His Student Hooker Pt 5. [MF][MF][Pros]

It was nearly three in the morning and Simone was not yet home. Paul shut his eyes and opened them when he felt the bed move, he looked at the clock and it was four am. Simone woke him but he didn’t mind, she was home now, “Mmm late tonight.” he mumbled.

“Yes, sorry to wake you,” Simone replied, quietly.

Paul took her into his arms.

“Its late, you’re half asleep, I am dead tired.” She leaned over him and kissed him, gently. “Go back to sleep.”

Paul mumbled “OK”

The morning light and sounds had crept around the curtains, intruding into Paul’s sleep. He looked at the clock and saw it was after nine am. He heard the soft breathing of Simone and looked at her in the dim light. Her face was framed by her long hair, her sleep, deep and relaxed. He eased himself out of bed, performing his morning rituals, made himself a coffee, settled and started marking papers until Simone woke. His work gave him time to lose himself in his marking, as well as think about what happened last night.

The computer’s clock showed 10:45am, and Simone had not stirred, she did get in very late. Paul continued working on assignments and it was another hour before he heard Simone using the bathroom. He heard the shower going, so went and joined her. Stripping off, he went into the bathroom, grabbed the Listerine, swilled a cap full, spat it out and entered the shower. He wrapped himself around her, kissing her shoulder and neck. She turned and he saw her smile, but there was a slight unease in her eyes. “Good morning, you slept well.”

“Yeah, busy night,” she replied. Simone held him, just held him, her naked form pressed to him. Paul held her firmly, then kissed her neck, the side of her face, her lips. He loved the feel of her breasts on his chest, his cock pressed against her belly, and felt it move. So did Simone.

“Jeez! After the workout it got last night, you want more?”

“No, this is me holding you, naked, in the shower, in the kitchen, in the lounge, in bed, outside, anywhere. Holding you naked does this. Your fault, you’re just so damned sexy.”

Simone reached between them and took hold of Paul’s cock, gently stroking it. “About last night-” she started. Paul interrupted her with a kiss. “Later.” He squirted some body wash onto his hand and lathered Simone, all the while his cock hard as a rock. He spun her around and washed her back then reached up between her legs, inserted a finger into her now juicy love hole. Pulling his finger out, he pushed his cock into her, filling her. “Just fuck me,” Simone demanded, “Cum in me!” So Paul fucked her, he rammed his tool deep into her, holding her, careless whether he was hurting her or not. An animal passion took over, he wanted to show his dominance, he rammed into her so hard he lifted her off the shower floor, pulled out a little way and rammed into her again.

His fingers squeezed her tits, leaving large red marks on them. Simone grunted and squealed her acceptance of his lust, she let him do anything, any way he wanted to. She cried in pain as he pinched her nipples, pushing her higher and higher in pleasure. She didn’t expect to be pleasured at all, all she wanted was to be fucked, be treated like the whore she was, to be raped like she deserved. Paul’s dick rammed into her, spreading her lower lips, invading her cunt, demanding release and not giving pleasure. Her face banged against the cold tiles of the shower, but she didn’t care. Her tits screamed in agony as they were brutalized, Paul as the harsh, domineering, consensual rapist. Then he came, he took his pleasure and as he did, she felt a wave of guilt, of shame, not of pleasure, but of loss. Simone cried, tears rolling down her face, her sobs wracking her body.

Paul noticed her change immediately, his lust drained in an instant and pulled out of her, his last jet spilling onto her legs. He turned her around and saw the sheer misery on her face, the tears, the sobs, and it broke his heart. He held her as she cried, wondering what he had done to her in his lust. Paul rinsed them off and turned the shower off, grabbed towels and then began to dry her off. Simone had slid to the floor as she sobbed, while Paul quickly dried himself.

Not knowing what to do, he took her into the bedroom, laid her on the bed and climbed alongside her, holding her, kissing her, gently cooing in her ear, telling her it was okay, let it out. Paul thought she was finally letting her grief over her parents out. After a time, the sobs ceased and the tears stopped rolling. Her breathing calmed, and she opened her eyes, and wasn’t able to look at Paul in the face.

“L-l-last night-” she stuttered.

“No,” Paul interrupted, kissing her. “Watching you licking Claire, was so damned sexy. But then when you disappeared with those two guys, I got so fucking jealous, I nearly couldn’t not say something. Madeline- we talked, and brought me around. I know what you do, I’ve seen it. I can’t help feeling jealous and I want you to forgive me for being such a selfish prig.”

“Forgive you? When I am the one who is a fucking whore?” she said.

“No, no never think that. NEVER!” Paul exclaimed, “Simone is a beautiful young lady whom I love.” Paul startled himself with that confession, but inside himself, he knew it to be true. “Angie is a good time girl, but do not let the two get confused. Angie is a real good fuck, but I don’t love her, I love you. While I like fucking Angie, it is you whom I love.” Paul hugged her close, held her and kissed her, with all the love he could muster.

“Fuck,” Simone whispered, “This could get seriously fucking schizo.”

“Not at all. Look, guys compartmentalize between work and home all the time, you have two different names to go with it. I realized last night that I cannot be jealous of who is fucking Angie, I don’t love her.”

“Well, that makes it worse you know!”

“Oh?” Paul was surprised,”How so?”

“I got so fucking angry with you last night for eating Claire, that is why I pushed you aside. Then for fucking her, I made you suck a cock, giving him a blow job.”

Paul laughed, “Erm, no, you asked, but you didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do.”

“I manipulated you into it. I wanted to.. oh I don’t know, humiliate you.”

“Well you didn’t. I actually liked having Larry sucking my cock. I also liked giving him head. I had never sucked a cock before, and I really didn’t mind it.” Paul looked at the look on Simone’s face, “Oh don’t get me wrong, it was fun, not something I’d go out of my way to do again, but if the circumstances arise where that could happen, I won’t object to it, I will just let it happen.”


“Does that mean you are also suffering from jealousy?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Simone said, “Maybe. I don’t know why I got angry with you, I shouldn’t have, I don’t have any right to.” Simone kissed Paul, held him, “I love you too Mr Cantor,” she said, quietly, “I was afraid what you saw last night would push you away.”

“Not gonna happen, babe.” Paul was definite, “I wondered if you saw me like I was last night, maybe you wouldn’t be too keen on being around me.” Paul mused for a moment, “But there is one other issue which has been bugging me a little. Well, you are eighteen now, and I am thirty-six next month. You will be twenty eight and I will be forty six, in ten years, I’ll be over the hill. How will we cope then?”

“Who knows,” Simone replied, “Look, Eleni Kookorous might get divorced and take up with you. Well, if she has any brains she would, in which case you could toss me out in her favor.”

“Nah, won’t happen. Eleni is a lovely person, she’s not you.” Simone smiled, for the first time this morning, Paul thought. “Look, I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, let alone in ten years, but let’s just deal with it as it happens.”

“Mrs Kookorous’s impending divorce? Okay,” Simone said. Then she kissed him again.

A divorce? “You don’t know anything for sure about a divorce, do you?”

“Anything is possible. You know she has had an eye on you for a while now.”


“Typical male, doesn’t notice anything unless it is right in his face!” Simone laughed.

“Enough!” Paul said, somewhat exasperated and bemused, “Time for lunch.”

The next few weeks slipped by, Paul’s birthday came and went, with Simone taking him out to dinner, and buying some small gifts. Simone fucked his brains out that night, and the next day, Paul was still in a dream state.

Paul had avoided going to the massage parlor since the night of the party for about a month. Simone asked him to come on the Friday evening, suggesting he book with Angie asking Madeline to join them. Simone told him that it may not happen, Paul did book. Madeline politely declined, but told Paul that the next time she invited him to a party, she was going to see for herself what both Angie and Venus were talking about. Surprised, but delighted, Paul asked Angie about it when he got her into a room and got a mumbling, bumbling, embarrassed response. He laughed and spent the next forty minutes penis whipping her, making her cry in a sexual frenzy of a multiple orgasm.

Weeknights, their evenings were taken up with homework, schoolwork. Paul bought a new laptop and wireless router, upgrading his Internet connection. One Sunday, Simone asked for help to count out the money she had been putting into a box. It was full of hundreds and fifties, cash she couldn’t deposit into her bank account. They were both shocked when it totaled over seventeen thousand dollars. After school, one day, Paul took Simone to his bank and paid for a safety deposit box, placing it in her name. The bank manager talked Simone through procedures, and once the box was opened, he left. Into it, they placed the cash and some important documents. The safety deposit box was the largest one, which raised an eyebrow, but enough space to store the excess cash Angie was earning and not spending.

Simone was shocked when Bobby Carson asked her if she would like to go to the senior Prom with him, the first Saturday in May. Her first response was to say no, but Bobby was a nice guy, but, well, the zits and the waistline meant he was never going to win a beauty contest. It must have taken a lot of courage to come out and ask her, so she responded by saying she would think about it. Paul laughed and said he was going to the senior Prom, he had to, and he couldn’t take her as his date. Simone said, “You could take Eleni!” Paul laughed even harder, “Yeah, but I am not sure what her husband would say about it!”

“Oh he’s an arrogant prick so he would seriously object, but what if he didn’t know she was your date?”

“Oh come on, first, how do you know about her husband, and how do you think Eleni would react if I asked her?”

“I met her husband, he came to the school once when I was talking with her, just after mom died. I was a bit of a mess, but he just interrupted, couldn’t give a damn, nothing is as important as his need.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. I’ve never met him. He never comes to staff functions, she doesn’t come to many, but he never comes.”

“He won’t. Just meeting him the once was enough for me and it was clear then what he is. Eleni apologized for him, more than once.” Simone would never mention he was a client of Madeline’s. “That is really why I know that she will eventually leave him. All she has to do is accept an alternative, that’s you.”

“Oh please, you couldn’t possibly know all this.”

“Well, yes, I do. I have spent a lot of time with Eleni, first after mom died, she was great. She really helped me get my feet back on the ground. Then when dad started slipping away into the bottle, she helped me get my priorities right again. She even tried to help me get a job.”

“She is not a counselor!”

“No, but she became my friend. Well, I am always her friend, and I hope she will be mine too. And after dad died, she was there again, but I didn’t need her, I had you. If it wasn’t for her husband being such a dick, and you being such a wonderful person, I think I would have asked Eleni if I could live with her. Anyway, we got to talking and she said some things-”

“No, if she said anything, I don’t want to know. None of my business and I would think that she would have said anything in strict confidence. And we were talking about you going to the Prom.”

“Ok, so I’ll go with Bobby, but only if you make Eleni your date.”

“I can’t ‘make her my date’, as you ask” Paul pleaded.

“If you think about it, there is a way. A date without it being a date. How about the truth?”

“Tell her you are blackmailing me into asking her for a date because if you don’t you’ll miss your senior Prom?”

“No, I was thinking I will put you on short rations if you don’t!” Simone laughed.

“Yeah, right,” Paul responded, “then you’d be working five nights a week. Horny little minx that you are!”

“That’s the only drawback.” They both laughed.

“Look, I’ll have a talk to Eleni and see what happens, OK? No promises.”

“OK, then I will let Bobby know I’ll go with him.”

Paul had a fairly full schedule for the next two days, so didn’t get to see Eleni long enough to talk to her. When he did, he told her that Simone was going to be attending the senior Prom with Bobby Carson, would she mind partnering with him for the evening? She was delighted, besides, he could then tell her what Simone was doing with her life now. Getting to talk to someone else about Simone was not an easy task, he had to be very careful. Basically he would only say that she was coping with her grief well, it seems as her grades had not slipped. She was excited at the possibility to take a double degree in physics and cosmology, getting to study under some well known scientists.

Simone was delighted that Eleni had agreed and told him that he might get lucky. Paul was surprised at her assertion. The week before the Prom, Simone started taking everything of hers out of Paul’s bedroom. Never know was all she would say, didn’t want to create a problem. Angie would work Thursday and Friday, but had let Madeline know she would not be available the Saturday.

Paul took Simone out for breakfast that morning, and to a dress shop to buy her a beautiful gown and white jacket for the Prom. After all, Paul said, you usually only get one senior Prom in your life. Simone wanted to blow him in the fitting room, but Paul told her either the security cameras would likely see them going into the room, which might raise a few questions, or the assistant would get really upset for not being invited. Simone laughed and loved the gown. The moment they got in the door, Simone had Paul’s slacks open and was blowing him in the hallway. She was really accomplished at it, and told Paul not to hold back, he didn’t and was cumming in minutes. Paul loved her sucking his cock, anytime.

Later, Paul managed to make Simone cum with just his tongue, as she began to prepare for her date. She had just come out of the shower and Paul picked her up and kissed her. He put her onto the bed and without warning, just dived between her legs, tonguing her clit and labia furiously. After she came, Paul said, “Just in case you get ideas about Bobby.” Simone laughed and said, “It has to happen for him sometime, but, not tonight.”

While dressing, Simone started to put her hair up, but then decided, no. She pulled it to one side, then the other. Not happy with either, she thought she may have done better going to a hairdresser. Too late to worry about it now, leave it down, she thought. Paul’s eyes popped when he saw the effect. The gown, the jacket, the hair, she was just beautiful. Paul’s breath caught in his throat, “If Bobby doesn’t keep his hands to himself, he’s going to have serious difficulty in continuing to breath.”

Simone hugged and kissed him, deeply. “Thank you,” she said, her eyes misting.

Paul was now ready and they looked at the time, “You better fix your makeup now, then go and pick up Bobby, and I will see you there, my love.”

“Yes,” Simone said. She went and reapplied her lipstick, while Paul went and washed it off his mouth. They left the apartment and went down to the car park. Simone took off in her little 2008 Ford Fiesta, and Paul followed her out of the underground car park in his near new Toyota Corolla. Paul went straight to the venue, being expected to be there when students began to arrive. There was a car park alongside the venue and as Paul walked to the door, a cab pulled up and out stepped Eleni Kookorous. Fuck, thought Paul, just beautiful, going back down the stairs and approaching Eleni, “Good evening,” he said, offering his arm.

Eleni smiled and replied, “Thank you, sir. Good evening to you.”

“Looking forward to herding these horrors tonight?” Eleni laughed her tinkling laugh,

“As long as we don’t catch any of them swilling out of a large bottle of whiskey, it should be good,” she replied, referring to an incident two years before.

“Yes, but we didn’t catch them last year!” Paul laughed.

“Hopefully no-one will be required to cleanup the after effects of too much booze and not enough sense.” They went inside and so began their last night of baby sitting this year’s crop.

Students began arriving, some were on time, but most were “fashionably late”. Paul’s teacher senses swung into action at one point, as eyes seemed to swivel towards the door. Simone and Bobby Carson entered and more than a few mouths gaped at just how beautiful Simone was. Eleni was not too far from Paul and stepped over to him.

“Oh my god! Is that Simone?” she asked.

“Yes, it is.” Paul replied, “And isn’t she just gorgeous? Second most beautiful person in the room.” He looked at Eleni, who blushed a little.

“Just so beautiful. Where has she been hiding that?”

“It’s always been there, just no one ever bothered to look. ”

“Look at Bobby, isn’t he just swollen- erm, ”

“God I hope not!” Paul laughed, “She’s in my care still, so he better be careful!”

Eleni laughed, “He is just floating on air, isn’t he. Ooh and can’t you just hear the claws coming out? Trouble on Monday, that’s for sure.”

“Yep, and they better be careful, they will be dealing with a tiger, Simone is seriously tougher than any of them.”

“Well, considering what she has gone through, she would be. It was really nice of you to take her in like you did, but the Dean did wonder if you were setting yourself up, now it might just come back to you.”

“Nah, who cares. She is a terrific young woman, and certainly forced me to look at my opinions. She is just so focused on getting into college, there is no time for anything else, work and study, that is about it.”

Eleni nodded. “The quality of her work has been consistent, even given the circumstances.”

“Yeah, tell you about it later, but for now, want to dance?” He held his hand out.

For the rest of the night they were inseparable, just enjoying each other’s company. The noise of so many people made no intrusion on their conversation. The music went off for a moment and the school principal took to the stage. Eleni was at Paul’s side, with Simone and Bobby on the other side. Everyone was welcomed as the Principal made all the usual platitudes, wishing them success in their upcoming finals, which received the usual groans, and so on. Then he told the audience they had a special guest, a Mr Henry Walton, Chair of the County School Board. Henry walked onto the stage, while everyone politely clapped- everyone except Simone.

“Hello Henry,” she said quietly, taking a half step backward putting Paul between her and the stage. Paul knew that Angie had met Henry. Eleni missed this and politely listened as Henry told the audience what a great bunch of people were here, and how they should not worry about their finals, a cheer, that was for tomorrow, a groan. Henry made all the right noises, quickly, and people appreciated his brevity.

Through the evening, there was plenty of opportunity to duck out and get a drink, or share a bong, or have sex, some did one of those things, others did all three. Paul kept a pretty close eye on Simone at first, but relaxed when he realized she was actually bored by the whole thing. Well, considering the parties she is usually attending, who wouldn’t consider this to be little more than infantile, Paul thought.

By eleven-thirty the place had wound down, fewer than half the kids were still there. The official guests had gone and by midnight, there were almost as many staff as there were students left. Eleni and Paul rounded up a few stragglers and encouraged them out the door. Other staff started disappearing as well. Simone came to Paul and said that Bobby had had enough and was ready to go. He asked her if she enjoyed it, and the look said it all, Eleni smiled and said, “Well, at least you got here.”

“Yes,” she said, “Look Mr Cantor, I am going to take Bobby to this coffee place I know that is still open, and we are likely to be a while. Is that okay with you?” Bobby just looked nonplussed, this was the first he heard of it.

“Of course,” he said, “I think we will be here for a good while yet, so take your time, and thank you for letting me know.”

Simone looked at Eleni and said, “It has been a good night, and I must admit, you looked great on the dance floor with Mr Cantor, Mrs Kookorous.”

“Why thank you Simone, and coming from someone who looks as fabulous as she did when she walked in, that’s a real compliment.”

Simone hugged Eleni and whispered something in her ear then, “The real Prom Queen, don’t you think Mr Cantor.” Paul was just smiling and shook his head as if in disbelief, “None better,” he said, noting how Eleni was blushing. After they had gone, Paul asked Eleni what Simone had said, but she shook her head and looked a little embarrassed. Paul thought she was just beautiful.

“OK, I for one do not want to be here for much longer. I know you came in a cab, want a lift home?”

“To your place?” Eleni asked, “For a night cap?”

Paul looked at Eleni speculatively and very cautiously said, “Wherever you want to go.” He really wondered what it was that Simone had said now. He saw the look of someone struggling with a difficult decision, and he took her hand and said, “I would really love to be anywhere with you.” He meant it.

“Let’s get my coat before I change my mind.”

Within minutes they were in the car and heading towards Paul’s apartment. Eleni was quiet, Paul, respecting her space, said nothing. Paul drove into the car park under his building and to his car park. He opened the door and noticed that Eleni wasn’t moving. He hoped she hadn’t changed her mind.

“Paul,” she almost whispered, “I-I’ve never done this before.”

Paul reached over and took her hand, as gently as he could, he replied, “Yes, I would have thought so, I understand-”

“No- I mean, I have never been with another man. Only my husband.”

Paul was surprised, what a waste, he thought, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it, saying, “I am glad you are here now and that you trust me.”

“Look, I am probably just being silly, but -,” she hesitated, and took a breath, but didn’t continue.

“There is nothing silly about this.” He got out of the car, came to her side and opened the door. Taking his hand, she got out, he closed the door and locked the car. He took her to the elevator and to his apartment. He didn’t let go of her hand, but he didn’t have to drag her anywhere.

He stepped through the door, welcoming her to his revamped apartment, then drew her close kissing her. She was somewhat tremulous, but she kissed him back. He pushed her coat off her, and let it drop. He kissed her again, then stepped closer to the bedroom. Paul ran his hands over her back, and kissed her neck. He removed her cardigan, letting it fall to the floor. Every step he took closer to the bedroom, he removed an article of clothing. She kissed him back with an increasing fervor and by the time she was down to nothing more than her bra and pantyhose, Paul had her on the bed.

He kissed her again, taking in her taste, her aroma. She was just as sexy as Simone, her lips were open and inviting. Paul reached down and removed the pantyhose and panties, revealing her sex. She trimmed her hair but it was still a big bush, No matter, Paul thought as he kissed her legs, working his way up to the downy junction. He gently kissed the inner thigh and heard her gasp, then as he worked higher she cooed her pleasure. He got to her swollen mons, her labia lips were glistening and pushing out, her clit already bright, tight and full, contrasting against the darker hair of her pubis.

He touched her with his tongue, wiping over her labia, and she squirmed in her pleasure. Even after a night of dancing, the acidic taste of her was washed away by the juices dribbling out of her vagina. The dried pee smell was replaced by the heady woman in heat aroma that drove Paul on. He scooped a small puddle of her juices into his mouth and tasted her fully for the first time. His tongue plunged into her vagina, wiping over the folds of labia, along the channel to gum her clit. Time became meaningless as he lost himself in pleasuring her. He heard Eleni’s screams, her groans and moans as she let herself be pleasured. Suddenly, his head was grasped by her thighs, her hands pulled him into her as she shuddered and spasmed in a massive orgasm. Paul continued licking her until she had relaxed after her spasms had passed.

He reached up and grasped a bra covered breast, running his fingers over the spongy, silky materials of the bra. feeling her nipple thrusting up, a hardened nut inside a silken cup. Paul kissed her belly, then, pushing the shoulder straps off, he pulled her bra cups down, exposing her luscious breasts, and he suckled on her. Then he realized he was still partly dressed – not for long. His clothes flew off him, and pulled and pushed Eleni into the position he wanted her in, only to find his knee being stabbed by the clip of her bra. He tossed the bra in the same general direction his clothes went, and lay down on top of Eleni, his upright cock prodding her, looking for a way into her. It found the entrance to her secret grotto and eagerly went through and into it.

Paul felt the slippery cavern allowing him to slide into her as deep as it could reach. He felt his knob pressing against her cervix, her gasps of pleasure and not so soft moans echoing around the room. He pushed into her, and pulled out, and again and again, he was really pounding into her, and she wasn’t responding well. He had no idea what the fuck she was doing, but he knew she really didn’t have much idea at all about fucking. She’s gorgeous, but she doesn’t know how to fuck, Paul thought.

After a lot of grunting and groaning, Paul felt the familiar tingle of his cum getting ready to explode from him. It erupted, spewing into Eleni, in several streams, pushed by his pulsating penis. She moaned as she felt his hot cum in her, then pulled his ass hard up against her snatch, making sure his cock was in her as deep as it could go as it pumped his semen into her. Paul rolled off her, throwing himself onto the bed and gasping for air. That was fucking hard work, he thought.

After catching his breath, Paul rolled onto his side, snuggled an arm under her head, encouraging her to roll onto her side, facing him. He kissed her, and with his free hand, he cupped her breast, running his thumb over the dark nipple. He kissed her again, then ran his hand over her shoulder, her back, cupped her ass, a round soft cheek and pulled her gently towards him.

He kissed Eleni again, and then noticed there were tears in her eyes. What the fuck? “Hey, what’s wrong, gorgeous girl?” he asked gently.

“That was-was- just incredible.” she said, “You made me have an orgasm.” She kissed him, for the first time, she took the initiative and kissed him. “When you were licking me, with your tongue,” she whispered, “I’ve never had an orgasm before!” She sobbed, “That was so beautiful – just felt so great.”

Paul was astounded. Here we are in the early twenty-first century and there is this beautiful, sexy, woman who has only ever had one lover, and never had an orgasm before?

“I wondered if I was frigid. I couldn’t feel anything.” She said, “That is why I have never bothered, that and the fact it often hurts.”

“Hurts? For the love of-” Paul didn’t forget who he was talking to, “Why would it hurt?”

“Well, sometimes he just puts it in me, doesn’t bother with me, just pushes into me, whether I am ready or not. Then he pumps a bit, fills me with his juice then rolls over and goes to sleep,” she admitted. “Then other times, he gets some oil, and puts it up my back passage, that really hurts.”

“And you put up with this crap?” Paul was outraged. “Fuck!” he couldn’t hold it in any longer, “That’s not love, that is just totally inconsiderate, disrespectful.” Paul felt her stiffen so he didn’t continue. “Look, making love is the most wonderful thing two people can do, and it should never hurt.” He held her and kissed her. Then he kissed her again and she kissed him back.

They held each other and touched each other, gently, softly, Paul brought her to a heightened state again, then, using his fingers, made her cum again. By this time, his cock was hard, so he placed her onto her hands and knees, and scooting around behind her, entered her, doggie style. Eleni arched her back, tensed her stomach muscles, and nearly pushed him out. Paul held on tight and pulled her back onto his cock and pumped in and out of her. Every time he hit her ass it shimmied, and she would moan. His cock felt like it was actually passing through her cervix. Every time he felt that, Eleni gasped and moaned, feeling pleasure like she had never felt before.

Paul was getting higher and higher, his cock getting harder and harder as he fucked Eleni. Her moans and gasps all came closer and closer together, until he felt her cunt grab his cock, squeezing it, pulling it and then his own ejaculation hit, his cock swelled in response to Eleni, then his balls contracted, sending its precious fluid into her again, a second time, another jet, then again he felt the sweep of release all over him.

They collapsed in a heap and Paul cuddled into Eleni’s back. He kissed her neck and shoulders, fondled her breasts. He cupped her belly, and ran his hand over her legs as they were curled up under her. “You smell lovely, and taste nicer,” he said. Then he thought, although she has her own aroma, she smells a lot like Simone, really sexy, really nice. They cuddled for a while and Paul thought, I am not letting her go in a hurry. He rolled her onto her back and began kissing her bare skin. He mouthed her shoulder, her breasts, he tongued her belly and worked his way down to her downy covered slit. Even though he had cum in her, twice, he wanted to eat her again. He savored the cum filled snatch, licking the seepage from her, it didn’t matter it was his own, he wanted to pleasure her in the most unselfish way he could think of. He tongued her the best he could, pushing and prodding her clit, licking and gumming and kissing and lapping her labia and vagina. “Oh God! Again,” Eleni cried as she started to spasm, and Paul was rewarded with the real taste of the mixture of his semen and her cum. It was delicious.

He crawled back up the bed and kissed her again, covering her lips with the delicious nectar of their mixed juices. She held his face and licked his mouth and lips.

“That’s nice,” she said.

“Nectar of the gods,” Paul laughed as they lay in each others arms.

“This has been one unbelievable experience,” Eleni murmured, “Glad I didn’t change my mind.”

“I’m glad you didn’t too,” Paul said.

“And so am I,” said Simone. Eleni jumped and Paul followed her. Eleni scrambled, looking for something to cover herself then threw herself off the bed to crouch behind it, looking like a kid who has just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Simone stood inside the doorway with an arm full of clothing and with a robe on. She had obviously been home long enough to change out of her evening wear.

“Oh Jeez! A bit of privacy would be nice!” Paul said.

“With the noise you were making, you ask for privacy?” Simone asked. “I could hear you guys by the elevator! Not to mention all the women’s clothes scattered between the door and here. I heard only students who got laid at the prom! Another childhood myth lost!” Simone laughed and looked at Eleni, “Please, Eleni, can I call you Eleni?” she went on, “Its about time, you deserve some real love. And Paul has loved you for a long time. Although he would never admit it to himself or anyone else.” Eleni was in shock by the look of her. “And I think its great that two people whom I care about very much finally get together.”

Eleni was shaking, really looking lost. Paul reached over the bed and pulled her back onto it. “Thank you Simone, now if you would excuse us.” He looked at her and she knew she had gone too far.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t contain my happiness for you.” She laughed, “I’m making coffee!” She dropped the bundle of clothes she was holding, reached over and closed the door.

Eleni looked a the clock and saw it was two thirty am, sighing. “I better be going.”

“A quick shower before I take you home?” Eleni nodded. Paul led a naked Eleni to the bathroom, showering together. It wasn’t quick at all. When they turned the shower off, Paul realized there were no towels. The door opened, Simone stood there with two towels saying, “I forgot to put fresh ones in earlier.”

Paul smiled and shook his head, “Not a lot seems to be fazing you tonight.”

“Nope, besides, with what I was just watching..” she said, looking directly at Eleni, “Wow!”

“Pervert..” Paul laughed as Simone closed the door.

“Paul,” Eleni started, “What is going on here?”

“Seems simple, Simone has taken it in her head to be matchmaking.”


“And she could not miss out on the final act.”

“She seems to be pretty relaxed around you, and you are not too disturbed.”

“Long story and no, it is not what you might be thinking. But it is not my story to tell, it’s Simone’s and I am only a bit player in this.”

“Which bit, I’m now wondering?”

“Told you, it’s not what you are thinking. She cares a lot for you, given the way she talks about you.”

“Talks? About me?”

“Yes, how you helped her when her mother died then with her father. She loves you for that, and for some reason, she thinks you have been unhappy and thinks it is me who could change that.”

They dried off using the towels, seeing no reason to pretend modesty at this point, just walked to the bedroom and dressed. They joined a happy and singing Simone at the table, with three steaming mugs of coffee, and her first question was, “So, did you enjoy your evening?”

“Did you?”

“Well, I let Bobby have a feel, but that was all. His pants just tented-” she stopped “Oh, you mean the Prom? It was OK, but a bit boring. There were so many kids there.” Eleni choked on her coffee, but Paul was not sure about which part she was choking on.

“Look, Simone, want to back off a bit? Please!” he said. “I am not sure we are comfortable with you interfering like this.”

“I’m sorry, Eleni,” she said contritely, “I know this is a bit rushed, but you’re beautiful and unloved and unhappy, and Paul is beautiful and has so much love in him. I just thought it would be a good thing if you could come together, well cum together might be more appropriate after what was going on in there.”

“But that is not your job, to fix things,” Eleni said.

“Not trying to, all I have done is to bring you together, so you can see how much love he has to give. You can see it now, I hope. Up to you to work out what you want from here.”

“Clearly you love him, so why set up a potential rival.”

“Well, I do love him, but I told you, he has so much love to give. He doesn’t have to push me out to love you, and I already love you. I hope you still like me a lot.”

“Well, I do, but you are seriously trying at times.” Eleni smiled.

“Simone,” Paul said, “Exactly what is it you are after here?”

“For me, nothing, for you, whatever you want.”

“Too deep for me this time of the morning, I better be getting home.” Eleni said, “But I will think about what you have said, both of you.”

“Ok,” Paul said, “I’ll drive you home.”

“Erm, no, better I do it. George will likely be looking out for her and if a woman drives her home, he won’t be so annoyed.” Simone suggested.

Paul looked at Eleni who just nodded, “Yeah, she’s right – good idea.” The look on her face though said she wanted something different.

“OK, say goodnight you two and I’ll go and get changed into something a bit warmer.”

“She’s lost it!” said Eleni quietly after Simone left the room.

“Not at all, she’s brilliant!” Paul replied, “And she reads people better than anyone I have ever known. She knew how I feel about you, and the only time we have ever discussed you was when she was telling me that you were seriously supportive after her mother died and her father started drinking.” Paul held Eleni’s hand and said, “I fell in love with you the first day I met you. You were engaged and I never intended to do anything about it. Simone has been turning my life upside down, and honestly, I am seriously happy with the outcomes so far.”

“I must be insane to be here, but it has been the best time I have ever had.”

“I don’t know where this is going to go, but I would like to invite you back again, any time you like.”

“I don’t know, maybe. How is this going to affect us at work?”

“Why should it? We are adults, but we don’t get to see each other all that often do we.”

“No, true, but -”

“We’ll move on, and take what comes. Please be aware, I’ve had a great time with you, all night and want to see you again.”

Paul kissed her and held her, and she did the same to him. “I don’t think I’ll ever regret this,” she said.

“I will if we don’t do it again.”

“Ready,” said Simone. May nights are still very cool, she was wearing her hair up and jeans with shirt and the white jacket. Eleni raised an eyebrow, Paul looked a little confused. “Just in case, if he sees a woman with her hair up and a white jacket, he will be thinking it is a woman teacher. I’m not getting out of the car and how many teachers at the school does George know?” Eleni smiled and a look of clarity passed over Paul’s face.

“See you when I get back, Paul. Now, give her a kiss and tell her you love her.”

“I love you,” Paul said, then kissed her, passionately. Eleni returned the kiss, but said nothing. Paul was still hopeful of a return match.

“Phew,” Simone observed, “Temperature in the room jumped by five degrees.”

“Go on, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yes, dad,” Simone replied, “Don’t wait up, you need your beauty sleep.”

“Now you are just being a smart ass, remember, the world loves a smart person but it hates a smart ass.”

Paul was already asleep when Simone got back. She woke him getting into bed, he rolled over and cuddled into her. “You ok with what happened?” he asked.

“Oh yes, I am serious about loving the both of you.” She kissed Paul, deeply. “You better go to sleep, I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

“Mmmm, so do I. I love you my darling.”

“We love you too, my bestie, my true love.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p3ki8w/his_student_hooker_pt_5_mfmfpros