The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 4, Part 6 – Zita [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation] [BDSM] [Spanking][Nerdgasm][Plot heavy]

*For Afghan female soccer players*


The leather rule: When you are breaking your slave girl in, make a list of her limits.

That is not bloody non-biding counsel. Rather, I would call it one of the differences between noble dominance and common sadism.

I’m talking to you, rowdies in shining armor, who think I am your table soccer figure.

Hubert Graham was devious, bossing us who enjoyed being shot. Although I must admit his mermaid rule should have been part of the fluctuating game from the start.James White had no imagination. He sent a bunch of people to water again and… He made us feel for every flushed goldfish. The whirlpools one and two were tiny, shoving us aside from the interchangeable cubic meters of fluid. We were sucked to the big one. I was slipping on the wall of the gargantuan eddy, holding the ankle of Mrs. Brunkow and Barbara holding mine.

More than a few of our brethren didn´t withstand the pressure and lost to the epicenter. We were clinging to the higher circles, sadly under the bombardment of garbage from the audience, repeatedly bottles of the suspicious yellow content.I know, what did I want? They couldn´t establish a safeword because of our ballgags and other signs could be mistakenly misinterpreted but at least Holy Submission lessons taught us humility in intimate spaces. These were the games that stupid sadists played like when you enjoy betting on Pitbulls against wolfhound. I thought this will be ninety percent of the comeuppance for the losing side. However, when whirlpool leveled itself off to the peaceful surface, about four helicopters brought new black desks hanging upside, which supported hosts of demonic-looking wooden frames. They laid them down on the water and the new boat was sailing in the area, the original ones being cleared away minutes after the match. “Let the Bourgeois team get on the erected platforms,” a mechanical voice said. Washed out, on the newest shore, I paid no attention to the touch of the cold air. We, the defeated ones, gazed upon thirty-six frames and the shackles attached to each pole. Somebody will heat us.

Six wardens from the boat came to wipe us dry and to take off the ballgags. Revolutionary slogans I could be shouting were all original and upturning. I decided not to use any of them since they deserved to be stated first each. Who spoke her mind was Ekström, the loud-speaker amplified to the max.

“Our contempt for the losers has no limits and this will be the fine for their pathetic limping. Mature Bourgeois will receive twelve lashes by the cat o’ nine tails, divided by three over back, tits, ass, and cunt. For the duration of one month, they will make love with multiple clients. Singles with males, married ones with females. As a reward for their service, they will get one prosperit and the total sum of money will be sent to their close ones, fine explained in the letter. Underages will receive six cane and six paddle strokes on their asses. For the duration of one month, they will serve as living chairs for their classmates. They will also be held solely responsible for the cleanliness of the classroom.” Out of all fantastic fiction, I skipped the horror books and movies. I tended to think I was a chicken-wuss but in the retrospect, I might have been uninterested in the most realistic field of imagination.

My legal age comrades transformed into marble statues in coloring and movability, the glimmer of their eyes left as a sign of life. I wanted them to say anything in retaliation for their prospects but they won´t. They hope for a nice husband, for having children, for living in civilization, if a compromised one. Ekström rumbled.

“Mature ones will strip down completely, underages only the lower piece. Go to frames and stretch your arms.”

Pink swimming panties with ruffles slid down and after few steps, I reached for my just desserts.

Locks were rattling uncompromisingly. Man, these shackles were tight… Barbara was chained on my right side, the other one being taken by Ms. Harris. I glanced to the boat and saw Ekström right there. The Pirate captain was wearing nothing but her black hat and the belt from which the instruments of justice hanged. She bowed to the audience. She also did an utterly obscene opposite of bow. She leaned back from the waist up and spread her legs generously. As far as I could tell, men in the audience were standing up, their applause getting louder by second.

She didn´t dart to execute the punishments on her own. Manderville and Cabrera followed her like bridesmaids before they organized some spacing. I concluded that each one was allocated twelve Bourgeois to whip. For somebody like me, the whizzing sound couldn´t be terrible, it was pumping my blood.

Listening to screams of women, who weren´t allowed to catch a breath was disheartening. And I choked on the idea that these guys like to see us lashed on the distinctively female parts.

Captain herself walked past Ms. Harris and patted me on the shoulder.

“Arch your ass.”

It would be inaccurate to say I drew the unlucky thirteen as I didn´t want to wait. I was shy to submit my butt to a bi-sexual or to a genuine whore too. I shoveled that poor behind up and looked back. Ekström took both long, menacingly thin cane and the wide paddle Brotherhood executives might have stolen from some Sorority house. She looked me in the eyes, smiled, and played with that piece of wood, twisting it, demonstrating control her muscles had over the tool.

She put it on my bottom which she rubbed in a circle. I closed my eyes shut when she raised her paddle so high, I bet most people´s arms would ache… Her body did not felt uncomfortable but mine…


Paddle did in one stroke for what other instruments need a significant buildup. The fullness of my ass was burning so much I felt I have hot tongs glued to it. The pain was in one place, yet I swore I have some small devil there, hell-bent on travel to my legs or small of my back.

I caught a breath, tripped up, and stretched of one shackle. Behind me, Ekström couldn´t throw off the grin.She pushed me forward and paddled me again and this time she also hit my thighs. God, I had to cry and I still shouted only about on half of the level my bottom was aching. I tried to shake down both shackles and my ass was turning to sides and descending. Ekström pulled my hair, so I fixated the lower half of my body, glancing at her. She was practicing with the cane, I heard maybe three “wooshes” in preparation. Then the blazing rod slashed my skin and I couldn´t hold it anymore. “Ow! Ow! AAAA!!! Please no, I´m in the Loyaaaaaaa…”

Ekström marked stripe for the future welt. God, God, why isn´t she a guy? This could have been arousing a little!

And that was a mere third of my punishment. Altering between the paddle and the cane didn´t stop until I was sporting six sharp biting lines and the skin welted and not welted was pounded also six times with me writhing in all directions a long time after the act. Fuck, even Barbara with her iron ass was screaming, deranged. We had it easier. Ms. Harris wouldn´t open her legs for the completion of her whipping. She was bastioned and lost consciousness.

I couldn´t care. I possess one body to feel and to be responsible for.

Watercrafts served us stacked litters, broad like bunks. The infirmary was forced to expel all the patients and treat us. Nurses were cracking up jokes about the record number of wounds. They unlatched the pointy tools kit as they tended to them. Fires of inferno, why must I sense you and not them? Perhaps you are them.

I was mad at the world. My inner commotion kept growing. I think it absorbed fats from the muffins Stacey and Therese fed us in the room. They put their earnings – two golden ship models – on the table. I punched my pillow from that sight. “They should have been generous,” Barbara said. “Locking us in kegs up to the neck and give us dunce caps, something on that level.”

*They have to meet their draconical criteria*, I thought.

My life is broken. I am living more productively as Zeena, the aristocrat and wizard in the story I wrote. And I am shitted upon in my fantasy land as well because fucking Montserrat is the official face of the show!

I have overslept and if the brightness of the late morning was any indication, they sanctioned it in relation to the strain of our forces.

Barbara was laying on her side. She put on the wide smile and stroke my cheek. I blinked in displeasure. Mature flatmates moved a dog dish to me and went on playing with a set of cards.

Barbara lined them up on her bed and she was turning each piece to consider strategy.”Day off?, “I asked Stacey rhetorically.

“Day off for the few of us and days off the chart from Wednesday on. We are going to be interviewed by the Paladins,” Stacey said.

“We were connecting them to inmates,” Barbara recalled. “I hooked you up with the more melancholic guy, Therese. But I don´t know about Stacey´s partner.”

“Stacey will date Hubert Graham,” I said. “James White is in love with Nicole and might cancel all the other appointments. She would feast on the soft one. She is too stupid for a systematic analyst. So the man of mermaids it is. Non-vaginal, another breast dude and the pool polluter.” ¨

Stacey huffed. While I thought she will flesh out the anecdote or tease me in a similar vein, you would say I have sewn the wasp up in her tampon based on how she reacted. With my blanket suddenly gone, I dreaded Stacey´s palm raised to strike. A strong hand like hers can revive the sting of cane and thrash of the paddle. Barbara leaped to me and fended off Stacey´s wrist.

“Don´t you know she´s dragged down?”

“Do you also think I´m an idiot?!”

“Apologize, Zita!,” Therese shouted.

I shouldn´t but I did. “Stacey, I´m not looking forward to speaking to one of them. Should I mock myself? Here it comes. I should date the analytic. I am one big nonsense. Stupid interests, clever only when there is something for me in it and I want freedom and submission! Sorry!”

Stacey chuckled.

“Eat your gingerbread. Tomorrow evening you´ll be punished by an hour of gym. ” Thank you, Stacey. My real mother is still out there, nice of you for letting me call her.

“II will give you the browser if you promise you will make that Paladin dope search for bride elsewhere,” said Nicole under the maple.

“That Claudia of yours demanded something? Stacey didn´t, Barbara certainly…” “If I am not sure he´ll be out of the game, I need more time with my fianceé. Aren´t you the brainy geek during the day and magical warrior on a lucky morning?”

I said I´ll do my best which is a good example of conversational relativism.

Weatherby´s lecture about WW1 was so taxing I could afford to be less concerned about writing on the floor with a separated pen, shrunken and the Pirate sitting on me. Thankfully, Lydia agreed to choose me and she stayed out of my butt area.

She is my nicest pal. If somebody told her or if she ascertained why we are physically exhausting ourselves, Lydia´s dear ones would hear from her through us. If I divulge it, Therese can tell Larissa and Stacey can tell Cindy. Little bird can tell the blackbird.

Before the gym, I moistened a little washcloth I was protecting my behind with on the seat of the exercise bike or the bench under the barbell.

I liked riding on the exercise bike the most so I happened to be there when the browser has been given the link to the Woodroof residence.

It rang for two minutes. Mom, only the sleep excuses you.

There are coincidences in our lives that dreamers are attributing to telepathy. This effect backfire for me because as I thought about mom the other side rejected me. Mom and dad haven’t read my mind. In the words of Known Space expert, they are Ptavv fools. And they would make lousy Pak Protectors.

“Redial!” If an unknown number rings multiple times it has a reason.

I went for the full standing position on a treadmill. The browsing device clicked on my three point six meters.

“Quieeeeeeeet!!! Peeeeeeaaaaace!!! You are miniciiiiing me like beeeef picieeeees!” Mom wasn´t a safe individual to be around when infuriated but I have never experienced her imitating mental asylum occupant before pharmacology. I moved briskly back to the bike next to the barbell.

“Mom, chill out!”

The next time she spoke, she was stammering.

“Zizita, are youssp speaking from beybeyond the grave?”

“No, I´m alive and we stole this to get our calls. We plan…”

“ZITA!!! How do I know…”

“Mom, you and dad are just pathetic worms who can´t pay the mortgage. No offense. Don´t tell me any details about your lives, just confirm you are fine… Well, you aren´t. And you hate the Brotherhood like the millions of people. Compromising, isn´t it?”

“ZACK!!! ZACK!!! Where are you, nitwit?”

“Sue, you took it up?”

Dad kept his voice low but the sounds of trampling made it seem he and mom are playing correct words/mostly incorrect words. Target group: all married couples after ten years.

“It is your daughter, imbecile!”

“Zita! I have seen such thrashing only in movies! Does it still hurt? Why did they let you call us?”

What was he asking? What was he asking by those words of fatherly affection?”

“Dad, nobody knows about me talking to you… You have seen it?”

“Yes, Zita”, mom said. “We have seen it… Our first piece of news about you since August. These chimpanzee midgets put it online… Is this what they are doing to you often, these male…”

“Sue, I’m unarmed!”

“Mom, they beat us on… The smaller scale.”

“I’m a big scale woman. Zack, your paddling is in order.”

“Mom, we must ally with nice men!”

” You don’t understand the progress, lass. Our readers’ club has a secret hierarchy. Husbands know this is fucked up so it is like if they all forget about the anniversary. Try to defend your father or any man and you are no daughter of mine. Now, does your butt hurt?”

“Yes, it is awful.”

I told mom about some of the misadventures my classmates underwent before we could pull this stunt, never mentioning the Rear Riders. Mom expressed her admiration for Jenine and ordered me to look for my savior.

“Zita, about that video, there was a small part I couldn´t get.”

My mother´s bodiless voice was inherently angry however this ambiguity carried disharmony of reservation.

“When they were beating you, one of your shouts was “I´m in the Loyaaa”. Can you explain that?”

I haven´t told her that either.

“Mom, I have joined educative discussion holoshow for breakfast time. It is called “Loyalty will set you free”. I´m sorry, they have chosen the title, it is moderated by a good friend of mine. This place should have smart girls talking independently.” The truth is for those who can stand it. I´m protecting my dad too when I don´t let the words “The Loyalist Program” leave my mouth.”Couldn´t you be moderating their show!?”


“I don´t want to serve them directly.”

“And with a girl like you, I won´t be evil on your father! Zita, I´m not sleeping well but your call was a balm for my nerves. Call me tomorrow it would be a sin listening to you with eyelids growing heavy.”

“Oh, the country is not in need of girls like me. It should have more…”

I stumbled. Mothers like you? Wives like you?

“Women who do not bow. Like senator Thompson. Goodbye mom, goodbye dad.”

“Goodbye, Zita,” they said in unison.

Unless she or he turns the confusion to account, people in general have every right to feel disturbed hearing people who raised them arguing. It is perhaps materialistic but you don´t wish to see two halves of your being hate one another, turning off their love or its residual force, their gravity, their magnetism. The convention of Sue and Zack prevents such breakdown but if it wasn’t for me, dad would collapse.

I had thirty minutes left and I was thirsty for light entertainment on the net. And by light entertainment, I mean temples of imagination, Smaug’s mountain of gold. Nerdy communities I hailed from, brought here down to Lydia and Alice.

I instructed the browser to find Sleipnir Neighs, the central hub for the fans of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic books from the entire FPE.

“Log in or join”, said improvised horse voice.

OK, so are some of the nicknames PC? Star Trek and Star Wars have been banned for some ideological tendencies, I know that few people were storing illegal virtual reality games based on them. Anyway, I can’t call myself Beckett Mariner or Darth Venamis. And it will be safer not to use my most beloved usernames Rianna The Spellbinder and The Great Tyrant. I was thinking about “SuperSpankee”. It will be a Wizard of Oz reference. I joined under the nickname “Pip”. I would like to talk with my friend Jinjur…

*GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Welcome geeky nerds, nerdy geeks, and unrepenting dorks. I´m your host, Horus Orthodoxy, the head moderator, assisted by Halliday Inn and Toserban96. Piss on the real world and don’t forget your messages will be subjected to analysis before appearing in the discussion a can be used as evidence on trial. Have patience, new member, we are spawning your avatar and the placement on the map.*

That reminds me…

“Speech to text conversion,” I commanded to the browsing device. I am not giving them audio of me speaking.

*GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New member spawned.*

Users had aethereal elf-like voices.

*Toserban96: Hello Pip! Where are you from?*

Personal questions?

„I´m from the Emerald City, currently studying in Hogwarts. In my spare time, I and my girlfriend are amazed by the people by the people and the nature of Wyoming.“ Anonymous Llort: Show us more of yourself. We are seeing only the ear in the bubble. „I have broken my VR set and I must watch something else. I am writing my diploma thesis but nerdy things help me not go bonkers. I have a full hand too now. How does the landscape look today?“

*Toserban:96: As the lake reflecting the night sky and the blue desert around. We, moderators, are sitting on the reflection of the Moon. „I want to live in such a picture! What about the nerdy events? I wasn’t at those since summer ended.“*

*Oredaijishin: I will never go to them again. On my last con Power Rangers panel was lit up by the Molotov cocktail.*

„Holy macaroni, who threw it? Lord Zedd cosplayer?“ Flamewars in the nerddom weren´t life-threatening, were they?

*Oredaijishin: No, it was obviously Super Sentai purist. Everyone is extremist of some kind this year.*

*Toserban96: Are you a provocater?*

*Oredaijishin: All things are changing. FPA´s good leadership must find a cure for illnesses if they arise.*

*Vanyel: True words. I am a Rear Rider. We will reinvent the Conclave and annex all countries to FPA.*

*Yyrkoon: RR are full of shit!*

*Wilbur Whateley: I agree.!!!!! Thousand times!!!!*

*Thomas Senlin: They lost their mind. Towers are important.*

*Horus Orthodoxy: The Brotherhood would never construct unimportant institutions. I hope you don´t doubt the set-out direction, Oredaijishin. The reserved time and the order of reforms that is welcome stimulus.*


*Oredaijishin: That is what I´m doing.*

*Toserban96: The nations of FPA confuse structure for duress because they haven´t had a structure. Brotherhood grows upon it. Grand design for the Atlantic, grand design for mankind.*

I have heard a sick amount of puffy speeches, ideological hot air, and neologisms in prevaricating since our democracy ended. I have lost count of them but this sounded eerily similar to what was postulated by Cao or possibly Neumann on the school year opening. The old structure is done for because it wasn’t a structure at all… Halliday Inn: Which is the other way of saying: Bitches should do what they know the best.

*Beka Museveni: There is one lady who demands politeness.*

*Sunstone Witch: Adding my hand and chanting!*

*Horus Orthodoxy: Formulate your opinions without abusive language in general. I was asking about nerdy events.*

“Tell us, girls, in what are you good at?,” I wanted to show those jerks who they are degrading.

*Beka Museveni: My life isn´t special. I am lumberjacks´s wife.*

If you stopped at “lumberjack” I wouldn´t look dumb.

Sunstone Witch: I am a doctor, my life is full of excitement. I have lived through drama, monsters dwell in every street and our house is the command centra of the literal heroes in white, educated in the secret arts. You have no idea. If you want to know more about me, don´t be shy and ask.

Toserban96: Madame, I am not your guardian, I have come to this forum to slack off and to ensure pleasantness of the discussion but I would advise against it. You can have personal problems when it comes to who you are outside of your interface. Try to put yourself in the costume of Spider-Man when Green Goblin or Venom discovers that you are Peter Parker if you will.

Sunstone Witch: What? Between geeks?

*Toserban96: You want specifics? I know one man. He went to a very large virtual reality assemblage of D&D fans. It was called the Magistrate of the Law. People couldn´t get enough of tales from one player. She was using an avatar of Surreal SaDiablo. You might not know her.You might not know her. The guy was there as Miras-Etrin and you might not have an idea about him either.*

*These two liked each other but he came to the conclusion they met before… She shared some private stuff and he surmised these all were identical to the backstory of Texas wench he saw on the physical con in the Starlight costume. He gave her actual name to the group of players and where he checked it out she disappeared. He could never tell her he knew he was a douche and how he thinks that book about giants she recommended him sucks.*

*And I hold an important position. I will not lie to you, I will simply be a serious nerd, serious in more senses, on this forum and a people person self-made man to those bloody generalists.*

*Beka Museveni: No way…*

*Toserban96: You can´t believe I am important?*

*Beka Museveni: No, just that your story was silly and petty. Internet is making twats out of people.*

*Oredaijishin: It is about the low social intelligence, sorry folks.*

*Toserban96: It can be cured by having stable companionship. I am married but no matter how lovely are hours with my wife, as an individual, I come to realization in the comprehensible dialogue and the high culture with my male friend. We travel across Europe and as a European I am providing intricate commentaries.*

He is a Brave hunter, well-positioned, and travels. Not so careful as he would like to believe.

Expatiate on yourself…

“One can tell structure means we all are doing what we are designed for by the nature.“

*Toserban96: Good one, Pip. One must be aware of his/her station and limits, first by the birth than by the detected utility. The heartbeat of the world´s blood or energy.*

That was sealing it. I heard that opinion the day I learned about The Loyalist Program outside of Mayson´s office. Cao mentioned some tidbits of his associate´s reasoning for obedience.

“You can tell me if you are a European then what nationality are you?”

*Tosarban96: I´m Swiss.*

“And that close pal of yours?”

*Toserban96: He is Taiwanese.*

I was right.

He was citing himself.

He was citing Richard Neumann.

“Mind you getting a new Yankee stalker?

*Toserban96: I know about worse relationships.*

Yes, Richard, of course, that company you keep, those terrible friends…

LOTR melody underscored forming of the new pact.

…and you have the nice enemy in me.

Toserban96: And when I told you about my fatherland, I would like to discuss the new comic book series The impersonator from Reichenbach…

Barbara has Therese to be nursed from in the evening. Stacey will have me and a fairy tale about yel… Golden brick road.
