A dream I had M/F

A dream I had with my wife while she was out of town. We wanted to share it and see what others thought. Hope you enjoy

I am laying in a forest at night bright moonbeams break through the canopy and illuminate the floor. I think the moon is full though I cannot see it. The forest is alive with the sound insects and birds performing there songs. I feel hungry silent eyes though I cannot see them. Than I see or hear or maybe feel, I not sure which first but you are there naked moon light accentuating your exquisite form. You look at me with bright hungry eyes before making your way towards me. It is than that I realize I am also naked, I instinctually move to shield myself from your view but you are quick holding my knees and moving them apart. Your fingers swim through my hairs as you plant light kisses on the inside of my legs making your way to where they connect. I shiver and quiver tensing with shallow breaths as your hands dance on my stomach your lips planting little kisses around my pubis area careful not to touch me yet but taking deep breaths of my genitalic area. When you are ready I feel your eyes flutter closed tickling me as your moist mouth opens and your tongue slides out licking my testicles as one hand comes down and eclipses my shaft moving slowly up and down. Than one ball slides into your mouth, one hand sensually rakes all over my body while the other strokes faster, than both balls are in your mouth and I wonder if you won’t suck them out but I would let you as you bring me close to ecstasy than release me, all your hands and mouth for a second, I feel how covered in cool sweat but your swallow me while holding me down with your body, it is than I realize you have reversed your self and your sex is in my face. I don’t wait for an invitation submerging myself in you barely able to breath but knowing this is how I could die. You release me from your mouth with loud pop and my head drops to the floor as you place your flower on my face rubbing it to pleasure yourself. One hand strokes me while the cradles me. You say something in a language never translated but all true lovers know. I try to answer but your juices are deluge I want to drown in, you say it again riding me harder stroking my faster than again and again, than a loud jungle cat roars only it isn’t a jungle cat it is me and twirled you onto your back I open my mouth wide plunging my tongue into your sweet depths somehow sucking all of you for a time, my cock throbs and pulses in your mouth, than I release you hearing your head fall in the same way mine did. Quick like a spider I twist around and thrust my self inside of you, your back arcs, I lift your kissing your angles as I thrust inside of you, your juices spraying out of you covering me from navel to crack like morning dew. One of your hands presses and circles your clit while another cups your breasts. I began pounding harder your insides becoming a drum my cock the drumstick you speak in that primordial lovers tongue but I cannot understand for I am simple a beast of carnal lustful pleasure I growl on a thrust dropping your legs as I grab your sides than breast my mouth reaches your neck and I kiss and suck you all the while thirsting harder and deeper until your neck is covered in Saliva and hickeys. You moan and shiver your whole body convulsing as my body clinches my cock pumping my seed into you. I feel it leaking out dripping across your legs, snaking through your hair and even making it your other hole. I collapse on you, we turn and intertwine becoming a cocoon of cum, sweat, and your sensual juices. Our hearts beat in tandem as we whisper to each other in that oldest of tongues incomprehensible to those not in love.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/pmjfiy/a_dream_i_had_mf