Fountain of Youth (Flash Fiction) (Magic) (Swallow)

I started cumming, filling the mouth of my partner, watching her greedily suck my load down. The middle age mother stared up at me, swallowing it down and continuing to suck, drawing the last remaining seed out of my cock. Suddenly, her skin tighten, her breasts went from a slight sag to perky and proud. The cellulite around her thighs disappeared completely. She stood, admiring the new body, her body that of woman half her age.

“Wow, fucking wow” she said running to the full length mirror. Turning, staring in disbelief. “It’s true, holy fuck it’s true.” She came back, “This will last how long?”

I stared her over, wishing I had been fucking this woman instead of her previous body. “Usually a month or so, depends. At your age, maybe two. It’s different for everyone”, I told her what I knew, the reaction wasn’t always the same. Sometimes it was three weeks, one time 6 months. I grabbed the envelope she had left me. I didn’t count but expected the $1500 to be fully there.

I had no idea what I was getting into back than. So many years ago, the maps, the books, the adventure. I had managed to find it, the Fountain of Youth. It had changed me, I became the peak version of myself, and hadn’t aged a day since. By accident I had been out, bored of fucking young women, when I had hooked up with a 45 year old. I woke up with someone seemingly 22. After experimenting, we found out it was my cum, altered by the magic in that water so long ago.

Now, I offer youth, for a small fee. As long as I cum inside you, it changes your body.
