has anyone ever experienced this?

When I was 19, I met a guy in Vegas who I ended up hooking up with andhe had a curved shaped penis. When we had sex at night and the morningafter and it was the best orgasmic sex of my life. No matter whatposition we were in, he would hit my g-spot every time. I never was ableto find a guy with a curve shaped penis over a decade later. Now thatI’m single it’s something I think about alot. The way he’s penis wasshaped…I can’t find it with sex toys either. Anyone ever experience aguy like that? Sadly he was from Europe and we never stayed in touch.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/pa58wc/has_anyone_ever_experienced_this


  1. My curved downward and I made ever female squirt hitting their gspot and sum didn’t think they had it 😌😌 and I’m 8 and half inches, add my snap if you like BLamanna69

  2. Yep, though not a severe curve upward (just slight, but perfect).

    I’ve got one of those right now, and I’m keeping him.

  3. I think the upward curve might be caused by scar tissue. It’s called ‘Peyronie’s Disease’.

  4. I have a decent side curve and my wife says that it makes me hit all the right spots for her, basically regardless of the angle/position. (though if she’s on her side, one side is definitely better for her than the other).

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