[MF] She Stole My Virginity [Fdom] [cheating]

**ACT I**

During the summer before our junior year, my girlfriend, Masie, obtained permission from her parents for the two of us, her twin brother, Derek, and some other friends to stay at her parents lake house for a weekend, unsupervised. We were all excited to have a weekend of swimming, hiking, and the place even had a jacuzzi. All our parents extracted promises that there be no alcohol or drugs and we all agreed, we weren’t that kind of people anyway.

About a week before we were due to leave, Masie called me, very upset. Her dad had decided to accompany us. I was a little disappointed, but figured it was something we could deal with. Apparently, I was wrong, there was even more drama to the situation. Some of our friends had cancelled, leaving just me, Masie, and Derek as the only confirmed yeses. Derek, not wanting to be a third wheel, had invited another girl last minute. When their father found out, and realized his kids would be alone with romantic partners, he lost it and said he would only let us go if he came with us, to prevent any shenanigans. I sighed and accepted the condition. It’s not like I expected anything to happen anyway. Masie, on the other hand, was fuming at both her brother and father for ruining the weekend.

On departure day, my mom dropped me off at Masie’s house so that her dad could drive the 3 of us up. I found the feud had apparently not settled down. Masie was still mad at Derek. It turns out that he was not even dating the girl in question, whose name was Cara. She was a year ahead of us and apparently had a bit of a reputation, which Masie described as the “school slut.” Derek was hoping to start something with her. He thought a weekend away at a

We all jumped into a car and went to pickup Cara. As we pulled up to her house, I got my first look at her. She had red hair and was about 5’5 tall. I noticed immediately that her body was very fit and toned. She wore a tank top, sunglasses, and short shorts. Masie made a disgusted remark about her outfit. I didn’t say anything. Derek stepped out to greet her. She gave him a nonchalant nod, and was clearly surprised to see Derek’s father step out as well. Watching from the car, I saw the two of them explain, though I couldn’t hear their words. She seemed to nod stoically. Derek grabbed her bag and threw it in the back. She climbed in with us.

In the back seat, it was me, Derek, and Cara. Despite all of us squeezed together, Cara seemed to be leaning away from Derek. Needless to say, it was a very awkward car ride for the next 3 hours.

When we arrived at the lakehouse, Derek and Masie went up to their rooms on the second floor. Their father showed me and Cara around and made a point of mentioning that anyone going to his children’s rooms would have to pass by his room and he was a very light sleeper. Cara was assigned the guest room on the first floor, and I was assigned the couch in the living room.

After we settled in, Mas said we should go for a hike on the nearby trails. We all agreed. At first things seemed fine. Derek tried to impress Cara by pointing out some wildlife, but it seemed he didn’t know who he was talking to. Cara had spent a lot of time outdoors and corrected him several times. Derek didn’t take that very well and insisted he was right. Masie, already resentful of Cara’s presence, took the opportunity to lay into her for being “not from around here,” and “we know these woods better than you.” Eventually, Cara just shook her head and kept her distance from the group. We walked in silence, which eased the tension slightly, but only slightly.

When we got back, Masie and Derek’s father had dinner ready for us. I could tell Cara felt uncomfortable eating with us, so I tried to engage her in conversation. She gave me a few guarded responses, but then Masie started cutting her off. Cara gave her a cold stare and then spent the rest of the meal in silence. Afterwards, she went to her room and shut the door. Derek, Masie, and I hung out for a bit after dinner, then we all went off to bed.

**ACT II**

The next morning, I woke up on my own. It was still early, so I stayed on the couch. I heard the back door open. Cara walked into my field of vision. She was wearing a sports bra, very tight leggings, and sneakers. She was very sweaty, so I guessed she had gone for a morning run. I didn’t move, but watched her with my eyes as she headed for the bathroom. When she stepped inside, she turned around to close the door and met my gaze. She paused. I should have looked away, but I thought maybe she hadn’t noticed my looking and if I moved it would confirm I was awake. After a moment, she eased the door shut, not breaking eye contact until the door did it for us. I heard the sound of a shower starting in the bathroom and briefly pictured her showering.

After about 10 minutes, she came out again, dressed in a towel and carrying her clothes. She walked in front of me without looking at me. After she entered her room, she seemed to glance back at me. Did she know I was watching? Without warning, she let the towel fall. I inhaled sharply as I beheld her nude back and ass, with a little side boob. She looked amazing. All the curves I saw from leggings were on display. I silently begged her to turn around, but she suddenly closed the door, denying me any further peaks. I shook my head and tried to push her out of my head. Maybe Mas was right about her.

We all convened for breakfast. While we were discussing what to do for the day, Mas made another comment about. Cara, who had picked up on Mas’s hostility from the previous day, finally snapped and asked her what her problem was. Mas went on a tirade about Cara not being good enough for Derek, he had no business inviting her. Cara snapped back that Masie needed to get laid. Masie responded by saying, unlike Cara, she was saving herself for me. She grabbed my hand as she said this, but I really just wanted to get out of the very awkward conversation. Cara looked at me, then back at Mas. Then she abruptly went to her room. With her gone, Masie decided for everyone that we were going on another hike. Derek and I were too stunned to argue.

The hike was really bad. Derek laid into Masie for being rude, she snapped back that he didn’t say anything at the time. I needed to get away from them, so I went back to go swimming in the lake instead. When I got to the dock, I was surprised to find Cara already there. She was lying facedown on a towel, sunning herself. She wore a bikini, but her top was undone, leaving her back fully exposed. I hesitated, but managed to announce myself before I stared too long.

“Hey,” I said awkwardly.

Without getting up, she turned her head to look at me. “Hey,” she said coldly. After a moment’s hesitation, I jumped into the water. There was an awkward silence as I treaded water. She retied her top and sat up. I decided to break the silence.

“Look, I’m sorry about what Mas said. She was out of line.” Her expression softened.

“Thanks,” she said.

“She just takes her faith very seriously, and sometimes it makes her a little…” I trailed off, trying to find the right word.

“Bitchy?” she offered. I snickered a little, against my better judgement.

“Yeah,” I agreed. “You just caught her on a bad day.” She nodded a bit.

“I guess she takes after her father,” she said.

“I know, right,” jumped at the chance to establish some common ground. “He’s like, no one gets past me. No sex on my watch,” I said mockingly.

She laughed, finally seeming to relax.

“Yeah, if I wanted to go to Bible camp, I would have gone to stay with my grandmother,” she quipped. We both laughed. We spent the next few minutes talking about overly conservative people. I found her very easy to talk to. I got a little tired of looking up at her from the water.

“Do you want to come in?” I asked.

“Sure,” she said with a smile. She jumped in and tread water about 8 feet from me.

“So is it true what she said?” she asked.


“That you two haven’t done it. That you’re saving yourselves for each other?” I looked away, not sure why we were talking about this.

“Um, yeah,” I said, not seeing a point to lying about it.

“Have you ever thought about doing it with anyone else?” For some reason, the question gave me chills.

“Nope.” I hope I sounded confident. She regarded me for a long moment, then shrugged.

“I could never wait like you. When I want a guy, I don’t let anything stop me.” She stared into my eyes.

I finally asked. “So you’ve…” I trailed off, I couldn’t bring myself to say it. She smiled at my awkwardness.

“Yes, I’ve had sex. Many times.” She said it without a hint of shame.

“Aren’t you worried about getting pregnant?”

“Oh, I got an IUD. Best money I ever spent. Can’t always trust a guy to have a condom.”

“Oh,” was all I could say.

“Does this make you uncomfortable?” she asked as if reading my thoughts.

“No,” I lied. “I just…” I didn’t know what to say. This was already the longest conversation I had had about sex, and it wasn’t with Masie. There was a long pause as Cara regarded me.

“Have you ever even seen a girl naked?” she finally asked. I hesitated before answering.

“No.” I wasn’t sure what else to say.

“What about second base?”


“Okay,” she said, as if filing the info in her brain.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence.

“How about skinny dipping? You have to have done that.”

I shook my head no. She smiled. “You wanna do it right now?”


“Let’s take off our suits, right now.”


“Don’t worry, we won’t do anything else. And we’ll put them right back on again before anyone knows.”

I hesitated. “Here, I’ll go first,” she offered.

She slowly reached behind her and undid her top. I watched as her straps slipped off her bare shoulders. She was careful to keep her tits below the waterline, obscured from view. She held up the top as proof and tossed it on the dock.

“See, nothing to it.” I stared at her in disbelief. She pointed at me. “Your turn.”

I froze for a moment, then looked around. Mas and Derek were nowhere to be seen.

I thought, fuck it. I grabbed my trunks and slid them down my legs. I held them up, and then put them on the dock. She smiled again, and then reached down to her waist. I saw her feet come out of the water and her bottom slide off them. We were now both naked in the water.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

“Okay, I guess.” I was surprisingly calm, but part of me wanted to see more of her. Her tits were just out of view. We stared at each other for a bit. I wasn’t sure what to do next. The tub felt hotter than ever. I looked down at her chest, only the faint outlines of boob were in view. I imagined what it would be like if she stood up just a little. I looked back up at her eyes. She smiled coyly at me, as if she knew what I was thinking. I looked away, embarrassed at my oggling. Abruptly, she submerged. I looked around. She emerged right in front of me, splashing my face as she did so. I cried out in surprise and heard her laugh. I splashed her back and we had a mini-splash fight for a bit.

We talked some more. She told me she wasn’t that into Derek, but she gave him a shot when he mentioned the lakehouse. She figured she would get some outdoor activities out of it. But the whole weekend had turned into a disaster. She started to complain about Mas.

“You know she’s not so bad when you get to know her,” I said. Cara’s face darkened.

I tried to explain Mas’s behavior to her, but even I thought my words sounded hollow.

“Whatever you say,” Cara finally say. She swam away towards the dock. She reached up and grabbed her bikini bottom. She put it on under the water. Then looked back at me.

“Close your eyes,” she commanded. I complied. I heard her get out of the water. After a few moments, she said I could open. I saw her on the dock, back in her suit. Then to my horror, she grabbed my suit and towel, wrapped in her towel, and walked off.


I swam to get to the dock, but she was already walking off. It was then I saw Derek and Mas coming down the path toward the dock, both in suits. I couldn’t get out without them seeing me. Cara walked past them without saying a word. When they reached the dock, Masie glared at me.

“What did you say to her?!” she demanded.

“Nothing,” I said. “She was just being a bitch.” Mas seemed to believe me, then looked around.

“Did you not bring a towel?” she asked.

“I guess I forgot it,” I lied.

They jumped in with me. I tried to pretend everything was cool, but my mind was racing on how I could get out of the water without being seen and fuming at Cara for such a juvenile trick after I tried to be nice to her.

After a while, Masie and Derek decided to go in. I said I wanted to swim a few laps before I did. As Mas got out, I had an idea.

“Mas, could you leave your towel for me please?” She agreed. I pretended to swim a few laps until they were out of view, then grabbed the towel, wrapped it around my waist, and ran inside. By some grace of luck I made it to the living room, grabbed some clean clothes, and dashed to the bathroom without running into anyone.


The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. Cara came out of her room for dinner and everyone seemed to make an unspoken agreement to be civil. Afterward, everyone went off to bed. I was watching TV on the couch.

After an hour or so, the door to Cara’s room opened. She was standing in the doorway dressed in pajama pants, with a tight fitting zip-up sweater.

“Hey,” she said with a coy smile. “How was your swim?” She came and sat down next to me.

“That was really fucked up, Cara.”

“I know, I’m sorry. I was just messing with you. And Masie.”

“You could have at least warned me they were coming.”

She chuckled. “I liked watching you freak out. Masie is such a good church girl, I knew she wouldn’t notice your hot naked body.” I wanted to be mad, but the “hot body” remark stuck in my head.

“Well…. It still wasn’t funny,” I stammered. She held up her hands.

“Like I said, I’m sorry. You and Mas are really great together. I would never do anything to mess that up.”

I balked. “Like you could.” She cocked her head.

“I mean, I did get your pants off. That’s more than she’s ever done.” I fished around for a snappy comeback, but none came.

“Just stop talking about her like that, okay!” Her expression softened.

“You really love her, don’t you?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“Well, she’s a lucky girl,” she leaned a little closer as she said this, “to get a guy as cute and funny as you.” She started caressing my hair. I found it oddly comforting.

“Thanks,” I said. There was a moment of silence as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“So, what do you love about her?” she asked.

I paused before answering.

“She’s funny, and pretty and I love her smile.”

Cara nodded slightly, and stared at me as if expecting me to continue.

“I actually had a crush on her for a long time but she was with someone else”

“Oh, that must have been hard.” She put her hand on my knee, as if to console me.

“Yeah, but they finally broke up last year.”

“And that’s when you moved in.” She patted my knee excitedly as she spoke, then left her hand there. I tried not to notice.

“Yeah, well no. She said she just wanted to just be friends.”

“Oh no.” Cara said. As she did, she squeezed my leg. I felt a tingling sensation at her touch.

“So I got a dozen roses and put them on her locker along with a note that said, I like you.”

“Uh, huh.” She leaned against me and rested her head on my shoulder. I realized her other hand had slid up to my upper thigh. *Why is she so close,* I thought. For some reason it never occurred to me to ask her to back away.

“When she opened her locker the next day, I was standing nearby.”

“You must have been so excited.” Her hand massaged my inner thigh.

I was breathing harder. *Tell her to stop!* A voice in my head shouted., “Uh, yeah, I was.” It was all I could think of to say.

“What happened next?”

“She turned around and she ran up and kissed me.”

“That’s so romantic,” she said.

“And we’ve been together ever since,” I finished.

“That’s so sweet,” she said, almost whispering. She nuzzled her face up my neck and stroked my chest. “You know, if you were my boyfriend,” she whispered in my ear, “I’d do a lot more than kiss you.”

I felt my heart beating faster.

“Like what?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know. I turned to look at her, her face very close to mine.

“Well, first we would get naked,” she said. She squeezed my shirt and pulled gently, creating a pregnant pause. I swallowed.

“And then what?” I asked, not taking her bait and trying to skip past picturing her naked.

“Then,” she moved her leg around and sat on my lap facing me. “I would climb on top of you.” Her hands cradled my head. “I would start to ride you, like this” She made a humping motion near my crotch, but not against it. I gasped at her forwardness. She stuck her chest out forward into my face and pulled my head towards her tits. But just before my face got there, she pulled back.

She grabbed my hand. “Then maybe something like this,” She put my finger in her mouth and sucked it, pulling her lips off slowly. I was captivated.

She leaned forward. “I’d kiss your neck,” she continued. I felt her lips suck my neck. I gasped. It was such a simple thing, but it was so hot. She worked her way up to my ear. “Then your ear,” she said, then sucked my ear. I found myself paralyzed with pleasure. Then she moved her face in front of mine. “And your lips,” she finished.

She kissed me very lightly on my lips. Our faces were millimeters from each other. I felt her breath on my mouth. Her nose nuzzled against mine. We held there for a moment.

I felt my head move forward to kiss her again. The next thing I knew, her mouth mashed into mine as she sucked with a ferocious passion. She leaned hard against me, pushing me back into the couch. Acting on some primal instinct, I pulled her into me. She ran her hand through my hair and clutched my head. Her mouth widened and her tongue snaked into my mouth.

I don’t know how long we made out. I didn’t care, I didn’t want it to end.

Eventually she pulled away. We both caught our breath.

“You know, if you were my boyfriend,” she smirked. She kept her body against me.

“Uh, yeah,” was all I could say. She giggled a little at my discomfort.

“Does Masie do any of that for you?”


“Aw, too bad.” She pet my head reassuringly. “Must be so hard waiting for her.” As she said this, she shifted her pelvis forward against mine.

“I guess.”

She smiled, then ground hard against me and my very erect penis.

“Oooh,” she cooed. “Speaking of hard, what’s that?” Moving swiftly, she pulled away and undid my pants. Before I could register what was happening, she had my cock in her hands. She stroked it slowly. “Is this for me?” she teased.

“Um,” was all I could muster. I’d lost all capacity to think. I had never felt such pleasure.

“Oh no, that’s right,” she said, without stopping. “You’re saving this for Masie.” I suddenly remembered I had a girlfriend, but I didn’t ask her to stop.

“Yeah.” Part of me hoped she would get the implication and stop on her own. She looked a little hurt, then looked down at my dick.

“Still, it’s a shame to let it go to waste.” She leaned in close. “Can I have it?” she whispered.


“I want your cock. Give it to me,” she demanded. I couldn’t believe it. “Just for a little bit,” she added, more pleadingly. I didn’t know what she was going to do, but I was powerless to question it.

“Okay,” I said.

She smiled excitedly. She stroked me a bit more, then slid off my lap onto the floor. She pulled and tore at my pants. With a little help from me, they were off. Then, she got on her knees, her face inches from my crotch.

She stroked me again, feeling the width of my member. She kissed and licked it, seemingly to savor it. It took my breath away when she finally put me in her mouth. I gasped as she sucked me. It felt so good. I glanced at the stairs, dreading that Masie or her father would walk down at that exact moment, but that somehow turned me on more. Cara picked up the pace, her lips working their magic.

After a few minutes, she pulled off with a long sucking sound. She looked back up at me, while slowing stroking, keeping me hard.

“You know I feel bad,” she said.

“Why?” I was confused. Did she feel bad about Masie?

“Well, you’re giving me this amazing dick, but I didn’t bring anything for you.” There was a moment of silence as she stared at me, my dick still in her hands. I stumbled for words. Where was she going with this? “I know,” she said, as if thinking of something. She released me and stood up on her knees, then reached up to grab the zipper to her top. “How about these?” Her hand slowly pulled down, gradually revealing the top of her cleavage. With the release of pressure, her tits slowly pushed into view. It felt like an eternity before she reached the bottom, and the zipper popped free. Then she shrugged off the sweater, leaving her completely topless.

She let me stare at her in amazement for several moments. Her tits were the first ones I’d seen on a girl. I had gotten glimpses of them that finally seeing them felt like a reward. They were perfect. She cradled and massaged them. “Do you like my tits?” I nodded. “Would you like to play with them?” I wanted to say yes, but I didn’t actually know what that meant.

She got back on my lap. “Here,” she said, and took one of my hands and pressed it to her breast. Then she squeezed my hand into it. “Just like that,” she said. I followed her lead and squeezed and jiggled. She let me do what I wanted for a bit, then leaned in. “Now suck them,” she commanded. Her arms enveloped my head and she pulled me against her chest. I obeyed and kissed and sucked her tits. It was the hottest thing I had ever done. She moaned a bit. “Yes, that’s it.” She gently ground against me while I did this.

Abruptly, she grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head away, so I was facing her again. I was confused at first, but then she kissed me, then my neck, and sucked my ear again. I felt her hot breath on my ear as she whispered, “I want your virginity.”

“What?” It was such a jarring thing to hear.

“I want to feel you inside me.” She continued. “I wanna feel you cum.” I didn’t say anything. What do you say to something like that? She moved her face so it was right in front of mine.

“Do you want me?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She ground harder against me. It was impossible to say no.


“Say it. Say you want me.”

“I want you.”

She kissed me as fiercely as before. It was like the floodgates inside me opened. Despite, Masie, despite my inexperience, with those words, I knew I was going to fuck her. I returned her passion.

She stood up swiftly and pushed her pants down onto the floor. I watched as she stepped into the nude. Remembering I was still partially clothed, I yanked off my own shirt. Just as I got it off, she mounted me again. Her wet pussy rubbed against my dick as she kissed. Then she looked me straight in the eye.

“You ready?” she asked. I gave a small nod. Keeping fixed eye contact, she sat up on her knees and gently guided my member into her. I felt my tip touch the lips of her pussy as she sat back down. We both gasped as she settled onto me. She started slow. I moaned at the pleasure at the sight of her gorgeous body gyrating on my dick.

“You feel so good,” she said. She leaned back as she rode me, giving me a good look at her bouncing chest. I reached out and grasped one of her tits. She leaned back up, grabbed my other and brought it to her tit. Then she squeezed both my hands into her boobs, gasping at the self-induced pleasure. She picked up speed. I moved my hands to her waist and guided her pace faster. I was so turned on as her face contorted with pleasure as she rode me as hard as she could.

We went like this for a while, both moaning and grunting softly. Finally, she broke eye contact and gave a small cry.

“Oh my god!” She seemed caught off guard. She thrust aggressively for several more seconds, moaning while trying very hard to stifle herself. Then stopped as her face contorted into a climax.

She looked at me as she tried to catch her breath.

“You made me cum.” She almost sounded surprised. After a few moments, she leaned close. ‘’You haven’t cum yet?”I shook my head.

“Impressive. Do you want to cum now?”


“Want me to make you cum?”

“Yes,” I rasped.

“Say it.”

“Make me cum,” I cried. She stared right at me as she fucked me, all her attention focused on me.

“Come on, give it to me,” she pleaded. She didn’t have long to wait. Before long I moaned as I felt my orgasm begin. I didn’t know how loud I was, but I didn’t care. It felt amazing. I closed my eyes and let out a long grunt as I felt my dick explode inside her.

“That’s it, cum for me,” she cooed, “Cum only for me.” I trembled as I felt my balls empty. She slowly ground to stop. I opened my eyes to find her smiling at me. The grin of victory. She kissed me lightly. “Good boy,” she said. She slid off me, and lay next to me, her chest pressed against mine, her arm draped over me. We cuddled for a bit as we caught our breath. I became conscious of how sweaty we were.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

I told the truth. “That was amazing,” I said. She smiled and rubbed my chest.

“You were amazing,” she said. She sat up straight and adjusted her hair. Then looked back at me. “I liked making you cum. You should do it for me more often.” She let the remark hang in the air a moment, then stood up and walked to the bathroom, still naked. I watched her bare ass as she left.

I was speechless.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/q61goa/mf_she_stole_my_virginity_fdom_cheating

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