They had a list. Of course they had a list. As if it wasn’t enough that I was agreeing to be the personal fuck buddy for an entire college football team, they had their own set of demands on top of that.
I didn’t even unfold the paper in front of Avery; I couldn’t. My stomach was suddenly in knots as the realization that this was becoming real really hit. I held in my hand the final conditions, the last thing to agree to, before everything was set in place, and I became theirs. “I uh… OK I’ll look it over and get back to you, alright?”
“It’ll be fine,” Avery said, placing an encouraging hand on my shoulder. “There wasn’t anything too outrageous, I made sure.”
“Alright. I’ll uh… look when I get home, OK? And text you?” Avery agreed, and I stuffed the paper into my pocket.
All evening, it was like I could feel the paper in my jeans; the weight of it, the warmth of it. A few times I had to check to make sure it was still there and hadn’t fallen out, because if anyone else found this, everything would have been for nothing. But no, the list stayed perfectly secure in my pocket until I took it out that night, as I got ready for bed.
I was lying on top of the sheets, in only my boxers, as I built up the courage to open the list and read. The paper was lined, and with the dim room and overhead light behind it, I could see the handwriting inside, though not any words specifically. With a last glance toward my door, I unfolded the paper.
We have agreed to your terms and present our own:
You will also maintain a bare pubic area at all times. This includes your balls.
You will provide your cell number to all team members.
You will be available, or “on call” at all times whenever possible. If requested, you will go to a team member’s house as quickly as possible for whatever service they need.
You will willingly participate in all of the following, both giving and receiving: blowjobs, handjobs, fingering, anal sex, explicit sexting, exchanging of nude pictures, use of restraints and sex toys. Other activities may be negotiated.
You will be provided with money to purchase an anal training kit. You will use it to prepare your ass for anal sex.
You will never reveal to anyone the nature of this agreement, or of your relationship with anyone on the team.
At first I balked at the idea of using a training kit to stretch my ass. I wasn’t going to walk around all day, every day, with increasingly-large butt plugs. That… couldn’t be comfortable at all. Except… of course… I had already been told that anal sex would be a thing, and there was no way a dick, even a small one, could fit in my ass at that point. No way.
Something funny happened right then. As I thought of a guy, maybe Avery, trying to push his dick into me, I noticed a stirring of… excitement, even arousal. I tried to imagine the feeling, the sensation of a hard shaft inside me, and felt blood flow starting to shift. Alright, I was willing to explore this idea, in theory, for the moment.
And explore I did, until my cock was poking out of my boxers and my fingers were tightly wrapped around it. I pictured Avery behind me, partly because he was one of only two of the guys I’d seen nude, and partly because I was, in fact, attracted to him. I knew I wanted him to fuck me, maybe even to be the first when I was able.
At some point I rolled to my side, still slowly but firmly stroking with my right hand. My left… it slid into my boxers… into the back…I wondered what it would feel like, how sensitive it would be. It was easy finding my asshole, and I pulled my cheeks apart the best I could with a single hand available. Carefully, cautiously, I touched my middle finger to my opening, and sighed. It felt good, and new, and different. My cock twitched in my other hand, and so I continued, stroking, and circling my fingertip around my ass, building up the courage to push just the first knuckle in.
It didn’t take terribly long. I sucked in a breath and held it, then started to wiggle my finger. It wasn’t hard to get just that first knuckle in, but after that, entry was blocked by my sphincter, which had automatically shut. I could already tell that trying to force the issue would just hurt, so I left it as it was: first joint of my left middle finger inside my ass, right hand around my cock. I went back to imagining, picturing Avery bending me over my bed, or maybe my desk, and very gently inserting himself, slowly, so I could feel every inch of him, until he was fully in. I pictured him being careful and tender and slow, knowing it was my first time and that he was taking my anal virginity. In my mind, I reached behind myself and touched his hips, just letting him know I was OK. One of his hands slid up my back, to my neck, then down again.
I came, in my head, and for real. Cum splattered onto my sheets and I felt my ass tightening around my fingertip. It was explosive, like nothing before. I couldn’t help but to groan out loud, then to pant for breath as I came down. When I was finished, I stayed still, limp cock in one hand, middle finger of the other just barely inside. Oh… god if this was what it felt like just to barely play… then to actually have someone in me, in my ass… fuck…
I lay there for a good ten minutes after, just feeling the endorphins swimming in my blood stream. Eventually everything calmed. I let go of my dick and popped my finger from my butt. My phone was on the bed next to me, and I picked it up, unlocking the screen and finding Avery’s contact.
Deal I typed, then hit send.
The guys had pooled some money together for that training kit and gave it to Avery, who handed it to me the following day. I admitted to him, with a sheepish grin, that I had no idea what I was doing or buying, what to look for, etc. He grinned and said that it would be fine, and to ask the clerk at the store if I wasn’t sure. I said I’d try.
In the end, I wound up with a set of four rubber plugs, each bigger than the last. I had it on my passenger seat, in a black plastic bag, when I got my first text.
*Hey, Ben. This is Nathan. I heard you were going to pick up some equipment soon. When you do, you should come by and I can help you figure it out, if you want. I know how intimidating those things can be, trust me. I’m available this afternoon. Let me know.*
And that, dear reader, was my first booty call. Or… booty text.
My thought process was pretty simple: I had an idea how to use the plugs (shove them up my ass, obviously) but was still nervous and intimidated. Having someone with experience helping me would be a great relief. Plus, I had agreed to the team’s terms, as they had agreed to mine, and one of them was that I would be available, “on-call”, as they put it. Nathan was politely asking, but I don’t think saying “no” was actually an option.
Reading a text while driving is one thing, and really, very dangerous, but writing one is even worse. Instead, I waited a couple minutes, found a parking lot, and pulled in.
*Hi Nathan. Yes, I bought the equipment, and I’m not completely sure how to use it, so any help would be great. I’m free this afternoon, no classes after lunch, so whenever.*
It took less than a minute for the reply.
*Great! Yeah now would be a good time actually. Should have some privacy for a while.*
He sent me his address and I made my way to his house.
Nathan lived in one of the better parts of town; not really the “rich” side, but the “we’re doing alright” side. His house was two stories above ground and well-kept with a manicured front lawn. Despite plenty of room in the driveway, I parked on the street, not wanting to presume that I was entitled to anything.
The door was opened only moments after I knocked. Nathan was taller than me by a couple inches, broader, tanner, and better-looking. His hair was dark, short and spiky: obviously he had taken time to style it. He was shirtless, displaying abs and pecs, and not concerned with his partial-nudity, even when meeting a stranger. Then again, depending on how things went, his nudity might progress past “partial”. He at least was wearing pants: baggy basketball shorts that hung to his knees. “Hey, Ben? Cool, come in.” He stepped back to give me room, then shut the door behind us. “You brought the thing?” he asked, and I held up the black bag. “OK, good. Let’s go downstairs.” A staircase went up, and under it, a door led to another staircase headed down. I followed Nathan, and started to feel that fluttering in my stomach again.
“So it’s just me and my parents. Last year they let me move into the basement, and I mostly have the run of the place. I’ve got a bedroom, bathroom, living room… it’s a pretty sweet setup.” Indeed, the stairs opened into a spacious bonus room, complete with couch, recliner, TV, video games, the works. A few doors led off in different directions, presumably to his room and the bathroom. “Have a seat, and let me see what you bought.”
I sunk into the couch, then tossed the bag with the kit to him. He caught it deftly, then removed the bag. “OK, alright,” he said, considering. “Yeah this will work. It’s got a good flair at the bottom so it won’t get stuck. Nice taper so it should open you up gradually. Have you ever had anything in your ass before, Ben?” he asked, looking up toward me.
“Uh… no…” I answered hesitantly, but then corrected myself. “Uh, well except last night. I thought I’d see what it felt like so I…” I held up my left hand and waggled my middle finger. “I couldn’t get past the first knuckle though.”
Nathan nodded slowly, understanding. “Yeah, you have to take it easy at first. It took me a little while before I was really able to just take it whenever.”
I raised an eyebrow. “So… you and the rest of the team…?”
“Huh? Oh, no,” Nathan said with a chuckle. “No, no, I don’t let them fuck me. But my girlfriend does. Fucks me, I mean.”
“Girlfriend?” That was the first time I’d heard any of the guys mention a girlfriend.
“Oh, yeah dude. Only dick I’ll take.”
I shook my head quickly, as if to clear it. “Sorry, what?”
Nathan laughed fully this time. “No… no no… not like you and me. It’s not real, not, you know, flesh and blood. It’s rubber. She just insists that I call it her dick, or her cock, or whatever.”
“And uh… she fucks you with it?”
“Oh sure. Usually from behind, sometimes not. She’ll put me on my back and jerk me off while she fucks me, sometimes. That’s pretty nice.”
“I… uh… alright then…” I wasn’t sure what to say, despite how open Nathan seemed to be about the topic.
“It’s all about equality with her. That’s her thing. If I want her to give me head, I should be willing to go down on her. If I want to fuck her in the ass, I have to accept that she’ll want the same. Kinda simple, really.” Nathan shrugged.
“So… does she know about, you know, this?”
“About you? And about what you’re going to do with the team? Oh, yeah for sure. I told her about it a couple nights ago. She’s cool with it, thinks it sounds fun actually.” I nodded slowly. “Do you want to fuck her?”
That… caught me off-guard. “I uh… what now?”
“My girlfriend. Her name is Mandy. Do you want to fuck her? She’s good, seriously.”
“I’ll pass, for now. Thanks though. I’m sure she’s great.” I really didn’t know what to say, how to respond to that offer. Things were weird enough as they were without adding in players’ girlfriends.
“Alright, whatever.” He shrugged again, then looked back to the box in his hands. “So, did you get any lube? I don’t see it. You didn’t, did you?”
I opened my mouth to answer, closed it, then opened it again. “No. I didn’t even think of it.” I really hadn’t. I was so nervous buying just the plugs that I’m lucky I walked out with them at all.
“No big deal,” Nathan reassured, “I keep some around. This is why we wanted to have someone who knew what he was doing help you with this the first time, though.”
“I appreciate it,” I said truthfully. “Probably would have really hurt without it.”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. Trust me.” I did, and wasn’t going to ask how he knew.
“Alright then, so go ahead and strip, alright?” Nathan was starting to open the box, working the tape holding it shut.
He stopped and looked up. “I mean… you don’t have to, but it would probably be more fun that way.” That… was true enough. Plus, for the moment, I was “his”.
“Alright, OK no problem.” I started to tug at the bottom of my shirt. “What about you?”
His attention was back on opening the package. “Oh, yeah, sure, just let me get this thing open first.” While he struggled with tape, I undressed, immediately realizing that I hadn’t shaved at all, which was required by the agreement.
“There!” Nathan exclaimed, having won against the packaging. He held the open box up for me to see, grinning proudly. “Alright let me take them out. Oh, you wanted me to get naked though. OK.” I was going to tell him that he could wait until he had the plugs out, but he moved too quickly, and in a flash, and with one hand, managed to tug his shorts down and off. I stared, my jaw fell. Good lord.
Every guy I’d seen so far, all two of them, had been fairly average in size: nothing to complain about, certainly, but nothing remarkable either. Nathan was… hung. I mean, I had seen bigger, but only in porn. He hung halfway to his knees, and was as thick when flaccid as mine was erect. “Jesus,” I whispered.
“Huh? Oh… oh yeah, sorry. Not what you were expecting, hm?” That was an understatement. Nathan was built as well as Avery, with pure, lean muscle rippling just underneath taut skin. He was shaved bare, so nothing was hidden. I could see the full length and breadth of his cock, and the pendulous balls behind it. I knew that there was no way, none in hell, that I could fit a dick that size in my ass, and that no amount of stretching and training with plugs would make it possible. It just wasn’t going to happen.
(Spoiler: I was wrong.)
“No… no definitely not what I was expecting,” I confirmed, eyes still on his large, and very attractive manhood. “It does look… really nice though.” I hated the words as soon as they were out of my mouth. The compliment was clumsy and amateurish, but I’d never told a guy that he had a nice dick. I had zero experience in that area, so it wasn’t bad for a first attempt, I hoped.
“Heh, thanks,” Nathan said, leaning forward, looking down at his dangling package. “Yeah I’ve always liked it.”
“So…” I said, a joking thought popping into my head, “is your girlfriend’s that big?”
Nathan straightened and looked back up at me. “Oh, yeah definitely. Actually I think it’s a little bigger.”
Since I didn’t buy or bring any lube, Nathan had to go off to find some of his. I watched his cock bob up and down, swing back and forth, with each of his steps, wondering what it would be like to have such a large member in my mouth. Thomas’ had been average, and it seemed pretty big when I was trying to fit it all past my jaws (and failing gloriously). I wasn’t even sure I’d get the head of Nathan’s past my teeth, and there was no way it was going in my ass. Thomas, Avery, maybe, with training, but not Nathan. I only had a minute or so to contemplate the possibilities before he returned, cock swaying, bottle of lube in his hand. “Alright, so, let’s get started. He came to the couch and, for the first time I thought, really looked at me, at my body. I could feel his eyes wandering, stopping here and there, taking me in. “You know, you’re not so bad,” he said, maybe just a little impressed. I was going to thank him but he spoke first. “But um… hey. Weren’t you supposed to shave? That was part of the deal, right? You would if we did?”
My head and eyes dropped to my lap, and the tuft of black pubic hair surrounding my cock. “Oh… shit…” I muttered.
“Hey, no problem, although the other guys are going to want you to for sure. I mean, I’d kind of like it better that way too, to be honest.” He almost sounded apologetic.
“No… no you’re right, I should have. I didn’t really have a chance between last night and today, plus… I’ve never done it before so I wanted to be really careful.”
“Never done it, hm? No girl has ever asked you to?” I shook my head no. “You need me to show you?” I nodded. “Alright, c’mon.” He set the lube down on a nearby table, then made his way to the bathroom with me in tow.
“You see the seat in the corner?” he asked, pointing into the bath tub. I nodded that I did. “Cool. Go sit on it, legs spread. I’ll start the water.” As I climbed in, Nathan turned on the tap. Cold water splashed around my feet, but began to warm quickly. “That OK?” he asked, referring to the temperature.
“Yeah, that’s good,” I confirmed as I spread my legs, exposing myself fully to him.
“Cool. Let me get the trimmer and a fresh razor blade then,” he said, turning to the vanity on the opposite wall. A minute later, battery-powered trimmer in hand, Nathan stepped into the tub with me, crouching between my knees. It was the closest any guy, or anyone actually, had been to my privates, and I couldn’t deny that it was exciting. “So let’s see what we’ve got here,” he said, leaning in closer. He gently lifted and moved my dick out of the way, leaning this way and that to see just how much hair there was to deal with. “OK, not bad. So first, you always want to trim the hair down as close and short as you can. It makes running the blade over it much easier, just like facial hair.” With a click, the trimmer turned on, and a soft humming filled the room, competing with the water.
Over the next several minutes, Nathan used the trimmer on my entire pubic region, cutting the hair as short as possible. He was constantly shifting my dick out of the way, trimming under or around it, and I admit that, by the time he’d started on my balls, I had a little bit of a chub. He didn’t mention my reaction, though, and kept at it. “This will take less time if you keep up with it. It’s only taking so long right now because there’s so much. Next time, in a couple days, you’ll just need the razor, and will be done in no time.” It was another minute or two with the trimmer before he turned it off, setting the tool aside, and reached for the razor.
“Alright, here’s where we have to be really careful. It’s easy to cut or nick yourself with a sharp blade. Always go slowly, never rush.” I nodded my understanding as he reached for the tube of shave gel. “And use plenty of this stuff. You don’t have to use this exact one, but try to find one that works with your skin. If it’s always getting irritated, try a sensitive skin one.” As he spoke, Nathan squirted a good-sized glob of blue gel into his left hand, then pressed his cupped palm against my crotch. Slowly, aware of just how sensitive balls can be, he spread the foaming gel over everywhere, including all of the short hair just above. I was starting to harden more, though not completely, and I’m pretty sure he wrapped his fingers around my shaft and stroked once or twice. The slipperiness of the gel made it feel very, very nice.
“Start at a flat area, like here,” he instructed, placing the razor head against my pubic bone. “Then just slide it across your skin, just like shaving your face. Some say to go with the grain, that’s the direction the hair grows, some say against. Really, you just have to figure out what works for you.” I leaned back a little, legs spread wide, letting this guy slide a sharp blade over and around my most sensitive area. Something about the intimacy, the care he was showing, it was all… very erotic, and I think Nathan knew it. Certainly he could see that I was becoming erect. I couldn’t see his dick, but wondered if this was having the same effect on him.
It took another several minutes with the razor, and I think Nathan was intentionally taking his time, mostly because he didn’t want to hurt me, but also because he was enjoying it. “So, where did you learn to do this?” I asked, somewhere about halfway through.
“Mm… girlfriend taught me. Just like this, as a matter of fact. I got a nice blowjob afterward.” Nathan looked up at me and smiled for a moment, but said nothing. I don’t know why, but something in me decided to press.
“Oh… so am I going to get a nice blowjob afterward then?”
“Sure, if you want one,” he said casually, going back to work.
When Nathan was done, he used the detachable shower head to clean the foam from me, then leaned back to examine his work. “Check it out, Ben. What do you think?” I leaned forward and checked myself out. It looked… amazing.
“I love it,” I said, maybe just a little awe in my voice. At the same time, my fingers slid over the newly-bare, smooth skin. Tingles went up my spine. “Oh… oh yeah… I definitely love this…” I said, starting to look up at him, but stopping. Nathan was hard, not fully, but on his way. “You know, maybe I should be the one giving you a blowjob, as a ‘thank you’.”
Nathan grinned. “I’m not going to turn down a blowjob,” he said agreeably, then stood from his crouched position. His cock bobbed before my face, and I knew right then that I wanted it. I didn’t hesitate, didn’t ask permission, and just reached up, wrapping my fingers around the smooth base of his cock. “I’ve only done this once,” I cautioned, “and he wasn’t nearly as big.”
“Thomas, yeah, I know. He said you were good though, considering.” I actually kind of felt proud about the compliment.
“Well, and that time, I didn’t even want to do it. Now…” I slid my hand up the full length of his shaft, then back down.
“Now you want to?” Nathan asked. I didn’t answer, not with words, but instead leaned forward, opened my mouth, and sucked in the head of his dick. I heard him suck in a breath, then groan a little as I pressed forward, taking another inch. Already he was just about filling my mouth, but I really wanted to please him, so I tried some more. I got no more than a quarter of the way onto his cock before I had to pull back.
“Sorry,” I said, panting. “I want to get as much as I can but… damn dude, it’s too big.”
“You’re doing fine,” he encouraged, “and Thomas was right, you’re not bad. Keep going, if you want.” I nodded. I did want. I wanted all of it, but that wasn’t possible at the time, so I did what I could.
Again I took the head and first few inches, then began to slide my hand up and down the length that wasn’t in my mouth. After a minute of just holding him there between my lips, I pulled back and started to swirl my tongue over and around the head, while still slowly stroking up and down his length. I realized suddenly that I had been entirely ignoring Nathan’s balls, and brought my left hand up to carefully cup and roll them. They were heavy; more so than mine and the others I had touched up to that point, and noticeably larger. His scrotum had pulled up tight against his body so that my hands touched each other when my right slid down his length.
This was only my second blowjob, and the first that I actually wanted. The significance wasn’t lost on me, even in the moment, and I was determined to make sure both he, and I, enjoyed every second. When I could, I took a breath, then pressed as far down his cock as I could, taking the head and a couple more inches. I felt him against my throat, and gagged for a second, but not too badly. I thought it might be something I could eventually overcome.
“Don’t force it,” Nathan said softly. “Just do what you can with your mouth and use your hand on the rest. You’ll be able to take more with practice.” The thought of practicing on Nathan, of future blowjobs, of handling and playing with his huge cock thrilled me to no end. I nodded with him still in my mouth, appreciating the understanding and gentle encouragement. I started sucking harder, mostly on the head and first inch, as my hand slid up and down faster, gripping a little tighter. I started to roll his balls, and to tug slightly. He groaned at that, so I kept it up, before realizing that he might like even more attention to them.
Reluctantly, I pulled my mouth off of his dick, flicking my tongue over the tip playfully, before lifting the shaft out of my way and diving for his scrotum. With my hand moved, I sucked one testicle into my mouth and began slipping my tongue over and around it. This got another groan from Nathan, so I continued, pulling back after a minute and letting it pop from my mouth, before sucking it back up and doing it again. I repeated that a few times before I felt his cock twitch in my hand. “Are you close,” I asked softly, then nibbled at his sack.
“Mm… yeah…” Nathan confirmed.
“Alright,” I replied, before once again taking the head between my lips.
“In your mouth? You sure?” he asked, sounding either concerned or unsure or… something. I just nodded and started stroking hard, not terribly fast though. Any reluctance he might have had to fill my mouth vanished, and again I tried my best to take as much of him as I could, ready to pull back to just the head once he started.
It didn’t take long after that. He twitched a few more times before finally erupting in my mouth. Several large, thick spurts of cum hit the roof of my mouth, my tongue, splashed to the back of my throat. I swallowed what I could, noting the differences in his taste versus Thomas. Nathan was sweeter, richer. He also came quite a bit more, and eventually I had to let some dribble out from between my lips. It ran down my chin, dripped onto my chest. One drop landed on my own erect cock.
He didn’t stay hard for very long after, falling limp in my hand. “Sorry dude. I’m good for one big one, then need to recharge for a little bit. But… man… what you lack in experience you made up for with eagerness. Good job.”
“You think so?” I asked, looking up, showing him his cum on my lips and chin.
“Oh, yeah, definitely. Here, how about I return the favor for you?” He was reaching down, between my legs, when he stopped. “Oh, wait. We still have to put your first plug in, don’t we?” I nodded, not a little disappointed. “Trust me, it feels a lot better putting it in when you’re horny.” I did. I did trust him, and he was right.
We toweled off, each drying the other. I stayed hard through the toweling and as we emerged from the bathroom. “So… what do I do?” I asked, wondering just how all of this worked.
“Go get on the couch,” Nathan instructed, “hands and knees, legs apart.” I did as I was told without really any hesitation. I was at the point, for that day anyway, that I could just go with the flow and do what felt good, without questioning. I watched him take the first, smallest plug and apply a good amount of lube to it, more than I would have thought it needed.
“You think you got enough?” I quipped.
“You want as much lube as it’ll hold,” Nathan advised. “Especially the first time you use each size.” I gulped, suddenly a little intimidated. I was going to trust him, but looked away as he approached. “Alright Ben, nice and easy, OK? I’m going to press the tip against your asshole, then I’m going to count to three. On three, you breathe in and hold it. Alright?” Words wouldn’t come, so I simply nodded, and told myself to relax. “OK, here we go. One… two… three…” On “three”, he pushed, and I clenched. I couldn’t help it. There was no way to stop it from happening.
“Relax,” Nathan said calmly, while applying a little more pressure. I could feel the tip of the plug starting to press in, and was immediately thankful for all of the lube he had applied. Even with the gentle taper and copious lubricant, my ass was not going to give up easily. Nathan was gentle, and I gritted my teeth. It really wasn’t painful, truthfully, but slightly uncomfortable. Actually, it was that realization itself that finally allowed me to calm down and relax enough for the plug to slip into me. There was a kind of settling-into-place feeling as the bulb popped inside and my ass closed behind it. I could feel the thing in me, spreading me. It felt a hell of a lot bigger than it looked.
“It sounds like you liked that,” Nathan commented, amused. I asked what he meant. “You moaned just as it slid home.” That… didn’t surprise me, both that I liked it, and that I didn’t notice at first. I nodded to confirm that, yes, I did in fact like the plug.
“Here, let me help you out…” Nathan said, and before I could make a noise, his hand wrapped around my cock, which immediately jerked.
“Oh… oh man…” I whispered breathily, as every nerve in my body suddenly lit up. Between his hand on me, and the plug in my ass, I was close, so close, and let him know. “I’m… not going to last…”
“That’s OK,” he said gently. “Do what you need to do.” He began to stroke, slowly, base to tip, then back down. His touch was careful and light, kind of like Avery’s, and I wondered for a split second if one had taught the other. I didn’t wonder for long, though, as thoughts were erased from my mind. The slow, rhythmic stroking was all I could concentrate on, that and the plug. Oh, god…was that what being fucked was going to feel like? Was this how it would be to have Avery, or another of the players, deep in my ass? No… not it couldn’t be, because they were all significantly bigger than the plug… so it would be…
I came. It was at the thought of Avery bending me over a desk or a couch or something, just like I had imagined the night before. I exploded onto Nathan’s couch. He didn’t bother to try to stop it, to catch my cum or anything, and just let me go. I was gasping and panting and my hips were swaying back and forth a little, until I collapsed, my dick slipping from Nathan’s hand.
I lay there for several minutes, my ass gripping the plug, relaxing, gripping, relaxing. Nathan said nothing, and just knelt next to the couch, watching. “So you liked that,” he finally said. I only nodded. “Nice. You should come over when you’re ready for the next size up and I’ll help you with it.” I nodded again, thinking that we’d do more than just try to fit a bigger plug up my ass. “You know, if you can get all the way up to that biggest plug, I think you might be able to take me, if you wanted anyway.” I nodded again. I wanted that too, and said so.
“Yeah. Yeah, I want you to fuck my ass. When I’m ready.” Nathan patted my bare ass cheek.
“Definitely,” he agreed.
…aaaand now I gotta go back and start from the beginning…this is hot!