Pantie thief part 1 [long read][oral][fiction]

So some background information my names Chelsea, yes like the football club, I’m 18, 5’6, blonde, 34DD breasts and a round ass. My dad past away when I was 11 leaving me and my mom, Tina who is 39, 5’8, redhead with 39 DDD and a small ass
She would date off and one though my teens, new step dads coming and going.
Until she met Pete when I was 16 I met him for the first time he was really nice and reminded me a lot of my dad
Pete was a muscular dude, 6’2 and brown spiked hair.
Pete and my mother got married the week I turned 18 and Pete quickly moved in with us Our house was big enough for the 3 of us. I often stayed in my room only coming out to eat or use the bathroom, yes I’m quite the introvert.

I heard my mom call
“I’m going to work, I’ll be home late so don’t wait on me for dinner!”
I call down goodbye also hearing Pete say his goodbyes.
Pete worked from home which I don’t t like as when it was just me and my mom at home, I liked to walk around the house in my underwear.
I put my phone down onto my nightstand, rolling onto my feet having only woken up 15 minutes ago, I check myself in the mirror, I have on my dressing table which is just under my window.
The reflection shows a tried Chelsea in her usual nightwear, a way oversized top and panties, she throws her hair into a messy bun and waddles over to the door, while rubbing sleep out her eyes.
I open the door looking around and seeing Petes home office door was close
*he must be in there working* she thought to herself
I walk out my room closing my bedroom door behind me, walking downstairs and into the kitchen.
“You look chipper this morning” petes says sarcastically
His voice breaks me out of my morning routine trance, pulling the oversized shirt down covering my exposed skin
“I..I thought you where in your office” I exclaim, while quickly rushing back upstairs

I close my door behind me with a sigh and go round my room to sit on the stool, which is at my dressing table.
My face bright red in the reflection, why did I run off like a kid? Is it weird to let my step dad see me in my underwear? Why was it kinda exciting? All these thoughts rushing round my mind.
After giving myself a few seconds to calm down, I undress leaving my clothes in a pile on the floor, before rapping myself up in a towel and doing a awkward run across to the bathroom closing the door behind me.
My mind still thinking about how Pete saw me in my underwear, I hang the towel on the back of the door and a turn the shower on, getting in the shower letting my thoughts drift away as the hot water runs over my naked body.
After awhile I get myself mostly dry before rapping the towel and heading back into my room.
I didn’t pay much thought to it but definitely noticed the fact my door was open and I definitely left it closed.

After getting dry and dressing in a baby blue crop top and matching baby blue shorts, putting my hair into a more organised but still messy bun than before, I go over to put my sleepwear in the laundry basket and I don’t know how I noticed it but my panties weren’t there on the floor. I scanned around checking for them I couldn’t find them anywhere, I even checked the bathroom, I come out of the bathroom hearing a slapping noise coming from somewhere I ignore it putting the missing panties down to me just being stressed from school work and miss placing stuff.

I head backdown stairs, noticing Pete isn’t there he must be in his office now I thought to myself.
I had to the kitchen and get the breakfast I was wanting before the childish freak out.
I had come to the conclusion I’m just self conscious and it’s only like him seeing me in bikini bottoms, I must apologise for the random freak out when he comes out his office I say to myself.

After eating the rest of what was left in the cereal box and channel surfing and still not finding something to watch, I head back upstairs to my room to watch something on Netflix on my tv, I noticed in my confusion I never put my sleeping T-shirt in the laundry basket, picking the shirt up I notice this missing panties in the shirt…… then I notice there wet, more like soaked, I put the T-shirt in the basket before looking at the panties, noticing that quiet obviously there is cum all over them! I throw them into the laundry basket daring not to think the worst, d….d..di..did Pete do this? Well no-one else could have?

I do my best to find a logical reason that there like that, I’m so freaked out I turn the tv on to make it seem like I’m doing something and that I haven’t discovered his little Stunt. I try to pass time by watching Netflix however the persistent thought of Pete unloading into her panties keeps popping into her head.
Even with as weird as it is she can’t help but find herself getting a little aroused by the thought, she goes back to her laundry basket taking them out of and bringing them with her to the bed holding them between her fingernails still not willing to touch them.
While she looks at them and touches the still pretty wet fabric, a light knock comes from the door as Pete walks in.
Both there faced go bright red as they both notice them staring at each other with the cum soaked panties between them.
As I had nothing else to say and was way to scared to confront him I fumble out a excuse
“I.. wa…I think I dropped my drink on them” trying to sound confident but in reality he voice is shakey
“Err..Ummm” Pete also struggling for words “I..I came to get your laundry… do u want me to..t..take them too?” Pete asks
I nod embarrassed, both of us clearly knowing what really happened.

Chelsea and Pete didn’t talk at all for the rest of the day as Chelsea chose to stay in her room.. the next Time they saw and talked to each other was when pizza arrived.

“Chel!” Pete called up “pizza is here”
I built up the courage to head downstairs, I walk into the kitchen avoiding eye contact
“Look I’m sorry” Pete says out of the blue
“Your just a very beautiful young woman and when u where in the shower I took my chances”
I unknowingly what to say just blush harder than I already was while trying to focus on cutting the pizza as the delivery place hadn’t done it right.
“Please say something, you can’t tell your mother about this please….. please chel” Pete pleaded.
I get a surge of confidence and turn to face Pete and “is that what u think about me?” I say tiptoeing, to get closer to his line of sight.
“Look I’ll buy you that makeup thingy you wanted just please don’t tell your mother chel!” Pete pleaded yet again.
I nod slowly my surge of confidence slipping away, bouncing on my tiptoes to be able to be face to face, I notice his pants beginning to tent as he’s clearly looking down my shirt.
“Is this what you want?” I say with such confidence I didn’t realise I had while pulling my shirt up letting my soft pearly tits bounce against me.
Pete is taken back by the sudden action, with out missing a beat Pete picks me up bringing me up to his face our lips lock together as my legs wrap around him.

He bites my lip as he carries me into the living room putting me onto the couch.
His sudden realisation of what he had done hits him…
“Oh god I’m so sorry Chelsea I di….”
I cut him off suddenly having all the confidence I need.
“U can touch” I say with a soft moan pulling his hand towards my tits
He goes along with it
“If your gonna cum into my panties I at least want to see it” gently stroking over the top of his groin with my hand
Pete unbuckles his belt pulling his pants down revealing a throbbing 6.5 inch dick desperate for me.
I spit onto my hand and grab it before he gets chance to say anything, I push his dick into my mouth.
He lets out a large gasp as he rests his hand on the back of my head, playing with my hair.
My body now over taken by lust I begin bobbing my head up and down faster and faster before slowing down and using my tongue to swirl around his head making him jolt.
*He must be sensitive there* I thought.
I suck harder as I slowly get to the top and popping my lips off his head looking up at him staring down at me.
Sticking my tongue out, he slaps his hard dick against my lips.

Letting moans out to tease him I gently say do you want it between my tits?
He has no words for me he just, enthusiastically nods.
His already saliva drenched dick along with an extra glob that drops of my tongue, that runs down i between my cleavage I lean forward bouncing up and down letting his dick sliding up and down between my soft tits.
He angles my head down so as he pumps I get to suck the head.
I moan “are you gonna cum?” As his leg begins to tap he lets out a moan
“I’m gonna cum chel” he moans out
I stop titty fucking him before plunging his dick as far as he can go down my my throat, gently squeezing his balls his shaft tenses and his balls tighten before exploding his load load down my throat
I swallow as fast as I can to keep up with his exploding strings.
I lean backwards letting out a little moan of accomplishment out
“I won’t tell mom, and I think these are yours” I say as I hand him a pair of black lace panties.

TBC…. the next part will be a lot more sexually oriented this was more of a set up.. that’s if you guys want it
