EST: Law & PUNISHMENT 43 Drill Instructor Etta Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM BDSM Anal Bondage Sexual Violnence)

These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed.  Any case, name, event is purely fiction.  Butt the search for the truth will continue!  With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
  This is their case, their story…
Standing there, the only two lone cadets.  Eyes straight ahead while this chick paces around the both of us.  Feeling her presents getting closer, feeling her breath on my hair.  Catching in my peripheral vision RJ’s neck hairs standing on end as she passed my partner.  Looking straight ahead now with a more relaxed stature.
Seeing the interest that this Drill Instructor showed my partner.  With her breast heaving under the lights.  Her nipples standing out hard and long.  Cin’s breath labored butt only so slightly.  Her eyes still panted straight ahead though trying to hide that nervous orgasm was a lot harder when standing next to the man who knows every breath that she breathes.
Feeling this Drill Instructor shift her attention to me.  Sniffing the air around my neck as she rounds my body.  My eyes still looking straight butt noticing the Drill Instructors eyes looking down as she passed in front of me.  My cock rock hard, standing stiff as she gazes upon it.
Circling these two for a half hour.  Not touching either one of them.  Watching as their presence seems to put the other at ease.  My eyes shifted back to this mixed mut of a person.  Her skin showing signs of a adolescent butt her attitude, her stature showing signs of a…
Stepping around her body.  My tongue wanting to taste what metal she is made from.  I close in, smelling her hair, seeing that ragged mess on top of her head and remembering my own mess I had to deal with when I was a cadet.  Seizing that which hung down her back.  My tongue touched her lower back.  My hand touched her swelling mound.
Feeling the heat bubbling through that tight body.  Just a little more pressure and she would give in!  Jerking her hair down.  Sensing the O lurking just beyond the surface as my tongue starts it’s slow trip up her spine.
Gasping as her tongue touched my back.  Trying not to gasm out as she touched my cunt!  My breasts, my tits they just wanted me to pull on the nips!  Even my areolas begged me to break protocol just this once!
Cuming so close as my breath started to fail.  My fingers tingling causing me to clench my fists.  Wondering how long I could go before the inevitable.  “Blink” I told myself, “Blink and try not tOoo feel that pesky O that wants to break your concentration!”  My mind kept reminding me butt my body lusted for another woman’s touch.
For her tongue to caress my body.  For its softness to trace my back.  For her hand tOoo feel my cuming orgasm.  “Breath!  Breath girl or you will pass out” my mind kept reminding me.  Thou with each passing second, each vertebrae that her tongue traveled up made it harder to hear.
Having my hair jerked back.  Feeling her hand cradling my skull.  Feeling her power to break my spirit or let me cum on my own was there.   Feeling her fingers tickle my clit.  Torturing me, not to cum out loud even though the sensation was there.  The moans just swallowed back butt could be called on at any.. any time!
“Please, Oh please let me pass this torture” I silently prayed to the goddess of womanly passion.
Feeling her tongue getting so close to my neck!  Passing between my shoulder blades.  Shifting her soft grasp on my mound.  Sliding her middle finger into my drenched cunt!  Now everything rested within myself.  Knowing that my partner was standing so close.  Knowing that his cock was rock hard and begging for my ass.  Knowing that one little moan from my mouth , knowing that she was dangerously close vto my.. my…
I just could not help it!  My body was wracked with pleasure.  Wanting to share it, wanting to moan its pleasure to the world butt all it took was one tongue to the neck and I.. I… broke! 
“Yesss.. fucking suck on my neck!  Nibble on my weakness.  I… OooOoooOoooo” her grasp on my cunt, her flick to my clit.  As two more fingers joined her middle finger penetrating my very soul.  Jerking up into my cunt.  Touching the soft spots that was buried deep inside of me.
Pressing her lean body against mine.  Feeling her nipples as they bore into my back!  I started to sway.  Weaving back and fourth as every thrust from her fingers.  Every deep penetrating touch sparked my soul. 
“May.. may I cum” speaking out of turn butt something that burned in my mind told me to ask.  “Ma’am, can I” taking a deep butt fleeting breath.  “Ca… I” able to swallow the first yelp from my soul, “Cum, cuMmm… Oh fuck, CuMmmmmmmmm!”  Not really caring if permission was given or not!  My body told me to cum, so I did.  And gods be damned it felt so fucking good!
Releasing Cynthia from my tongue, from my embrace… even from my fingers.  Still circling the pair, cum running down my leg from the restraint shown by this girl.  Jerking on RJ’s cock.  Staring at him at one point square in his eyes.  My movement guided me on wards right back to the girl.  That little hottie that I continued to torture.  Releasing RJ’s cock, allowing my hand to trace a line around her body from a place just above her mound.  One that drug around her ass.  One that I just had to press my tits into.  To have my nips start one more line as I cut in between the formation.
Our lips passing so close.  The thoughts came flooding into my mind about what she would do for a little lips action.  About how she would feel if my tongue pierced those pouty lips that she sported.
Looking at the clock on the wall behind them.  Seeing that it was getting late.  Musing with the idea of keeping them up so I could torture her some more. 
Whispering in her ear.  Giving the indication of it being something so dirty as my gaze was stuck on RJ’s profile.  “Your beds are through that door, to the right at the end of the hall, left room” after that little direction giving I threw in my name, “the name is Etta” saying that with all the passion of a good fuck gave the indication that I wanted for RJ.  After giving that satisfied grin, shamefully turning and walk the opposite direction.  Waiting till the door shut.  As I leaned back on the cement wall, it’s cool embrace helped chill my lust as my three fingers that where fingering her tight body now thrust into my mouth.
Waiting till I heard the door shut.  Doing a quick look behind me just to be sure that the Drill Instructor was gone.  “She definitely took a interest in you did…” being jerked down through the doors then immediately to the right.  Almost running down the hall to the end.  With Cin pushing me through the door while gripping my cock.  I could tell there was more need of me as a fuck toy rather then a confessional.
