Training the Office Slacker [anal rape] [discipline] [femdom] [boss and employee] [pegging] [forced orgasm]

Jane was exasperated. Her new hire, Adam, a college graduate with little experience working, was driving her mad. He needed coaching and hand-holding for every little task–refilling a stapler, answering the multi-line phone, scanning and correctly labeling files in the computer, arriving to work on time, wearing appropriate clothing, interacting with the opposite sex without making off-color sexual comments. He was virtually helpless, but he was the son of a friend of the CEO’s and nepotism got him a coveted and cushy desk job with a fabulous salary and incredible benefits. He was so uniquely unqualified for this work that it was almost comical, or would be if his fuckups didn’t take up so much of her precious time. She’d had enough, and scheduled a disciplinary meeting for the last hour of the day.

She could see Adam out the corner of her eye, dicking around on his phone instead of completing the tasks assigned to him that day. He knew he was unfireable. No one would dare. But Jane wasn’t easily discouraged. So at 4:11 pm when Adam sauntered into her office and plopped himself in a chair opposite her, she steeled herself. All her white-hot rage was channeled into an icy stare, a frozen smile and neutral voice: “Thank you for joining me.”

“Sure,” Adam shrugged, slumping in his chair and crossing his arms. “So what is this disciplinary meeting about?”

Jane looked down and smiled to herself before responding, “Adam, as you know, and as I’ve documented in 6 warnings and 3 write-ups, you have shown a clear pattern of disregard for your job and appropriate professional behavior. I’ve given you coaching and guidance. I’ve offered myself as a resource if you’re struggling with the work. Yet you still continue with this unacceptable behavior. You should have been fired your first week. However,” she walked slowly out from behind her desk to place her hands firmly on Adam’s shoulders, “I have no choice but to continue to employ you, despite your consistent performance issues. You might think that this makes you powerful–untouchable, even,” she bent her head low and whispered in his ear, “but you couldn’t be more wrong. You’re completely useless. You couldn’t get another job if you tried. You’re trapped.”

Her grip on his shoulder tightened and she grabbed his jaw and turned his face toward her. “I own you. And I’m tired of your laziness and incompetence. None of the normal methods seem to influence you to perform. I think you lack motivation. I’m a leader. My job is to motivate you to do your best. And sometimes that means taking extreme measures.” She released his jaw and moved to stand directly in front of him. He watched with his jaw hanging open as Jane slowly unbuttoned her prim button up to reveal a very sexy black bustier. Adam now had a clear bulge in his pants, which he was painfully aware of.

Jane beckoned him to follow her, and in a dark corner of her huge office, he suddenly noticed a pair of cuffs hanging from the ceiling. Jane rubbed his hardon as she buckled each of his wrists into the cuffs. He moaned involuntarily from the touch. She deftly undid his pants and soon his bulging erection was freed. She stroked it firmly, never breaking eye contact, and Adam dripped precum from the sexual tension.

Jane then moved her way behind him. She pulled his pants down to bare his ass, and started massaging it. Her fingers made their way in between his cheeks and gently probed his tight hole. Her other hand reached around and continued to stroke him. He was the luckiest man alive.

Then Jane reached her hand under her skirt and pulled out what his bare ass made out to be a large, thick dildo. His adrenaline spiked and he wrestled with his bindings, but Jane expertly spread his cheeks, spat on her strap-on, and positioned it against his pulsing hole. She continued stroking his cock and entered his asshole slowly, then plunged her dildo deep inside of him and squeezed the base of his cock and balls hard as she pumped him and stretched out his virgin hole. “You have to learn respect,” Jane whispered in his ear, slowly pulling almost all the way out before reentering violently. “You’re going to cum while I rape you. You deserve this. You’ve earned my big cock in your ass, you need to know your place, and your place is my little bitch. Do you understand?”

“Yes please I understand, please don’t do this.”

“You need to face your punishment,” Jane bit his shoulder hard as she thrust her big dildo deeper into his ass. She stroked his leaking cock even faster, “Are you going to do what I say? Are you going to cum for me like a good little fuck toy?”

“Oh my fuck, I’m going to cum for you, I’ll do anything you say!” He couldn’t contain it anymore, and his cock erupted in hot, thick cum. She continued stroking and pumping and he whimpered as his cock continued to pulse and cum.

Slowly, she pulled her thick dildo out of his raw, throbbing hole. She walked around to face him. “Have I made myself clear?”

Sore, his dick dripping in cum, tingling from the intense orgasm, Adam could only nod in response.

Jane unbound him and he pulled his clothes back on sheepishly. She looked at the clock. 5:00 pm precisely. “Well, it’s time to clock out! Make sure to hydrate and get plenty of rest so you can come back to work refreshed and ready to do the work you were hired to do. Enjoy your evening!”

Adam slunk out of her office quietly.


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