A built up tension [MF] [oral] [teasing] [public]

Tim and I had been friends for years, the friends that have that underlying want to rip each other’s clothes off. Mostly because we’d got to, years ago. But life had got in the way, and we went our separate directions. So it was time.

We had recently really started talking again, when that tension started building. We helped each other through life and all it’s problems, while also beginning to flirt a little more each time we talked. A little here, a lot there. Never crossing that line though. Until one day.

I met Tim at his office for lunch, I needed to talk to someone and just vent. Tim was there, just like always, ready to lend an ear and a hug. This is what I loved about him. No matter what, he would drop what he was doing to listen and help out. The only problem was, that smirk. That dimple, and that look he gave me when he listened to me. I just wanted to jump on him every time I saw it!

I digress… I got all my shit off my chest and left.

We continued to text throughout the day, mainly about how we shouldn’t be flirting, and how we should keep our relationship how it is. We didn’t want to ruin it.

That afternoon as I was leaving work, I sat in my car in the parking lot longer than planned. Just checking my phone. Wouldn’t you know it, out comes Tim. He’s got his swagger and his smirk as soon as he sees me. He comes over to my car and says “What are you still doing here, stalking me?”. I reply with “No, just happened to be here.” We continued to talk about life for half an hour or so.

Towards the end, he makes a joke about my old car, so I flip him off. He tells me that it’s too hot and too public for that to happen. And of course, he’s got that damn smirk on his face when he says it! I bite my tongue knowing what we talked about today. We’re not supposed to be flirting with each other. Doesn’t he know this?!

Tim says “Oh, just say it. Speak your mind.”

I think to myself “Fuck it, he started it, I’ll finish it.”

So I say “I’ve got an air mattress in the back of my car, and you’ve got the bed of a truck. We never got to try out the air mattress the last time, let’s see how it does.”

**Backstory* He had just moved the last time we were together, and only owned an air mattress at the time.*

He walks over to me with that swagger and smirk, backs me up against my car and says “Do you really want to get fucked in a parking lot?” All I can do is nod. Tim “where’s the air mattress?”

I walk around to the trunk and get out the air mattress and pump. And I bring it over to his truck. We get it all plugged in and start airing it up. He backs me up to his truck this time and we start making out like we haven’t in years. *almost like that’s the case*
I think back to the first time we kissed. We were in an offshoot of a hallway, in a hotel we were staying at for work. I had told him, in the middle of a normal conversation, “I really want to kiss you right now.” He then backed me against a wall and kissed me.
The air mattress is full, we move it to the back of the truck and get into the bed. We look at each other, thinking the same thing “Will this ruin our friendship?”. At that point I’m not sure either of us cared. Months (possibly years) of sexual tension was in front of us, we were both hot and bothered before we got into the truck. There was no need to warm up the engine! Even so, he asks me to suck on him for a bit, says he’s never stopped thinking about it. He had told me years ago that I gave him the best blow job he had ever had. Time to see how my skills have held up.

The second I put my lips around his tip, he moans deeply. I’m off to a good start! I decide to play around with him a little bit more. There’s not enough built up tension in the bed of this truck quite yet. I want to make him throw me down and fuck me. We obviously aren’t there yet.

I sink my mouth just below his head. And lick it like an ice cream cone. Just bit by bit I sink down lower. Still just playing with the first 2 inches or so. I going to make him want this! I take my mouth off to a sigh from Tim. I tell him not to worry as I take his balls into my mouth and swirl them around a bit. I think he’s ok with this. After a few seconds I come back up and take him whole in my mouth. The moan that I get from Tim is the one I was looking for. I’ve got him. I go full speed. All the way up and all the way down. But I don’t want him finishing in my mouth. My pussy is aching for him! I need him. So I suddenly stop.

He is on top of this! He sits up and flips me on my back. I’m glad I had the air mattress in my car! There is no foreplay needed, I’d been running down my legs the whole time I had his dick in my mouth. With a single thrust he fills me up. And holds himself there. We are both wholeheartedly enjoying this feeling. Me being fill up and him being surrounded in soaking wet, tight pussy.

He looks at me and says “My turn to play.” As he slowly slides out of me.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p5x48e/a_built_up_tension_mf_oral_teasing_public