I felt your hot cum deep inside me. Your body weight pinning me down to the floor. I was marked as breeding stock. Anyone can have their chance at my womb in this world.
You took that chance.
10 months later Im alone in my apartment. Im struggling to get up from the kitchen chair. My engorged middle making it quiet difficult. Being 2 weeks overdue with quads makes it quiet difficult to make it around.
The walker I use to hold my belly up groans daily under the weight of my belly resting in it. I waddle to the bathroom constantly. The babies make me take this walk what seems to be 100 times a day.
Its a miracle I’m able to fit through at this point. Speaking of fitting nothing fit anymore. I’ve been forced to stay naked for at least this past month. I keep thinking about when they finally arrive.
How I hope to see you after.
So you can do it to me all over again.
I love how big I feel. I hope to have many more in the future. I want to be even bigger.
– L