Sneaky hormones/babysitter fantasies

Fred and Kathy had one boy and one girl, much younger than me. I was just 18, but everyone said I was very mature for my age. I was very much into Fred. He could make me laugh like no one else, and I could tease him better than anyone, including his wife.

I’m looking back about 20 years now. Back then, I was at the age when my body and hormones were changing fast and were definitely running the show. I became compulsively attracted to men, especially Fred. He seemed safe. He was 35, but our chemistry was perfect. I never had any delusions of stealing him or anything like that. It was just playful, clever, flirtatious fun.

Over the last two years, my body finally started to fill out. My mom has huge breasts and I definitely inherited those. My legs looked very hot.

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