt Lin getting out of bed, waking me.

I heard the sounds of a bathroom, and a shower starting, and the running water just got to my bladder. I got up and used the toilet, watching Lin in the shower, behind the misted door. She beckoned me to join her, “Come in, the water is lovely.” I rinsed my mouth at the bathroom sink, and quickly wiped some Aim around my mouth with a finger. I joined her to wash away last night’s sins, and prepare for a whole new bunch.

I kissed her under the spray of water, then taking the body wash, covered her front with it, and used my own body to wash her down. I turned her around and did the same thing to her back. We giggled like school girls, and I kissed the nape of her neck. Lin turned and I kissed her again. The shower last night was part drunk fun, but this one was just real sexy fun.

I was determined that this morning, I was going to taste her. My nerve might fail me yet, but I made sure she was clean and well washed. I used soapy fingers to masturbate her, tasted soapy nipples which were quickly washed by a warm stream of water flowing over her. She masturbated me, kissing me all the while. Enough, I thought. Bed, now, under my mouth.

We dried each other like we had the night before and this time, it was me taking the initiative. I took Lin’s hand and led her to the bed. I laid her down, making sure her legs were over the side, so I could kneel down on the floor and still have access to her mohawk covered pudenda. I kissed up her raised left leg, to the knee then her right leg, while running my fingers over the inside of her thighs. I kissed lightly the inside of her right thigh moved up to the junction that contained my goal.

Slowly I kissed upward, gently nibbling at the soft flesh of her inner thigh, intently listening for the little gasps and soft sighs indicating I was on the right track. For the first time, I was looking at a woman, her vagina, her snatch, her pussy, her love canal, tunnel, her….cunt. A line of skin, glistening in-between a line of pubic hair. Swollen, pushing outward, multi-colored, rich pink on the inside, flesh colored on the outside. An engorged nut, about the size of the tip of my little finger. Something a lot more complicated than I had thought it was.

I could smell an aroma of excitement, overpowering the fresh shower perfumes Lin used. I closed my eyes and lowered my face, using nose, my ears, my lips and my tongue to guide me to the places of greatest pleasure for my lover. I held down a shudder at the first contact of my tongue on the slippery surfaces of her pussy, after all, if I can suck cock, eat semen, why not lick cunt?

I licked, and lapped, I prodded and gummed, I used my tongue to push into her, lapping the vaginal canal as best as I could. I took the labia lips and held them in my lips, I licked from the canal to the clit and back again, in a rhythmic motion, slowly, consistently. I lapped her clit, all the time tasting the smooth, subtle flavors of a woman, feeling her love juices seeping out of my mouth and onto my chin.

It was Lin I was eating, the same taste as her mouth, her skin. The essence of Lin, a little spicy, and nowhere near as salty as a man. Not that I have sucked off too many men, but they were all a little salty. Lin wasn’t like that at all. A more pleasant flavor, that is for sure. Thinking about it now, I think I realised that not all women will taste like this, like men, women too will taste different. But for now, Lin actually tasted quite lovely. With her making me cum like I did, and now me eating her, I am not sure why I never thought of a woman as a sexual partner before. This was actually wonderful. Here was I taking sexual pleasure from a woman, a lot of pleasure, and now giving her sexual pleasure. A much better trade sometimes than with men, I can tell you.

All this wasn’t really going through my mind while I was muff-diving on a former employee, this all came later as I relived the experience. For what I was doing to Lin, she was reacting to. Initially it was soft moans and little body movements that told me she was enjoying the attention of my tongue and lips. Then slowly, but steadily, her movements became more intense then stronger, then wild. She nearly threw my mouth off once, and then clasped so tight with her thighs that I thought if she rolled over, my neck would snap.

So this is what it was like when a woman came, or rather, when Lin came. It is different when using fingers and when using a tongue. More intimate, I think.

After a few moments, Lin pulled me up to kiss her. She licked my face, and I must admit, that was probably the most sensual moment I had experienced to that moment, but what happened next was just so sexy.

Lin rolled me off her, and onto my back, she then started to kiss her way down my body, but she turned herself around and straddled me. In moments, I felt her tongue diving into me, and that wonderful musky aroma of her most intimate parts enveloped me as she lowered herself onto my face. I licked her again, and again she licked me in a sixty-niner. This, surely, was the most sensual and intimate thing that two people could do for each other.

Oh, I had done this before with men, but I had never thought of it in these terms before. It was just the giving, the touching, the sharing of pleasure. Of doing the most intimate of dances with someone I just wanted to be with at that moment. There is a big difference between taking the hardened tool of a man in my mouth while feeling his stubble running over my labia and licking the soft folds of skin of a juicy pussy while my other lips were being kissed and licked but the soft lips of a woman. Just the thought of me doing this turned me on so much I was cumming hard, again, very quickly.

I think we were both surprised ad when Lin shifted off me, turned and hugged me, kissed me she said, “Jeez, girl, you must have been seriously horny.”

“Oooh I was…am still.” I replied, and then I sighed getting my breath back. “But this has to end, I got to move, kids to pick up and so on.”

“Yeah, I gotta finish packing, getting ready to leave.”

“Oh,” I was actually sorry to see her leaving. “When do you go?”

“Wednesday,” she replied, “So basically, five days.”

“Four nights?”


“Yes, nights. Can you spend your nights with me? Or do you have other lovers?”

“No one. No boyfriend, broke with him a week ago, and a girlfriend who lives upstairs, with her husband. She won’t miss me. But what about your kids?”

“Well, easy fixed. Gary won’t be home for another week and a half, so we can use the guest room, or my bed. The kids rooms are upstairs. The master and guest bedrooms are downstairs.”

“Handy, but I still have to pack and clean this place.”

“Yeah, like that is going to take you five days? You can empty this place out if you like, and still have a comfortable bed to sleep in. Renting?” Lin nodded, so I went on, “You can do it during the day and those last minute things are not going to trip you up. I can drop you off here and pick you up from wherever you like. And at night, we can maybe have some great sex. And I don’t have to worry about arranging the kids timetables to suit a reinvigorated sex life.”

It took a while, but she agreed. So it happened, and the sex was great.

I am usually pretty good in assessing things, consequences and such, of actions, but the unanticipated fallout was, to say the least, life changing. In my defense, I can only say that I didn’t look at the question at all, just thought and acted. No consideration outside of the immediate, emotive demands of my sexuality was made. If it had been, I would have saved a lot of angst, but also would have missed out on a lot of very intimate, very deep, and very satisfying sex – or that just might be lust satisfied.

But that is another story.


1 comment

  1. Mmmm wow this is an absolutely gorgeous telling of your first female to female experience xxx

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