Dr. Deepika Part 4.2 – Deepika Gets a Helping Hand from the Hospital Staff [nonconsent][drugs][bondage]

[Ealier parts of Deepika’s story can be found here: https://reddit.com/r/u_Numorloc/comments/q7na2j/longer_multipart_storymegathread_dr_deepikas/ ]

[Deepika Exposed](https://i.imgur.com/LDU5DlY.jpg)

The fog of ketamine rapidly lifting, Deepika sneers thinking of the fucking audacity of Derek’s assault as she stomps away from the ER. Seething, she’d love nothing more than to take care of it. To report him and get him fired. To cut off his balls before shoving them down his throat. If she were to kill him, could she use the hospital incinerator to dispose of the body… or is there a better option?

“Stop it” Deepika thinks to herself. Slowing her pace and forcing herself to take a deep breath. Between the asshole fucking with her life, the rapes and blackmail, and the drugs and changes that have been made to her body, dealing with Derek is just like… 12th on her list of things to deal with. And almost the entire day wasted getting nowhere. First to get her blood test started so she knows exactly what’s been done to her. Then determine what’s on the fucking USB that’s so important. Maybe there will be a clue there. The last deadline she’d been given will be expiring tonight, and if she’s not going to complete the task, she might as well use it to try and get a step ahead.

Turning the corner to the lab department, Deepika catches the attention of her friend Alissa before drawing her aside. Alissa has been a friend since she’d starting working at the hospital. A perky firecracker that always seems to be getting in trouble of some sort. She and Deepika has managed to bond over drinks after work one night and has been inseparable friends since. As her best and most trusted friend, she knows that Alissa will be do anything she can to help.

“Are you doing OK?” Alissa asks her. The concern on her face makes Deepika want to puke. Of course, everyone has seen or heard about the video of her fucking rape. Her ruffled appearance from Derek’s earlier assault can’t have helped either.

“I’m fine. Or I will be. But I need some help from you.” Deepika says, pulling her friend further away from prying ears that might be listening. “I’m going to need a blood test, and I want it off book.”

“Hun, is this about your…” Alissa interjects. “You know a blood test won’t detect a pregnancy so soon after… Even STDs so soon…” She trails off.

Deepika grimaces. “It’s not that. I need a test for what pharmaceuticals I may have been exposed to. Hormone levels. Illicit drugs. A full battery of tests.” Deepika makes sure to make eye contact before continuing. “The results MUST be kept private. And I need them as soon as possible.”

“Oh hun… what have you gotten into?” Alissa asks. The pity on her face even more infuriating than the earlier concern. “Of course. Let’s get you started.” She says, leading Deepika to a lab station.

As her blood is getting drawn, Deepika fills in her friend in with broad strokes and vague descriptions of what she’s been going through. Rape. Blackmail. Drugged. The exposure to her coworkers and mandate from the hospital director. The last task to plug in the USB drive to the security computers.

“Do you have it?” Alissa asks. “I’m heading home soon, and I can take it home and start looking into it until you’re finally done today.”

“I mean…” Deepika mulls over her options. She doesn’t want to get her friend involved, but it’s a better option than taking it home.

“Go take a shower and get cleaned up, finish up your paperwork, and meet me at my house. We can solve this together and you can stay at my place like a sleepover!” Alissa offers.

Deepika rolls it over in her head. It *would* be nice to have someone on her side. “OK” She says, handing the USB drive and some cash to friend. “I’d like that. And pick up some dinner and drinks on me. I’ll join you as soon as I’m done here.”


As the first streams of scalding hot water touch her, Deepika breathes a sigh of relief. If only it were as easy to wash the thoughts from her mind…

Alone in the showers at work, she finally allows herself to relax. It feels almost therapeutic to be clean again. To have all traces of Derek washed away along with the soapy water. Deepika’s hands graze her pierced nipples and she fiddles with the bars in them, only to find that instead of sliding back and forth, they tug as she tries to move them. Is she running out of time to remove them without damage? Is this her body filling in the porous bars? Sometimes it’s a curse to have a body that heals so quickly.

Momentarily overcome with anger, she grasps the ends of one of the piercings and attempts to break it, hoping that the holes in it may have weakened the bar. Pressing until her fingers burn, all she manages to accomplish is to generate excruciating pain. And anger. Fury that her body has responded to the painful attention with erect nipples and sudden wetness. The betrayal of her own flesh hurting as bad as the physical harm… or worse.

“Of course we’d fucking find you playing with yourself.” A deep and raspy voice interrupts Deepika’s thoughts and she yelps in surprise. She’d thought that she was alone. That she’d locked the door. Turning around and attempting to cover her body with her arms and hands, her eyes widen as she sees the source of the voice. A janitor. And not alone. There’s 3-4 men watching her, their eyes dancing with mirth to see her flustered and exposed. She’d hope that this was an accident were it not for their hands idly stroking growing erections through their clothes and the keys to the door held by the man in front.

“I’m busy taking a shower! Come back to clean when I’m done.” Deepika insists, but her voice sounds hollow and weak in her ears. Lacking the presence of command and authority that she’s used to, she tries to order them again. “Get out, and I won’t file a complaint!” Better. But they seem immune to the status she’s usually afforded by the working classes around the hospital. Their grins only widen in response like her demand is some sort of joke.

“We did you a favor by cleaning up the mess that you left in the ER.” The man in front says matter-of-factly. “Now we’re just here to collect on it.” He steps forward, his hands at his zipper.

Her hopes sinking that she’ll be able to talk herself out of this situation, Deepika coils her body before launching herself forward. Hoping that her soapy body and sudden movement will allow her to escape, she surges toward the exit, only to stop and slow before reaching it. There’s more of them than she’d guessed. More janitors and maintenance men behind the ones in front that she’d initially seen. A dozen or so blocking the exit. Her mind churns, trying to think of another route of escape, only to go in circles. “You’re caught Deepika, what do you do?” the only thought she seems to be able to form before repeating it.

As the first man touches her, Deepika’s indecision  crystallizes. Fight. Or die trying. At least hurt them. Make them pay.

…but she’s no match for their strength or numbers, and it isn’t long before they’ve tackled her to the ground and controlled her flailing arms and legs. She’s left snarling and glaring up at them in a matter of moments. Her opposition of no consequence.

“It’s natural to resist.” The man who must be the leader of the working crew informs her. “Just as it’s natural for us to take what we want. So you won’t have to pay extra for that.” Kneeling down to her level, he continues. “But you do need to repay us for the mess you made in the ER.” Deepika glares at him and strains at her captors. She’s decided she needs to get them all fired or fucking killed along with Derek, she just hasn’t determined where to place them in the priority list yet. High though, and higher by the god-damned moment…

“Lets call this a warning shot. A first infraction.” The dirty worker continues. “You left a room for us to clean covered in cum? We leave *you* in a room covered in cum.” He flashes a quick smile, almost charismatic and charming if he wasn’t talking about covering her in foul fluids from the… fucking help.

“You **not** going to **get A W A Y with TH… *ghuurk*!!** Deepika jerks and recoils as her protests are cut short by hot sticky fluid splattering across her face. Her eyes clamping shut, she coughs and spits. It got in her fucking mouth?!??!  She’d recognize the familiar salty texture anywhere. Cum. The impudence of them assaulting her in such a way makes her boil with anger, but she dare not open her mouth to protest unless she wants to taste any more of it. She seals her lips tightly and tries to open her eyes, only to have her vision swim and burn.

The crowd of men roar and cheer as the man milks the last few sprays onto her body.

*”Jerry’s a fucking stud!”*

*”Cover the bitch!”*

*”I’m cumming next.”*

*”Did she spit or swallow?”*

*”Only jerking this time, Boss?”*

Another blast of warm seed splashes across Deepika’s face and she cranks her head to the side in a fruitless attempt to avoid it. All she manages to accomplish is to have more of it splash across her eyes – which would be bad enough if the majority hasn’t gone up her fucking nose. She grunts and exhales, flaring her nostrils in an attempt to clear the foul fluid, but the thick semen stays in place, blocking her ability to breathe. Trying again just causes her to cough and choke as she accidentally snorts some instead of expelling it. But she *has* to breathe…

Her vision obscured and gasping for breath, she’s unable to sense the next load until it hits her. The warm droplets are a stark contrast to the cool tile beneath her. She can feel it running down her face and heaving breasts only to collect and pool in the depression of her collarbone. Thankfully, they had deposited more of it on her body this time. But she’s already unable to breathe without the scent of their semen overwhelming her senses, making her want to gag. And with her nose clogged, she’s forced to breath through her mouth. She makes it a point to push out anything that leaks past her lips… but she can’t help but taste it…

… and it Just. Doesn’t. Stop. Over and over she can feel a new layer added to the rest. Man after man coating her and marking her with their seed. Until it drips into her hair, pools in her ears, splashes yet again onto her body. She sobs, struggling against the men and trying to free herself, but their iron grip is unrelenting.

“Bring that here.” Deepika hears someone say before something is slipped over her hear and around her neck. From the sounds and feeling of it as it drags against her skin, she can tell that her lanyard with hospital IDs has been placed around her neck, the cards sticking against her cum-covered skin between her breasts.

Someone’s hot breath tickles her ear as they whisper to her “Your IDs have been added so there’s no question about who you are on the pictures and video we save. Glazed and covered, you could be *any* cumslut.” She can feel more hot air on her as he laughs. “This way, anyone that sees them will *know* who you are and how you like to be treated.”

His statements punctuated by yet another load added to the rest, Deepika protests “You won’t get away with thissss…. *Hhrrerghhk*…” Her words are cut off as the lanyard is cinched tightly around her neck, she can feel it slipping against her slick skin as it digs in and cuts off her air and blood supply. Struggling, she gasps for breath, only to have another man release himself onto her. The well-timed cum targeted at her open mouth and hitting the back of her throat. 

“Beg for it, slut. Beg to swallow our cum. Slap those pierced whore tits and touch yourself while begging to taste the next man.” The leader of the workers orders her before releasing the pressure on the lanyard to give her a chance to comply.

Taking a ragged breath, Deepika coughs and feels some mixture of cum and spit splatter across herself. “… Please… Go… Fuck yourselves!” She rasps before spitting up more of the cum that had made it’s way into her mouth.

**SLAP** “Please!” **SLAP** “Don’t!” **SLAP** “Stop!” Deepika pleads for mercy as they slap her tits and clit ruthlessly.

“If you’re not willing to swallow our gifts, then there’s only one other place it belongs…” The comment from the worker is punctuated by someone scraping their hand down her body. Collecting and scooping before their fingers split the shaven mound between her legs and press into her. Covered and coated with cum, they slide easily inside her before she realizes their intention.

“Nooooooooo… Not there…  Ple… *Hhrruurk*…” Deepika’s protest is cut short as the lanyard is pulled tight again. The pressure held snug as the hand below her pushes into her harder, twisting and forcing into her. There’s no way she can fit something so large inside her! They’ll tear her! But she’s only able to jerk and struggle as her hole is forced wider. Stretched until she’d be screaming in pain. If she could speak. Or breathe. Relentlessly, the hand bears down lubricated by slick cum until the fingers put pressure on her cervix and their knuckles start to slide inside her with glacial slowness. It’s going to break her, she’s sure. Until all at once, it pushes past the entrance at the same moment that the constriction of the lanyard is released.

“Uurrrggh…” Deepika groans wordlessly. The pressure is overwhelming. Intense. And… pleasurable. Despite the violation, it’s hitting some part of her that makes her feel so deeply full and used. “Please… Don’t stop!” She pleads.

“Does your stupid whore brain even know any more whether you’re asking us to stop or continue?” The leader taunts her.

The fist inside her moves for the first time since it was forced into her, and Deepika only moans in response. She’s unable to think of anything else. What these men have done to her is humiliating and obscene… but if they keep… pressing there… like that… Her moans come more quickly as the fist is pushed into her with rhythmic force. The cum leaking into her open mouth and men around her forgotten. Each time she thinks she cant fit more, it’s pressed deeper. The pressure and pain combining with familiar feelings of a building orgasm… She’s close.

It’s at the moment she cries out with cresting pleasure that she’s interrupted. “Take it, Bitch!” She hears the now-familiar voice of the leader say as he forces his hard cock into her mouth. Swollen and throbbing, he reefs her head back and pushes past all barriers. Lubed by cum, distracted by pleasure, Deepika’s airways constrict uselessly to prevent him as he buries himself to the base inside her. Her orgasm now past the point of stopping it, she’s left to wordlessly writhe as he pumps his cock in her throat. She feels her cervix trying to milk the hand inside her as she cums and feels splashing between her legs. Is she peeing or squirting?

Grunting, the leader picks up his pace and pulls the lanyard tight around her neck again, the pressure of it grazing the head of his cock deep inside her. Bright stars flashing in her vision the only thing Deepika can see as she feels her consciousness fading. Unable to move, her toes curl and fingers grasp wildly as she fights to live and her lungs burn. The cruel sounds of laughter at her plight, the pressure of the fist still inside her, and the feeling of the leader’s cock twitching and cumming directly down her throat are the last sensations she feels before she succumbs to unconsciousness.


Deepika wakes up gasping, clawing at her neck and fighting her captors that no longer seem to be present. Her eyes cemented shut with dried seed, she crawls towards the sounds of her still-running shower. Curling up into a ball, she lets the steaming water wash her body of cum and free-flowing tears. Shuddering and sobbing, she lets herself have a cathartic release of unrestricted self pity while scrubbing herself clean until she’s red. Her fingers grazing the lips of her aching pussy, memories of the attack flood back to her.

The choking. The cum. The fisting. The… orgasm extracted from her. Her fingers investigate, only to find herself slick and sticky. Cum? Or her own desire? The water runs over her body as her own fingers enter her hole. It would be so easy to pass off her actions as trying to purge her body of offensive seed in some twisted recreation of their attack as she pushes more of her fingers inside herself. And maybe it had started that way… but plunging more and more of her hand into her hole and feeling the same achy pleasure as before, it isn’t long before she brings herself to a shivering and shameful orgasm.

Cursing, she tells herself that it was simply a mistake. Surely she just turned herself on from touching and not from the images and memories of what had been done to her. The similarities just coincidental. To admit more would go against everything she believes about herself. She tries to collect her thoughts and returns to scrubbing. Until she can no longer smell their scent on her. Or taste them. Until she feels like she can be seen in public without crying again.

With a sigh, Deepika finally gathers her feet under her and finds her things. Putting on a fresh set of scrubs, she sees that she’s got a new notification on her phone. A message from Alissa? Unlocking it reveals a new message:

“This was your first infraction. Don’t let it happen again. We won’t be as kind if we find a reason to revisit you.” Included is a picture of her covered and dripping what looks like liters of cum. Her features barely visible, her IDs remove any doubt that it’s her.

All of Deepika’s feelings of self-pity melt away in an instant to be replaced with burning anger and fury. Who do these low-wage dirty workers think they are? Do they really think that they can get away with assaulting a fucking doctor? And to threaten her with worse? In the short-term she can stop using the hospital facilities alone to remove their easy access, but she’ll need to come up with a better plan to neutralize them – or better yet, pay them back for their crimes against her. Maybe Alissa will have some ideas.

Collecting herself, she makes her way toward the hospital exit. How long was she in the showers? Hopefully Alissa is still up. She could really use someone to help her come up with a plan of attack, a way to seize the initiative and regain her footing before making those responsible pay for what they’ve done.

Will Alissa be able to help? Will the USB drive contain a clue? Will there be another punishment for failing to comply?

[More of Deepika’s story: to be continued]

[Take a stroll through my profile for more stories of kink and depravity]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/q9f0lm/dr_deepika_part_42_deepika_gets_a_helping_hand