Camp Lady if the Lake Pt. 1 (MM, first time, oral, romance, wet dream… characters are 18+)

Looking down at the sidewalk below their feet, Tommy mumbled “Man, it’s almost over.” He looked up to Dan with a look of realization.

Graduation was only a few days away. It was to be their last summer of freedom and innocence. Well, teenage innocence. They both enjoyed their mischievous innocence, parties in the woods, trying to hit homeruns with the girls but always striking out for some reason, sneaking in to abandon houses looking for signs of ghosts… typical teenage boy stuff.

“I know dude! There’s only a few months before we’re both off to college.” Dan responded in the most serious tone he could muster. “College girls, dorm parties…”

“Adulting!” Tommy interrupted.

Being the more adventurous of the duo, Dan turned to his partner in crime, “We gotta blow this summer out my friend! We’re eighteen; we only have a couple months left of freedom!” Seeing a little twinkle of light starting to form in his best friend’s eyes Dan continued. “We can’t go off to college virgins! We can’t start our adulthood without a bang! Do you want to look back in twenty years, on this summer, the LAST summer of fun and think we shoulda done more?”

“No.” Tommy answered in an obligatory way.

“What?” Dan prodded.

“No.” Tommy responded a little louder with the corners of his mouth starting to turn up into a smile.

“Come on man, I can’t here you bro!” Dan leaned quickly to his left, bumping Tommy trying to stir him up. “Do you want to let this summer pass without making it the best fucking summer of our lives?” standing to face Tommy towards the end of his question.

“NOO!” Tommy shouted

Standing facing each other Dan agreed “Fuckin A right, no!”

At that, the school bell that told them they had five minutes to make it to first period or suffer yet more tardies sounded.

“See ya at lunch bro!” Tommy smiled through his word and they were off to face the day.

Dan, the older of the two turned eighteen back in December. He was a soccer player so he was thin, chiseled and strong under his shaggy brown hair. He had an energy about him that seemed to always inspire Tommy.

Tommy on the other hand just turned eighteen a couple of weeks ago and was not into sports. Well, not organized sports. He enjoyed a game of football or baseball in the park, but more focused on his schoolwork and struggled to maintain good enough grades to get into college.

“Damn clock is barely moving today.” Tommy thought to himself as he paid more attention to the clock that Mr. Findley trying to teach an algebra lesson. There was an entire half hour left before lunch and he could feel the growl building in his stomach.

Eventually the lunch bell rang and for Tommy it was a mad dash to the lunch line were he found Dan a few places in. “Come on bro. I saved you a spot in line.” Dan said with enough volume in his voice to let the others before and after him that Tommy was taking cuts.

For the first several minutes at the lunch table it resembled a military mess hall. Heads down, hands feverishly filling faced with tasteless food and very little talking. Tommy’s priority was sustenance not gossip. Dan broke the silence.

“Dude, remember those old ghost stories about Camp Lady of the Lake?” Dan inquired.

“Man, that’s urban legend. It was an old catholic summer camp.” Tommy answered.

“Yeah, but” Dan continued, “legend has it that one of the camp counselors was murdered by a priest. That’s why the diocese shut it down.” He paused to see if Tommy was keeping up. “They say he haunts the beach and the woods were his body was found.”

“Dude, ghosts aren’t real!” Tommy chuckled at what he thought was his friend’s naivety. “Can you tell me how many (making air quotes with his fingers) “haunted houses” we’ve investigated in our lives?”

“But this is real man!” Dan tried to yet again convince his best friend that ghosts do exist.

“Ten. The answer is ten not so haunted houses. Four of them involved the cops bringing us home Dan.” Tommy tried to rationalize with Dan.

“This is real dude! It’s even on the internet.” Dan insisted. “I was looking it up in geo-politics this morning. I say that we go camping after graduation.

“You’re crazy bro! You want to camp at a haunted, abandoned camp grounds in the middle of nowhere? I can see it now, trespassing will add an interesting element to my college application!” Tommy said defiantly.

“Ya said it yourself dude, it’s in the middle of nowhere! No one will know we’re even there.” Dan spent the next week trying to convince his buddy that this was an excellent way to kick off the summer of memories.

Dan was doing more research on the ghost stories from the camp and relaying them back to Tommy. Tommy wasn’t sure if he was building an excitement for the ghost hunt, the adventure or if he was just pacifying Dan, but he was starting to sway to idea.

Graduation was Wednesday night, a couple of nights away. The boys got together on Monday to form their plans for the weekend camping trip. They decided to leave out after the ceremony. Tommy had secured his dad’s tent and camping gear and Dan was to secure the food and beer. His older sister had no problem contributing to their delinquency. They were both bringing fishing poles, tackle boxes and whatever else the teens thought they would need on the shore of Lake Erie, in a haunted campground for three days.

At the graduation, there was an air of excitement mixed with melancholy as names were called, students were paraded across a four foot tall stage and handed a blank piece of paper rolled and wrapped in a blue ribbon. The ceremony concluded and caps were launched into the air in a wave of thunderous applause from the family and friends in the audience. And that was the close of that chapter in their lives. Next came the obligatory hugs from congratulatory parents and they were off on their first adventure of their last summer.

Dan’s old Buick was loaded to the hilt with everything they thought they would need and waiting in the parking lot for the moment they could get away from the crowd and be on their way.

It was about an hour drive from the auditorium where graduation was held and the camp. Dan filled the cabin of the car with all of the things he had learned about the legends around the camp. Aside from asking a few questions at things he was openly curious about, and a few condescending comments expressing doubts about parts of the story he mainly remained quiet allowing Dan to talk and him to let the words roll around in his head.

Everyone knew it started in the forties, shut down in the sixties, that it was a summer camp for under privileged kids and that it was ran by a priest and a group of nuns. The parts he was curious about, but not willing to openly ask was some of the details around the counselor’s death.

Tommy was replaying Dan’s lesson on the Lady of the Lake in his mind as they turned off the paved road onto a narrow gravel road. Dan told him there were a few different stories. Some say a camp counselor was murdered by the priest, some claim that he committed suicide after a nun caught him having sex with another male counselor. And that his ghost was kind of like a mermaid in that it would enchant fall in love. Except that instead of falling for the mermaid, people would fall for other people and there was no impending doom.

That part of the story gave Tommy mixed emotions. For as long as he could remember, he had felt a special bond with Dan. They were best friends since third grade. They have been inseparable since day one. He always chalked it off to their close friendship. However, hearing these stories of gay counselors and enchantments brought up a new feeling. A tingle he’d only felt when trying to score with girls. And that scared him.

His thoughts were stopped in their tracks as the car came to a dusty dark stop and a six foot gate with a big red sign that read “NO TRESPASSING PRIVATE PROPERTY Owned by Consumers Power CO Managed by Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge”

“Fuck dude, now what?” Tommy cried out with a hint of disappointment lingering in his voice.

“No worries bro. One of the websites said there is a hole in the fence off that way” Dan was pointing into the woods, “just a little ways. Come on, let’s find it.”

Flashlights in hand, they got out of the Regal in search of the fabled opening in the fence. Nervously walking along the fence line, every sound they heard spooked them. At one point, what sounded like a tree falling startled Tommy and he stopped without signaling Dan. They collided in the darkness as Tommy was pushed into the fence with a rattle and Dan pressed up against him.

With Dan’s stories fresh in his mind, he wasn’t real surprised to feel his body heat up a little with Dan’s weight at his back. “The fuck bro?” Dan questioned.

“Sorry man, did you hear that?” Tommy whispered like he didn’t want the ghost to hear them.

“It’s nature dude. There are all kinds of noises you don’t hear at home.” Dan reassured Tommy that they were alone, except for the ghost of the gay camp counselor. Tommy was less than amused.

A little while later, they found their way in. They had made several trips from the fence to the car and back unloading their things and putting them inside the fence. Dan moved the car from in front of the gate to a little pull off in an overgrown field and returned to Tommy. They agreed to leave the stuff there and search the dark woods and beach for a place to camp.

Nervously Tommy broke the nighttime silence, “Yo, do you really believe that story about them getting caught and one of them offing themselves?” Was he really trying to get a feel for Dan’s thoughts on gayness? It’s never really came up in conversation and they had that one gay friend. Dan was cool with him.

“I dunno dude.” Dan admitted. “The priest killing him makes for a better campfire story unless you’re into dudes. Then I guess that would be more romantic.”

Tommy let that answer hang in the air as they walked towards the lake. The overgrown gravel road they were walking wasn’t much more than a gravel path because nature was taking it over. They could hear critters moving around in the woods, an occasional bird chirping from somewhere and the crashing of waves on the shore. They were getting close to the lake.

Picking the perfect spot to pitch the tent and set up camp came easy. There was a nice long stretch of sandy beach meeting the water. The boys made half a dozen trips back to the fence to bring the necessities back to the beach agreeing that next time they would bring a wagon or something. By the time they got wood gathered, a fire started and the six man tent erected by the moon and firelight they were exhausted.

“Dude, what a day right?” Tommy sighed as he planted his ass in the sand. “I don’t think I’m long for this world tonight.”

“No doubt. It’s gotta be about three!” Dan said as he too dropped to the sand.

They sat in silence for a little while, listening to the sounds of their surroundings and letting whatever else was in their minds circle before Tommy said he was going to call it a night and headed to the tent. He was stripping down to his boxers when Dan came through the unzipped door and for the first time in his life, he felt awkward being half naked in front of his best friend.

Dan seemed to not pay it any attention and was undressing himself. Tommy kept trying to not look, but in the glow of the fire, through the tent window, the flames showed just enough light to highlight his buddy’s six pack abs and lay shadows in the valleys. That heat and the tingle returned and Tommy knew if it was lighter inside their tent, Dan would surly see that he was flushed. Tommy quickly slid under his blanket to conceal the growing bulge in his ANDI boxers.

Dan stood in all of his glory in nothing but his bikini underwear looking out the lake through the screen window of the tent while Tommy took in the silhouette of Dan’s body. He was thin, but unlike Tommy, he was shaped. There was a slight v shape to Dan’s back and shoulders. His ass wasn’t bubbly but looked firm and muscular. Tommy was embarrassed, but hoped his best bud would turn around so he could get a glimpse of what was going on in front. He was unsure if it was fortunate or unfortunate, but Dan stooped down and moved himself under his own blanket without turning.

The two talked a little until Tommy drifted off to sleep with one hand still on his hard penis under his boxers and blanket.

– – – – –

Dan was pushed up against Tommy as they lay under Dan’s blanket and talked. His strong arm was around Tommy and rubbing lightly on his belly. His other hand held his head up to the perfect height to be breathing warmly on Tommy’s neck and in his ear as he spoke.

Tommy could feel the passion in his words as Dan told him that he had been in love with him since the eighth grade and that he was so happy to be in this moment to express it before they parted ways for college. Tommy’s heart was pounding at the words, the touch of his closest friend in the world. In this moment, it was undeniably clear that Tommy loved Dan back. It was never so clear.

He turned his head to meet Dan’s pink lips. They were softer than he expected them to be. More inviting too as he pressed his lips to them. He felt the man behind him press his hips against him. He could feel the hardness of Dan’s cock pushing against his ass as his own cock swelled.

Pulling away from the kiss, he looked shyly into Dan’s crisp blue eyes. “I love you too Danny boy.” and smiled.

Dan’s hand came off of Tommy’s belly and caressed his cheek. “I know Tommy. I’ve always known.” He again placed his lips to Tommy’s and allowed his tongue to explore his best friend’s lips for the first time.

Tommy let out a soft sigh and parted his lips as an invitation for the man that he loved to continue his journey. Dan followed in action by exploring Tommy’s mouth. They were locked in a deep kiss as Tommy struggled to flip over and face his partner.

Tommy reached out and found those abs he had been admiring the night before and rested his hand. While the kiss continued, he explored Dan’s body with his fingertips until he felt the elastic of those sexy black bikini underwear. Tucked and pressing hard to the left, his finger brushed Dan’s confined erection. Curious, and full of an unknown desire, he moved his hand and grasped it through the cotton. This was all so new to him, to both of them actually. But something about holding Dan’s hard dick was making him feel weak and strong at the same time. It was a feeling he could grow to love.

Dan groaned as he felt the warm hand wrap around his cock. He rolled over to his back and pulled Tommy on top of him never breaking their kiss. Tommy willingly followed Dan’s lead breaking contact with that perfect specimen of manhood.

Lifting himself up and balancing on his hands, he pulled away from his new lover and looked down at him. “Fuck Dan, are we really here? Is this real?”

“Yeah dude. This is real.” Dan tried to assure his friend. “I’ve wanted this forever. I want you forever. Be mine? Let me take you?” Dan begged needfully.

Finding those words so exhilarating and scary, Tommy submitted to Dan and leaned back in for more of those amazing lips. He kissed Dan’s lips, down his cheek to his ear, then to his neck and continued the path until he was at Dan’s belly button protected between his tight ab muscles. The entire trip down Dan’s body, there was an urge building in Tommy’s mind and he allowed it to take him over.

He sat up and started rubbing his fingers along the edge of the black underwear and looked up at Dan again as he started to pull them over the thick bulge they were hiding. A smile came across Dan’s face as he lifted his hips to allow room for them to be removed. Dan’s cock jumped out and lay hard and straight touching the belly button Tommy was just kissing. Dan shivered as the cool Michigan morning air hit his hot meat.

Tommy dropped his eyes to see what he had wanted to see since early this morning when Dan was looking out the tent window. It was beautiful. Straight, hard at about eight inches he guessed, laying anxiously between some sexy v muscles bulged on either side of Dan’s stomach. It was smooth with one main vain running up the center and had a perfect mushroom head. He was cut. His balls were shaved and tight to his body. Beautiful little orbs slowly osculating around in their sack.

After holding it in his hand and rubbing his fingers along the shaft for a few minutes he knelt down and placed his tongue on the shiny wet slit. The wetness was salty and tasted amazing to Tommy. It was now or never he thought to himself so he licked his lips and opened his mouth to take Dan’s cock in.

As he wrapped his lips around the shaft, and moved upward Dan moaned above him. The sound was beautiful to Tommy’s ears. He felt encouraged to keep going, to worship this sexy man as best as he knew how. All he wanted at that time was to make Dan feel amazing while exploring this amazing new love.

He milked his lover’s cock for a time until he pulled it out of his mouth and licked the length of the shaft down to his sack. Clumsily, he licked across them, up and down them and took each one individually into his mouth and rolled his tongue around each while stroking the length of his shaft. The whole time he was focusing his listening on Dan’s sighs, moans and “oh fuck baby that feels amazing”.

Quickly and unexpectedly, Dan moved himself out from under Tommy and rolled Tommy onto his back. He hungrily pulled Tommy’s boxers off and threw them to the side. Like an apex predator he quickly engulfed Tommy’s leaking cock with his mouth. Tommy’s body was on fire. The feeling of Dan’s wet mouth, his soft lips taking his cock in and out was… well he didn’t even know. It was unlike anything he ever experienced before. It was amazing.

He could feel the pressure building somewhere in his groin as Dan continued to suck his dick. The tingling was almost unbearably great. He was moaning and wriggling. He could feel the vibrations from Dan’s moan on his own cock. He swelled and felt as if his cock would split from the pressure as he throbbed and convulsed in Dan’s mouth.

He heard himself moan “oh god” as the first string of cum shot from the head of his cock. His cock pulsated and bounced stirring him from his perfect dream. As his cock continued to unload into his boxers, he felt confusion wash over him, then the feeling replaced by humiliation. What the hell was that?

He laid there panting heavy breaths and trying to shake the cobwebs of ecstasy so he could make sense of what just happened to him. He slowly looked over at Dan, sitting up on his blanket watching him with an intent look. He looked like he was captivated by whatever happened in Tommy’s dream. Fuck, he looked like a dream to Tommy.

“Dude, that must have been a hell of a dream!” Dan said as he looked at Tommy’s red face and messy hair. “Who were you dreaming about man?” he probed.

“Fuck off man. I gotta piss!” as Tommy quickly stood up, being careful not to actually face Dan with his cock still partially stiff and puddles of cum soaking through them. Once out of the tent he ran to the lake and when he got waste deep, he did what he could to clean up the stains. He could hear Dan still questioning him about who he fucked in his dream. Tommy let his barrage of questions go unanswered.
