I fucked my boss and got my asshole coworker fired. [MF] [Passion] [Dom/Sub] [Manager] [Creampie]


Fuck office jobs.

I’m Samuel. I’m a 24 year old guy working in Upper Management Logistics at an IT company that designs business grade server networks. That might sound special, but it essentially means I clock in, I type a bunch of numbers in spreadsheets, I clock out. It’s so fucking boring. That’s not the problem though. I’m fine with boring. Especially with $70k a year. No, that’s not why I hate office jobs. That… would be the fucking people.

Thing about office jobs is that everyone thinks their tough shit. They get to wear a suit to work everyday and get fat stacks of cash every other week and then think they’re rockstars that can do whatever they want. They think they’re special and that they’re going places so they can talk down on others like they know what they’re talking about. Kids with degrees in suits… Speak of the devil…

I feel the burn of hot coffee all over my leg as I wince in pain and grab my leg. Thank fuck I made that 10 minutes ago. “Oh! I’m sooo sorry, Sammy! Total slip up. Won’t happen again.” You could hear the feigned, sarcastic ‘remorse’ in Trevor’s voice after he conveniently ‘tripped. ‘ Right at the entrance of my cubicle to knock over a coffee cup that was behind my cubicle wall and largely out of reach. Total accident… Totally.

“I’ll call Martha to come get that! Try not to let the chemical smell get to you!” He called back as he sped off. Imagine that douche with the most punchable face. Now multiply it by 10. That’s Trevor. Slick, blonde hair with way too much product. Green eyes. The only guy in the office who wears a baby blue, three piece suit. And the eternal shit eating grin of a high school jock. Yeah… Told you so. He just spilled coffee all over my khakis and then called the janitor who’s going to spray chemicals that smell for days. Asshole.

Saved by the bell, I hear a the ringing of the break bell and quickly get up for the bathroom. After a quick wipe down of my stained khakis and my sore leg, I make my way for the break room. At least I have lunch to look forward to…

Who would have thought? The brown paper bag labeled SAMUEL has gone missing. Fucking great. And huh… I wonder where Kevin is. Accepting my famished defeat, I go and sit down at one of the empty tables. “Just a few more hours…” I mumble to myself.

“Sammy!” God that beautiful voice. I turn my head to be greeted by Samantha. Manager of our branch in the company. Jet black, smooth hair pulled back into a ponytail. Sweet, serene blue eyes. Rose red lipstick outlining her lips curled into an excited smile. Sporting a business professional red undershirt with a black jacket. Matching it is a black skirt that hugs just above her knees. And the black high heels to finish the look. She looks professional, alright. A professional model. She’s got the curves for it too.

She slides into the spot in front of me, enchanting me with her perfect smile. What was I mad about again? “How you doing today, Sammy?” She was the only one who called me by that nickname. Other than Trevor who caught on quite fast… I sigh at her question. “Better now…”
“Rough day?” She tilts her head with a slight frown, unzipping her lunchbag that strikingly matches her outfit, now that I look.
“Something like that…”
“Look. I know work is piling up. Three new clients has got everyone’s heads spinning. We’re in this together, you hear me?” She grabs my hand which I didn’t notice was sitting on the table. If her plan was to calm me down, it worked.

“Yes, ma’am.” I nod affirmatively.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Sam?!” She puts a hand on her hip and feigns disappointment.
“But that’s both of our names!” I shoot back.
“You know that’s not what I call you.”
“Fair, but-” I’m interrupted by a notification on her phone. She checks it and begins to pack up. “Shoot! I have to prepare for the review meeting! I guess I’m taking this to my office. Take care of yourself, Sammy. Remember what you call me!” She shouted back as she rushed out of the break room. I sigh and look back down at the table a half of a sandwich left from her lunch. “I think I’m in love.” I mumble to myself before I begin to eat. Tuna too?! Awesome!

It isn’t long, being lost in thought about Samantha, before I hear the sound of the break bell again. “Back to work, I guess…” I gather the… NOTHING I have before making my way back to my cubicle. I only just get to sit down at my desk before I hear his voice again… “Sammy!” God damn it. “I noticed you didn’t have much at lunch, so I got you a coke!” Wait… He wasn’t even in the break room! He holds a clear, plastic cup to me. I go to take it… and he fucking trips again… “Oh my God! I’m sooo sorry! I’m so clumsy today!” What was that about not happening again? “Martha is on break, so it’ll be a while until we can get that cleaned up… Sorry again!” He weasels off once more. And I only just noticed the smell of the cleaning product… Great.

I get back up, raging at this point, and begin rushing to the bathroom. On my way there, I notice Samantha out of the corner of my eye walking down the hall in my direction. As if possessed, I turn on my heels and begin rushing straight at her. She seems to have a folder in her hands reading its contents. She noticed me, and likely my disgruntled face, and adresses me.

“Sammy? What’s going on? Are you oka-” I cut her off, putting my hands on both of her shoulders.
“Fire me if you have to, but I need this.” Without thinking, and without even letting her get a word in, I pull her in for a kiss. To my surprise, she doesn’t resist. In fact she drops the folder and wraps her arms around me as our tongues begin to dance. It quickly becomes heated, sloppily sucking each other’s lips as I wrestle her to the wall. When her back hits the wall she pulls away and looks up at me with a lustful, aroused grin. “I didn’t know you had this in you, Sammy… I… Look, I have-” I cut her off, pulling her in for another passionate kiss as I fondle her curvy, soft features. We begin surfing the wall, locked to each other until she reaches for a door handle and pulls us inside. Her office. She locks the door behind us before she turns back to me. She bites her lip. That’s all I need.

To be continued in PART 2:

I fucked my boss and got my asshole coworker fired. [Passion] [M/F] [Dom/Sub] [Creampie] from Erotica

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p2umn3/i_fucked_my_boss_and_got_my_asshole_coworker


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