Neighbor busted our 3Way

DISCLAIMER: I’m a terrible writer so please go easy on me.

This happened many many years ago, but still sticks out to me as one of the craziest and funniest things that I’ve ever experienced. To give you a little background, it involved me (24M), my wife (21F) and my best friend (M25) from high school. We were all in our early twenties, very close, good friends, extremely horny and through a fluke involving lots of alcohol ended up having a threesome. It was so erotic and effortless that I believe we became somewhat addicted. I can’t even give you an honest estimate of how many times we’ve all hooked up since it became quite a regular thing for quite a few years.

Anyway, my friend was married also and sometimes had minimal time to play, so one particular summer evening he was to visit/fuck we decided to get started just prior to him arriving to save time. When he arrived we were already naked playing on the living room floor. He walks right in, rips off his clothes, joins in and we all go to town immediately.

So, after a little while, changing positions going at it banging away I hear a slight tapping noise. I quickly disregard it, but hear it again. I guess maybe a few minutes more go by and I hear it again. I then hear my wife let out a loud gasp. I look up at the front door and see my smiling neighbor lady peeking through the small window. My buddy and I quickly jump up and run into the other room, hard cock slapping around and all. The wife quickly wraps up with a throw blanket and opens the door red faced embarrassed.

Our neighbor lady who was probably in her late 60s early 70s just stopped over to give us some tomatoes from her garden.. OMG!!!WOAH!!! WTF!!! Sooooo, after the stress dies down a bit, we laughed it off but we were all quite mortified/embarrassed. Still to this day we don’t know how long she was looking in the window but obviously long enough to get an eyeful.

How will we ever face her again? Our neighbor (Betty) ended up being so cool that every time she saw us she waved and had a big huge smile on her face. She even asked the wife one time when our friend was coming over to visit again… Winky wink. Miss those days and just love her!!!
