MindFucker (mf, mind control, bareback, unprotected, impreg, panties)

First post in the community, hope you like this one!


I can pinpoint the day exactly.

The day that changed my life forever, as well as the lives of many others. The day I realised that I was not like anyone else. The day I discovered my gift.
I was a MindFucker.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Allow me to explain.
It all started a few years back, just a few days after I turned eighteen. I was in my final year of school,
didn’t have many friends and had never been laid. Yep, an eighteen year old virgin. And boy was I sexually frustrated! I was desperate to fuck somebody. Anyone really, as long as she was female. It wasn’t that I was all that unattractive, and I actually had a decent size dick. I was just painfully shy
and found it hard to speak to girls.
On this day after morning classes I had gone over to the local Subway at lunch and got a sandwich. I usually ate alone, and this day was no different. I headed to the local park and found a bench under a shady tree.
I sat down and began to eat, watching the cute girls playing netball on the public court opposite. They
looked so hot in their tiny netball skirts and I wished I could just go over there, flip one of their skirts up and fuck them senseless.
I was in sort of a trance, mindlessly chewing on my sub and dreaming of sex when I heard an almighty
crack. Startled I looked up and had just a few seconds to notice the branch falling from the tree. It hit me on the head, and within a second, I was out like a light.
When I awoke, I was lying on a bed. A strange, misty purple light surrounded me, filling the room with an eerie haze. My brain was foggy but I was surprised to discover that I wasn’t in any pain. The size of the branch that hit me, surely I was injured? Gingerly I felt my head. Not even a scratch! As I was contemplating how this could be, a soft voice came out of the haze.
“Greetings Ozwald. Welcome,” it said. Definitely female, and rather a sexy voice! I struggled to see in the dim light.
“Who are you? Where am I? Is this a hospital?” I croaked.
“Who I am is not important. Neither is your exact location, except to say that this is not a hospital and
that you are completely safe. You are not injured,” the voice continued.
“But how….the tree! It fell…”
“An unfortunate necessity to get you here. Please accept my apology,” the voice said. I was incredulous.
“I’m obviously dreaming. Probably drugged up to the eyeballs on painkillers,” I mused to myself.
“That is not the case. You are perfectly conscious,” came the voice.
“Hey! I didn’t say anything. How did you hear that?” I demanded.
“I hear all. I have a gift, as you have also been chosen to have. A special gift reserved for a chosen few.
But, where are my manners? I am sure you would like to see me,” the voice said. Before I could answer, the figure of a woman appeared before me, as if she had floated out of the purple haze.
She was stunning. Wild hair, artistic tattoos and dressed in a tight latex outfit and heels.
My cock sprang to attention in my pants as I took in the sight of her. She smiled and licked her lips.
“You like my body I see. That is good! Very good indeed,” she said softly.
“Who are you?” I asked again.
“As I said before, that is not important. If you wish to call me something you may call me Misty,” she
replied. I was getting rather intrigued by this point.
“Okay Misty. Why am I here? What do you want from me?” I said. Dammit, if this was a dream then maybe I could still get laid!
“You have been brought here so that I may initiate your gift and instruct you on how to use it. As I stated before, you have been chosen to receive the gift as I was many years ago,” she said.
“What fucking gift? What are you on about?” I growled, getting more and more pissed off at her vagueness.
“You have been chosen to become a MindFucker. A person with the ability to completely control the mind of any human being you choose,” Misty explained. I almost snorted with laughter.
“Ah, okay. Go on!” I encouraged, almost certain now that this was a fucked up drug dream.
“Once I activate your gift, you will be able to command any human being to do anything you choose. You can make them do, say, think and believe anything you want them to. When you give the
command, they will become a complete drone submissive to your every wish,” she said.
“Hmm sounds just peachy! But why me?” I said, going along with this for the moment.
“Nobody knows why MindFuckers exist or where the gift comes from. But every 5 years MindFuckers must choose another person to give the gift to. I’ve been observing you Ozwald. You’re a good person but you’re far to kind to others which gets you nowhere. With this gift I’m allowing you then chance to live out your wildest dreams and fantasies with whomever you wish,” she explained.
“Wow okay! Thanks, I guess,” I grinned at her.
“Now there are some rules. To command someone, you must look them directly in the eye and say ‘You Are To Submit To The MindFucker’. The person will automatically become completely submissive and under your control. Time will stop, normal worldly events will stand still and every other person will freeze in time. The submissive will only respond to your commands. They will not speak unless you tell them what to say. They will not move unless you tell them where to move to. Once you have
finished commanding your sub, simply say ‘You Will Return To Normal’. The sub will instantly return to normal, time will continue from where it stopped and the sub will have no memory of what has occurred,” Misty said. If this was a dream it was the fucking weirdest one I’d ever had!
“Okay. Anything I can’t do?” I asked.
“Yes. The gift will work on multiple people. You can command others after you have commanded your first sub, even while they are frozen. When you give the return command, all subs will return instantly. Be careful as to which situations you return them into. Also, the sub’s bodies will continue to function normally. Consider the consequences of your actions,” she warned.
“Right! So how do we get started,” I said, eager to see where this would take me.
“To activate your gift, you must submit to me. You must engage in sexual intercourse with me, and you must ejaculate into my vagina. At the point of orgasm your gift will activate and you will be transported back into your normal life. Are you ready to receive the gift Ozwald?” she purred, a sexy smile on her face. I nodded eagerly.
“Yes Misty. I’m ready,” I said.
She fixed her eyes on mine and spoke slowly.
“New Recruit. You Will Submit To The MindFucker For Activation.”
Instantly I felt a strange calm come over me. I tried to move but could not. I could focus only on Misty. She moved to the end of the bed and looked at me.
“Remove all your clothing,” she commanded. My limbs instantly unfroze, and I did as she asked, shucking my clothes onto the floor and laying back down on the bed.
“Obtain an erection. Immediately,” she commanded. Instantly, my cock sprang to full attention,
harder than it had ever been in my life. I couldn’t believe it! I was about to lose my virginity, even if it was in a dream. And without a condom to boot!
“I’m going to fuck you now. Lie there and let me do all the work,” Misty purred, moving along the bed and straddling my impossibly hard penis. As I watched she lowered her pussy onto my cock, the fiery ed knob sliding effortlessly into her fully shaved vagina. I shuddered as the lips slid over the length of my dick, coating it in her love juices.
“How does it feel Ozwald? Your first time? You like being inside me?” Misty panted, looking lewdly into my eyes. I tried to speak but couldn’t.
“You may answer,” she said with a grin. Instantly my mouth freed up.
“Oh yes Misty! It’s better than I ever imagined!” I gasped as she kept up a steady rhythm on my cock. I could feel a spongy resistance every time my cock bottomed out, and she sensed my curiosity.
“That’s my cervix, darling. Your cock is so big it’s hitting it! Your sperm are going to go directly into my
womb when you cum. But don’t worry, I am protected. Other girls you use the gift on may not be, so remember to be cautious unless you want to be a father,” she grinned. I made a mental note of that.
We fucked for another 5 minutes. Actually, I should say that Misty fucked me, I remained motionless and unable to move or speak the whole time.
“Okay Ozwald. It is time. Thank you for your cooperation and I wish you luck with your use of the gift in future. In five years’ time you will be summoned to recruit another to receive the gift. Now…..ejaculate my love. Ejaculate into my womb,” she cooed.
My balls literally exploded. Six huge spurts of hot semen raced through my penis and spat forcefully into her wet pussy, splattering over her cervix and vaginal walls. I tried to cry out my release but could not. I could only revel in the amazing sensation of my first orgasm inside a vagina as rivulets of creamy white cum oozed out around her cunt lips to coat my cock and balls.
As my orgasm faded the room went dark, and I had a sensation of falling through what seemed like a star lit sky, tumbling and tumbling until I blacked out completely.
When I came to it took a few minutes to realize where I was, but eventually I worked out that I was back on the bench under the tree which had fallen on me. I sat there in bemused silence for a few minutes. Looking up I could see the tree was completely intact, the branch that had fallen on me back where it had been. My sub sandwich sat on the bench next to me, half eaten. The squeals of the netball girls radiated across the park.
“Fucking hell!” I sighed, shaking my head. “What the fuck just happened?”
I thought back to what I’d seen and heard in what I assumed to be some kind of dream. It was weird, but at the same time erotically intriguing. Was it real? Did I now possess this ‘gift’ that I could use to turn women into whores and slaves?
I had one hell of a decision to make. If it was all a dream, I could make the biggest fool of myself ever. I was unpopular enough already, a mistake like that could cause me unbearable embarrassment. But…..if it was true, it could hold the key to unleashing my wildest desires. Fuck! What to do?
Looking back over at the netball court, I made up my mind. If this didn’t work I was going to have to leave town. But to hell with it.
I began to walk toward the netball court, admiring those cute eighteen year old teenage asses in their
impossibly short skirts. As I got closer I could see one of the girls sitting in the front row of the bleachers and identified her as Rachel, one of the most stuck up bitches in the school. She took pride in humiliating guys, and was currently dating a football jock of course. If anyone needed to be shown a lesson, it was her.
I nervously walked up to her, noticing the bemused stares and whispers from the other girls. She noticed me and pouted.
“The fuck you want pervert?” Rachel snarled. I cleared my throat and looked her dead in the eyes.
“You Will Submit To Me The MindFucker,” I stammered. She looked at me incredulously.
“What the fuck?” she shouted.
Oh shit! What was the fucking line I had to say? I furiously thought back, and finally remembered.
“You Are To Submit To The MindFucker,” I said, more boldly this time.
Instantly, the world froze. Everything came to a complete standstill, and Rachel sat before me silently,
her eyes glazed, her face expressionless and her body completely motionless. I was speechless myself.
“Holy shit! This actually works!” I thought excitedly. I just HAD to try this out. Rachel was a real good looker, and I wanted a piece of that ass.
“Rachel, take off your top,” I ordered. Immediately she lifted her tank top over her head and held onto it. I remembered what Misty had said, she will not do anything unless I instruct her.
“Throw your top on the ground, take off your bra and throw that on the ground too,” I barked. Obediently she did as I asked, the sports bra landing on the ground with her top. Her perky
teenage tits sprang freely from her chest. They were perfect!
“Open your fucking slut mouth. And when you address me you will call me daddy. Acknowledge that you understand, whore!” I growled. I was loving this.
“I acknowledge that I am to call you daddy,” Rachel said bluntly. She then opened her mouth and waited.
Fishing my cock out of my shorts, I wasted no time in slipping it into her soft, warm mouth. I began to fuck her face slowly as saliva oozed from her lips all over my dick and balls. I rammed in harder, and she showed no gag reflex as I pounded my cock into her throat.
“Stick your tongue out and lick my cock as I fuck your face. And lick my balls on every stroke,” I commanded. She did just that, her cute little pink tongue daintily sliding over my shaft and tickling my nuts on every stoke. I groaned in heaven. I was going to cum if she kept this up! But I wanted to sample her pussy first.
“Stop sucking. Lay down on the bench, hike up your skirt and pull your panties to one side of your pussy,” I ordered.
She obeyed, hiking up her grey skirt to reveal very sexy panties, roses and a pink bow. She silently pulled her undies to one side of her cunt and my cock lurched when I saw that she was
completely bald. My mouth started watering.
“You shave your pussy like a whore. You know that only whores shave their cunts? You’re a whore aren’t you? Answer me,” I panted.
“Yes daddy, I am a fucking whore,” Rachel said without feeling. Without thinking, I slapped her face.
“When you speak to me you speak with feeling, bitch! Now say it again and mean it,” I snarled.
“Yes daddy! I am a fucking whore!” she shouted with excitement. I smiled at her.
“Good girl. Now daddy’s going to fuck you. Are you on birth control? Answer me,” I said, remembering what Misty had said about consequences.
“No daddy, I am not on birth control,” she replied. I pondered the situation for a moment, considered using the condom I had in my wallet but decided against it. That cute smooth pussy looked to inviting to glove up for.
“Daddy will pull out. Get ready for my cock now,” I said, fisting my cock at the entrance to her womanhood. Rubbing the head in her lips I got it nicely coated with her teenage fuck juice
before plunging balls deep into her soaking gash. She made no noise, and I decided I wanted her to.
“You may make noise. Respond to the sex, let daddy know how good it feels,” I commanded.
“Oh daddy! It feels so good, you fucking me! Fuck me harder!” she squealed. I could not believe how good my penis felt in her tight vagina. The feelings in the head of my dick were indescribable.
I looked down at the erotic sight of my cock buried in her bald slit, skirt hiked up, undies stretched aside and knew I would not last long.
And now I had another conundrum. It felt so good that I did not want to pull out. Should I risk getting her pregnant? How would anyone know it was me?
My biological urge won, and I felt the semen race up through my cock to squirt out the tip in a creamy gush of sperm filled fluid.
“GaaaHHH! FUCK! CUMMING!” I wailed. The force of my ejaculation was so great I felt myself drying up as gouts of my hot cum splashed into Rachel’s teenage reproductive system. I looked down at her and gave her an order.
“Cum for daddy!” I howled.
“I’m cumming daddy! Oh I’m cumming!!” she squealed as her eyelids fluttered and her whole body shook in orgasm. Her vagina squeezed my cock, as if trying to milk every last sperm cell out of my balls.
Finally, our orgasms abated. I pulled my deflating cock from her cum filled snatch and her panties snapped loudly back into place, becoming soaked with our combined fuck fluids.
“Fucking hell. Get dressed,” I ordered her. And within minutes she was again dressed, albeit a little more dishevelled than before. I put my cock back in my shorts after wiping it on her
skirt and gave her one last slap on the face.
“Thanks for the fuck bitch. And one last thing, you will be nice to me from now on. You will think I am hot and want to fuck me. Do you understand? Answer me,” I said.
“Yes I understand daddy,” she said. I did one last check to make sure everything was as it was before, then released her.
“You Will Return To Normal,” I said.
Instantly the world turned again. Sitting on the bench, Rachel looked at me and smiled.
“Hey Oz! Do you wanna sit with me?” she cooed.

Jesus H, it actually works!
“No thanks Rachel, some other time. See ya round,” I smirked. She giggled and skipped off to join her
friends. As I turned to walk away I could hear her friend say “Damn girl, is that cum on your skirt?”
I laughed and headed to my car, thinking about who would be my next conquest.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p90f3a/mindfucker_mf_mind_control_bareback_unprotected

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