[F] Human resource employee

My job is simple. I answer calls and am the office slut. Everyone who needs it comes to my room past the breakroom to let out their steam. I would have a special chair so that someone could walk up behind me and lean me back to fuck my mouth without much hassle. It would need to have more back support directly to the ground. It’s got to withstand some rough play lol.

Answering certain customer calls is my official job title, but it’s really secondary to servicing the cocks in the office. Sometimes I can handle doing both at the same time though. XD I’d have certain recooperation hours, but other than that I’d probably have someone on me at all times depending on the company.

This whole arrangement would require my manager has a decent cock, because any decent boss would take me into their office for several hours at least once a week. Not to mention work performance interviews.

If I get promoted, I’d be the boss’s personal assistant… always in his room ready to be pounded when needed basically. The sex would need to be great as well as the pay.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/q8flmq/f_human_resource_employee

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