Shaving Fantasy [mf] [sensual]

“What do you fantasize about?”

I paused and re-read your text again. Do I say it, or just make something up? I never thought one text could make me this nervous. The cursor blinked as if it was scolding me for delaying so long with my response. It’s just a text, right, I thought to myself. Who knows, maybe you’ll find this to be sexy as I do, I reasoned. My thumbs slowly begin typing the letters of my response…

“I fantasize about shaving a woman’s pussy.”

I stare at the screen in disbelief I had actually admitted that. In public. To a woman. I feel my heart beating a little faster in anticipation of the response. Fearing my admission would bring at best, a response of mild ridicule, and at worst, the conversation would grind to an immediate halt, or somewhere in between.


Oh no, here it comes, I thought. You are repulsed by my admission.

“I would absolutely love that! I have never considered having that done to me until this moment, but now that it is in my mind I can’t stop thinking about it. I admit, I am getting wet just visualizing it.”

Whew! Not only do you like the idea, but it turns you on! This is getting better by the moment. I glance down at your incoming text…

“Would you like to shave me?”

I can’t believe this is happening. You actually want me to do it! I quickly type my reply…

“Absolutely! I would love to. Is this afternoon too soon?”

In for a penny, in for a pound. I know I was being forward with the question, but no better time than the present. The cursor blinks for what feels like an agonizing long period of time. Oh no, did I blow it? I stare at the screen with nervous anticipation as your reply appears on my screen…

“This afternoon is perfect. I have the day off and now that you have placed this idea in my mind, I can’t stop thinking about it and want to make it a reality!”

Relieved and incredibly excited, we exchange a few more texts to work out the details of time and location. I have some shopping to do!

I quickly put together a shopping list, and head to the nearest big box store store to obtain the items I need. I want to make this moment a perfect memory forever embedded in your mind.

Arriving back home from my shopping trip, I bring my newly obtained items to the bedroom and being preparations for your arrival. I have a few hours, so I decide to wash and dry the new ultra-fluffy, ultra-soft towels, wash cloth and pillowcases I just purchased. I get everything in the washing machine and set off to do my other preparations. I place the two medium-sized bowls in the sink and turn on the faucet to warm the running water. After a thorough wash and dry, I set the bowls aside for later. They will play an important part to my plan. I wheel a small table into the bedroom to serve as my holding area for everything I will need for shaving your beautiful pussy. Just thinking about it makes my heart race!

I place the new pillows aside for later open the box which contains the new electric trimmer specially designed for women and plug it into the wall to apply a proper charge. I reach for the small scissors specially designed for trimming those “special” areas and pry them from the package which allowed them to be hung on an endcap in the store. I check and ensure they operate smoothly and set aside on the table. Next, is the shaving gel. I remove the cap and apply some to my hand and soothe it my skin. I had selected the “extra-sensitive” version to ensure the gel wouldn’t cause any issues for you later. It spears to be soft and silky to my skin, so I set it aside next to the scissors on the table. Finally, I pull the new razor from the bag and open the package and pull the hefty item free. I decided to purchase the deluxe women’s razor, which promised a “smooth & silky shave in the most delicate areas.” I am going to hold them to the hype, I thought to myself. I checked the design and made sure the construction was solid and the blade was attached properly and set it aside with the other items.

The buzzer for the washing machine rings, prompting immediate action. I pull the wet items from the machine and place them in the dryer to finish their preparation for the activities to follow.

While I wait for the dryer to do its thing, I walk around the house and gather a few candles I have spread throughout the area and move them to the bedroom and place them in on the nightstands on either side of the bed and across the dresser. This should provide a relaxing environment; I think to myself.

Next up, I need a perfect playlist to provide the sensual backdrop. I grab my phone and start browsing. I imagine to myself that high-end spas would play soothing new age music, so I start there. I select the album ‘In My Time’ by Yanni and some other perfect songs for my playlist, save it, and connect to my Bluetooth speaker.

The dryer buzzer sounds the alarm the time of your arrival is moments aware. I pull the towels, and wash cloths, from the dryer and fold them nicely and move them to the foot of the bed. They are remarkably plush, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I pull the pillowcases and shut the dryer door as I return to the bedroom and place them on the oversized pillows I just purchased and arrange them towards the middle of the bed to provide a comfortable place for you to lay back and enjoy your experience.

With a perfect sense of timing, the doorbell rings. I quickly start the playlist and walk towards the door, heart racing from nerves and excitement. I open the door and you smile and wave as you walk in. We embrace for a moment, feeling the excitement radiating from each other’s body. “Can you believe we are doing this,” you ask, as your eyes look up and meet mine. “It is going to be so HOT. I can’t wait for you to shave me!”

“I have the bedroom prepared, you can go get ready and make your self comfortable on the bed. I have to warm the water and I’ll be shortly.” I smile, as we turn and begin walking towards the kitchen and the bedroom on the far side of the room.

I see you walk away and my heart races. This is really going to happen; I think to myself. I hear the music coming from the bedroom mixed with the sounds of you undressing and settling in as I pour warm water into each bowl and put into the microwave, one at a time. I want the water to be hot, but not too hot, so it will be just the right warmth when we begin. I carefully carry one bowl in each hand and head towards the bedroom.

As I walk through the doorway, I can see you have made yourself comfortable amongst the mountain I pillows I had left for you. You are laying back, slightly propped up, so you can watch me. The ultra-plush towel under you. Your yoga pants and thong panties and neatly folded on the floor in the corner by your purse. Your legs are spread, and eyes are closed, as your right hand is gently petting and caressing your pussy. I stand and watch you for a moment, incredibly turned on by what I am seeing. I set the bowls down on the table and pull a chair up to the edge of bed and continue to watch as my fingers lightly begin to caress with your inner thighs. “I can’t wait to taste you when I am done,” I whisper. You let out a soft purr as your hands return to your sides, allowing me full access.

“Your pussy is incredibly beautiful. Thank you for trusting me to do this,” I smile as we make eye contact.

“Just be careful, that’s precious cargo” you teasingly reply, as you return my smile.

“Are you ready?” I ask. “Ready as I will ever be,” you reply with a slight chuckle.

I reach over to my carefully arranged table and grab the electric trimmer and turn it on. It comes to life with a low hum as I move carefully to begin manicuring your lawn. I glance at your face and see you lightly biting your lower lip in nervous anticipation. Your hair is medium length and under other circumstances, I would be very aroused seeing you naked with this patch of fur between your legs. The trimmer has an attachment over the blade to allow for adjustment to the length of hair when trimmed. I adjusted the dial for a lower setting to ensure there was enough to allow for an erotic shave, but not long enough to cause pulling, or razor burn.

I can see your clitoris is hard as I begin to shave the area above it. The trimmed hair accumulates on the blade as row after row is neatly trimmed, leaving behind a nicely prepared area. I set the trimmer aside and reach for the small scissors. I snipped the air a few times to warm the blades as I bring the blades your now engorged lips. I can see you are starting to get every wet. I use the fingers of my free hand to gently lift the hairs as the other hand trims, slowly up one lip and then slowly up the other, careful to ensure the blades are never close to your skin. Once completed, I lean back momentarily and ensure I haven’t missed a spot. You are clearly very wet at this point and dripping onto the towel.

I set the scissors aside and reach for the shaving gel and squeeze a small amount onto my hand as I begin to rub my fingers together turning the gel into a warm lather. My fingers begin to apply the creamy substance to my now neatly trimmed areas, careful to not apply too much, or too little. I quickly wipe my hands clean and reach for the razor and swirl it around in the now warm water. Taking the warm blades, with extra care and caution, I begin to shave your very sensitive lips. As the shaving cream begins to disappear with each stroke of the blade, I dip the razor in the second bowl I had brought and designated as the rinse bowl and repeat the process. Slowly your bare skin begins to emerge until your entire pussy is bare skin. “Damn, my pussy looks HOT!” you exclaim as I dip the washcloth in the warm water and begin to clean off the excess cream. Once all the shaving cream has been removed, your pussy glistens with a combination of the water and your juices.

I take the extra towel and gently pat the area dry as your hand returns to where it had been when I walked into the room earlier and you fingers begin to lightly caress your freshly shaved skin. “My pussy has never felt this good. You can shave me anytime!”

“May I have a taste?” I ask, after intently watching you touch yourself.

“Please do!” You excitedly reply.

I stand and push the chair out of the way as I kneel at the end of the bed with your beautiful, shaved, pussy now at eye level. I lightly kiss your inner thighs as I begin kissing inward. The moment my mouth touches the bare skin of your labia electricity shoots through my lips. Feeling the clean bare skin against my lips is magic! Your clit is significantly more pronounced with your excitement and lack of hair in the area as my hand reaches up and begins to pet your pussy. My lips cannot resist the amazingly little nub staring me in the face as I take it between my lips and begin to gently suck on it. Your moans become increasingly louder, urging me to suck it harder as your body begins to shake as the pent-up excitement explodes from your body in wave after wave of orgasmic relief.

As I release the grip from your clit, I return to lightly kissing your beautiful bare lips as your breathing returns to normal. “That was more intense and sensual that I ever could have ever imagined,” you exclaim. “When is it my turn to shave you?” …
