EST: Law & Punishment 37 Stairs to Ecstasy Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM BDSM Anal Bondage Sexual Violnence)

These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed.  Any case, name, event is purely fiction.  Butt the search for the truth will continue!  With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
  This is their case, their story…
Returning to the scene.  Watching as the last of the emergency vehicles pulls away.  “There is something here” I thought.  “Something that” leaving that thought on hold while exiting the car.
Taking a long look from across the street.  “Which way thou…” calling up where this Dinner was on my Vibraphone.  “It is here between St. Lip and Drip ave.” my eyes focused on my phone.  Seeing this intersection for what it real was.  “Crossed by Garter lane” my mind just could not get the image out of my head.
Crossing the street, headed in the opposite direction from the Dinner.  Crossing Abs ave.  cuming up on Knots boulevard…  My eyes stared at the mystery of a women  laying over this intersection.  Each street named after a part of her.  “Abs, Garter, Lip, Knots” my eyes tracked to the final possibility of Waist road.  Even as I stared at my phone something told me to look up, look at Garter lane.
Watching, looking as she stole my breath.  As a scantily clad woman walked through a door.  Just before she disappeared her haunting eyes told me that she was in need of me.  In need of my cock, of my mouth before disappearing totally from my life.
Looking at my phone.  Watching my cock as it was straining to feed on her large checkered body stocking.  Pricing the soft flower that lies underneath in the warm wet tropics of her valley.  I start to move.  One foot falling in front of the other.  Passing street after street till…  There I was, taking a deep breath.  Looking to see if anyone else saw me.  Gripping the door handle just like it was this woman!  Pressing the hammer, hearing the bolt slide away with a loud click.  The door swung open as I entered the stairwell.
“Are you here to arrest me” the sweet voice of the fallen angel called.
Looking up at the many floors in which she could be hiding.  My feet start to move slow at first butt at a steady pace.  Cuming to the first door.  The feel of it’s sins, the scream of passion the turning of the doorknob.  My feet continued to drive me up further.  Running up to the next door butt even as I neared it she spoke again.
“Are you here to beat me, to scare me into your submission” even as she said these words my feet started to take two steps at a time.
Third floor was cuming up fast.  Gripping the doorknob, giving it a good yank.  Thou just like the last two this was locked, sealed from the prying eyes of any who would be in this stairwell.  As my feet began to move her voice still echoed from above.
“Do you want me?  Do you want to ravish me?  To devour my skin” this was no ordinary woman.  Clearly a woman of passion.  A woman of style and intrigue butt where was she?
The fourth door, the rattle, the pulling as the scratch marks proved someone either left their key inside or…  “To dark of a thought to think right now.”  Looking up, looking down.  Counting the number of stairwells…  “Seven” that hung with me even as I moved on.
“Do you want to ravish my body?  To punish me for being such a bad girl?  To spank my tight little bum…”  The sounds of a woman with the voice of a Angel and the body of a devil was cast down the stairs.
Fifth floor…  Just like the other this one too was locked, barred from the other side yet strangely enough only getting a cold vibe cuming from that door.
My feet now only taking one step at a time.  My running up has slowed down to a jog.  Butt my interest in this woman has by far out reached my badge.
“Are you cuming to get me?  Are you cuming at all…”  The sweetness has disappeared from her voice replaced by a seductive side.  “My lace does not know if it can stop your, Ooh” right behind those words.  The pant of her breath.  The silent passion that has given me up to the sexth floor!
Reaching out grabbing the doorknob.  Lifting, turning it just like I wanted to open her up.  To get that passion that she had, to steel the lust that she has cast down on me!
Locked… from the other side.  Barred just to keep the sex deprived from entering their own sexual utopia.  Sighing, letting my head bump the door.
“I can not wait for you to taste my every dripping word as I caress your cock so deep inside…”  This was no longer a need to talk to her. 
My passion for the chase, for the stalking of my pray.  To take what I need from those dripping lips!  Each hammering foot fall brought me closer to the top.  Each thundering steep meant I was that much closer to her sinful lips. 
Seeing the seventh door, feeling the end to her evasion.  Seeing that door open.  “I just caught it” this last few steps I literally had to fly up!  Reaching for the light, reaching for the end of this long passionate hunt! 
Steeping through that portal, that dimensional shift in time and space.  Looking for… “Hang on!  I’m on a roof?  And no girl, no sinking my cock into that wanted flesh” hanging my head only after a few steps out of the door.  My eyes scanned the building, scanned the neighboring roof tops and still nothing!
“Do you want me?  Do you lust” feeling a woman’s hand as she wrapped around my body grabbing my cock, “for me?  Or am I just one more on your headboard?  One more scratch, one more conquest for you to tell the boys about”  this time it was real.  To have her so close that her hot passionate breath steamed down RJ’s spine.
Slowly turning, taking this beauty in my arms.  My heart pounding as my fingers gripped.  My cock keeping perfect rhythm as my fingers tightened.
The first around her beautiful head casting  hair that just whispered across her shoulders.  The next parting her bum.  Two fingers found what my cock longed for!  Each dripping with pleasure as her whimper echoed in my head.  My lips covering her mouth.  Sealing off any hope of anything more then a whimper.  Our tongues clashed.  Feeling the sharpness, the tenderness, the lust cuming from her mouth.  My cock was smashed between us there by trapping her arm.
Seizing her other wrist, pressing it to the small of her back.  The feeling on her hand grasping for mine.  So I take it along with her booty.  My fingers penetrate deep in her pussy, deep with in her ass.
Feeling the cuming of a orgasm.  My lips break the kiss.  As my eyes pass hers, as my silent voice caresses her soul.  My hand pulls back her head just before I release it.  “No I do not want to punish you.  No I do not want to beat you” even as my hand now rests on her right booty cheek.
Scooping her up in the air as my cock grazes the tropics.  The sudden surprise in her breath, the passion of wanting my cock to penetrate her wet snatch.  The reach of her trapped hand pushing my cock from between us.  Positioning it so perfect that her drop on my rod sent both of us one more step closer to ecstasy!
The quiver in her voice.  The way it no longer was a proud uncatchable woman butt a willing whore who was just about to have a real orgasm for the first time!  Reaching around his neck, hooking my arm as his hands each gripped my firm bum.  My lips falling on his neck on his jaw.  My breath getting shorter and shorter with each thrust of his wanker.  My snatch was crying out for it’s sweet release!   Even as my breath became a call.  Even as my breathless body begged him to tell me to cum…
With each pounding that I brought upon myself.  Each withering slam that my cunt needed.  Each orgasm that begged to be called out.  There was one thing missing.
Watching her wither cause each stroke.  Each pounding that my body thrust into hers…  Every passion that I had was now focused on her mouth.  Watching as she deep throated her middle finger.  Watching as she winked at me  then reached behind her.  Feeling as her bum was deflowered by her one finger!
The purr that thrived inside of me.  That growl that wanted to be released.  The moan that turned into a whimper.  All where begging, trying to cum out.  From my tight little cunt to my finger trapped in my.. …
My mouth greedily sucking on her ear.  Bitting her earlobe, telling her to cum  so I can feel all her passion, all her emotions spilling out in one big dripping puddle of cum.  “Cum.. I said Cum” with that final word my next thrust, my next pound, my next grunt would be our last!
“Ooh Ooo OooOoooOoooo” feeling my body release from its unspoken bond.  From behind the passion, from behind the lust cums the biggest longest orgasm!  My body stiffens, trembles, struggling for breath!  My insides just want to burst out butt feeling his cum as it rockets inside of my vault.  Makes my cunt tighten up as my body screams out!  My trapped finger, the one in which I sucked.  The one in which I played with my swollen pucker.  The one in which invaded my bum with such ease.  Even after my second knuckle passed through.  Even after feeling his rod thrusting so deep in my pussy I still pushed it up there… igniting the passion, the free will to pound back!  To rip my body stocking for him and this great cock that just fired everything so deep in my cunt!  The feeling of the cum, his cum was felt in my bum as my middle finger still thrusts even though a shaky mess right now.
To see this angelic voice.  To feel every breath she has taken since her apprehension.  To lust after every sigh, every grown, every moan that came from that lean body.  To see her body stocking tore to shreds from one phat cock.  To wrestle around with passion and expect to keep your large checkered stocking in one piece.  That is just a tease.
After the questioning, after the squeeze on her tits.  I handed her my card, “Miss Lena if you can think of something else, anything please give me a call.”
Walking away, my cock still hard from that lean body.  One hand on the door I hear my name being called. 
“You said for anything” wiggling my tight ass.  “Cum hear maybe I just need to be punished so I can remember something” once again my angelic voice transforming into the seductive little slut that lusts RJ’s cock.
