His Student Hooker Pt 6 [MF][Rom]

Morning came and Paul was alone in bed, Simone had books spread out all over the table doing schoolwork when he stumbled into the dinette. He mumbled a good morning, and made himself some coffee.

When he was awake enough, he kissed Simone good morning, gave her breast a squeeze and shook off the late morning start. He watched her, the way she moved, the little line that folded in her brow when she was concentrating, the way her head moved as she poured over a book, head shaking when she couldn’t find what she was looking for, eyes focused on a passage as she read intensely. He thought of her laughter, her kindness, the seemingly cold remoteness of the public Simone compared to the warmth of the private Simone, the dedicated hardworking student, the playful woman-child. He heard her moans when she came, saw the way her body responded when he played with her clit, how she always shimmied when he ran his hands softly up the inside of her thigh. He loved her in a way that he hadn’t loved Olivia, and wondered if her really ever did love Olivia.

Simone became conscious of his gaze and looked up at him, “Wha-a-a?” she asked in that comedic, petulant manner that people have.

“Nothing, just looking at you.”

Simone went back to her reading and Paul said, “I was just thinking how much I love you.” Simone smiled, and just preened, if anyone could be declared as preening while sitting at a small dining table in a dressing gown.

“Love you too, my darling man.”

“And after what happened last night?”

“And I love Eleni too, my darling. I just hope she will love me.”

“It is going to be pretty weird if she ever comes back.”

“Oh she will, maybe not for a while, but she will come back, count on it.”

“You are so sure, but she may just be embarrassed and never speak to me again.”

“She’ll be living here before I have my first lectures in college.”

“Whoa! That’s a pretty bold statement.” Paul was surprised.

“Not really, I think she has pretty much made up her mind to leave George, just a matter of time.”

“You found this out.. when?”

“Girl talk, last night, on the way home, oh, I was right, he was watching out for her. I didn’t get out of the car but made sure he knew it was a woman who drove her home. My little car would not be driven by any self-respecting male, he would think.”

“Wow, you met him once and know him that well?”

“I have met many men just like him, arrogant the lot of them but they are all the same, insecure, small-minded, little men. He has pretty much isolated her, and if it wasn’t for her job, she would have been completely within his power by now. He has tried to convince her to resign, but she loves the work so won’t. She has no one to talk to so when she does talk, it all comes out. Besides, I have seen her naked, having an orgasm, can’t get much more intimate than that.” She smiled.

“Yes, about that-”

“Well, I got home, heard you going at it. You’ll never know how much will power it took for me to not jump into bed. I thought it would just freak Eleni out too much, so I masturbated like crazy in the hall, listening to you. She is someone very special. I am not joking when I said you looked like you just fit together. It was so obvious to anyone who saw you last night.”

“Oh yeah, that reminds me, Henry Walton?”

“Erm.. who?”

“Come on, you know who. When he got on stage you said ‘Hello Henry’ then stepped back out of view.”

“Oh? I did?”

“Oh yeah, you did. Now I am thinking that he might know Angie, rather well.”

“You might think that, but I can’t possibly say it,” Simone said in that formal voice of politicians and other critical observers of political correctness, “I can neither confirm or deny any such observations, thoughts or theories.”

Paul laughed and replied, “Of co-u-rse you can’t, but if I ever get into trouble with the County School Board, then I might have a friend on it.”

“I am sure you would always have a friend on the School Board, anyway.” Simone said. “They will all understand just how good a teacher you are. Yes, you certainly taught me.” She laughed.

“Which leads to another thought. If Eleni comes to live here, she’ll work it out.”

“Work what out? That we are lovers? I think she knows already, well, strongly suspects.”

“Yes, and wonder about Angie, I am thinking.”

“No, not yet at least, but one hurdle at a time.” she said, confidently.

“But what do you think she will do when she does find out?”

“It won’t matter, actually, she’ll accept it. You think we will need to get a bigger place?”

Paul didn’t quite know what to do with the change of subject. “What? Wait a minute, we are talking about Eleni and Angie and you want to talk about a new apartment?”

“Actually I was thinking of buying something.”

“Oh, of course! Start a conversation and end up buying an apartment!”

“Oh darling, what a wonderful idea! Where do you get such ideas! I love it!” Simone cried enthusiastically.

“What? What are you doing?”

“Well, if Eleni does come and live here, then either you will sleep in the small room, Eleni and I can share the big room, or we can all sleep in the big room, but, we are going to need a king sized bed, which will be a really tight fit in a room that is only marginally larger than the spare room.”

“Ohhh,” somewhat skeptically, “I give up. I’m going to have a shower.”

“Well, it is an evolving plan, but we can do it.” Paul heard as he went to shower, shaking his head. Ok, she is very smart, he thought, but this is just fucking nonsense. I can’t afford a mortgage, buy an apartment? Hmmmph!

For the rest of the day, they did homework, schoolwork and study. Graduation in two weeks, finals begin in three weeks, so she was running out of time. Paul threw everything he had at her, included an old review quiz he had from his first year at college. Considering some of the work was not covered in Grade Twelve, she did a lot better than he expected. When he told her he had slipped in that test, she threw a pillow at him, he had to calm her down with a good multiple orgasm.

In the meantime, Eleni had not avoided him, but they had not got a lot of time to be able to get together at work. When they did, she was formal, polite and not embarrassed at all. There was something though, something subtle about her that was different. The morning graduation ceremony went well, yet Eleni was conspicuous in her absence. Nothing was said, no rumors, nothing. Simone was saddened by her not being there and complained the valedictorian speech was long, boring and fatuous, just like the valedictorian. Though he wouldn’t say so, Paul agreed. By the time the finals finished, he was sure that something was wrong with Eleni.

Paul finally spoke to Eleni and asked her if she was all right. By the time the finals had started, she was looking a bit tired, run down. At first she thought she had a mild cold, but then later thought it was a bit of a bug, no problems. She did not seem to be getting better and by the last Friday of the school year, Paul was concerned. All Eleni would say was that she had been to the doctor the day before and she was fine, but it was a germ going around. Her doctor had seen a few people suffering the same problem recently and told her she would be over it soon and she wasn’t contagious. To be sure though, the doctor had taken a blood test and would let her know the results soon.

That evening, Simone was off to work, happy that the finals were behind her. Paul hadn’t intended on going anywhere when the security buzzer went and was surprised when he heard Eleni asking if she could come up. Paul let her in and met her at the elevator. When she stepped out into the hallway, she hugged Paul and kissed him. He took her to his apartment and then as soon as the door closed, she said, “I need you to make me cum.”

So he did. It was not a repeat of what had happened the night of the Prom, it was really much better. Eleni was less nervous, more willing and she put effort into it. Where before she had been just passive, she was now being more participatory. Paul loved that she was, and made her cum several times with his fingers, his mouth and tongue and then finally with his cock. The afterglow of their lovemaking made her shine. He had never seen her so lovely. Her eyes were bright, her skin was just fresh and healthy looking. The only discordant note was some dark smudges around her eyes. He didn’t say anything, because he was just happy she was here, with him.

He held her, gently caressing her, strumming her body like a smooth guitar, hitting the right notes for Eleni.

“I-I just love what you do to me.”

“It is very easy to love you like you should be loved,” he said. “I know it can’t be easy to accept this, but really, I do love you, I want you, and if you ever need me, call and I will come for you.”

“But I am married to someone else, who would not like it if he knew I was here.”

“Well, where is he? If doesn’t like the idea of you being with someone else, why isn’t he with you, right now?”

“Oh, It’s usually Saturday night, he goes to the Greek club, they play cards, smoke, drink, do guy things, but tonight it was a going away for someone, ‘going home’ he said.” Paul smiled at the memory of the going away party he had been to recently, then had a thought, he wondered…mmmm. “They live here for over forty years and Greece is still home? Bad as my parents.”

“Well, they might live here, but this isn’t the country of their birth. What they remember is what they left and they romanticize it. They are usually disappointed because the meadows they played in as children are really rocky and grubby or built over. Gino found that when he went to Italy for a holiday once, a few years ago.” A fellow teacher.

“Yes, I remember him talking about it. They were envious of him, his wealth, his beautiful bride,” Eleni replied, “Well as he was saying it. I get the rest of it, but Carla?”

“She’s a lovely lady. Not her fault all her beauty is in her personality. Every woman is beautiful, just Carla hides it better than most other women.”

Eleni laughed, “Yes she is always good fun, makes me laugh, ahh, just being cruel here.”

They talked of other things, touched each other, they sat, holding each other on the sofa, drinking coffee, watching cable. Paul had given Eleni one of Simone’s light robes and had fun sliding one side off her breast to suckle it. Soon Paul had enough and knelt on the floor in front of Eleni, and kissed the inside of her thighs and made love to her pussy with his tongue. Again and again, he pushed it into her as far as he could get it. He mouthed her clit while using his fingers to drive in and out of her. Paul drove her to greater heights of ecstasy until she was swept over the edge again by his passion. Paul drank her juices again, sucked what he could out of her. He stood and took Eleni by the hand, gently leading her back to the bedroom where he lay her on the bed, face down and, pushing her legs apart, mounted her from behind.

Paul pushed his prong into her love tunnel as far as he could get, and humped, using the soft cheeks of her ass as a pivot. He drove in and out of her, but realized that he wasn’t getting all that deep into her. Rolling both of them onto their sides, Eleni pulled her legs up, and Paul cupped himself around her, getting deeper, much deeper into her. He used his free arm to squeeze her tits, stroke her nipples, pull at them. He was able to kiss her lower neck, sending shivers of delight up and down Eleni’s spine. Paul got to a point where his dick just took over and became a mindless piston sliding in and out of Eleni, Paul began playing with her clit, fingering, caressing, poking it until it swelled to a massive hardened nut under his fingers, he prodded it again and Eleni screamed her orgasm, which sucked Paul’s cock into her and he immediately felt his balls contract, hard.

Paul could feel the jet of jism racing as hard as it could up the pipe of his erect member. He felt his glans pushed from the inside, like each little sperm was a tight end, pushing the obstruction of his meatus out of the way allowing all the other little sperms to rush into the warmth of a receptive, spasming cervix, sucking them deeper and deeper into her body. He could hear a voice shouting “This way, this way”. In a seriously surprising revelation, he understood why Eleni was looking washed out and tired in the mornings.

She’s pregnant! Wait, first Saturday in May to today, seven weeks. He was just going to have to look it up, thank politics, paranoia and science for the Internet, he thought. Say nothing, stay quiet, he told himself. Eleni pushed her ass back into him, making sure she got every bit of his seed as she could. Paul held her dearly and if she was pregnant, he really hoped it was his baby.

When they got their breath back and were cuddling, Eleni asked Paul what time he was expecting Simone home. He looked at the clock and saw it was just on eleven o’clock. “Not for a couple of hours yet, if they are busy then maybe not much before two.”

“What is she actually doing?”

“A receptionist in a hotel, but I suspect it is more about bar work and service rather than accommodation.”

“Oh.” Eleni was quiet for a while, then said, “Do you regret your divorce?”

“Not a bit. I know that sounds harsh, but I was devastated when Olivia walked out.” Paul said. “You know, I still don’t know why she left. She has never said.”

“Oh? That’s a bit odd.”

“Weird is a better word. The only conversations we had were in the presence of lawyers, and all questions that were answered were about the property settlement. No other question was even discussed. After the first meeting, I had to put any questions in writing.”

“And you still don’t know?”

“No idea, but since Simone and her rather different outlook on life, came to live here, I don’t think I care any more. I really think she took me out of myself.”

“Yes, you were not really engaging with anything, were you.”

“No. It wasn’t all her, but sometimes things happen for a reason. I think I had stopped feeling sorry for myself a few weeks before Simone’s father was killed, but that change was still pretty shaky for me. When she asked to come and live here, that really made me sit up and take notice. It seemed that within a two week period, my life turned completely around, and I was looking forward, not backward for the first time in a long time. Since then, I think I have gotten over Olivia, relegated her to the past, where she belongs.”

“Any kids?”

“Oh no,” Paul replied, here it comes, is she going to tell me something? “In some ways that was good, it made the separation and divorce a lot simpler, not easier, just simpler. In hindsight, it was good because she was not the person I thought she was, and I am glad we didn’t. In others, I would have liked to have a child or two. Now, I just want to be with someone whom I can love, who will love me back and wants to have a baby.” At that point, he hugged Eleni, to leave her in no doubt as to whom he thought could be a good candidate.

“Mmm sounds good, I hope that happens for you.”

“What about you?”

“It will happen when it happens,” she replied. “Anyway, it is after eleven and I better get home before midnight.”

“Ohh, well, you know you can knock on my door any time.” Eleni nodded. Paul took her into the shower where they were mostly cuddling. Eleni dressed, then kissing Paul passionately, as they left the apartment, she said, “I’ll be back. But it will likely only be on Saturday nights, when George has gone out.”

“Any time you want to be here, any time at all.” Paul said as he kissed her goodnight at the elevator. “If you ever need it, you would be welcome to stay.”

“Why, Mr Cantor, are you asking me to come and live with you?” With a gleam in her eye as they got into the elevator.

“Yes, why not?” Paul said, “I love you, lots, and I think you kind of like me, so why not?”

“What would your girlfriend say?”

“Why don’t you ask her that next time you look in the mirror?” Paul smiled.

“I meant your other girlfriend,” Eleni laughed as they got out into the lobby of the building.

“My roomie?” Paul asked as they went out the door, “It’s still my apartment. Besides, she would love it.”

“You sure?”

“Oh yes, she told me as much a few days ago.” Paul didn’t tell her the rest of that conversation as he held her car door open, at least not yet, he thought.

Kissing her again, he said goodnight and watched her drive off into the yellow lit street. He turned around to go back to his building, walked up the stairs, and reached into his pocket for the keys. “Oh FUCK” he said. He had left his keys on the dining table.

Nice night for a walk, Paul thought, as he walked the 20 blocks to the nearest all night kitchen he could think of. How could he have been so fucking careless, dumb, dumb, dumb. Oh well, at least he had his cell phone, but he then patted his pocket to see if he did have it, good, it’s there. Jesus, he loved the smell of Eleni on him, he could still taste her kisses. Now he had some time to himself, he wanted to think about Simone and Eleni.

Thinking about them together, the first thought of them was naked in a sixty-niner, eating each other. That would be just so fucking sexy. Simone would, but would Eleni? Pervert, he thought, laughing to himself. Just how would that work? One guy, two beautiful women. What more could a guy ask for?

What would the problems be? Privacy for one, the bathroom for another, foods, personalities, you name it, there is potential for conflict. And what would happen if Eleni was pregnant? Simone is right, we’ll need a bigger place.

All these thoughts were echoing around in his head when he made it to the all night kitchen. He ordered a coffee, and sat in a booth thinking. Pulling his cell phone out, he sent a message to Simone asking her to come and pick him up when she finished. He already had a Kobo reader as an app, so read a book while he waited. Finishing one coffee, he sat for a while and then ordered another.

People came and went, the smell of food saturated the place, eggs, bacon, hams, steaks, pancakes, maple syrup all assaulted Paul’s stomach. While reading he got a reply from Simone telling him she was on her way. Looking at the clock, it was only a little after 2:00am, so must have been an ordinary night. Twenty minutes later, Simone drew a number of eyes as she walked in, and more than a few raised eyebrows when she stopped at Paul’s table, leaned over and gave him a kiss.

“Coffee? Something to eat?”

“Coffee, but not hungry, thanks.” Paul ordered the coffee and Simone asked him how he managed to get caught out of the apartment without his keys.

“Saying good night to Eleni, actually.” Simone smiled, lit up like this was the best news she could have heard.

“Oooh tell me – everything!”

“Well, I was just sitting down and reading when she rang the bell.”

“How many times did she cum?”

“Who kept count?” Paul asked.

“How is she? Tell me everything.”

Paul related the details, all the details of his evening with Eleni. He also told her that she was likely right, Eleni was seriously thinking of giving George the finger. He didn’t mention his own suspicions about her possible pregnancy, but he told her everything that happened.

“My man of steel, you are. You made her cum five times in a little over four hours – wow,” she said in admiration.

“Its easy with her, like it is with you. I don’t know why but the both of you I just want to make happy.”

“Because you are a decent person with a lot of love to give. And I mean a lot of love, big dick, and lively tongue.” Simone laughed, “But you have a big heart, and that is much much more valuable for any woman.”

“Well, I need to go home. Long walk after lots of exercise, I am a little tired.” Paul said, “And I am sure you are tired too, so let’s go, please.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p84cyh/his_student_hooker_pt_6_mfrom

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