The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 29

Bruce opens the bedroom door and Anna asks nervously, “Who did you send? I don’t want them to get hurt…”

“We just call him Grizzly. He briefly played defensive tackle for the Titans. I think he’ll be just fine,” Bruce replies with a chuckle.

Anna nods at the description of Grizzly and feels herself relax.

“Let’s not worry about that right now. Right now, I want to make you breakfast.” Bruce says with a grin. For once in his life, he actually wants to cook breakfast for a woman who has stayed the night. Even though Anna is moving in, he can’t help but feel extremely happy that he can share his life with someone. He extends his hand, waiting for her to come along.

“I’m a pretty good cook myself sir… I guess we will have fun cooking together sometimes huh?” Anna says as she takes his hand. Merle and Gus bound after them as they walk out of the room into the hallway, happy that they are finally awake and moving around.

Bruce leads her down the stairs, down the hall, and into the kitchen. Anna’s eyes go wide.

“Did Gus stick his nose someplace personal? He is kind of a pussy hound. Literally.”

Anna giggles. “No. It’s just that your kitchen appears to be the size of half of my house… Or what was my house,” she says, looking around.

“Well, this is your kitchen now,” Bruce replies with a kiss and a playful squeeze of her ass through the robe. “You just have to fight it out with Chef Tony from time to time.”

The kitchen is incredible. The countertops gleaming, the stainless steel appliances more expensive than she’s ever seen before. “I.. sir… This is amazing.”

Merle comes up and pushes himself between them.

“Oh excuse me, Merle,” Bruce says to him. “Are my big boys waiting for breakfast?”

Merle lets out a quick bark.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Anna starts to speak, but gets distracted when Gus leans his head leaning against her thighs. Anna pats and scratches his head, giggling at Merle telling Bruce exactly what he wants.

“Your dogs make me very happy, Bruce. They’re so sweet. I’ve always wanted my own dog, but he wouldn’t let me”. She hangs her head, a bit embarrassed she let her ex-husband control her so much.

Rather than make her dwell on it, Bruce starts motioning to the kitchen and telling her more about it.

“Ted Allen thought it was a nice kitchen when he came over,” he says. Anna raises an eyebrow, still caught off guard by Bruce casually telling her about all of the celebrities he knows personally.

Anna watches as Bruce moves over to a large cabinet, and pulls out two large food bowls, and filling them.

“Gus certainly seems to have taken a liking to you. Merle will eventually. He just likes to pretend he’s tough,” Bruce says, filling their massive bowls and placing them on the floor.

Gus almost knocks Anna over as he takes off to eat.

Anna laughs as she watches the two large dogs dig into their breakfast. “I like Gus too… I hope Merle will come around soon, nothing makes me happier than a dog who just wants to cuddle…” Bruce looks at her with a look of shock and surprise.

Anna responds quickly, teasing, “You know a good orgasm and sex makes me happy too sir.. need I remind you about last night and this morning?” She winks and takes a seat at the island in the center of the kitchen.

“You don’t need to remind me. I have never seen a woman cum as hard as you did last night. And my dick is still tingling from this morning,” Bruce replies with a big smile.

Anna giggles as she watches Bruce then pull out and put an apron on. He’s only wearing the apron and his slippers, nothing else.

“Now, ma’am, what is your pleasure this morning?”

“Hmmm,” She says, leaning over the counter a bit, Bruce leans over too, “surprise me” she whispers centimeters from his lips. Anna quickly kisses his lips before sitting back up and looking around the kitchen.

Bruce looks at Anna with a smile before pulling out a knife and starting to sharpen it..

“It’s not terribly impressive but I could really go for a nice, home cooked omelette,” he offers. “The chef at Paradise tries to get too upscale with them. I guess that is his job but I don’t need fois gras and caviar in my eggs.”

Anna stands and walks around the island to Bruce. She wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head on his shoulder.

“Anything you make I’m sure is delicious. Can I help at all?” She asks sweetly, kissing his bare skin, enjoying being close to him.

“Well I’m certainly not going to try cooking like Wyatt and Monique,” he chuckles. “Not right now anyway. Would you rather chop veggies or beat eggs and work my meat?” Bruce says with a wink.

“Whatever you want me to do, chef… But I feel like my knife skills are pretty good… A sous chef knows their place in the kitchen”. Anna kisses his shoulder again and takes the knife from him and starts to chop the veggies for the omelettes.

“Oh someone woke up sassy this morning,” Bruce says, smacking her ass as he walks by her to get more ingredients from the fridge. He places eggs, milk, cheese, and sausage on the counter before pausing, stealing a look at Anna. He can see right through her robe, the silk ties having come undone on their own accord.

Bruce puts his whisk down, strolls over to Anna and wraps his arms around her waist to retie the robe, hiding her naked body.

“I could see straight to heaven. I’d end up cutting myself,” he says with a single kiss on her neck. “Your body is still so irresistible to me.”

He turns to continue preparing ingredients, ignoring that his erection is now clearly pushing his apron forward.

Even in their nakedness in the kitchen, Anna can’t help but feel like this is normal. Like what normal couples should do. She hasn’t taken off the diamond ring Bruce gave her on the night of the gala, it glints in the lights of the kitchen.

Anna starts humming and moving her hips a little, getting lost in the cooking and prepping that’s happening. She looks up and sees Bruce watching her with a smile.

“What?” She asks with a wide smile.

Bruce rinses his hands off and comes up behind her again, resting his hands on her hips.

“You are just so fucking sexy,” he whispers into her ear.

He reaches around and pulls the knife out of her hand and places it on the counter. He turns her around and kisses her lips deeply.

“This is our life now,” He whispers, his hand cupping her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb.

He unties the robe he just re-tied and places his arms inside of it, feeling her bare skin

“I’m a very lucky man.”

Anna kisses him back and wraps her arms around his neck, her back arching towards the counter. Even though they’ve kissed close to a million times, this feels like the first time.

Anna feels the robe slip down her shoulders, letting it rest where it falls. She looks into Bruce’s eyes and smiles, placing her hands on his chest. Bruce returns her gaze and takes the hand with the ring on it and kisses each finger.

“I’m the lucky one, sir…” Anna whispers. The pair hug, Anna’s head resting on his chest listening to his heart beat.

Before he can respond there is a knock on the door.

“Put your dick away or make sure there’s a hole available for me!” shouts a gravelly voice.

Bruce laughs. “That would be Grizzly. Your things have arrived, m’lady.”

He gives Anna a quick kiss and heads down the hall.

“Don’t you ever wear goddamn clothes? Fucking rich people,” the gravelly voice says with a scoff, but no surprise at seeing Bruce naked, save for his apron.

“Good to see you too, Grizz. Any problems with the move?”

“Problems? Not for me,” Grizz says then laughs. “He’ll heal up. Probably has health insurance. But that ain’t my problem!”

Bruce knows he shouldn’t laugh, but he does.

“He signed the papers?” he asks.

“He’ll do anything I tell him to. What a little bitch,” he says, handing Bruce an envelope of documents.

“Well, back the truck up and have the boys start unloading,” Bruce says after checking to make sure all of the divorce paperwork is there.

“What? I don’t get to meet the piece of pussy so good it locked down the legend?” Grizz says.

Just then, Anna appears at his side, smiling as Bruce puts an arm around her.

“That would be me,” Anna replies with a big sassy smile. “And you’re Teddy Bear?”

He doesn’t laugh. “Grizzly. Just Grizzly,” he says. He just stares at the couple. “Well you certainly upgraded, lady. This guy has all his limbs still working this morning.”

He steps back and laughs with all 400 lbs of himself.

“But if you ever need a real man you call Grizz.”

“Thanks Grizz,” Anna says with a wink before Bruce can respond. “We are going to go finish our breakfast.”

“Yeah breakfast… More like morning bangs,” we hear him mutter as Bruce closes the door.

“You weren’t kidding when you said he was big…” Anna says as they head back to the kitchen and continue to make breakfast.

“I’ve seen Grizz bare ass naked slap a guy with his dick so hard it left a bruise. Grizz is a bad man. But a good friend. He is on our side,” Bruce chuckles.

Anna and Bruce work in silence, finishing up their preparations for breakfast. After a few minutes, Anna blurts out,

“Bruce.. what if… What if he finds me… What if he shows up at work?”

Bruce puts down what he was preparing and walks over to her, pulling out a document.

“As soon as you sign this paper I will turn it over to my lawyers. Sign it and you are no longer his wife.”

Anna looks up at him, her eyes filling with tears again. Bruce puts the paper on the counter and strokes her cheek with his thumb, speaking softly,

“Did you see how much security we had to go through to get in here? And that was me. I own the place. And you know no one can enter the office without a security card unless an employee lets them in. He can’t get you. He can’t hurt you,” he pauses and kisses her forehead, “And if he tries I’ll send Grizz back to break more pieces of him.”

Anna closes her eyes and sniffles. It’s not the divorce she’s afraid of, it’s the retaliation for her leaving that scares her. She sighs and looks up at the man who saved her, who helped her become the woman she’s always meant to be, and says quietly,

“I’m glad I know you’ll protect me. I just don’t want him to hurt you.” She pauses and takes a deep breath, “I definitely worry too much about things and I’m trying to get better about letting go of the past.”

Anna takes a pen and signs the paperwork, feeling like she’s been liberated. She’s free.

Bruce gives her a quick hug and then smacks her ass playfully. “Let’s celebrate you now… You’re divorced, you’ve got a diamond on your hand, you share your life with me now… And I can’t fathom nor express how happy that makes me. I hope you’ll be just as happy.”

Anna smiles, it tells Bruce everything he needs to know. As they make their breakfast, it finally feels like their new life together is starting. The signature on the page was the last thing standing in their way, now they had all of the time in the world to just be happy.

