NFL Sundays in Scotland [MF] (Story Request)

So I’ve been hooking up with a married woman for a wee bit (yes, I have shared details, check my history) and she’s come to know of my love of the NFL, and requested a story that we may or may not be able to act out sometime. For the US-based, games kick off at 6pm here, and the pubs close on Sundays around 11-11.30pm.

Me and the guys were hanging out in a Glasgow bar that shows NFL live last weekend, grabbing some food and guzzling the beers as we always do. We’re spread out a bit, but always try to get together once a season to shoot the shit and slag each others’ teams off in person instead of the group chat. We don’t tend to have US-style sports bars here, but there’s a couple of bars that put the games on all the TVs during the season, as they know they’ll get folk in who want to spend a Sunday together with beers, etc, especially after a year with no get-togethers due to COVID. So this was the first time we’d seen each other like this for 2 years.

The early slot games were finishing up, and the bar emptied a little. The city centre isn’t exactly a place where lots of folk live – except the students in the halls – so most of the groups need to head away after the main block of games due to shitty transport links on a Sunday and needing to get to work the next day. So the place goes from buzzing full of fans in all sorts of jerseys to being able to talk without shouting, just.

I make my way to the bar for the next round, and as I’m standing there I see Alana at a table with some friends. I notice she’s wearing a familiar jersey, and realise she’s stole it from my closet when she was over last week. Thankfully not the one with my name on the guys got me for my birthday a couple of years ago! I’m almost a foot taller than she is, and I like my shirts baggy, so this was pretty much floating on her, but a sexy girl in a football top always looks that bit better.

She catches me looking, smiles and goes back to talking with her friends. I get my drinks and head back to the table with the guys, feeling my phone vibrate as I go.

As suspected, it’s a text from Alana.

A: Thought I might see you here tonight 🤣

Me: Well aye, I told you I was meeting the guys tonight lol. Nice jersey btw 😉

A: I figured it looked good on me, so might as well borrow it. Was planning on meeting the girls tonight so decided to guid them towards here as “a friend” told me it was a good place to hang out on a Sunday. They’re pleased, even if I can’t tell them who told me xx

I smiled to myself, set my phone down for a bit and went back to watching the games with my guys. About 20 minutes later, my phone went off again.

A: I see you over there trying to ignore me, you know I’m not wearing a bra underneath this shirt, right?

Me: Not ignoring you at all, just watching the game. And you can see I have company here. I do like the thought of your bare tits under that jersey though 😍

A: Oh really? Then go to the bathroom in 2 minutes, see what else I’m not wearing 😉

I stared at the screen for a few seconds, a smile creeping up on my face, my dick starting to harden. I knew she was a freaky wee slut, always horny, but given she’s married I figured she’d never risk anything with people around she knew might catch us. On the other hand, she was into risky sex and all sorts of kinky stuff, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she was trying to tease me.

I waited a minute, told the guys I was heading for a leak, and told my mate what to get me as he was heading to the bar for the next round. As I walked past the table with Alana and her friends, I glanced over but she made sure not to look my way at all. I did hear her say she was heading to the bathroom and heard her footsteps following me.

I opened the door in the back of the bar leading to the toilets, holding it open for the lady behind me like a gentleman should, the lady patting my crotch as she passed. I let her get a few steps ahead, then she went into the Ladies and was gone. I was cursing her for teasing me and about to head to the Gents when she popped her head out the door again.

“No-one’s in here, come on, quick!” she whispered, beckoning me in. I hurried over without a glance and followed her into one of the stalls, quickly locking the door behind us. She quickly flung her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss, as my hands, as usual, went to grab her tight ass.

She was pulling at my jeans, looking to free my cock as quickly as possible. “We only have a few minutes,” she gasped, sitting down on the toilet and yanking my jeans to my knees, pulling my underwear down at the same time. My dick was hard as a rock with the excitement so bounced up to her face, and she wasted no time getting it wet with her mouth, licking, spitting and sucking for a few seconds.

Then she stood again, turning round and pulling her jeans down herself, presenting her ass to me, and pulling my jersey up. She’d gone commando, as I’d guessed from her hint before, but I wasn’t expecting the bejewelled butt plug staring back at me as I looked down.

“You sly little cunt,” I sneered, “you know how much I like sticking things up your ass – you got in there ahead of me!”

“Why do you think I’m so horny?” she asked. “I’ve had this in all night, been on edge the past hour. Now hurry up and stick your dick up my pussy, make me cum, I need to get back to the girls.”

I had already been lining my cock up, so once I got the head into her snatch I rammed it straight in and began fucking her hard from the get-go. She wanted it fast, she was going to get it. I’d had more than a little to drink already, so I knew it would be a case of cumming quickly or being too far gone that I’d take forever to finish, and I was determined to make it the former.

Alana had her left hand against the back wall to hold her steady, her right hand reaching between her legs and playing with her clit to bring on her orgasm quicker. She wanted to hurry and so did I, there wasn’t a lot of time for us both tonight.

It only took a minute before she started to breathe harder and moaned that she was close, thankfully I could feel that I was getting there too – not *too* much to drink after all. A few seconds later I had to reach forward and cover her mouth to stifle her squeal as her legs and pussy tightened up, hard enough that my dick was forced out as my orgasm hit. I managed to grab it and put a few spurts over her ass and up her back before I had to pull my hand away and lean against the stall door to catch my breath.

Alana stood up quickly, pulled up her jeans without even checking the cum on her ass and up her back. She turned around, got on her tiptoes for a kiss, and pulled me out the way so she could go make herself presentable in the mirror and get back to her friends. As she went out the door she blew me a kiss, and I realised I where I was – in the Ladies’ toilet, jeans at my knees, with a semi-hard dick out, dripping the last bits of cum. I grabbed my jeans and underwear, hastily stuffed my dick back into them, and made sure I looked okay, before sneaking a glimpse out the door to make sure the coast was clear and heading back to the guys as if nothing had happened.

I met my mate at the bar, him finally getting his drinks order filled, so I knew we hadn’t been too long. I helped him with the pints, and headed back to our table. As I passed, I noticed Alana and her girlfriends getting ready to leave, one of them making a comment about being up early for work. This time she did shoot me an evil smile as she caught my eye, before she headed out the door.

As I sat down I sent her one last text. “I want that jersey back btw. Make sure you’re wearing it next time I see you xx”
