How my husband [34M] and I [30F] brought a girl [21F] into our life, and how I made her my bitch [Part 1][FFM][long]

I knew the question was coming. I had known for weeks. I should have known far earlier, but I had let my own naïveté get the better of my reason. It was always the little things; James was too clever to mess up in an obvious way. Leaving for a work trip without a fresh stack of business cards, a fleck of nail polish on the collar, a small pause when describing his day over the dinner table. All in and of themselves nothing to worry about, much less lose sleep over. But they just kept happening…

And since I knew the question was coming, I had prepared an answer.

My head was on his stomach, his cock in my mouth and the aftertaste of cum still on my tongue when it finally arrived. He had his fingers wrapped around a handful of my bright red curls, breathing slowly, our love making having just ended. We often fell asleep like this. I knew he liked it, if only for the sense of dominance.

“Have you ever wanted to sleep with someone else?”

So that was his tact. Clever. Feeling out where I stood before revealing his own intentions.

I took my time, as if I were thinking, going so far as to let out a quiet “hmmm.” I needed to sell my innocence. A long pause later, I turned my head, allowing the cock to slip out of my mouth, rolling now to look up at my husband, reclining against a pillow.

“If I’m honest, a few times,” I answered, biting my lip as if anxiously awaiting his disapproval. In truth, I was anxious, though only for my facade to keep together.

A faint look of surprise crossed his face. Even his demeanor was calculated, dark hair and eyes, both flecked with gray, hiding the intentions of a man who was at his root a plotter. He knew what he wanted, and he made sure he got it.

“I’m surprised,” he answered, a pang of remorse pulling at the corners of his broad mouth. I found him desperately handsome, and the hurt of what had happened bubbled between my heart and head as I stared up at the rugged face, my emotions rearing their ugly maws just below the psychological surface. But I could not show that now. Not ever. This man felt no sadness at the suggestion.

“Am I not enough of a man for you?” He continued.

“Oh definitely enough of a *man*,” I answered, smiling. My hand made its way to his still exposed cock, stroking it lightly, emphasizing my point. Flattery had always been a surefire way to disarm him. “But… Well, you know how girls can be in college! I still have some fond memories of several of the sisters in my sorority.”

“What I would pay to witness that,” he chuckled, patting my ass.

“Oh, you wouldn’t have to pay at all!” I joked. “Just find a girl as pretty as I am, and I’ll have her in bed by the end of the night.”

He laughed again, leaning back and closing his eyes, signaling the end of the conversation. He had gotten what he wanted, and I had planted the seed in his mind. It was only a matter of time.

I rolled back, resuming my appointed position, drawing the rigid cock back into my inviting mouth as we both drifted off to sleep. Only a matter of time.

She *was* as pretty as I was. Or at least, as pretty as I had been a decade ago. I had remained disciplined in my married life; I could still fit into all of my college clothes and exercised enough to keep it that way, yet time does not discriminate. I had just crested 30, whereas she was a spry 21, still in school.

It was easy to see how the affair had gotten started. Their official story was that they had met in the office some months ago, after she had found an irregularity in their accounts (I surmised he had merely found an irregularly attractive intern), and this night out was intended to be part of her reward. A high-class dinner paid in full by her boss, a chance to network, impress a company exec, land a job, climb the corporate ladder. Her internship may have ended, but she was still climbing.

“If you’ll excuse me,” James announced, rising from our corner table, one hand tugging at the cuff of his dinner jacket. “Nature calls.”

We were in a quiet steak house, one of his favorites, just the right ambiance for a romantic night out for two. Low lit bulbs dotted the ceiling and walls, giving the already ornate space an even richer texture. Deep shadows danced across the faces of the varied patrons as they turned, causing an onlooker to focus even more intently, to draw furtive looks and longing thoughts.

“Blair and I will be here when you get back,” I chimed, turning to face the young girl that sat beside me, patting the top of her thin hand, palm resting on the base of an emptied wine glass. Her plate was mostly finished, I noted, with mild approval. At least she wasn’t a vegetarian.

Blair’s hair fell in long, golden curls down her exposed back, a small black dress her choice of attire for the night. It was a classic look, no straps to hide her perfectly tanned shoulders, just the right length for a girl barely 5’4, bronzed thighs mostly exposed. My eyes traced her thin figure, rising from her flat stomach to the small mounds that poked out of the top of her dress, dotted in the middle by an emerald gem hanging from a silver chain. Her breasts were smaller than my own but no less appealing. At last I met her gaze, clear blue eyes shining back, reflecting the warm glow of the restaurant. In them I saw innocence and nervousness, insecurity, a desire for acceptance, everything I had felt at her age. Though, some feelings never truly go away.

She was beautiful, and I hated her.

“It’s been such a pleasure to meet you,” I started, as friendly as I could muster, when the two of us were finally alone. “I’m so glad James was able to introduce us! You really bring me back to my own college days.”

“Oh me as well,” she nodded, sincerely. “It’s been such a wonderful night, Alice. You’re both so kind.”

She opened her mouth again as if to say something else, but quickly closed it, glancing at the back of my retreating husband, a hint of indecision crossing her face. She had been coached, evidently, though now her handler was missing. She knew her task, but didn’t know where to start. I casually took the reins.

“I had so much fun back then,” I sighed, staring into my own glass, as if a mirror to the past was reflected in the pale liquid. “James mentioned you’re in a sorority. Is that right?”

“Yes! I am, though I don’t live in the main house.”

“Neither did I,” I admitted, revealing my own previous membership. “The bonds of sisterhood are forever, but I appreciated a little bit of space.”

I raised my own glass, taking a slow sip, adding finally, “*Though*, some of us were a little too close to be called sisters.”

I let the comment settle, allowing her time to trace the dots. She was a clever girl, that much I had discerned during our dinner, but I had experience on my side.

She blushed, rosy cheeks a pale pink, as she bit her lip in a half smile. At least she seemed honest. That would make my own task easier.

“Ah! I see we have a fellow taster of the forbidden fruit,” I prodded, elbowing her slightly, leaning in. “Nothing quite like another woman to satisfy you, don’t you think?”

She ducked her head down, burying her eyes in her lap, giggling a bit, a cute hiccup of a laugh, as if embarrassed.

“We get the best of both worlds,” she answered at last, raising her head. She smiled confidently, but in her eyes I still saw that she was unsure what my intentions were. I realized I might be coming on too strong, the newly acquainted wife of her boss, prying into her love life, and what’s more her sexual preferences. But I knew, deep down, that I was safe. She had her role to play, and so did I. This was merely foreplay.

“Well, *got*,” I retorted. “I’m married to a man now, who, despite his dashing good looks, is still a man. Sure… sometimes I want to be thrown on the carpet and fucked like an animal. What girl doesn’t? But if that’s all I desired of a partner, I’d just let our German Shepard take me.”

Blair laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to make of the blue joke.

“I’m sure you understand,” I continued. “Nothing quite like the delicate touch of another woman. No tongue so soft or so deft.”

As I spoke, I slipped my arm under the table, placing by hand lightly on her thigh, fingers curling below the hem of her dress, tugging it higher. There was no challenge. She was already mine, had been from the moment we had picked her up from her apartment. James had served her up on a silver platter.

“I do,” Blair said, layering every sultry tone and timbre she could produce, her own hand now coming to rest on my thigh, responding in kind. Her efforts were adorable.

“Oh, if only I were free to make you mine,” I sighed. “I would whisk you off your feet, and you’d have no need for men ever again! Why do we women never stick together?”

“I’m sure you could,” she cooed, enthralled in the gentleness of my touch, the smoothness of my thigh, the hint of alcohol on my breath. What I would do to her indeed.

“Perhaps…” I murmured. I paused, as if an idea had just occurred to me. In truth it had occurred first to my husband, the moment he had laid eyes on this poor girl.

“What?” Blair breathed, a hint of excitement in her question, heart beating ever so slightly faster than it had before.

“Well, I don’t know if James would approve. He’s quite domineering. Not a good sharer, you might say, so he might not like the idea of… us. But maybe if we included him?”

The question was out. The question my husband had intended to ask, eventually. In a way he had raised it already, bringing this beautiful girl here, making sure she was dressed up, leaving us alone. He gave me every opportunity, asking me to take her.

*Would you let me off the hook if I included you in my affair?*

My answer was yes, but in return I wanted something else. I looked down into the pretty face, familiarizing myself with her features. Blair the accountant. Blair the intern. Blair the office romance. Blair the home wrecker.

I smiled, a dark, brooding smile, though in it the young girl only saw my beauty. Smart, but she didn’t have my experience. Blair would be my bitch.

I made sure to sit in the rear of the sedan on the ride back, offering the excuse that I usually got carsick riding up front after drinking, nestling next to Blair as we both buckled in. James made no comment.

It was a warm night, deep into what had been a pleasant summer. I watched as fireflies took wing and lit up the sky, dancing in lazy circles as we passed open fields and dotted groves. If there was any advantage to living here, it was the space. Nestled between two forests, most homes on the edge of town ran right up to the edge of the woods. James and I were lucky enough to have a sprawling yard that ran down to a large lake. We had spent many a night rolling around in the grass, making love. Such times were now in the past.

Discreetly, or at least carefully enough for James not to notice, I raised my hips, just enough to lift my dress, pulling it up until it was clumped around my stomach, exposing my lower half. I hadn’t worn panties tonight. I knew they would only get in the way.

I glanced over and saw Blair staring, wide ovals focused in surprise on my bare skin. With a calm firmness, still not wanting to alert my husband, I reached over and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her limp hand towards my lap until her fingertips rested against my pussy, pressing her digits slightly. It was crystal clear what I wanted.

Blair froze, glancing towards the driver seat to see if we had been detected. No indication came that we had, and that seemed to reassure her.

She began with small circles, probing deeper with each movement, pausing occasionally to trace the insides of my thighs. She was excellent, a bit timid, but clearly I wasn’t her first. I let out a silent sigh, closing my eyes as I leaned back into the headrest, resolved to enjoy the service for at least another minute. Blair would be my bitch.

“You know,” I announced, at last, eyes still closed, breaking the silence of the ride. “Blair and I were talking while you were gone.”

“What about?” James answered, eyes still on the road. He was determined to sound disinterested yet attentive, as all good husbands must when listening to their wives. Yet I detected just the slightest hint of excitement. He wasn’t as cool and collected as he thought he was.

“Oh nothing much,” I continued dryly, opening one eye now. “Just that we could all have some fun together.”

“At this hour?” He asked, determined not to understand my meaning. It made no difference. He knew that I knew by now. He just thought that he had won and wanted to lord it over me, make me bring it up.

“But the most fun is had at this hour,” I added, coyly. “And you’ve got two pretty, little women here with you who barely know what to do with themselves.”

I made sure to play into his ego, his desire to dominate. Two helpless women? Who wouldn’t jump at that? Surely this is your victory James, your wife is practically begging you to bring this girl into the fold.

“I didn’t realize you two had hit it off so well.”

“Oh but we did. Didn’t you notice? She was burning holes in me all night. Isn’t that right, Blair?”

“Yes,” she squeaked, hand still dutifully between my legs, circles growing ever firmer as I grew wetter. She may have wanted to say more, but I didn’t let her, leaning across the seat between us to plant a kiss square on her mouth, one hand reaching up to grasp a breast, squeezing it firmly.

Now James had definitely noticed.

“You’d better hurry up, or we’ll have no need of you by the time we get home,” I threatened, pulling away from Blair at last. Her eyes remained half closed, enraptured, breasts heaving, pushing towards me as I backed off, begging for more. She was in the palm of my hand, and James thought I was in his.

The car accelerated.



  1. By the time we got home, Blair and I were completely naked, seatbelts and all; I had made sure of that. We had rolled around in the back seats, bodies entwined, one of us on top and then the other, hands groping and exploring. I pinched her breasts and pulled her hair. I made sure she knew I could be rough. That I would be rough. She only seemed to want more.

    As soon as the car stopped in front of the house, we were out the door, me dragging her by the hand around the side of the house towards the back yard. We had neighbors to either side, yet they were distant, a half kilometer at the closest, tiny windows twinkling in the moonless night. We were far enough away that our night time escapade would go unnoticed.

    We ran through fireflies and around grand oak trees that dotted the lawn that lead down to the water, two nymphs hand in hand, emerging magically into the world. I knew exactly where I wanted to be, a spot just close enough to the water where we could hear its soft ripples and bubbles as the warm wind blew over it.

    At the spot, I threw her on the ground, catching my own breath as I looked down on her, sprawled out, gasping for air herself. I hated her, but she was beautiful. I fell on her aggressively, pressing kisses into her neck and on her breasts, rolling together in the grass. I was determined to get her off first, reaching between her legs, tracing the entrance to her pussy, poking and prodding as she moaned in excitement. She had had a tad too much wine. Smart but not enough experience.

    She lay across my body, taking a pale nipple into her mouth, as I drove a finger deeper into her, lightly biting the flesh around it in ecstasy, tongue flicking eagerly. It was a perfect tongue, warm and quick, small surface dragging around my nipple enthusiastically. I’m sure she had serviced my husband with it. Now it was mine.

    I worked furiously, fingers drenched in her wetness, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm, guttural spasms and gasps informing me that she was approaching. My fingers gripped a bundle of her silky blonde hair, pulling her head back to face me.

    “Tell me you want it, Blair,” I commanded.

    “I want it,” she moaned, eyes staring up at me. She was consumed by lust, hips rocking in time with my hand

    “Tell me you’re mine,” I continued, releasing her hair, allowing her head to fall forward back onto my breast. “Say, ‘I’m your bitch, Alice.’”

    “I’m your bitch, Alice,” she echoed, nose pressed between my cleavage, lips of her open mouth rubbing against my skin.

    My hand moved down her back to her ass, gripping the supple flesh, then spanking her.

    “Yessss,” she moaned, in a drawn out breath. “More.”

    I obliged, each blow producing a similar response, pressing her lithe body closer into mine. She was so small, so helpless to my skill. I knew she was ready to cum, on the edge, begging me to finish her.

    My hand slipped farther down, middle finger now stopping to rest on her asshole. I felt her tighten instinctively, yet relax as I continued to pleasure her elsewhere.

    “Does my little bitch want me to get her off?” I cooed, pushing the tip of my finger farther.

    “Yes!” she cried, hips still gyrating, now balanced between both of my hands.

    “You’d better take it all then,” I ordered, pressing farther, now to my first knuckle, enjoying the feeling of her warm skin squirming against my own. How pleasant, soft grass and a soft body.

    She came before I made it all the way in, legs clamping together around my hand as wave after wave of orgasm swept across her body. I felt her ass tighten and release with each pulse, as I slowly retracted my finger, holding her close for several minutes, head pressed against my breast, sucking on a nipple as if I were her mother.

    The sound of footsteps shattered the moment; James had arrived.

    I tilted my head back, looking at the world upside down, still sprawled on the grass. He was already naked, log of a cock swaying between his legs. In his arms he carried a large quilt and several pillows. I knew what that meant.

    “Looks like you’ll get to find out what getting fucked *really* feels like,” I murmured into Blair’s ear, patting her head. It was time to treat her gently, softly. James could not find out. Not yet.

    “But you were so good,” Blair whispered back, messy curls hiding her face.

    When I had finally gotten Blair back on her feet, the three of us strode towards the reservoir, each now carrying one of the three pillows James had brought from the house. The pier would have been hard to spot normally in the dark, but I was familiar, stepping confidently from the grass onto the wooden planks. James and I had spent many a night making love here.

    Blair and I spread the quilt out while James watched, tossing his pillow in the center when we had finished and stepping onto it. He needed no words.

    I placed my own pillow down carefully in front of him, kneeling, taking his still flaccid manhood in the palm of my hand, weighing it. Blair quickly understood and followed suit, leaning forward and planting a kiss on the tip, looking up at the burly man that towered over us. Now was my time to pretend to be my husband’s bitch, if only to appear equal with Blair.

    I wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling us together until we were face to face, breasts pressed together with his cock dangling between our faces. Now was my turn, as I took the tip into my mouth, sucking on it gently, while Blair began to stroke its length. It did not take long for him to begin to grow stiff, two women worshipping his cock. This had been his goal all along.

    James took the initiative, pushing me onto my back and picking up Blair, hands clutching her waist like a ballerina. She looked so small in his arms. He flipped her and then placed her on me, her back to my chest, head resting between my breasts once again, though now both of us were looking up to the stars. He lifted us both by my legs, sliding a pillow below my ass, elevating us.

    He started with his wife, cock driving into me the way he always had, taking little time to get up to speed. I could not hide my enjoyment, arms wrapped around Blair rocking us both as I matched his rhythm. I hugged the thin body atop of me tighter with each thrust, groans of satisfaction escaping my lips into the golden curls covering my face. I did not care that I hated both of them. I did not care that another woman was sharing my husband. I did not care that I was crying like an animal as he had his way with me. I just wanted more.

    Before I could register what was happening, I felt soft fingers playing with me as well, dancing around my pussy and the cock that was driving into it. Blair was kept busy with that and her own pussy, massaging both, pushing us closer to the edge. I couldn’t help it, feeling the muscles in my stomach clenching tighter. That hadn’t been fair. She was meant to be my bitch, and here I was making love with her.

    My thoughts were interrupted as I came, arching my back as I thrust my hips forward, sheathing him as deeply as I could, shaking as Blair touched me in all the right places. My triumph would have to wait. This was too good.

    But James was not finished, and took no moment for either he or I to catch our breath, moving swiftly up to Blair. He was as ruthless with her as he had been with me, and I felt her shudder as he entered her, both from excitement and anticipation.

    I knew they had fucked before, but she really sold it as if it were their first time. If I hadn’t known about their tryst, if I hadn’t found those texts weeks ago, I would have thought they had never met before tonight.

    “You’re so big,” she moaned. “Oh give it to me.”

    He obliged, no slouch when it came to endurance, ramming into her, pressing her into me. At the very least she felt nice to hold, soft ass and back pressed into my stomach, and I was still recovering from my own high.

    I made sure to grab her hair, pulling her back towards me, when I finally regained my composure. I needed to see this through, to make sure I was still dominant. Fortunately, at the end I had my chance.

    Blair came quickly, writhing on top of me, pulling against my hands that held her hair, though not enough to break away. Her earth had been shattered once again, and from his pace, I could tell James was close too.

    He pulled out of her, shifting himself up until he knelt over both of us, throbbing cock a couple inches from Blair’s mouth. I took it in my hand, pumping it vigorously.

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