
I wrote this story for my gf and she told me that this was very well written so I wanted a larger audience to give feedback :D


A story for, and with (but not from) my princess ♥

Once upon a time you were a princess. Not my princess, as you are now, but a literal princess of a
big kingdom.
You wore royal dresses and ate only the finest cuisine at that time. One day, on a beautiful saturday
morning, you wake up and go down into the great entrance hall, where your brother, who’s
marrying some other royal princess bitch you hate in a few weeks, is just now presented with
wedding gifts from the general public.
It’s mostly farmers and craftsmen, who, although rather unwillingly, as they couldn’t care less about
a royal wedding, present their finest wares as a courtesy to the crown. As a princess you are inclined
to join this ritual and sit by, as you thank everyone for coming and gifting their proudest works.
Your interest in this activity couldn’t be lower, unless a certain somebody catches your eye. A
young, very strong looking smith apprentice. Me. I am still wearing my fireproof smithing apron
and look rather dirty. Did I not have the means to get washed and dressed for meeting royalty or did
I simply not care?
In my from the permanent hammer swinging defined arms I hold a little chest. Maybe it’s because I
look so dirty, but you have never seen someone like me before. So filthy, yet strong and beautiful.
So… raw. Like an unpolished diamond. As you stare at me waiting in line to present my gift, our
eyes meet and you look away shyly. Did I notice you stripping me in your head? Maybe. As your
eyes slowly turn to check, you see a big, cunning smile on my face. I open the box and do
something with the content you can’t make out from the distance.
As it is my turn to present my wares, I step before the prince and you and open the box.
Inside there is a beautiful, magnificent sword, probably more for decoration as for actual fighting,
as it is ornamented with rubies and other gems.
On the side, there is a ring, equally beautiful, with a large green smaragd worked into a rose tendril
like socket.
“For my prince, the finest sword I have ever smithed, and for my princess, the finest ring I ever
crafted. I hope my humble gifts are worthy your highness.” I say, as I, to your surprise, raise my
head and look straight into your eye.
NO CIVILIAN EVER raised their face in rituals like this, and to no suprise now, your brother is
furious by the discrespect I have shown. You see a guard punch me in the face before I am being
dragged out of the room, my smithing mentor rushing in to bow his head, apologize in my name
and safe the face of his establishment.
After the situation has calmed down you examine the ring. You really love it, and the day got so
much better because not only your brother got gifted something, but you did too. The rest of the
days you think about me and why I acted the way I did.
In the evening, back in your bedchambers you examine the ring once more in detail, intrigued by
the design and attention to detail put into it. You touch the smaragd and… plopp! The stone slid out
of its socket, and fell down on the bed. But not only the stone, also a carefully folded piece of
parchment, is now lying between your legs. You unfold and examine it. A message! From me! You
never thought I would be this bold, but everything is topped again after you read the text.
Your jaw drops. The audacity! The directness! How would I dare to give you a message like this?
This is wrong. Just no. You feel your head starting to turn. You are panicking. What if somebody
finds the message? Quickly you burn it in the candlelight. Out of sight, out of mind. Right?
An hour passes. Your mind is still racing. While you are repulsed at the thought of giving in to such
a request, some little tiny part in your brain still wants to go. It wants to know what happens, if this all is real or just a dream. But you never snuck out of the castle at night, you never even wandered
out of your chambers at night, as the guards would instantly bring you back if they saw you. But
even more than that, you never even had sex! Sure, you thought about it, and you masturbated from
time to time, but there is really no way for a princess to get intimate with someone before they are
married off to some other royalty. That thought makes you sceptical. You never wanted to lead a life
like this, obey your parents and get married to some arrogant snot nosed prince you never knew.
Actually the way your brother got engaged and will now be wed in a few days makes you wonder
about your fate. You never had a chance to rebel against this, but now here it presents itself. You’re
interested, you already stripped me in your head in the great hall, imagined to touch my muscles
and lie with me. You wonder how big my member is, whether you can take it. More importantly,
whether I could take you. All those princes were so weak, as they never had to work physically,
ever. They wouldnt even be able to lift you. But I would be able to lift you and hold you while
ramming my…
“Goodnight your highness! Remember to erase the candles as you go to sleep.” the handmaiden
crushes your train of thought as she checks in one last time, as every night, before leaving you to
Snapping out of it, you panic once more. These thoughts are not befitting of a princess. You can’t
believe the things you just imagined, ashamed as you notice how wet you became. Never would you
engage in this with a brute like me, never would you go out later and show me with that, that a royal
princess would just come running to fuck when a commoner commands her to. This is below you,
you think, as you blow out the candle and leave your bed.

A warm wind breezes around your nightgown, as you stand on the little path at the northwest side of
the castlewall. You don’t know how you weren’t caught by a guard, but somehow you actually
managed to escape the castle without being seen. Even though the night is very warm, you are
shivering. Never before in your life you were so excited, nervous and scared. But there is one more
feeling you never even felt before. By coming out here you had made yourself vulnerable. There
was a chance this man wasn’t going to fuck you in a good way. Maybe he would rape you. Maybe
he would murder you or kidnap you or bring all his friends along for the event. All these things
make you incredibly scared, yes, but they also give you this strange feeling of excitement. You don’t
know what is going to happen and it makes you so horny. The thought of suddenly five men
jumping out of the bushes and having their way with you makes think you should maybe take off
your nightgown to invite them, if there were any. The thought of having breached the castle walls
and now standing out here, alone, in the middle of the night made you so wet, so horny, that you
actually start playing with yourself. You don’t even notice starting, it just happened unconsiously,
but your pussy was screaming for it and while you were fantasizing, your fingers just kinda did
their own thing. Waves of pleasure start breaking over you, as you come closer to the end as
suddenly… A hand grabs your arm, halting your movement! Alarmed you open your eyes, and jump
away from the stranger, then you see my face, but my eye swollen and in a weird color where I was
hit by the guard.

“I thought you were a slutty princess if you would even come out here, but this surpassed my
wildest expectations”, I say in a calm voice, thundering through the silence of the night. Startled
you rip your arm from my grip. “I didn’t.. I wasn’t..” you stutter, feeling the blood rush to your head.
Thank god it’s night, as if I had seen you blush now too, you would have probably died of
embarassment. My piercing view tells you that all excuses you make now would be pointless. There
is only one reason why you’re here, and I know it as well as you. “I should go.”, you say, as you turn
around, trying to get out of this situation as soon as possible “I don’t even know why I came here”.
After two steps you hear me say “And miss the night of your life? I don’t think so.”. A sudden rush
of anger overcomes you. “The night of my life!?”, you bark out as you turn and start walking
towards me “Why would YOU of all people be able to give me ‘the night of my life’!? I don’t even
know you!” In raging exctasy your hand starts to get ready for slapping me. “You’re nothing but a
mere peas…”, you started the slap but it did not reach. I caught it mid air, an action that not only stopped your hand, but your speech, your rage, your confusion, even your trail of thought.
Everything stopped. Maybe even time. There is just you and me for a breath as we stare into each
others eyes. Despite the fact you were screaming and tried to slap me just now, I calmly, but firmly
put down your hand, not letting go, but pulling you in closer. You can feel the heat from my body
and feel my beard tickle your cheecks as I whisper in your ear “Let me show you what I mean,
princess”. My other hand somehow suddenly is on your stomach, rapidly moving down towards the
center of your pleasure and in that moment everything else is forgotten. The world, the castle, the
rage, everything becomes irrelevant as my fingers slowly, carefully start teasing your clit.
A moan leaves your lips. You want more, the faster the better, so you reach down, finding me
already hard as a rock. With an ease not befitting a princess, one arm suffices to open my pants and
grab my shaft, dripping with precum.
I grab you, half by the cheeck, half by the neck and kiss you so passionately, how, after seeing all
the stuck up princes, you never imagined a man could kiss and you let yourself fall into my
passionate embrace, completely surrendering your body and weight into my arm. So I lift you up,
one hand on your ass, holding you, one hand on your clit, driving you wilder and hornier with every
move. You start pulling down your nightgown, revealing your chest and erect nipples. As I see them
I move my head down and play around them. Every time my tounge touches your nipple, a wave of
pleasure rushes through your whole body and intesifies every feeling you get from down there.
As I
hold you like that, without even breaking a sweat, you realize in my arms you’re nothing more than a plaything.
I could easily toss you around, hold you like this for hours, your weight and body is
tiny and fragile compared to my muscular body and the thought of being so vulnerable and at the
mercy of my strength turns you on even more.
In that moment I start sucking on your nipple, hard, and as the waves of pleasure from touching
them already got you wild, the act of sucking them starts a real tsunami, spreading from your nipple
in all directions, your head, your arms and through your belly down to your cooch, everything fills
with pleasure, as your toes start to curl and your muscles start to clench you let out a sound of
enjoyment so loud, I cover your mouth quickly with my so no one can hear us. In silence you enjoy
the waves of the orgasm, kissing me, being held.
After you are done, I lift you up, facing you. Your legs are lying over my arms now and your arms
are holding onto my neck. This creates an effect similar to a swing or a pendulum, just that there is
no swing, as my penis is in the way. And exactly the same penis is now penetrating you for the first
The feeling of having your pussy stretched so much leaves you gasping. Never ever have you
had such a massive object in yourself, as the handle of your comb was all that you have used for
that until now. The feeling of being filled like this is undescribable, and as you still try to
comprehend it, my penis slides inside, lubricated by both our horniness, and completely fills you
up, instantly leading you into another orgasm. I smirk deviously as I feel you clenching and
contracting around my staff, putting my hands against the castle wall as a leverage, and starting to
fuck you relentlessly, allthewhile you are still cumming.
You’d think the orgasm would stop after a while, but it seems something is wrong. Every thrust just renews the feeling, every time I reach the
most inside of you, the orgasm seems to start again. And again. And again. You can’t stay silent
anymore, you can’t moan slightly to this, you scream! How can this feel so good? How can every
stroke prolong you orgasm?
You notice something else. While your pussy is clenching and already having the longest orgasm of
your life, it never gets old. It never gets boring. If anything, it seems that the longer you cum the
more horny and desperate it makes you. Something is building deep inside your vulva, something
massive, as every stroke renews your orgasm, but every stroke also… leads you closer to one?
You feel me getting harder, faster, ramming my shaft in deeper now. I also start moaning and
making sounds. It seems I am also getting close to cumming. But you don’t know how long I fucked
you. You don’t even know where you are. In a brief moment of conscious thinking, you realize that
your brain is just empty. There is nothing in there. Where are you? Why are you here? Who are
you? And who is that person fucking you, giving you so much pleasure, letting you cum for such an
insanely long amount of time. And just as you think that, you sink back into mindless pleasure, just feeling every stroke, like a renewed mini orgasm, as you feel something massive building up in
yourself, getting bigger. The center of your pleasure is expanding, its not just your pussy that feels
good anymore, its your ass, your stomach. The feelind expanding further, into your chest, your
breasts, your limbs. Everything seems to be pulsating, getting stronger with every stroke, with every
second. It rises further, into your head, and as it reaches the top, the very top of your head,
engulfing your whole body in absolute pleasure, I make the very last spush inside you and you feel
it exploding. From your Vulva over your womb into every cell of your body a feeling of pleasure.
Of cumming. All muscles in your body tighten up, your eyes roll back into your head as you
experience the most intense feeling you ever had, starting to shake, everything is shaking, there is
an earhquake, everything is pleasure, the world doesnt exist anymore, there is just you, just dick,
just pleasure and intensity. You start drooling, you start squirting, it wont stop. You feel me also
loosing a lot of bodyfluids deep inside you, which makes everything even better. You want to thank
me. For everything, for luring you out here, for seducing you, for fuckin you. You want to thank me
for shooting my cum inside you, for putting my child into your womb. For every orgasm you had
you want to thank me with your whole body and all your energy. You would do anything for me
right now, anything. “Thank you…”, you can utter, after the most intense part is over. You sounded
so faintly, so exhausted, every part of you going limp now. “For what?”, I ask, breathing heavily.
“Thank you for the night of my life.” you say and fall into unconsciousness.

You wake up on something soft, lying in the grass. It takes you a moment to remember what
happened. Was it a dream? The sun is going up, it’s a beautiful sunrise, kissing the skin on your
face. Somebody is stroking your hair. You look up, realizing it’s me and you slept in my lap. In the
light of the sunrise my blue eyes and skin have a bronze shine to them. “Why are you here?”, you
ask, to which I look at you in confusion “What, you thought I would just let you lie around here?”. I
grin, you also can’t hide your smile and happiness.
“That was good” I say.
“Yeah”, you say, sinking back into my lap and closing your eyes, feeling blissful and happy.
You found your place.
