As the sun set I fired up the bbq and checked out the hot tub. There was no way I wasn’t going to make use of it even though I’d imagined Trish and I lounging in it’s luxury. Mom took a shower to wash the salt water out of her hair and (as she put it) the sand out of her crevices. Sipping on a beer I imagined her washing the sand out of her crevices and began to get another erection. What the hell was wrong with me? I wondered. Thinking it would take my mind of it I went to help my mother-in-law with the salad in the kitchen. Big mistake.
Faye had been first to make use of the one bathroom and now freshly showered and changed she padded around barefoot across the kitchen floor. She wasn’t making it easy for me to stay faithful to her daughter. Dressed in a pair of pink velvet shorts, pulled up high so as to leave a dark crevice of her ass crack, leaving me wondering if she indeed had underwear on beneath. From the front she was equally as alluring, her pussy bulging through the shiny material. Having said that, it was her breasts which took my breath away. Having baited my mother with the no bra tag, she herself now went without. A tight light blue tank top with spaghetti straps, barely able to constrain her marvelous tits, the nipples poking proudly through. The sight was almost enough to make me remove my wedding ring right then and there.
“Can I help with anything?” I asked when I’d finished leering.
“Um, just about done. Heather will need a drink we she’s out of the shower. No doubt more champagne, you may as well open another bottle now, I’ll have one.”
“Can do.” I replied and as if we’d conjured her, Mom left the bedroom looking beautiful and entered the kitchen like a summer breeze. Wearing a white peasant dress, her hair only partially dried she saw me pouring the glasses and squealed in delight at the sight.
“Oh there’s more of that one! Fantastic, it’s delicious.” She exclaimed and took a sip from the nearest. She was still tipsy from the afternoon and it made me feel good to see her so happy.
“It’d want to be delicious for the price we payed.”
“Well thankfully they pay your wife well for all the work she does!” Mom said and it brought the mood of the room down a little. Mom was quick to realize the effect of her comment however and changed the subject immediately. “Oh by the way, I think I got a little sunburnt.”
Faye took a sip from her glass and seemed more than interested. “Oh yeah show me.”
I leaned back against the bench and downed the last of my beer as Mom reached down and took hold of the hem of her skirt. Lifting it up one leg she showed her flushed pink skin high up on her thigh. Faye wasn’t convinced it seemed and wanted to see more. To be honest I did too.
Placing down her glass, Faye walked over to my mother. “It’s hard to tell Heather. Let me have a look.” Taking hold of the other side of my mother’s dress, Faye lifted it up even to where my mother held hers. “Mmm looks a little red.” She then took it upon herself to raise it even higher to just below her crotch and looked at me. “What do you think Calvin?”
Both women now looked at me. “Um, I’m not sure.” I managed to offer.
Faye again took charge and lifted Mom’s dress higher to reveal her white lace panties.
“Ooh Faye!” Mom giggled but I noticed, did nothing to cover herself.
“Oh relax Heather, he’s your son, not some stranger.”
“Well I know that but Calvin doesn’t want to see his mother’s panties!” Mom suggested and Faye and I both knew just how wrong she was.
“So what do you think now Calvin, is she burnt?” Faye asked. I knew what she was doing of course. She wanted to fuck me and she was going to do everything she could to get me as horny as possible. It was working. I was forced to stare openly at my mother’s pussy, indeed given license to stare at it without fear of rebuke. It was cunning and as I said, it was working. I had to get out of there before Mom noticed my growing hardon, it would be humiliating.
“Yeah looks a little burnt. Anyway, I’d better go cook those steaks.” I hurriedly replied and went to the fridge to retrieve them.
“Nah, it’s just heat rash. A little bit of aloe will soothe that,” Faye declared. “Go and sit down on the couch Heather, I’ve got some in my bag.”
I took the meat from the fridge as Mom did as she was told with her glass of champagne in hand. Placing the steaks on a board I cut the excess fat off and salted the meat. Faye returned and knelt down before my mom. “Slide down a little hon.” She suggested and I watched in my peripheral vision as she did so, her back on the seat of the couch, legs spread. I was loitering over the steaks and Faye must have sensed it, turning her head whilst taking hold of my mother’s dress. “Ahem. No boys allowed in here. Are you nearly done?”
“I’m going!” I replied and taking up the board began walking past the women. As I did so Faye took the opportunity to raise my mother’s skirt. Lifting it higher this time it afforded me a complete view of her whole panties. High cut, they rose to just beneath her belly button, the pubic hair visible through and either side of the lace.
Faye’s positioning of my mother had been cunning. Although I’d been banished from the room the location of the bbq on the deck meant I would be staring directly back into their direction through the open screen doors. And what a sight it was. With Faye kneeling between my mother’s spread legs she poured out a dollop of creme into the palm of her hand and began applying it to Heather’s inner thighs. The sizzle of the steaks on the bbq reflected how hot the scene playing out before me was. Faye’s massaging neared my mother’s underwear. “Pull your knickers across a little sweetheart.” Faye proposed and Mom took hold of her underwear and cinching, pulled them up towards her waist. The action caused them to slot between her labia. A furrow of white in the forest of brown pubic hair. With access granted to beneath her panty line, Faye’s hands lathered my mother’s skin alongside her vagina, fingertips brushing her pubes and up to her hip bone.
The steaks were done and trembling I took them off the heat and walked back into the house. “Hey, didn’t I say no boys allowed!” Faye challenged. As I passed the ladies I jokingly held up my hand to shield my eyes from them but made sure I could still see everything.
“It’s O.k I can’t see anything!” I lied.
“I think we’re done anyway honey.” Mom proclaimed, releasing her hold on her panties and allowing them to fall back into place. Faye pulled down her dress and helped my mother stand. “Thank you Faye. It feels better already.”
“Any time Heather.” Faye replied and looked in my eyes as she took the aloe back into her bedroom. She was good, I’d give her that. The erection in my pants attested to it.
* * * * *
I was glad I’d made that second trip to the liquor store. Only half a day into our three night stay we’d gone through two bottles of champagne and about ten beers. We wouldn’t need the alcohol to have a good time but it was certainly loosening inhibitions. In my mother particularly. As the darkness fell I lit a tiki lamp on the lawn and turned on the fairy lights on the deck. A cheese and fruit platter on the coffee table, champagne and red wine at the ready and the hot tub steaming in the cooling night air, the atmosphere in and outside the house was very romantic. As I changed back into my board shorts in the bedroom I looked at the bikini still in it’s gift bag and felt more than a tinge of sadness. My wife should have been there. She could have been there. She chose not to be there. She chose her job over her relationship. I took off the board shorts and swapped them for my new Speedos and left the room.
Mom and Faye were already in the hot tub when I entered the living room. I picked up the cheese platter as I passed it and walked out to offer the ladies something to eat.
“Woo hoo.” Faye screamed as I exited the house. “All you need’s a bow tie and you could be the male entertainment!”
Mom turned to see what the fuss was about and I saw her eyes go directly to my groin. “Oh goodness honey. They’re small!”
This coming from the woman who’d worn “that” swimsuit and been essentially flashing her panties to me all afternoon. I looked down at myself and was happy with what I saw, turning in a circle to give the women the show they were after. “Woo hoo!” Faye repeated and wolf whistled like a college girl on spring break before clinking her glass with Mom’s and both giggling like schoolgirls.
They accepted a strawberry each and I took the platter back into the house, pouring a glass of red wine for myself in the process. Joining the women in the tub I settled back in the warm water and let the massaging effect of the jets do it’s work on my back.
Mom and Faye were wearing the same swimsuits as that afternoon. Mom had flushed cheeks and neck form either the warm water or the alcohol, probably both and Faye looked her perfectly tanned self. To think I was against inviting our mother’s along on this getaway, admiring these two beautiful mature women now I did feel all of the “lucky boy” I’d been called back in the diner. All that was missing was Trish. As if we were all thinking the same thing, Faye said. “My daughter doesn’t know what she’s missing!”
“Mmm. It’s a shame she’s not here. Calvin have you heard form her?” Mom asked.
I shook my head. “No, I’m sure she’ll come back tomorrow though. There’s no reason for her to be there on a Saturday. The office will be closed.” The mood had again turned sombre and we all took a dink from our prospective glasses in the silence. It was my mother who changed the vibe.
“I just love your breasts Faye!” She stated out of the blue.
I snorted on my wine. “Mom!”
“What?” Mom turned to me. “I do, they’re beautiful.”
“Thank you Heather. The best money can buy. I wasn’t as blessed as you.” Faye returned her compliment.
“Oh Jesus.” I muttered under my breath.
Faye looked to me. “I think he’s embarrassed Heather. They’re just boobs Calvin. Here look.” With that she reached behind herself and undid her bikini top. Pulling it off over her head she cast it on the side of the tub and raising out of the water she presented herself to us.
Even Mom seemed a little taken aback. “Oh God Faye, you’re incorrigible!”
It was hard to look anywhere else. The perfectly formed breasts between my mother and I, I immediately thought we could so easily take one each in our mouths but quickly put the idea out of my head.
“They’re lovely Faye. Can I touch them?” My mother asked and I wasn’t sure I believed what I was hearing.
“Mom!” I exclaimed.
“Of course you can Heather.” Faye replied and moved towards her in the tub. I watched as Mom placed her glass on the edge of the tub and with both hands cup Faye’s breasts.
“Oh wow, they’re so firm.”
“Yep. As I said, these babies aren’t going anywhere!” Faye declared.
With her hands still full of tit, Mom looked to me and Faye’s eyes followed. “Calvin you have to feel these.” She looked back to Faye. “Can my son touch them?”
“Why certainly, we’re all family here!” Faye proclaimed and turned fully towards me, my mom’s hands falling from her breasts.
“Ah that’s O.k, I’ll pass.” I stated. Right then and there I wanted nothing more than to hold them. To suck on them but the spectre of my wife hovered in my mind.
Faye lowered back into the water. “I think he’s a little shy Heather. Come on though, I showed you mine, you show me yours!”
It was now Mom’s turn to be embarrassed. “What? Here?” Her eyes flicked across to me and back to Faye. “I can’t!”
“Oh he won’t mind, he’s your son. Just turn your back!” Faye proposed.
Mom showed little hesitation and moved between Faye and I. With her back to me she lowered the straps off her shoulders and then before dropping the swimsuit looked back to me. “No peeking Calvin.”
I didn’t respond. I couldn’t speak. I had a hand on my rock hard cock beneath the water as my mother lowered her swimsuit and revealed her beasts to my mother-in-law. “Oh they are beautiful.” Faye told her. “They’re so heavy, oh look your nipples are getting hard!” Both women laughed and Mom ducked down in the water and resumed her seat, this time closer to Faye. I noticed she didn’t raise her swimsuit. Mom reached out for her glass and I saw her areola above the water for a second and it was gone. She downed her glass and Faye a moment later finished hers.
“Be a dear and top up our glasses would you Cal?” Mom pleaded. “We’re not really dressed for it!”
A dilemma. I was happy stroking my cock through my Speedos and now I had to get out of the tub with a raging hard on. There was no way I could do it yet. “Yeah sure, just give me a minute.”
Mom looked a little puzzled. “What, why?”
Faye leaned into my mother’s ear and whispered something and my Mom’s jaw dropped over dramatically. “No!”
She didn’t say what had been said but I was pretty sure Faye had told her I had an erection. Mom’s eyes darted back to me and I noticed stray down to the water. I was 100% sure she couldn’t see anything, just as I couldn’t see her breasts. I thought she’d let it go but it seemed she really wanted her wine regardless of my state. “Please Cal, before we get too pruney in here.” Mom begged.
Faye was quick to add her encouragement . “Come on Cal, you did say you’d be our entertainment!”
“No actually that was what you said Faye.” I quickly corrected her but to hell with it I thought. There was no way I was going to lose the hard-on in a hurry and it was what they seemed to want to see. What was wrong with showing the effect these two beautiful women had had on me? I stood up proudly in the water and I watched Mom and Faye’s eyes stay straight ahead, directly gazing at my crotch. I looked down myself and was shocked to see how clearly outlined my penis was inside the swimwear. There was no hiding the fact I was hard with the material only preventing it from pointing directly at the women. I climbed up and out of the tub and dripping, walked into the house with their eyes burning into me from behind and their giggling ringing in my ears.
Before picking up the bottle of champagne I thought about what may be about to happen. I would walk back out there and climb in the tub. We’d all had a lot to drink, the women especially. Were any of us thinking rationally? I thought of Trish. She’d be here tomorrow. How would we all feel then if something had happened between us. It wasn’t only me that had a lot to lose. Faye’s relationship with her mother would be destroyed. Even me and Mom. It would be incest. Was that something I even wanted to contemplate? Or was I getting ahead of myself? Mom hadn’t shown any real sexual desire for me, it had all been simple flirting, if that. Was it all in my head? I picked up the champagne and headed back out to the tub, despite my internal debate, my cock still hard.
What I saw put most of my doubts about my mother aside. Her pink swimsuit hung over the edge of the tub alongside Faye’s bikini top and now her bottoms. They were both naked. My mother no longer hid her breasts underwater, her nipples and large areola sitting just above the churning surface.
“New hot tub rule Calvin,” Faye declared. “No clothing allowed!”
I did nothing to hide my erection as I sidled up to the tub, both women were staring at my groin. Mom held out her glass and I topped her up followed by Faye. My instinct was to remove my pants and enter, to have sex with my mother and mother-in-law. My brain told me to get out of there. “Actually ladies I’m going to call it a night and go to bed.”
“Oh no Calvin please stay. We’ll behave.” My mother implored, resting her wet hand on mine on the edge of the tub.
“It’s not that Mom. Trish will be here tomorrow, I should get a good nights sleep.” I reluctantly released my hand from under her grip and left the bottle. “You two have fun though. Don’t drink too much.”
“Oh we’ll be good Calvin.” Faye replied, giggling. “You can trust us.”
* * * * *
I woke as the sun was rising and went for a jog on the beach. I’d heard my mother and Faye go to bed late in the night, stumbling and attempting to be quiet but in their drunken state making even more noise. Their stifled laughter made me smile. I imagined them walking naked from the tub to their room, possibly holding each other for support. Did they dress for bed or go naked? Did they sleep together? None of it helped my erection subside but I didn’t relent. I would save it for Trish. I just hoped she would be ready.
I worked up a sweat on my jog and before heading back dove into the cold ocean. It cleared my head and I emerged feeling reinvigorated. Back at the house I found Mom and Faye’s swimsuits on the hot tub still wet. I hung them up on a line to dry then went inside to shower. With Mom and Faye still asleep, I began making breakfast. With the clock approaching nine a.m I knocked lightly on their door and entered. The room still dark I walked between the two beds and raised the drapes slightly to allow some sunlight to filter in. My mother lay on her back, the white chiffon nightie she wore had twisted in her sleep leaving both breasts exposed. The large pink areola spread at least an inch around each nipple, erect in the cool air coming through the open window. Her eyes remained closed, her mouth slightly open, a tiny trickle of drool down her cheek. I wanted to kiss her awake she looked so beautiful. My mother, the sleeping beauty.
With Faye, she’d gone to bed naked. No surprise there I thought. Face down, her sheet only covered one half of her body leaving her back and one buttock exposed, the untanned flesh stark in the low light. Faye I wouldn’t kiss to awaken, I would fuck. Such was her sex appeal. The Lilith to my Mother’s Eve. I left their door open and hoped the smell of the cooking bacon and my noise in the kitchen would soon wake them.
It did the trick. Mom first emerged still in her nightie. It barely covered her groin but was irrelevant anyway, the thing was see through, the white panties she had worn yesterday afternoon clearly visible, her nipples dark behind the lace bust.
She came to me in the kitchen, shuffling, her hair a mess. “I’m sorry about last night. I was drunk. Can you forgive me?”
I smiled and kissed her on the forehead. “There’s nothing to forgive. I love you.” This seemed to brighten her and she smiled before yawning and pressing a hand to her head. “How are you feeling?”
“A bit seedy.”
“Well this should help.” I replied, gesturing down to the stovetop.
“Mmm bacon. Is it nearly ready?”
“About five.” I informed her.
“Oh good. I’ll be back.” I watched as she turned and again shuffled back towards the bathroom. noticing for the first time the french cut of her panties across each cheek. Why was it I was only noticing her as a sexy desirable woman now? I wondered.
Faye was more used to drinking to excess than my mother and was full of energy. After a quick shower she emerged wearing a fluorescent yellow bikini. She wore her denim shorts over the bottoms for, I guess, modesty. Breakfast was satisfying and we discussed our plans for the day. They pretty much included the beach, food and drink and none of us were disappointed. I said I was looking forward to Trish returning and as if on cue my phone rang in the bedroom.
“What do you mean you can’t make it back?” I almost yelled into the phone, my heart breaking.
“The client is in town and I offered to show them around!” Trish explained.
“You offered? It’s Saturday. You should be up here with us!”
“This is more important Calvin.” The moment she said it I knew she must have regretted it but sadly she made no attempt to take it back.
“More important?”
“Well…quite frankly yes. I’d rather be at work creating something than lounging around on a beach with our mothers!”