An ode to your ruined orgasm [MF]

I discovered my little fetish with my first boyfriend. We were teens, we were making out and I had no idea what I was doing. I was teasing him with my hands, and for a moment I stopped to take my top off. But just as I did, he came. He seemed frustrated and I asked him why, since I assumed an orgasm was an orgasm. He told me that he couldn’t help it, but that it wasn’t a true orgasm and it didn’t feel satisfying, and that I should always keep going once he’s past the point of no return.

For some reason, this turned me on like crazy. It was the feeling of being in control of his body and his emotional state, through his cock. Since then, I have done it hundreds of times with dozens of men, and have practiced it to perfection.

I love the desperation. I can tease them for hours and watch as they go from completely reasonable, intelligent men to single-minded, groaning animals unable to speak, with a single instinctive goal: to ejaculate.

There are three stages to a man’s erection: 1. The intrigue: when he first get’s excited and wants to play. 2. The game: when you’re playing and he knows that no matter what happens, he’s going to win. 3: The finish: well, that’s one’s self explanatory. The fun part is that I don’t ever deviate from these three stages, and yet, it plays out very differently for him. For him, it feels like he loses the game that he can’t lose. I love the disappointment.

His cock must be teased beyond its biological limits. It’s a slow, methodical approach, and care must be taken to not ever go too far. When it’s dark purple, grotesquely swollen and looks damn uncomfortable, then I know he’s almost ready. At that point, it will be twitching and bouncing uncontrollably at the slightest touch and I will even sometimes feel sorry for him. In a way, it’s empowering, as I can do what I want to him, but in another way, it’s kind of funny how helpless he has become from just light touches and some wet, drooling kisses. And like a bomb that could go off at any moment, I know that his big moment is approaching.

What I love the most is the helplessness. At this point he would do anything, but he is completely unable to. I see him as one, giant helpless throbbing cock with a pair of tiny, useless arms and legs. It’s too much, and he just wants it to end. So I will gladly put him out of his misery. But on my terms.

The trick is to tease, then stop. Wait for his little spasms to be over, and then repeat. Do this a few dozen times and the spasms will take longer and longer to be over. Once you set them into motion, they just go and go and go… But you’ve got to be patient, it’s always worth it. Then, with one decisive motion, you go a little bit further this time. Make sure he knows that this is the one, so that he has his expectations high. But then, you stop, one last time.

There is a brief moment between your last touch and his first spurt. This moment, for him, is an agonizing eternity. Lots of things will go through his mind, but none will make any sense. He could just finish the job himself, but he’s far too confused to act at this point. His pelvic muscles will clench, and tighten, and tighten, and tighten, forcing his penis to swell up beyond what you thought was possible. You’ve lit the fuse and now there’s nothing he can do but brace himself. He might look at you in disbelief as if to beg you to touch him, but you just smile. After all, you’ve set the stage, and now you just watch the show.

The best part is that at this point, he understands what’s about to happen. It *could* have been the best orgasm of his life, but now it might just be the worst. Knowing this, if he had one wish, it would be to just stop. But he can’t. His penis has betrayed him, and follows your command, not his. You’ve instructed it to ejaculate, and ejaculate it will, whether he likes it or not, and he knows this. You can see it all in his eyes: the look of begging betrayal, of agony, of uncontrollable instinct, confusion, pain, and even maybe some pleasure.

It comes out in ropes. As his cock bounces back and forth, it flings it all over himself. It will easily hit him in the face once or twice. There is just so much of the stuff, and it just keeps going and going. If I feel like it, I hold it for him so that it makes less of a mess, while carefully making sure I don’t interfere. Sometimes, I just let it buck around like a firehose.

When he’s finally done comes my favorite part. He is still hard as a rock. Ready for round two.



  1. You are cruel. Evilly, heartlessly, seductively and brilliantly so. In a way that many of us love, despite the surprise let down in the end. May your winning ways continue.

  2. Holy fucking shit I used to read your stories over and over again a couple years back

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